Chapter 116

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"t-they... They don't know anything about my brother... He is a fighter... He will make it... He will make it... He will make it, right?" He asked Jimin while tears started flowing like a waterfall...

"Please tell me they will make it" Jimin bite his lips to prevent himself from bursting out "they will....they don't have any other choice then to make it...." He softly whipped jin's tears "but for now... you have to be strong to beat the shit out of them after they recover... right"

Jin nodded making Jimin smile through tears...he motioned Cheol to bring a bottle of water for jin...and made the said male seat on a chair...he then took the bottle from it and placed it in front of jin's mouth…But before he could drink, Jin felt a dizzy and held his head before losing his consciousness... Jimin held him before Jin's body could touch the floor "Jin Hyung..." He almost yelled the elder's name making everyone look at them..a doctor came running hearing jimin's yell....and admitted him as well....and started running some tests on him

On the other hand jeonghan is silently seating on the corner chair looking straight into his Wonu's operation theatre....his cheeks have dry print of tears...he is alive but without his boyfriend feeling dead from inside…..He closed his eyes to remembering all the beautiful memories they have created together... They were is high school when Wonwoo proposed him...


"Yahhhh Jeon Wonwoo... How long I have to keep this blindfold on" the older male whined, he was holding Wonwoo's upper arm...

"Remove it" Wonwoo whispered in his ear

"Remove it" Wonwoo whispered in his ear

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"Finally " he removed his blindfold....and the view in front of him made him emotional....he smiled and looked at his best friend " these are beautiful....did you grow them yourself?" Wonwoo sighed... "No, someone else did" he flicked Jeonghan's forehead "idiot"..."Ouch.." he glared at the younger and stomp his foot on Wonwoo's "never dare to hit me...but whoever did it...did a fantastic job....this is so damn beautiful " he said while admiring those flowers

Wonwoo stood behind Jeonghan and wrapped his arms around the older's waist... "Thank you for the compliment Mr. Yoon Jeonghan... But there is a reason why we are here and these flowers are grown in the heart shape" he said before kissing his best friend's cheek…

Jeonghan couldn't help but blush at the sudden closeness....he loves the feeling of his best friend touching him..not only his touch but the presence of younger is more than enough to make his day... "umm...and what is that?" He asked in a voice over a whisper…

Wonwoo turned Jeonghan around and cupped his face... "I love you Hannie... I have been in love with you for a long time now... At first, I thought it was just infatuation but no... I genuinely love you because every time I am with you I feel happy but the minute you disappear from my sight I start missing you... Please be my boyfriend"

Jeonghan let out a sigh of relief "gosh i through you are never gonna ask.....I love you too Wonu...from the time i first saw you i had a huge crush on you...ahhhh...i can't believe we are boyfriends now " he started jumping in excitement and hugged his lover….Who was shocked knowing Jeonghan also loves him but soon he recovered from his dazed state... He caressed Jeonghan's cheek before locking his lips against the older's and both of them melted in the feeling...

*Flashback ended*

His tear stain replaced with new warm tears.. "If you die...I am gonna die with you better not die" he mumbled while keep on staring the OT door without even blinking

"you have a really weird way of giving threats" Hoshi, who has bandaged wrapped around his chest said, he sat beside Jeonghan who was looking at the other male with wide eyes "What the fuck are you doing here?" He almost yelled, being worried about his best friend...

He immediately helped him take a seat while glaring at him "Relax Hyung... I am fine... Did you really thought I will leave you alone?" He asked while leaning against the older's shoulder

"You should thank these wounds of yours...who just saved your ass...or i would have literally beaten the shit out of you" he said while caressing his best friend's hair with a big pout plastered on his face…

Hoshi giggled "they should have given more anaesthesia to keep me asleep... But it's good that I woke up... Or else you would have cried here being all alone"

"Shut up...common let me take you to your need rest" with that he got up and gave a hand out to Hoshi ...The younger shook his head... "Noo... Please let me stay with you... I don't want to be alone" he said with a sad pout…

Jeonghan sighed...and sat back "okay then... without any argument lay down..." He patted his lap for the younger to rest his head….And Hoshi did... "Hyung... Nothing will happen to our Wonu... He promised to be my best man... And we all know that Wonwoo never breaks his promises"

"But...what if this time...he...breaks it..." He squeeze his eyes shut to prevent himself from letting his tears out but failed miserably…"he can't... He can't break the promise... I won't get married if he breaks it..." Hoshi said

Before Jeonghan could reply they heard a whiny voice "what do you mean you won't marry me" DK walked closer to them while putting a hand on his bandaged area "what the hell are you doing here?" Both, Hoshi and Jeonghan said at the same time

"Shush guys it's a hospital...keep your voice down....and the anaesthesia wasn't strong enough to keep me asleep.. so here i am at your service " he dramatically bowed at them but immediately hissed feeling immense pain in his torsos..

"We only need Jun and Wonwoo now" Cheol said while walking close to them... He securely held Deokyom before making him sit... "The moment nurses will find out you guys are missing... I am damn sure you will be getting strong doses this time"

" all are partying without me?" Jun made a sulky face while walking closer to them

Jeonghan was too stunned to speak... "What the hell is wrong with you all? Did you guys start walking right after birth? Are they even giving you the right amount of medicine?" Both DK and Hoshi shrugged while Jun giggled "no anaesthesia has the power to keep me asleep without my will" he said while closer to them...

He took a seat next to DK "i am so glad you all are alright....btw where is Wonwoo?" Jeonghan pointed at the operation theatre…"And tae?" He asked in a voice over a whisper....

Hoping to hear 'he is alright ' but his heartbeat increased when he saw Cheol and Jeonghan's smiling faces turn into dull ones "his operation is done but the next 48 hours are crucial... If he doesn't get his consciousness in the meantime... Everything can go wrong" Cheol said, but before Jun could ask something further... Doors of OT flew open...

Jeonghan gently made Hoshi lay on the bench before rushing towards the surgeon... "Doctor... How is he?" The blonde haired male asked "we have managed to remove all the bullets but there are multiple bone fractures and we fear he might lose the ability to move his left leg... Also, the bullet removed from his skull might cause long lasting amnesia so don't be surprised when he won't recognise you after waking up... But that's the main thing... Him waking up is still questionable" the surgeon said and started walking away... (Some doctors are real Assholes... They don't really care of about other's emotions)

"Wh-at d..does he Wonwo...won-wont.. remember" he wasn't able to finish his sentence before everything turned black…

*No Proofread*

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