Chapter 32

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Soon tae return to his class while cursing at himself for helping that asshole on that day....he walked into the room to complain about the situation to his best friend when he saw Seungcheol was whispering something in Jimin's ear which made the younger male turn red like a tomato... He hit Cheol's arm before bursting out of giggles Taehyung instantly cooed at them and started taking their pictures forgetting whatever happened in dean's office

Professor Chan cleared his throat "Choi Seungcheol... Last time I checked this wasn't your class... And Kim Taehyung... This is not a photography club…" Both of them immediately bowed at the professor and Taehyung took his seat whereas Cheol immediately ran out of the class not before whispered "i will send those pictures to you/ i need those pictures from you" at the same time…Professor went towards his desk and started teaching... And just like that... Rest of the day went rather peacefully where Tae kept teasing Jimin watching him turn red everytime

On the other hand Namjoon is feeling weaker than ever he is throwing up every now and then to the point that he even stopped eating thinking he will vomit it out…a knock on his bedroom door made him sit straight before mumbling a small come in... An old maid who is incharge of food came in with a bowl of soup... "Please drink this... You will feel better"

"Thank you,but i don't feel like eating anything right now" he politely gave her a small bow for being considerate…The maid smiled "I know... That is why I made this soup... Drink it... I am sure you will feel better" He smiled took the bowl from her hand and gave it a thought to eat it but just the smell of it made him run towards the bathroom and vomit his organs out

The old lady followed him... And once he was done she said "I think you should go to the doctor or call him here, Sir"

"No it's not needed...if it gets worse i will surely go see a doctor.... thank you for your concern" he gave her a weak dimple smile before giving her a small bow...even though he himself is a mafia but he still have respect for elders specially kind woman like her….

The lady sighed and was about to walk out of the room but she stopped and turned around... "Are you scared of going to doctor... Or the fact that the result of your check up will be something that your heart already knows?"

"No no its nothing like that....i just think it's because of overeating " he gave her a nervous smile…She nodded and left the room without saying anything else

He let out a sigh....her words are not totally wrong like obviously he is a mafia why will he be scared of doctors but then again something in his heart just isn't allowing him to do see a doctor maybe he indeed is scared to know the results

Jin groaned in frustration as he hasn't got a second to breath... It's not like he doesn't like his job... He loves saving lives and protecting people... But after a long night shift... He was having breakfast and planning to get a sleep for at least 5 hours when his phone rang and due to one doctor ditching them the last minute made him fill the position... Since then he is checking patient after patient and it's already 7 pm...

His eyes were glued at the reports of his patient when he heard a knock and the door flew open... He didn't look up and said "please sit down"

He heard the chair being pulled and someone sitting down... "Yes so-" he looked up and saw his son and Husband looking at him with wide smile "appa" Jungkook made grabby hands towards his father…Jin smile and immediately picked him up and kissed his entire face "what's my little brat doing here"Jungkook giggled "we here for heck up" Jin's smily face turned into worried one "why,what happened baby?are you alright?did you hurt your self somewhere?do you have stomach ace?or is it a fever?what-"Jungkook kept his small hand on Jin's mouth and shook his head...

Yoongi on the other hand was laughing hard "relax babe... We are here to pick you up"Jin embarrassedly smile "so my brat came to pick his appa....he is a big guy now" with that he again started to shower his face with endless kisses…Jungkook laughed "yesh... I am big chai"

"yes you are...wait a moment let me check if i have more patients or not" he checked his appointments list and sighed in relief... finally he can call it a day

Jin stood up and settled Jungkook on his hip... "Let's go" he said with a smile and Yoongi picked his husband's bag before opening the door and holding it for Jin and Jungkook... "After you, my majesty" The elder Chuckled at the cute gesture and dramatically bowed back "well thank you my dear knight" and kissed yoongi's cheeks and hold his hand before walking towards the car

On their way out, few nurses and doctors were whispering among themselves... "Oh he looks hot... Is he Dr. Min's husband?"

"Aww the kid is so cute"

"They make such a great family"

"I want someone like Dr. Min's husband"

"I wonder how good he is in bed"

Jin just rolled his eyes and cling onto his bad people can either admire him or fantasies over him but he and only he can have him..... because MIN YOONGI ONLY BELONGS TO KIM SEOKJIN

The Mins settled down in Yoongi's car and he started driving "oh btw I forgot... Tae is staying at Jimin's place tonight" Yoongi said, his one hand was on steering wheel and another on SeokJin's thigh..Jin being to tired just replied with a hmmm....and soon fall asleep on the car itself making both father son chuckle

Once they reached home... Jungkook ran to open the door... He pulled out the stool from the corner and stood up on it to press the numbers... While Yoongi had his sleeping beauty in his arms…After opening the door jungkook immediately ran in where as Yoongi felt few butterfly kisses on his neck Yoongi hissed and immediately took Jin towards their bedroom... He hovered over Jin after making him fall on the bed... They were messily making out when Jungkook came running to their room "Daddaaa I Hungwyyy"

On the other hand Taehyung is continuously fangirling them by cooing at his best friend's and his soon to be brother-in-law's pictures Jimin was rolling his eyes every time Taehyung would scream in amusement... "Why are you being like this"

"BECAUSE MY BESTIE GOT HIS FIRST BOYFRIEND" he said and hugged his bestie while squeezing him in happiness "we are not boyfriends... It was just our first date" Jimin states the obvious…Taehyung sighed and held both of Jimin's hand "Tell me you like his presence around you or not?" Jimin shyly nodded his head... "I mean... Yeah"

"Do you like when he touches you like holding your hand  *cough*means picking you up...or when he kisses you on your cheeks?Jimin slapped Taehyung's arm "Shut up"

"Yahhh common don't be shy just answer it" Taehyung tease him with a cheesy smirk while wiggling his eyebrows…Jimin was going to reply when his phone started ringing...


"OHHHHOOOOOO.....NOW SEOUNGCHEOL  SEONBAE BECAME CHEOL.....niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" he said nice while stretching 'e' as much as he could..Jimin rolled his eyes for the nth time and picked up the call... He was going to move away when Taehyung took the phone from his hold and put it on speaker... "Hello?" Cheol's deep voice made its way through their ears

Taehyung hit Jimin's arm, indicating to him to reply while still squeezing in excitement "hello? Jimin, are you there? And was that Taehyung?" Cheol said, while there were few voices coming from his end too "YES DEAR BROTHER IN LAW.....did you like those pictures i sent you?" Taehyung said more like screamed excitedly

Cheol chuckled "Yes... I loved them... You are a great photographer" that when they heard Jeonghan's voice "Jimin, Taehyung... Tell them I can adopt you... Wonwoo said we already have a child we don't need more"

"Of Course that even a question" Taehyung said happily..."so when are we moving in together?" Jimin said with a chuckle Jeonghan squealed happily but he was taken away from the phone which they assume was by Wonwoo... And Cheol once again started talking "sorry about that... He forgets that we are just 21 not 31... Btw... Can I come to meet you?"

"Sorry...but me and Tae are having a movie nig-"jimin tried to apologise but was cut off by an highly excited Taehyung "COME AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE" Jimin glared at his best friend when Cheol started talking "It's okay Tae... You guys have fun... Sorry to disturb you... Bye" he cut the call...

*No Proofread*

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