Chapter 97

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"we haven't discussed it yet... But really soon" Yoongi replied while collecting the essential ingredients

"Then can i also be a part of it....i don't want you to go alone " he started playing with his fingers in nervousness knowing his husband won't ever agree to it Yoongi stared at SeokJin for a brief amount of time...

There was an awkward silence between them... The younger male was waiting for his husband to look at him so that he could answer... Hence, when SeokJin lifted his lashes to see Yoongi's facial expressions... He was met with an authoritative


Jin sighed "you better return in one piece or i will cut you into pieces i am telling you" he gave a angry glare to his husband Yoongi rolled his eyes and started walking towards the backyard where he will prepare the food...

Jin was following him like a lost puppy... Once they reached the garden, Jin's eyes immediately caught the sight of Jeonghan and Wonwoo... Where the younger male was chasing his boyfriend and both of them were laughing A warm smile appeared on his face....he softly hold his husband's hand....

Yoongi looked at him with a raised eyebrow that's when he said while motioning towards the direction of that young couple "you remember our first BBQ night?"

Yoongi's lips curved upwards and he immediately nodded his head... Of course, he remembers every little detail of the time they have spent together... It's been seven years and it still feels like yesterday when Yoongi first saw the tall doctor staring at him with wide eyes...

He was brought out of his thoughts when Jeonghan yelled "YAH JEON FUCKING WONWOO... LEAVE ME" He was wiggling in his boyfriend's tight hold when he noticed the presence of two other men…

Wonwoo immediately released his boyfriend from his hold who glared at him when he head and made him bow while he held Jeonghan's heand and made him bow while bowed himself "sorry king we didn't notice you" Jeonghan said while still glaring at him boyfriend

SeokJin bit his lip to prevent himself from laughing but failed miserably... "I am sorry but it will take time for me to get used to the title..."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked at the couple who resembled their relationship just in a younger version... "It's okay... You guys don't have to be so formal with me... Also, are you up for a BBQ?"

Wonwoo was about to deny the offer but before he could say anything Jeonghan excitedly responded "ofcourse king"

Wonwoo gave a stern look to his boyfriend for being so stupid but Jin was already calling them closer... "Sure... More the merrier" Jeonghan gave out his bunny smile making them reminding of their bunny child...

He bowed at him before taking a place next to him "so how are you Dr. Seokjin" he asked, initiating a conversation "tbh... I am not fine... I am hella worried because of this stupid war" he whispered, as Yoongi was busy lighting up the fire...

Wonwoo was also helping him… "Ikr...even i am worried about it as well....and the worst part that nonsense giant giraffe isn't letting me to be a part of it....i swear if something happens to him i will kill him for sure"

He whispered back while glaring at his boyfriend SeokJin's smile grew wide... "I said the same thing to Yoongi... He asked me to promise him that I will take care of myself and kids if something happened to him... Can you believe that?"

"Gosh Wonu said the same thing to know he calls me dramatic and he was the one doing this drama of 'if something happens to my stupid ass nonsense' i simple punched him in his stomach and warned him that if he even gets a small scratch then get ready to face my spatula" he huffed getting mad at how his boyfriend even though of saying that

SeokJin and Jeonghan were literally complaining about the same thing but the only difference was the character of their story... It was looking like the older Jin and younger Jin (vice versa for Jeonghan) are complaining to each other about their stupid significant other... While the said men were listening to everything...

Wonwoo shook his head about something Jeonghan said and mumbled under his breath "don't they know we can hear everything they are saying?"

Yoongi chuckled "Unfortunately...they do know but don't care...Jin loves to bitch about bitching about me in front of me " Wonwoo looked at the older male with wide eyes... "It's the same with Hannie... He can literally insult me while sitting on my lap" he said while switching the sides of meat

"Gosh... really?Jin is literally the same now to think of it....they both are a lot like each other....does he get jealous?" He asked, being curious on how similar they both actually are ...

Wonwoo nodded "a lot... He even hates when I get close to Hoshi who is literally engaged... He sometimes even get jealous of my cat when I give attention to Kevin but not him"

" know jin is no less then him...he and jungkook fights all the time to get my attention..." He laughed remembering how they both almost ripped  him apart to win a fight on 'who loves him the most ' Wonwoo chuckled softly and they went back to grilling the meat...

*No Proofread*

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