Chapter 67

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Hoseok followed him... "Jin... baby please don't leave... he is lying... i didn't kill them on purpose... they were forcing themselves on me... and i had no other choice... please don't leave me please..." he begged and stopped in front of Jin before going down on his knees...

He locked his hands in front of Jin... "please don't leave me... i won't be able to live without you... you promised me you will never leave me" jin blankly looked at him then bypassed him and at the apartment exit a man was standing there holding an unconscious Taehyung in his hand without saying anything he immediately attacked on that person and snatch his dear brother from the person's hold…he straight up went to his car and he was about to start it when hoseok came back towards him... again begging for him to not leave... "please Jin... i love you... i won't be the same after this... please... you keep me sane... please don't go... please... jin... Seokjin please stop..."

But Seokjin didn't budged he started the ingin making Hoseok move back out of reflex but then started running after the car as Seokjin was persistent to leave Hoseok forever...

"Seokjin please don't leave me... please" he yelled while chasing the car but it was of no use... Seokjin, his baby and the will to live was gone far away from him... too far away... he fell down on the road and the last thing he remembers was yelling Seokjin's name on top of his lungs... before darkness engulfed him... and before he lost himself to the world of crime... before an 18 year old sweet and innocent jung hoseok became the mafia boss…


Hoseok opened his eyes when the phone on side table started ringing... "hello?"

The security guard on the entrance said "sir, mr. Seokjin wants to meet you"... Hoseok's eyebrows twitched but then he remembered how Jin saw him and his brother in a compromising state...

His lips formed an evil smirk before he said "let him in"

The guard nodded and escorted him to the living room....he saw Hoseok is seating in front of him while dragging his cigarette...but then he looked straight into older's eyes glaring at him intensely while blowing the smoke out "speak"

That word literally made Jin roll his eyes and he looked at Hoseok with the same intense gase "you still haven't learned how to form a sentence"Hoseok tsked... "nah... i just don't like to waste my energy on unnecessary people... so get to the point" he said, only he knows that he is lying... Jin is not unnecessary... the older male has never been unnecessary to him and the picture in his drawer is the proof of it

Jin looked dead into the younger's eyes and said in a demanding tone ""

Hoseok scoffed and rolled his eyes... "why?"

"He is my brother and i am not allowing him to be with a player like you" Hoseok looked at Seokjin and slowly raised his eyebrow "player? seriously? is that the best word you can come up with because last time i checked i didn't play with anyone... except for the killing time... that i really love... you know the way people beg and still you didn't show any sign of mercy... that is so satisfying... and no, i won't stay away from him…"

Jin chuckled bitterly "yeah hiding your identity playing with others feeling killing your own child none of this is considered as player right...." he came in front of Hoseok and hold his collar "listen to me Jung broke my heart...i stayed killed my child...i still staying quiet...but if you dare to lay a finger on my brother...i won't stay quiet...."

He then leave younger's coller and blankly stared at him "this is my first and last warning to you" Hoseok's eyes turned dark... and he immediately choked Seokjin "get one thing straight in your thick skull Kim... or what should i call you now? Min... right Min Seokjin... i never played with your feelings... i was running from my own identity and i was going to tell you everything before that monster barged in... i never lied when i said i love you... i warned you that you have no idea what you are getting yourself into and still it was your choice to stay with me... you gave me the hope that even though i was born in mafia family i can still have a better future... i was the happiest person on earth when you said we are going to be parents... i was planning to take you and your brother far away from this place... i was going to propose you for marriage... start a family with you... i was ready to work extra hard to provide the best future for my child but you left me... i didn't kill out child but you did... i was ready to take bullet for you and our unborn... but you left…i begged you... fell on my knees to stop you but you chose your brother over me and our child so no dr. Min Seokjin... it's you who killed our baby... you broke my soul... you shattered me into millions of pieces that i am still unable to put myself together... i became the monster because of my father but i stayed one because you left me" he growled...

Not even noticing when tears from his own eyes started falling Jin pushed him hard "Even if i had choosen you i already had miscarriage my child already died that day because of you....and about your fucking warning  for two fucking years you didn't utter a single word about your mafia life....what type of warning are you talking about...that when i use to see the dream about saving lives you use to kill them,....and years after when i am finally able to move on from the troma you cause came to my brother's life to take your so called low can you go Jung low...i can't believe how i ever loved a monster like you" even Jin wasn't any better he was trying his best but his eyes betrayed him by letting those tears escape from his eyes

"monster like me? i wasn't killing anybody... yes, i never told you about my mafia life but tell me one thing Jin... would you have stayed with me if you had even the slightest idea as to where i come from? no, i knew you would have left me immediately... because for you... saving lives were your top most priority but i never killed anyone before my graduation ceremony... after dropping you home my father called me and threw two naked women over my body as if i was so sort of a prop... the door was locked on his order... i kept fighting for as long as i could but i only had two choices... either to kill them or get sexually harassed... so i went with the first option... it was self defence... still i left like a moster and the whole night i ran and ran until there was no escape... i was going to confess my crime to you and i guess you... i would have never killed that man if he didn't dared to kick you... and now that i know he caused the life of my child... i am glad i killed him…i am not a saint... at this point, i surely am the biggest monster but too bad your brother has already fallen in the trap...and unlike you, he is fascinated to the crime world... he loves gun... he was playing mafia mafia with me today... he likes me... and what you saw in parking was just a teaser... you have no idea what we have done behind closed doors..." he said with an evil smirk... he has done nothing other than kissing and making out with taehyung... but seokjin doesn't need to know that

*No Proofread*

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