Chapter 64

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Hoseok dropped Jin to his home not before kissing him and his soon to born baby and was happily driving back to his home that's when his phone started ringing...and he picked the call without looking at the i'd...but immediately pulled the car to a side when he heard the familiar voice from the other side of the phone

" Basement,in 10 mins"

The man from the other side said and cut the call before he could get the chance to response…

Hoseok sighed and drove towards his father's place... he never called that place his home because he never got that feeling of comfort and care... his father raised him like a prince... gave him all the luxury and power but all the important things like love, care, support and more were missing all the time... and as soon as he turned 13, his father started showing him the hell he belongs to... the place where Hoseok's future is...

But he doesn't want to be a part of that world... he is fighting very urge to give in... but for how long? there is always his one part of human's heart that craves for such things, allure him/her to darkness and willing or unwilling, people give in... the younger male reached to the basement and saw something he wasn't expecting... two young girls of his age or probably younger than him were absolutely naked... smiling at him…that view just made him feel nothing but disgust...

He looked at his father who was looking back at him with a huge smirk plastered on his face "What are you looking at son, that's your graduation gift...go and have fun"hoseok rolled his eyes... "thank you but i am not interested in whores' ' he said before turning back...

That's when one of the girls moved forward and back hugged hoseok "oppa... please allow us to serve you" she used her most seductive voice…hoseok rolled his eyes and harshly pushed her away "get away from me you little slut" saying that he started walking towards the exit...but the door can be locked from the outside and when the girls will be all over Hoseok...

The older Jung will subtly push the gun in Hoseok's direction..hoseok rolled his eyes and harshly pushed her away "get away from me you little slut" saying that he started walking towards the exit but the door is closed from outside.... that's when other girls came forward and harshly grabbed his manhood "wow are blessed with goodness"

Hoseok angrily grabbed her neck... "too bad it is not for a leg spreader like you" he growled while tightening his hold she gagged but smirk "are you trying to test my gaging reflex...." saying that she put her own hand on her vagina and started scissoring herself "Ahhh...yeahh that's good" she started moaning like crazy and put her free hand above Hoseok's and started caressing it "i am close"

Hoseok held back the urge to throw up and also to kick her... he pushed her away also the other girl who was pinching her breasts... he started banging the door yelling "open the fucking door" he looked at his father "dad... tell them to open the door"but his father just blankly shrugged "that door will remain close till the clock strikes 12.....if you want to do anything about this" pointing towards those horny girls "then take it" saying that he thrown the gun towards him which Hoseok immediately catched and a smirk appeared on his face and he shoot the door making his father start laughing

"I am a mafia my you really think i will be dumb enough to have normal doors?"Hoseok groaned loudly... "dad stop this... i don't want to be part of this shit... i am happy in my life please" his father shrugged it again....he held on to those girls and started making out with her

"Then enjoy your life son no one is forcing you" while the other girl again hold him and forcefully pulled his pants down and  bite his clothed member hoseok had enough of her slutty tricks and kicked her face away... "don't touch me" he growled but that just made that mr.jung smirk wider he stopped the other girl from sucking his dick and motioned her to help that girl….

She helped the other girl to stand and both of them threw themselves on Hoseok... rubbing their naked bodies against his and the 18 year old was losing his patience... his hold tightened around gun... he closed his eyes and image of Seokjin smiling and looking at him with loving eyes appeared... he knows that it is a trap... a massive trap and he is falling for it... he can't... he is fighting for his sanity... he is fighting to keep himself away from giving in but he can't... Seokjin... Seokjin please forgive me, love... a tear fall from his closed and then the moment he opened them...

He kicked both the girls away and pulled the trigger... shooting them dead on the spot…and at that very moment the door to the basement flew open and his father start clapping "welcome to mafia world my son" Hoseok threw the gun on the ground and ran out of the place...

He kept running and running with no direction... he doesn't even know where he is going... it was this morning when he found out he is going to be a dad... he made a promise to be a better example for his child and never follow his father's foot steps... and right now, he is one of them... he is a criminal... a murderer... he is a monster... he killed two people... he took their lives... hoseok fell on his knees when his breath started getting heavier... and that's when he screamed on top of his lung... he was guilty... he doesn't know what to do... he couldn't stop himself... he gave in... he gave in... he started crying loudly... a voice in his head is constantly reminding him that he killed somebody... he is a monster... a monster

*No Proofread*

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