ch 34

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 Randy's subsequent performance was very cute and pleasing, which made the coyote very satisfied. Although Shen Xiuyun didn't say anything, he didn't push people away either, which shows that he also likes this Omega in his heart. Taking advantage of their high spirits, everyone intentionally or unintentionally persuaded Shen Xiuyun to drink, trying to get him drunk.

In fact, the coyotes and the others still have selfish motives. After all, Shen Xiuyun did not disclose his identity. People were somewhat curious about whether the body under the isolation cloak was Alpha or Beta. There are many people wearing isolation cloaks in the arena. If they are unknown people, no one will care about them, but the masters are different. The physical fitness and fatal weaknesses of Alpha and Beta competitors are completely different. In the Solomon Arena where death appeared in the game, everyone wanted to find out the details of each other, lest they would take their own lives when they confronted each other in the arena one day. Therefore, although it is not easy to pry into other people's privacy on the surface, if you find an Omega to stay with the other person for a night, then go to that Omega to get some information, and you will be able to know the truth.

As for the wild ghost, there is another point that is different from others.

There have been some rumors recently in the arena. A cleaning staff member said that he once sensed Omega's pheromone when he passed the door of the wild ghost's suite at night, but the wild ghost didn't bring Omega back at that time. Although this news was unbelievable, it still aroused the curiosity of many people, and the hyenas were no exception. So they wanted to take this opportunity to see what the identity of this mysterious expert was.

Shen Xiuyun knew that he was being given alcohol, but he never refused to come. Back then, he even drank his daughter Hong who had been dusty for a hundred years. Now the wine in this world is almost like sweet water to him. However, even though he has the capacity to drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, he still pretends to be slightly drunk and becomes more and more overwhelmed.

The hyena saw that the fire was almost ready, so he hurriedly headed back home. As for the little Omega in his arms, he took his own interest and brought them back if he wanted to. Seeing Shen Xiuyun standing up from the sofa and walking out with the Omega in his arms, several people looked at each other tacitly, and the hyena rushed to pay the bill, just as promised before, to help Shen Xiuyun Paid Randy's exit fee.

Shen Xiuyun took Randy directly back to his suite in the Solomon Arena. After entering the door, he immediately let go of Randy, sat down in an armchair in the living room, and looked at Randy who was still standing helplessly at the door. , silently.

Under the gaze of that cold gaze, Randy's already relaxed and calm mood became tense again. Those black eyes without the slightest emotion just looked at him so directly, which made people break out in a cold sweat and couldn't figure out where this person was what to think.

Shen Xiuyun had killed many people in his previous life, so he was naturally not a good person, so even though he hadn't really sacrificed a sword in this life, his indifferent eyes that once regarded human life as worthless would not be deceiving. Under the gaze of such a pair of eyes, it is difficult for people who are not in this circle to parry.

Sure enough, after a while, Randy broke out in cold sweat, and didn't dare to look at him again.

" are Omega?" Randy asked boldly, breaking the silence first.

"Didn't you already find out that day, and I'm very grateful that you didn't expose it on the spot." Shen Xiuyun said.

"It's...really an Omega..." Randy repeated subconsciously. At this moment, compared with the fear just now, there was an inexplicable excitement in his heart. He couldn't explain why he was so excited. , I only know that the heart that was thought to be ashes is beating vigorously again, the blood in the body is agitating, hitting his eardrums again and again, as if the whole world is shaking again and again!

"You are...the one who escaped from Mei Zuo's base, right!" Randy suddenly realized something, raised his head, and stared at Shen Xiuyun with wide eyes. The person on the opposite side looked ordinary, he looked like he was thirty years old, and he was wearing a worn gray isolation cloak. He really didn't look like an Omega at all. He was in the hands of a bunch of Alpha and Beta competitors just now, and he exchanged cups with them without changing his face, and now he was sitting in the high-backed red velvet armchair, looking at himself quietly. His face was very ordinary, but those eyes seemed to have a breathtaking power.

Randy doesn't believe that there will be another such strong Omega in this world. He has heard the news about Shen Xiuyun before, and sometimes he feels that he can't bear it anymore, so he will come up with news and materials related to him Look through. After he failed to escape for the last time, he thought about dying countless times, but as long as he thought of the bold words that Omega had uttered, he would force himself to live on. He even held such a belief that even if he died, he would have to pull an Alpha who had tortured and humiliated him as a back, so that he would not be considered a coward... Shen Xiuyun did not answer, he looked at Randy for a moment, then got up and took He took a

small bag of crystals, and an isolation cloak without a serial number or registrant, and threw them to him.

"If you don't want to live the life you are now, just take these things and leave. You did a good job before, but you have to remember one thing. If one day in the future, you suddenly want to betray me, you have to think carefully about it." Think, will I have the life to get that bounty at that time."

Shen Xiuyun's warning was ruthless, as if a pot of cold water was poured on his head, and Randy immediately recovered from his excitement. He looked down at the heavy money bag in his hand, and clenched his hand holding the cloak tightly.

"Leave?" Randy smiled sadly, then bent down and rolled up one of his trouser legs, revealing what looked like an anklet around his ankle, "I have escaped many times before, and the last time I was caught , They installed a tracker for me. This material is a special metal used to make mechs. Without a password, I can't get it off anyway, unless this foot is cut off." Randy said, the circles under his eyes

Turned red, and knelt down on the ground, "And what can you do even if you leave? There is no place for an Omega in this world. I will be arrested again soon, not in Star Dream Palace, but in other entertainment cities. There are more than four Alpha mark imprints, no matter where you go, you are a despicable scum... No one treats me as a human being. In the end, when I get old and ugly, I will only be reduced to a cheap rental reproductive tool... I..." Randy couldn't continue, the tears in her beautiful light-colored eyes could no longer be filled, and the tears rolled down her cheeks, wet the carpet in the living room.

"I beg you, please keep me, because we are of the same race, don't let me go back to that kind of life... I... I beg you..."

Shen Xiuyun looked at Randy who was kneeling on the ground, looked at this young man who had nothing to do but sell his own misery to gain sympathy, and thought that such a person was exactly the same as himself, such a person had the same kind of sympathy as himself. With the same pheromone smell, an inexplicable anger suddenly arose in his heart, and the trace of pity he felt when he first met him in the Star Dream Palace disappeared in an instant.

He raised his hand and randomly pulled out a metal sword from the nearby barracks, only to hear a sharp and short sound, and the sharp blade came out of its sheath with a cold light.

"Leave you? Okay, but the first thing to do is to remove your tracker. Otherwise, it will be very inconvenient in the future." Shen Xiuyun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to Randy, "I don't know if you have heard of it. Tail to survive?"

Without waiting for Randy to speak, he swung his long sword and slashed at his ankle!

Randy was so frightened that he closed his eyes tightly, with tears still on his face.

However, he did not escape.

Then there was only a ding, and the long sword accurately slashed on the metal locator. Even if this sword is a little crooked, Randy's foot will be flattened at this time.

Shen Xiuyun retracted the sword, and the locator was not damaged at all. He looked at Randy, finally vented the depression in his heart, and snorted coldly, "It's a bit courageous. But my sympathy for you ends here. You Let's go."

Randy's face was pale, his ankles were numb, his heart was beating wildly, his head was full of the scene of Shen Xiuyun wielding the sword just now, although it was just a very simple movement, it was decisive and neat, chic and handsome , Seeing people's hearts agitated. Although I have heard about this person's legend for a long time, seeing it with my own eyes is a more intuitive shock. He is an Omega, but he is so strong.

Randy forgot to cry, even forgot about his fear, he stumbled up from the ground, " know swordsmanship!"

Shen Xiuyun squinted at Randy.

Randy: "Teach me!"

Shen Xiuyun raised his eyebrows slightly, "Teach you?"

"Yes! Teach me this and let me be your helper!" Randy wiped away the tears on his face with the back of his hand, looked at Shen Xiuyun with burning eyes, as if he had suddenly changed, "You shouldn't You stayed here for a long time, right? You need money to leave. You said that someone can buy the life of the noble Alpha from you, but no one has come to you yet, right? Your status is inconvenient, so let me help you You, I have stayed with Caesarron before, know many nobles, and know their factional struggles, so let me be your internal correspondent and intelligence network! I don't need anything, as long as you teach me and make me stronger! Let me...let me be like you! As long as I can be as strong as you, even if I die, I am willing!" Shen Xiuyun was finally willing to look at Randy with a straight eye, and was amazed at what he had guessed in the words just now Two

meanings: first, he will not stay in the arena for a long time; second, leaving the arena means a source of income in the urban area, but so far he has not received a single business, and other jobs are even more difficult to find. So his current situation is not optimistic.

However, even so, Shen Xiuyun is not willing to find himself a burden, he is used to being alone... But looking at Randy in front of him, Shen Xiuyun suddenly recalled that day in the bar, he looked at own eyes.

The moment of sympathy and sympathy for each other touched him more or less. Shen Xiuyun has a cold temperament, but he is still a human being after all, he has not lost his conscience, and he pays attention to repaying kindness with kindness and revenge with revenge. So, in return for Randy helping him cover that day, he decided to give him a chance.

"Okay." Shen Xiuyun just said such a word, but Randy's eyes lit up. "As long as you can do one thing, I will teach you."

"What is it?"

Shen Xiuyun took out a sword again from the pawn bar next to him. He likes to use swords. Solomon Arena generously gave him a dozen metal swords, all of which are of high quality. The sword chosen for Randy is relatively light.

Shen Xiuyun demonstrated a few movements to Randy, all of which are the most basic essentials of swordsmanship, stabbing, picking, chopping, and chopping. The movements are simple, but they are the basics of using a sword.

Randy learned quickly, and Shen Xiuyun learned it decently after only doing it for him twice. He couldn't restrain his excitement and looked at Shen Xiuyun.

Shen Xiuyun didn't say a word of praise, but just gave Randy a look.

Randy reached out to catch it, and found that it was a medicine box. After opening it, his face immediately changed.

"I will take this thing every day from now on. After taking it for a month, if I can still use today's basic swordsmanship, Shen will definitely pass on what he has learned all his life." This kind of medicine, as long as it is an

Omega There is no one who doesn't know them. They have been dealing with it frequently since they were in the Meizuo base. Such a small pill, as long as you take one, can simulate an Omega's estrus state by nearly 90%. It is an Alpha noble. Their favorite flirt, even if the Omega they mark is not in heat, they still have to take this thing to please.

Randy is different from Shen Xiuyun, he is already an adult, he has been marked by others, he has had sex with others, and he can feel the pain of being an adult Omega in estrus. He hated this medicine, hated the person who invented it, and even more hated those who forced him to take this medicine over and over again, turning him into a plaything without dignity, who would only curl up willingly under the crotch of others.

He hates it!

"What do you mean by that!" Randy suddenly raised his eyes to look at Shen Xiuyun, even though he tried his best to control it, the hand holding the medicine box was so hard that the knuckles turned white. "Why do you want me to take this medicine?"

Shen Xiuyun hooked the corners of his lips. This was the first time Randy saw him smile since he saw him. However, this smile had nothing to do with pleasure. The dark eyes at the bottom only make people feel thrilling.

"Why? Do you really have to tell me?" Shen Xiuyun put the long sword back into its sheath, walked up to Randy step by step, suddenly grabbed his hand, flipped it skillfully, buckled it, and the medicine box tilted, two A tablet slid out of it and landed in Randy's palm.

Shen Xiuyun lowered his eyes to look at the pill, then raised his eyes, and said lightly: "It's your choice whether to take it or not, and no one is forcing you. I just want to say one thing to you: You must keep your weaknesses in mind." Firmly control it in your own hands, and never allow others to get involved, otherwise, you would rather die than submit to others!" After finishing speaking,

Shen Xiuyun left Randy in the room alone, but he left the Solomon Arena and went to Hall of Star Dreams.

In the room that suddenly became quiet, Randy stared blankly at the pill in his hand. This disgusting thing always reminded him of too much humiliation and pain. Every time the estrus came, he had to surrender to Alpha's Under the body, suffering from physical pleasure and mental pain. So humble, so involuntary... or sweet words, or insults and contempt, after all the madness, what is left is the bruises all over the body that even I can't bear to look directly at.

He has to eat it every day for a month, is this going to send him to hell!

Shen Xiuyun came to the registration office of Star Dream Hall, and told the administrator that Omega, who just left with him, would not be coming back tomorrow. Just as the administrator was about to say something, Shen Xiuyun directly took Zhang Jing card and put it on the counter .

"This person named Randy, I'll take care of it for the next month."

The administrator quickly checked the balance in Shen Xiuyun's crystal card, then smiled, and helped Shen Xiuyun register with a very respectful attitude.

In this way, Shen Xiuyun squandered all the salary he had saved for two months at the Solomon Arena overnight, as well as the bonuses from hundreds of competitions.

At the same time, in the suite of the arena, Randy swallowed the pill with his head up, but held the sword tightly with the other hand. General swordsmanship. Stabbing, picking, chopping, chopping... He almost poured his entire soul into it, and kept repeating this set of actions until the familiar burning sensation hit his lower abdomen, his legs became weak, and his body began to sweat profusely. He still didn't stop. He didn't dare to stop, like a crazy person who only focused all his thoughts on one thing. Because he was afraid that once he stopped, he would forget that he was an independent and dignified person.

Soon, the title of wild ghost became famous again in the Solomon Arena. But this time it's not because of strong combat power and fast upgrade speed, but because of... romantic.

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