Chapter 48

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After attending 5 long and boring classes it's finally their lunch break and the moment the teacher left the room Cheol came inside their classroom and hugged Jimin "i missed you ~"

The Younger male giggled and hugged his boyfriend back "I missed you too~" they pulled away from the hug and Jimin was going to say something when Jeonghan, Jun, Hoshi and Wonwoo peeped in their classroom placing their heads over each other... "TAEHYUNG-AH" Jeonghan called and motioned for the younger male to come with them…

Taehyung smiled and excitingly waved at them and left without even sparing a glance at his best friend or his brother-in-law

Jimin frowned... He wants to talk to Taehyung... He is missing his adorable best friend... He surely loves spending time with Cheol but a part of him wants to be with his best friend...

"Baby... Let's go have lunch?" Cheol asked, while kissing Jimin's cheek…Jimin smiled and immediately held his boyfriend's hand "why don't we all have lunch together?"Cheol nodded... "Sure, let's go"

Both of them reached the cafeteria where 3 seniors and Taehyung were laughing and giggling at something Hoshi said…Cheol pulled a chair for his boyfriend to seat which Jimin sat on it with a red face feeling shy and then he took a seat as well "so what you all were talking about?" Cheol asked to initiate a conversation

All the laughs died down and they focused on eating when Jun said "Hoshi was just telling us how Dokyeom (DK... Hoshi's fiance) got scared of noodles and started screaming in fear during their vacation... Nothing else" and with that he also went back to eating...

Taehyung was not even looking at Jimin…He was busy talking to Jeonghan, the older male was bitching about his boyfriend who was right next to him... Clearly unbothered…

Taehyung was laughing and giggling at his statements when Jimin called him "Tae wanna do Mrs.Choi's assignment at my place?"The said male looked in his direction... "Jeonghan Hyung has already offered to help so I am going to their place"

Its not like he doesn't want to be with Jimin but what is the point when he will be left out for the whole time... Jimin will be talking to Cheol and he won't even sit with Taehyung... Just like 2 days ago..

"But we always do our assignments together '' Jimin felt bad on how his best friend can even consider doing his assignment with someone else when they both do their each and every assignment together from their pre school days…

Taehyung shrugged... "Guess it's for both of us to understand that things and people change at one certain point of time..." The younger one said while standing up "thank you for the lunch guys... See you tomorrow Hyung'' he bid his goodbyes and walked out of the cafeteria...

Jun wanted to go after Taehyung but Hoshi held his wrist under the table and very slightly shook his head knowing it's better if two best friends sort this out instead of giving him comfort and adding more fuel to the fire... When Jun will be with Taehyung... Jimin will never approach him... And Taehyung will think his best friend doesn't care…

Taehyung was walking towards his car that's when he felt something back hugging him he doesn't even need to see who that person is his touch is way too familiar for him to not recognise it

"Jimin i am getting late...please leave me"That only made Jimin to tighten his hold and place his chin on Taehyung's shoulder "No... Please don't go... Please" his voice cracked at the end…

"What is it?"Taehyung asked in a cold tone "I am sorry... I know you are upset about me being distant... It's my fault... Please forgive me... I won't talk to Cheol... I won't meet him... I will break up with him but please I need you... Nobody is more important than you" he said while letting his tears wet Taehyung's shirt…

"I don't want you to break up with your boyfriend...i am happy for you me i am really happy for you guys..but sometimes i just can't help but feel left out when you spend all your time with him...even when we both hangout together it feels like i am alone either you just ignore my words or talk about Cheol hyung... earlier i used to feel lovely when i use to be alone but now i feel lonely every second i am with you...i am not mad at you jimin...i am just a bit disappointed that i am that easy to get replaced in your life" by then end even Taehyung started tearing up he is definitely not mad at his best friend but it won't be a lie if he says he felt betrayed every time Jimin ditched him to be with Cheol…

Jimin turned Taehyung around and cupped his face "nobody can replace you in my life Taehyung... Because you are my life... I am sorry... I am sorry... I will do everything to get your forgiveness please"

"I don't need anything...other than a little bit of your time...Is it too much to ask for?" Taehyung bite his lips to prevent himself from crying out loud but failed miserably…

Both the best friends were crying in each other's embrace... Where Jimin was continuously apologising and Taehyung was feeling like he reacted too much...

From a distance, 5 seniors were watching this interaction... They were unable to hear anything but they could clearly see them crying their hearts out... That's when Jeonghan smacked the back of Cheol's head But Cheol didn't react he just looked at them with sad eyes "do you guys have any idea what happened between them?"

That recieved him another smack on his head... "you see the guy was feeling lonely because his best friend was literally ignoring him for his boyfriend... I am glad they sorted this out though" he said feeling proud of his kids... He leaned on Wonwoo's shoulder "I have raised them well, Wonu"..

Cheol said while rubbing his head "first of all you both are only 21,non of you raised them and secondly is Taehyung upset because we are spending more time together?i don't get it...he is the more excited about this relationship then both of us combined he even send me a picture of us holding hands in this morning when we were having a mini date in canteen "

Jun and Wonwoo sighed in unison but the latter had to pull his boyfriend in a back hug as he was seconds away from throwing hands on Cheol... Then Jun took the initiative to talk "of course, he is happy for you... But also wish for his best friend to spend some time with him... Where you are not interrupting or becoming a part of their conversation... Just like how we feel... you are not spending time with us at all... I get that I am new to your group but Jeonghan, Wonwoo and Hoshi are your best friends for a long time now... They will miss you being around them... There is no rocket science here... Imagine you being with us and suddenly one of us starts ignoring you completely because he got a boyfriend... How will you gonna feel about it?"Jun's words made him rethink about the entire week he and his boyfriend spend together....and it's true in order to spend more time with his boyfriend he ignored his bestfriends from seating seperately to not recieving their calls....even if it was unintentional but still he neglected his best friends throughout this week "I am sorry i should have been more considerate towards you all...what can I do to get your forgiveness?"

Jeonghan made a face as if he is in deep thinking "okay... So for starters let's say... You have to do our laundry for a month, buy us a lunch every day, finish all of our assignments... Convince my father to get me an unicorn or at least convince Wonwoo to allow me bring one cat t-" the mentioned guy placed his hand on Jeonghan's mouth to make him stop talking...

"We don't want much... Just spend time with us too... We don't say ignore Jimin and be with us... But give us your time too..." Wonwoo said... Which made Hoshi and Jun agree with him"I promise i won't ever ignore you am i forgiven?" He asked while spreading his arms inviting them for a hug..Wonwoo, Hoshi and Jun nodded and immediately hugged Cheol while Jeonghan was still sulking behind...

"I still want unicorn" Cheol chuckle "Will a unicorn plushie works" Jeonghan made a face of disapproval "okay" and he also joined the hug... More like jumped on them

*No Proofread*

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