Chapter 60

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Hoseok stayed back... he was in pure heaven... this feeling is something he wants to hold on forever... hoseok laid on the edge of the roof top before pulling out the pack of cigarettes... "I love you Seokjin... i love you a lot"

After the final bell ring indicating school is over.... Hoseok started looking arround the school but couldn't find him...he started to get anxious...

After searching the entire school he found him on the play group feeding those stray cats with an adorable soft smile plastered on his face "so you are the one who kept them here" Hoseok's voice startled the older male "what you think" he asked while caressing one of the kitten

Hoseok sat beside Seokjin... "i don't have to think... they are adorable... i wish i could keep them with me but my place has no pet policy" he sighed while picking one kitten in his hands he started rubbing her belly "mee tooo...even though i can take them but knowing my younger will get too attached to them to the point that if something happened to them he will cry for days and will stop eating...mover over i can barely afford feeding both of us..i don't know how will i afford to pay for their meals'' he said with a sad smile while caressing the mommy cat

Hoseok looked at Jin "hang on... don't they give you the money people put in that tip for the employees box?"

"yes they do give us the tip and it gets evenly distributed among all the employees....which is not enough to fulfil all the basic needs" he looked at Hoseok and kissed his nose "anyways wanna go to the nearby park?" the younger male nodded and made a mental note to put more money in the box from today itself... "when does your shift start"

"I still have 1 hour in my hand..." he asked while rubbing the mommy cat's belly. Hoseok hummed and stood up... he pulled the hand out for jin to take... "then let's go" Jin took his hand and soon they both were sitting near a tree with Jin's head resting on Hoseok's shoulder and they both were just enjoying the peaceful silence

"what do you want to become?" Hoseok asked out of nowhere…"doctor more of a surgeon... what about you?" he asked with his eyes closed "nothing... i don't want to be anything" Hoseok replied"then how are you planning to survive here?" he asked while properly laying on the younger lap

Hoseok sighed and massaged the older's scalp... "that's the thing... i know i will survive..." all it will take for him to lose his sanity... but now that he has Seokjin beside him... he won't lose himself to the temptation of killing someone…

"Okay the future is still far away....for now wanna have ice-cream?" he asked while playing with younger's shirt buttons Hoseok looked down at Seokjin... "i would rather have you" saying that he laid the older male down and hovered above him before he connected their lips

" public" he said in between the kisses but gasped when Hoseok squeeze his ass..that only gave access for the younger male to insert his tongue and explore every corner of the hot carven…

Soon he broke the kiss and took Jin towards a public restroom and locked the door from inside he made the older male to sit on the sink and connected their lips once again... he loves how easily seokjin is submitting himself especially knowing that the older male is the most feisty one

He started opening the elder's shirt buttons...and took a moment to admire the beauty in front of his eyes...his finger roam around the older's hot chest...and then his gase shifted to his beautiful pink nipple as if asking for Hoseok to eat them.....he then again looked at Jin's only to see the same love and desire that he have in his eyes and with that he attacked on elder's neck a high pitched moan escaped from Seokjin's mouth and he threw his head back...

Hoseok kept sucking and bruising older's neck before leaning towards his pink buds and took one of them in his mouth... this action sent seokjin on cloud nine... it is his first time getting touched there but he doesn't want to do anything in public washroom also, it is too early and they are too young... as if Hoseok could read his mind,

The younger male pulled away and cupped seokjin's face... "i love you Jin... and i won't do anything you are not ready for... i can wait for it as long as you want me too... all i want is to be with you and to be loved by you... that's it…" the older smiled softly and kissed the younger "i love you more my seokie"after enjoying some more time together with lots of kisses and i love yous they finally parted their ways...

Jin went for his shift and hoseok returned to his apartment.....for the first time in forever he left joy he happily entered in the living room and took his books out to study...yes he knows their is no point in studing when he have no other choice then to enter that dark world but something changed inside him....he wants to find a passion for himself...he wants to fight with all the odds to leave that dark world....he started studying with a hope...that one day he will have his happy ending with the love of his life

*No Proofread*

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