Chapter 125

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Taehyung is seating on the garden feeling the same heartbreak he felt years ago the only difference is last time the person was hoseok and this time it's Jun.....he literally felt like love is not his cup of tea that's why everyone who he ever loved always finds someone else…

He was in his deep thoughts when someone cleared his throat behind him..But he was just too into in his thinking that he didn't even notice the presence of the elder male "Who is  head on older's shoulder and cry out loud complaining that the male present in front of his eyes is that annoying bitch who got all Taehyung's attention but he composed himself "no are you" Jun hummed and hugged the sitting male from behind...

"Incomplete... Without you"

"Huh?why me?what about your dear minghaoooo who gave you such a memorable day that you even have to post it with kissing emoji" he knew he was complaining like a 16-year old teenage over possesive girlfriend who got jealous looking at his boyfriend with someone else....

but he just can't help with this jealousy "why will my cousin gonna complete me?" Jun asked being all confused "Cou-ous-in?like cousin cousin...means basically you are brothers right?" Taehyung asked while taking a sigh in relief....and thanks all the gods and devils that he hadn't lash out on older's rather calmly listened to him….

"yeah... Minghao is my cousin brother who lives in America with his husband Seungkwan and son Hansol" Jun said while still holding onto the man he loves for years...Taehyung felt so happy hearing that.....that he immediately hugged his lover back and snuggle more into his embrace "i missed you so much" Jun smiled "I missed you more" And it's true... the older male has been living with the thoughts of Taehyung that always made him smile, but the distance they share makes Jun's heartache... Even when he was surrounded by people, Jun missed the warmth of Taehyung's breath, depth of his beautiful brown eyes, the touch of his fingers, and feeling of his own hands on Taehyung's waist... Jun really wish he could shout to let the world know how much he misses the man of his dreams and also the reason of his sleepless nights...

Only Jun knows how many times he have packed his bags to get the first flight to Korea just because he was missing Taehyung's smile... Thought of someone else like Hoseok taking place in Taehyung's heart made him feel vulnerable more than once... It is so freakin hard to live away from the person you love with just a hope that maybe... Just maybe the younger male feels the same about him…"I love you" the word slipped from Taehyung's mouth....but he doesn't regret it....he missed this warm comforting hugs his failing attempt to cooly flirt with him....his adorable smile which reach to his eyes....he missed it he missed it all....he missed his jun.... but when he doesn't get a response back a wave of fear rush through his spine...the thought of his beloved falling out of love with him is literally killing him..

But what he doesn't know is that Jun is going crazy...His heart is pounding loudly against his ribcage... Those three words... He have been dying to hear those three words from past 15 years... "I literally thought you will make me wait till I lose all of my teeth"

"Oh you want to wait till then Mr. psychiatrist?" Taehyung chuckled.... finally he got his first boyfriend...all those lists all those dream of having a perfect partner is finally complete.....his happiness is beyond words can describe....Jun was right when he said Hoseok could be his first one....but Jun is gonna be his last....and he is happy that those words came true....

He loves the older and nothing in this world can change that "Heavens no... I have already spent 15 fucking years with a dream of being with you and now that I can finally live that dream... Why will I let go of the opportunity" he said before connecting his lips against Taehyung's soft ones... It is feels like they are reliving the moment of their first kiss again... It's been 10 years when they last time kissed each other and now they don't want to let go of this feeling….

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