Chapter 120

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At night, it was only Taehyung and Yoongi in the room... The only source of noise was the beep of the machine... Taehyung was bored from this... He woke up few minutes ago and he already wants to go home…He looked at Yoongi who was in his deep he didn't want to wake him up but at the same time it's too annoying....after a long self talk he decided taste the water and call him...if he wakes up then tae is saved or if not then he will accept his faith and will silently get bored till he falls asleep"hyun-ngie ~"

Yoongi immediately opened his eyes and looked at the younger male... "What happened baby? You want something? Want me to call the doctor?"

"Nooo...i wanna go's annoyingly boring here"he whined...

Yoongi chuckled softly... "Tell me about it... I already want to hold Jungkook and eat your brother's cooked meal"

"You at least got a meal...i still haven't get a chance to drink water... that's not fair" Taehyung complained "it's okay baby... You will get to drink water and eat everything... Just a little longer... And we also have to face your brother's scolding after getting discharged" Yoongi stated the obvious…"Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" he whined "but atleast you will be there to save my know i was so scared... before passing out the only thing i prayed for to get your consciousness back before mine... seriously though having a timeout or I can say even death is better than facing Jin hyung's anger without you....gosh only thinking about it is giving me chills"

Yoongi glared at Taehyung "do you want to see my anger? Why are you talking nonsense? You know when the doctor said you will be dead if it wasn't for the life support system... Jin's first words to me were 'I can't live without him... I will die if anything happens to him' and you think death was better?"

"Sorry.....i didn't mean in that way...what i wanted to say is.. i didnt want to face his anger without you by my side... please don't be mad at was just my poor choice of words " he said showing his best puppy face…

Yoongi shook his head... "I can never stay mad at you baby... You are just too adorable for my poor heart" Taehyung giggled "then can i ask for something? please?"

Yoongi raised his eyebrow "what is it?"Taehyung nervously smiled "Now that you have seen my fighting skills....canijointhemafiaworldnow?" He asked in one breath

"No... You have to become a doctor like you have always wanted to be... I don't want you to follow my footsteps but your brother's... And I don't want any argument on that" he said in a stern voice…He asked with hopeful eyes "But I can be both right?"

Yoongi sighed... "Fine... But I will never talk to you after that... Ever again"

Taehyung glared at Yoongi with a big angry pout and turned his face to the other direction "i don't wanna be any mafia... good night" Yoongi smirked... He was very well aware of the fact that Taehyung will never choose his stupid mafia craze over him... "I will get you a whole truck of mint choco"

Taehyung again looked at him while still glaring "tomorrow?"

Yoongi glared back... "After you get discharged and get a green signal from the doctor…" Taehyung's pout bigger "at least cuddles with meanie hyung" Yoongi immediately removed his IV not caring about the pain... He pushed his bed towards Taehyung's and gently touched them together before claiming up and ever so slowly placed Taehyung's head on his chest... "My precious baby"

"I love you hyungie" he said snuggling more to his hyung's embrace "but i still think i look really cool with the gun....ahhh you know i rehearsed those lines i said to Sehun so so many times....that dialogue is actually from one of my favourite movie....." And like that he kept on babbling about how cool he would have looked in the main character of the movie..."if i were at his place..i would have.....sayyy...mmmm" and just like that he kept on babbling until Yoongi heard some soft snor indicating his baby is asleep…

The older male smiled and continued massaging younger's scalp... He kissed Taehyung's forehead... Yoongi is so happy that his first son is absolutely alright... God, the thought of Taehyung not being there sends thousands of shivers down his spine... He will make sure that the younger male stays far far away from his dark world…

*No Proofread*

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