Chapter 52

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he closed his eyes before saying this...yes he have already fallen head over heels for him but he don't want to play arround the bushes anymore he wants to know if there is any change of them being together

Hoseok caressed Namjoon's back and then picked him up in his arm... He informed the staff that they are leaving cancel the entire schedule for the day...

The older male drove them to the home without uttering a word... Namjoon was growing anxious now... He knows he should have never said that... He should have never let his emotions get the best of him... They soon reached home and Hoseok immediately got out of the car before opening the door of Namjoon's side and picking him up...

The younger male was staring at Hoseok's face which had no expression... His eyes were blank, colorless... After placing Namjoon on his bed, Hoseok kissed the younger's forehead and said "take rest" and with that he walked out of the room…He moment Hoseok reached in his own room he started throwing everything... Shattering the expensive arts into pieces….He knew this day will come... He is very well aware that Namjoon might not fall for him because he is already in love with him... He is not an idiot to not notice all those signs...

It might have been a way to show his gratefulness towards the older for saving his life but over the years, things changed... He saw how Namjoon started smiling him... Leaning more in his embrace... Asking for cuddles... But... Hoseok is too broken to be loved... He is too wounded to fell for anyone... All thanks to that one guy... Who left him years ago... Made Hoseok the heartless monster who only knew how to kill and show no mercy to anyone...

But then Namjoon happened and everything changed... After all these years... The only escape for Hoseok from his darkness is Namjoon... Everytime he feels losing himself to this world of crime he runs into Namjoon's arms who always welcomes him with warm smile and kiss... Namjoon is Hoseok's light... His key to sanity... His home…But is this tormented man deserves Namjoon's love?... Is he worthy of someone like Namjoon?... Can he love someone who is not...

Kim SeokJin?


After a long stressful collage day Taehyung is waiting for his loveable's even surprising him on how calm he is about the fact that finally.... finally one of his crush have crossed his crush list and is nominated to be in his boyfriend material list...and the fact that they already had their second first kiss and a beautiful makeout session is just making him overwhelmed with joy....he isn't desperate to have sex or kiss or anything... It's just his poor heart also wants something like what his brother and his brother-in-law have in between them ....

He is drinking his milkshake while daydreaming about how things will escalate between them…That's when he saw Jun walking in his direction "hey cutie"

"Oh hey hyung how are you?" Taehyung waved at him with his adorable boxy smile…The older male took a seat next to Taehyung and placed his head on the younger's shoulder... "Today was hella hectic" he whined like a small kid…

Taehyung chuckled and caressed his hairs "is that so?"Jun nodded "yah... That professor Chan is a literal pest... He scolded Jeonghan for no reason... Wonwoo was seconds away from ripping his head off"

"Ahhhhh... seriously professor Chan do know how to get on students nerves.." Taehyung stopped caressing the elder's hair and started massaging his shoulder "But the good thing is the day is over try to relax as much as you can before facing that annoying creature.... seriously who made him professor "

Taehyung rolled his eyes recalling how that professor always gives students the hardest time on every chance he gets…Jun hummed and closed his eyes and relaxed himself in Taehyung's touch... "Hey... Wanna hang out at Hannie's place? Wonwoo and Hoshi are doing barbecue? Jimin and Cheol are also coming" Taehyung was going to deny as he already have plans with Hoseok when his phone got notification of Hoseok's text...

Soon to be: Hey, I am sorry I have an urgent meeting... Will meet tomorrow.

His smily face immediately turned into a gloomy one within seconds he wanted to act considerate but still he was just too excited to be on a date with he just responded with a thumbs up emoji and looked towards Jun and said 'sure'  with a sad smile….

Jun smiled and immediately hugged Taehyung "thank you so much... Finally I won't be the only single out there" he peaked Taehyung's cheek before running away like a high school crush behaviour…

Taehyung chuckled and followed him....and the moment they reached there Jeonghan immediately hugged Taehyung squeezing the life out of him "ahhh i missed you my are you?"

Taehyung forgot about all the sadness he had when Hoseok cancelled their plan and hugged Jeonghan back... "I am good... Your place is huge" he said the fact... Jeonghan and Wonwoo's place was more like villa…

"Do you want me to give you a tour arround the house?" His eyes got wider "i can even give you the tour of my plushie collection,common" saying that he took him more like dragged him to show him around his house

"Do you want me to give you a tour arround the house?" His eyes got wider "i can even give you the tour of my plushie collection,common" saying that he took him more like dragged him to show him around his house

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Jeonghan smiled "this is my plushie collection

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Jeonghan smiled "this is my plushie collection... They say it's too much but hey... I love them and my boyfriend never judge me so I don't care what other thinks"Taehyung's eyes sparkle with joy "those are idiots....oh my gosh they are so cute specially that duck one can i hold it?"Jeonghan nodded...

"Of course... You can hold all of them... And you can also take one for you"...Taehyung smile and took the duck plushie out and squeeze it "is it me or its actually looks like jimjam?"Jeonghan laughed...

"Don't tell anyone but his name is actually Jimin"..."Really?" Taehyung burst out laughing...

"what are the names of other plushies?wait wait let me guess" he looked around jeonghan's plushie collection and took a fox plushie out "his name is wonwoo isn't it?"

Jeonghan Chuckled "yes... Plus you see all the cat plushies named after him and Jun... Both of them are Cats" "You won't believe i guess that cat as Jun hyung" he excitedly responded then he saw a bunny plushie and started snuggling to it...that plushie reminds him of his dearest nephew but at the same time it remained him of Jeonghan as well

"is his name Jeonghan? this adorable little bunny literally looks like you" The older male smiled "this plushie was Wonwoo's gift on my last birthday and he also said the same thing" As if the devil was summoned, Wonwoo walked into Jeonghan's plushie collection room followed by Jun who might have informed his friend about their arrival...

"Babe... You seriously are going to hold him here? Others are out there waiting... Come on" the said male pouted but he had no choices because he was already being lifted up... "Yah idiot... Stop picking me up like I am sack of potatoes... I am older than you... Show some respect"

*No Proofread*

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