ch 2

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when arrived at the planet Mezuo, there was already a train from the training base waiting at the space station, specially sent to welcome the new Omega.

Ever since Shen Xiuyun said a word to that man named Romy, he has never spoken on the spaceship. He is just wrapped in a worn linen clothes, his head is half hidden in the hood, his head is lowered, and his presence is extremely strong. light.

At this time, everyone disembarked from the spaceship and lined up in the queue for boarding. It was raining lightly outside, the sky was gloomy, and the cold wind was blowing. The delicate Omegas were all trembling, and some even complained loudly. Shen Xiuyun also felt that his body was trembling uncontrollably, and he frowned slightly, quite dissatisfied with his current physical condition.

Sure enough, it was ten years backwards. Without tempering, I couldn't bear even such a little wind and rain. Shen Xiuyun looked at his hands, they were slender and fair, but powerless.

The lights inside the train are brightly lit, bringing warmth and protection to the Omegas, in stark contrast to the wind and rain outside the windows. After Shen Xiuyun got into the car, he didn't rush to grab a seat like other Omega, but stood leaning against the car door, looking through the rain-soaked glass window, looking at the scene of another world that flashed by outside.

"Hey, are you a commoner too? Which planet are you from?" Like him, there was a boy who didn't look for a seat, but leaned against the railing in the aisle of the train, his eyes slanted, and he was indescribably handsome, just his expression With a dash of laziness. While speaking, the boy pushed down the hat on his head. The hat looked very old and faded from washing.

"Civilian?" Shen Xiuyun tilted his head slightly, and sized up the boy in front of him, "Noble?" Although Shen Xiuyun only said

two words, the boy in the hat understood quickly and pointed at those sitting in the seat. The omegas raised their chins, "Of course, didn't you see those luxuriously dressed guys? They all come from aristocratic families. Unlike us, most of the fathers are the leaders of the empire, and some even It has connection with the royal family."

The royal family...

Although there was no change in Shen Xiuyun's expression, he was very puzzled in his heart.

It has something to do with the royal family, nobles, how could they be sent to such a place? Could it be... this is a place dedicated to cultivating queen assassins for the royal family?

"It is said that Beta has the least status in the empire. In my opinion, it is us who are the saddest. If it is okay to be born in a noble family, after being picked by Alpha, relying on the strength of the family, we can live a safe and secure life. If there is no backer, once the Alpha who marks us is tired of us, he will treat it as a plaything and give it to his subordinates at will... What kind of mutual dependence and trust, huh, it's bullshit." When the boy said

this , the bright eyes were gloomy and resentful, but there was a trace of strong reluctance, as if there was a ball of fire hidden inside, which could be ignited anytime, anywhere.

Shen Xiuyun actually didn't understand many parts of his words, especially a few of them: Ashafa, North Tower, and Omega. He understood that they referred to them, but he still didn't understand the specific meanings. figure it out. But Shen Xiuyun didn't ask any more questions. If someone found out that he came from another world, it would definitely be very troublesome. And all the questions, I believe he will find the answer in a very short time.

As for giving free playthings to those under his command...

he wants to see who has the guts to raise him, Shen Xiuyun, as a child prostitute.

The train was galloping all the way, the lights were blurred into a line due to the high speed, as if a crack was split between the dark sky and the earth, and it didn't take long to cross half a planet and arrive at the Omega training base.

It can be said that the entire planet Meizuo serves the Omega training base. The closed base occupies most of the land here, and there are only scattered shops and residences for employees working on the base.

Alphas are prohibited from entering and leaving here. All the work is done by Beta. The legion can only remotely protect the planet Meizuo. It is not an emergency and it is absolutely not allowed to step on the surface of the planet. Anyone who violates the order will be sentenced to fifty years of imprisonment.

At the end of the horizon, amidst the wind and rain, a tall city wall that could not be seen at a glance finally appeared in the eyes of everyone. It was the outer city protection wall of the base. It was made of the strongest metal and protected by an energy shield. There are real-time surveillance cameras and linked alarms. If there is any trouble, the 25th Corps stationed on the periphery of the planet will arrive in full gear within a minute. The outer city wall is 100 meters high. Even if you stand at a distance of more than ten meters, you can't see the highest point of the city wall when you look up.

When the train was about to reach the foot of the city wall, it began to slow down, but it did not stop completely.

I saw somewhere on the outer city wall, right in front of the train, a square of white light suddenly appeared. When the white light disappeared, a gate opened, and the train entered directly through the gate, formally entering the periphery of the base.

Separated by a wall, inside and outside a door, there are two different worlds from then on.

The Omegas present all knew this clearly. Some of them calmly accepted the fate that awaited them, while some, at this moment, had dim eyes and forcibly suppressed all their unwillingness in their hearts.

The train carried them all the way to the foot of the inner city wall before stopping. The door opened, and a Beta administrator stood at the door, his straight dark green military uniform was wet by the rain. He walked away with a smile, and his own headset spread his voice throughout the train carriage.

"Welcome to Meizuo base, honorable gentlemen and ladies. I believe we will create a good memory together in the next three years." Saying this, he put his hands on his chest and bowed very politely. I gave a gift.

"The base has a rule that you are not allowed to carry anything that belongs to you. So, now, please put down your luggage and take off all your clothes. Gentlemen, please get off from the door on the left side of the train. Ladies, please get off from the train. Get off at the gate on the right, and we will have special personnel at the gate of the inner city wall to distribute uniform clothes for you." As soon as this remark was made, there was a commotion in the train, and some Omega who came from noble families were relatively calm, because they had already learned from their elders

. Heard about this rule. Most of the people who were surprised were civilians. They were either descendants of Omega who were displaced by the war, or descendants of genetic mutations born by Beta, and they didn't know much about the world of Omega.

"Hmph, is this the beginning of no self?" The boy in the hat who was talking to Shen Xiuyun before said with a sneer, "Aside from the clothes, self-esteem is also stripped away.

" When he asked and felt angry, he was surprised to find that the boy in the ragged linen hood who had just stood at the door undressed himself without a sound. Being in the crowd.

A beautiful body was exposed to the glare of the light without any cover, but the owner of the body remained indifferent.

"So, is it okay?"

Even the administrator standing by was slightly surprised by the young boy's cleanliness, and he didn't realize until he heard a faint voice that it was the boy talking to him . Then the administrator met a pair of emotionless eyes, and his heart skipped a beat.

This Omega looks so good! The purity of blood must be very high!

"Yes, it's fine." The administrator nodded in astonishment. He has been doing this job for so many years, and he has never seen an Omega like him. After being ordered to remove his clothes, his face was so calm that there was no expression.

No, nothing.

The shyness, embarrassment, or anger and unwillingness that should be there are completely invisible on this person's face.

The boy didn't say anything more, lowered his eyes, and walked out of the train naked, into the heavy rain outside. The rain quickly wetted his shiny black hair, and strands of it stuck to his forehead smoothly. But he didn't respond at all, and walked directly to the gate of the inner city wall.

Although it is said that gender is no longer divided into men and women, there is still a trace of the idea that men and women are different in people's traditional concepts. Therefore, after getting off the train, male Omega and female Omega are separated and act separately.

The gate of the inner city wall is divided into two, with men on the left and women on the right. There is an optical network between the two columns, so they cannot see each other.

There is a mechanism at the gate of the city. Whenever a person steps forward, a powerful stream of water will rush down from mid-air to wash the bodies of these Omegas clean. After walking a few steps forward, there will be an automatic drying device for them. body drying. The staff next to them will distribute the clothes. After Omega puts on the clothes, he will stand on an instrument. The instrument will automatically detect the purity of their blood, and then the staff in charge of observation will record it. Based on this, they will be Classes divided into different levels.

When Shen Xiuyun realized that he was the first to get off the train, he deliberately slowed down until someone passed him from behind, and then he quietly mixed into the line, so he was in the line at this time. Although the position is at the front, it is not the first few, and it was his turn after waiting for a while.

After being washed roughly, Shen Xiuyun received his own clothes, put them on, and stepped on the machine in front of him.

The recorder in charge of operating the machine was the same as before. He turned on the detection button without paying much attention. When the instrument started, a burst of light waves flowed through Shen Xiuyun's body. Shen Xiuyun subconsciously wanted to escape. Let the light wave flow through the body until it disappears.

The recorder had just completed the record of the person in front of him, and glanced at the test result without raising his eyes, then the recorder's hand froze, and he raised his head suddenly, staring at the result display screen in disbelief, thinking that the machine had appeared problem.

"Go down and come up again to take a test." The recorder said to Shen Xiuyun.

Shen Xiuyun did as he was told.

This time, the recorder watched the number on the display screen jumping continuously without blinking his eyes, until the moment it stopped, he was sure that his eyes were not dazzled, the number displayed on it was exactly 99.99%!

The quality of all Omega is divided by blood purity. The purer the Omega, not only the stronger the fertility, but the offspring will either be Omega with the same pure blood as him, or have excellent physical fitness in all aspects Alpha, the possibility of giving birth to Beta is very small, so Omega with high bloodline purity is very precious, and very rare, it will easily make any Alpha go crazy and become the object of competition. Therefore, Omega with pure blood has always been owned by members of the royal family, and ordinary nobles can't get their hands on it.

As long as the purity of the bloodline reaches more than 89%, it is regarded as the best, and there is only one person who can exceed 95% in history, and that is the mother of the current Seventh Prince. And the boy in front of him, his blood purity is close to 100% pure!

It's just... a miracle.

Shen Xiuyun didn't understand why the worker looked at him with such amazed eyes. Seeing that he didn't say anything else, he got off the instrument, passed through the gate of the inner city wall, and entered the inner city of the base.

The inner city wall was 200 meters high, and the defense measures were tighter than the outer city wall. Shen Xiuyun walked into this wall and suddenly looked back.

The towering and insurmountable shadow of the city wall was reflected in his calm eyes at this moment.

One day, he'll get out of here, on his own terms.

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