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When Joseph led people to the planet Solomon, Luo Jia also arrived at the Solomon space station first as the commander of the mission corps and the prince. With him came His Royal Highness Maynoos, the second prince.

When Lorgar and Maynoos arrived on Solomon, there were still a large number of residents on the space station, all of whom were restless because they couldn't leave Solomon. When people saw the royal special spaceship, which was almost the size of a military warship, slowly descending in the dazzling energy light, they were not only surprised, but also in awe, but after a short shock, the crowd quickly rioted again, and the crowd of people poured towards the moorage one after another, and the Imperial troops in charge of guarding had to stand fully armed at the exit to form a human wall, in case someone was not good for the prince.

Soon, the blue energy light of the royal spaceship disappeared, the hatch of the spaceship opened, and Luo Jia, who was dressed in military uniform, and Maynous, who was dressed in elegant clothes, walked down from above, and the escort soldiers of the space station immediately stepped forward, wanting to escort the two princes from the VIP passage safely, but Luo Jia waved his hand and refused, signaling the guards to get out of the way and take the ordinary exit. The guards hesitated, and finally had to accept the prince's order to open the formed human wall and make way for the passage.

Lorga walked out into the crowd alone. Perhaps it was because of the domineering momentum on his body that did not allow people to be disobeyed and violated, but no one dared to really push forward, and people automatically stepped back, leaving a small open space for the Seventh Prince, and the noisy crowd gradually quieted down.

"I'm sorry that the government's mishandling led to this chaos, and on behalf of Parliament and the royal family, I apologize to every citizen of Solomon, and after this incident is resolved, the government will open a property damage subsidy declaration, hoping to make up for the personal and property losses of citizens to a certain extent." Luo Jia stood in the crowd, and after saying this, he leaned over slightly, and bowed to the people present.

"From now on, I will always be here with you, you are cold, I am cold with you, you are hungry, I am hungry with you, you suffer from the flesh, I stand with you to see who wants to take advantage of this opportunity to disturb the order of the planet. I will stay with you until the heating system on Planet Solomon is restored, until everyone is no longer in danger of freezing to starvation, and until everything is back on track.

Luo Jia's words were not high-pitched, but he was calm and powerful, calm and resolute, and people couldn't help but feel that he was reliable and willing to trust their prince. As long as the prince of Luojia comes, everything will not be afraid", as if it was contagious, it quickly spread among the crowd.

Feeling the change in the mood of the people, Luo Jia smiled slightly, glanced at the second prince standing behind him, and quipped: "Maybe after several major mistakes of the mission corps before, everyone has lost trust in the mission corps, but even if everyone doesn't want to believe me, they will never refuse the 500,000 pieces of thermal clothing and the energy bread of the whole half of the spaceship brought by His Royal Highness Menopus, right?"

His Royal Highness Maynoos, who had red hair, smiled and waved his hand and gave a flying kiss to the crowd. The crowd could hear some young women gasping and screaming with excitement.

In the Interstellar Empire, His Royal Highness the Second Prince's face is like an imperial coin, everyone loves flowers and flowers, whether it is Omega, Beta, or even Alpha, there are his infatuators and suitors. Some merchants will also offer a statue of His Royal Highness Maynoos in their homes, and pray silently before doing business in order to prosper in wealth.

The appearance of heartthrob Maynoos Saobao suddenly made Prince Luojia lose his luster, and the atmosphere of the entire space station was relaxed. I have to say that the arrival of the two princes has brought some peace of mind to the people of Planet Solomon, who are on the verge of collapse. In the next few days, the two worked together perfectly, one was responsible for reorganizing the troops, suppressing the thugs who took advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, and at the same time repairing several important heating passes, and the other was responsible for throwing money around, giving all kinds of materials as if they were not fatal, and then giving the second prince's charismatic public relations, charming smile and seductive restrictive voice, and soon smashed people out with sugar-coated cannonballs.

It didn't take long for an imminent planetary upheaval to be suppressed by Loga. The media began to hype up the news again, but because the previous news was tightly concealed, Luojia's achievements this time were discounted. But when the people of the empire learned that even the hard bones that Planet Solomon had not dared to touch when Catheron was in power before had been gnawed down by the prince of Loga, they still admired the youngest prince. All of a sudden, Luojia's popularity among the people swelled again.

However, after Loga resolved the riots on Planet Solomon, he was not happy. Because he didn't even find out. What is the reason, it is just the closure of a small Solomon Arena, which has caused such a big mess, who is making trouble behind it, he has never felt a shadow from beginning to end.

Ten days after entering the planet Solomon, the planet's order was basically restored, and Joseph, who had been out of contact with Lorgar, finally returned to the planet's temporary headquarters.

Logar had not closed his eyes for several days, and had just laid down to sleep for less than half an hour, when he heard the report that General Joseph had returned, he immediately got up from his bed in a military uniform and hurried to the headquarters in three steps and two steps.

Seeing that Joseph was not injured except that his face was not very good, Lorgar couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

"Joseph, what happened? Are all of you back?

Joseph was about to open his mouth to tell Lorgar about the strange thing he had experienced before, when his communicator beeped twice, it was a message, Joseph pressed it, originally wanted to look at it again after a while, but he glanced at it casually between the screen flashing and disappearing, but the whole person suddenly froze, and then slowly, with a trembling finger, he pressed the communicator again, only to see a message with a hidden source, and a picture on it, Sitting in his study, Prince Omega was reading the news, and the image was so high that it could be zoomed in to the point where even the time on the news page that Shasar was reading on his PDA. The time shown above, this is ten minutes ago from now.

There is also a sentence attached to the picture: If you don't want to lose him, don't talk nonsense.

For a moment, Joseph felt like his heart was about to stop beating, his scalp was numb, every nerve in his body was twitching and twisting, and his throat and eyes seemed to be on fire, and the pain was unpleasant.

"Joseph?" Seeing that Joseph was silent, Lorgar asked again.

It took two shouts in quick succession for General Alpha to regain his senses, and when he looked at Lorgar again, his eyes bloodshot.

Lorgar narrowed his eyes slightly, watching for a moment at every change in Joseph's expression.

"It's nothing, it's just nothing, nothing has been found, I'm sorry." Joseph reluctantly twitched the corners of his lips, not daring to meet Lorgar's gaze, "Lorgar, I'm a little tired, can I rest for a while?"

"Oh? Are you sure you haven't found anything? Lorgar's eyes sank, he looked at Joseph and asked again.

"Well, I didn't find out." Joseph said.

Lorgar was silent for a moment, then finally sighed, patted Joseph on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, you go down and rest, and take care of your body."

Joseph got permission and immediately left the headquarters, and his steps were so hurried that he even bumped into a few soldiers along the way, and the soldiers of several mission regiments were frightened when they saw General Joseph's almost murderous gaze, and they said to themselves what was wrong with this commander.

After waiting for Joseph to leave, Lorgar sat in the headquarters for a while, and soon received a report from his subordinates.

"You mean...... Did General Joseph travel to Rama in a spaceship? Luo Jia put down the communicator, thought for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly lit up, and he hurriedly grabbed the communicator and contacted the mission corps headquarters of Planet Rama.

"Send someone to go to General Joseph's palace immediately and secretly to protect His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince! Immediately! Sitting

back in the commander's seat, Luojia's face was extremely bad, his fists couldn't help but clench slowly, and his dark eyes were obliterated by anger.

Who the hell is it! How dare you attack the people around him?! And who is behind the riot on Planet Solomon this time?!

Roga sat alone in the dimly lit Headquarters, exhausted from days of sleep, but he had to keep thinking and not allow for a moment to relax. Closing his eyes and frowning tightly, Luo Jia leaned back in his chair and held his head in deep thought, slowly straightening out all his thoughts, and finally all the lines pointed to one place, the Solomon Arena. The reason why he will be a competitor in Solomon's Arena is not only because he wants to take the opportunity to get close to that person, but also because he knows that this is Caesaron's property and wants to take the opportunity to drag him into the water. But now that Caesaron has fallen, Solomon's Arena is still standing, and it is even protected by the patriarchs of the council. From this point of view, this Solomon Arena is no longer so simple.

Who is the master behind Solomon?

Lorgar picked up the communicator again and connected to a confidant officer who had been sent to follow the Grand Prince Catheron.

"How is His Highness Caesaron doing?" Loga asked.

However, the voice of the officer on the opposite side was a little lacking: "Report to Your Highness, we ...... We have lost the trace of His Highness Caesaron.


"His Highness Caesaron, he ...... He's missing!

"Why didn't you report back to me sooner!"

"It's just what happened today, we, we can't be sure ...... yet" "

Send someone to track it down immediately, and be sure to find His Royal Highness the Great Prince!"


Solomon Arena is back in business. Business is even better than before. Even because of what is happening here, many people who were not interested in competitive duels come here to join in the fun.

Shen Xiuyun continued to come back to compete, but this time, if he met those more powerful competitors, he would not be injured and bleeding again. It didn't take long to climb the one hundred and twenty floors and be qualified to use the mecha training room.

The first time he walked into the training room and saw a real mecha, the kind of shock that hit the bottom of his heart, Shen Xiuyun will never forget it for the rest of his life. The humanoid mechanical weapons that shimmered like works of art, each three or four stories high, stood silently in the empty training room, mercilessly and coldly defied the small flesh of the human being, and made any human standing in front of it sigh with hope.

These are just the most ordinary mechas, those high-level mecha that only existed in the war years, and even intelligent mechas, but now no one will bother to produce them at all, they have long become historical memories along with the gunpowder years.

Shen Xiuyun was in the training hall and applied for a mecha from the intelligent robot and entered the independent mecha room. Open the mechanical cabin and enter the mecha, with a sense of awe to look around the button joysticks and various electronic function configurations in the mecha cabin, the 3D data that used to be only able to be browsed on the web is now controlled by your own hands, which can't help but make people feel unreal. People who practice martial arts have a natural instinct to worship power in their bones, and this kind of individual combat auxiliary weapon, which represents the strongest level of human beings, will easily fascinate a person like Shen Xiuyun, who was born as an assassin.

The training room offers a total of 10 levels of mecha training. Starting from the most basic operation exercises, Shen Xiuyun chose the first level in the intelligent system of the training room. Level 1 training is just to be familiar with the operating procedures and methods, and to be able to manipulate the mecha to make the simplest walking, running, bouncing, spinning, kicking and punching. Shen Xiuyun has a natural ability to comprehend martial arts, even if he comes from a distant time and space, without the high-tech cultivation of other peers in this world for more than ten years, he still mastered the basic operation essentials of the mecha very quickly.

About two hours later, Shen Xiuyun had already passed all the first-level mecha training tests, and was about to continue the second-level test, but unexpectedly, the electronic voice in the mecha cabin prompted: "Your physical strength is insufficient and you can no longer control the mecha, please exit the mecha and adjust before operating." As soon as the electronic voice was finished, the mecha cabin automatically opened, teleporting Shen Xiuyun out.

Shen Xiuyun was a little puzzled at first, feeling that he was obviously normal, why would he say that his physical strength was insufficient. Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the mecha, he suddenly felt as if his body had been drained of strength, and he couldn't even stand.

Since the human race entered the second evolution, mecha warriors have always been only served by Alpha, and the main reason is that Alpha is very physically strong, has high stamina, and can drive mecha for a long time, while Beta and Omega are almost impossible to become mecha warriors. That's why the Alpha was able to reach the top of the pyramid of power in the end, because they had the absolute power of the human world.

Shen Xiuyun hadn't tasted such weakness for a long time, and this powerless condition made him feel deeply uneasy. To be stronger, to be stronger, the thought came out of my head again. He couldn't help but be secretly frightened, the success that has always made him too underestimated, although he doesn't know why the current Alpha is as vulnerable as a rice bucket, but the legend of the Alpha mecha warrior two hundred years ago is still in his ears, at first he didn't care, until he tried to operate the mecha himself, and he understood the insurmountable gap between the two different populations of Alpha and Omega.

Not all Alphas are straw bales, just talking about His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince, Shen Xiuyun can't guarantee that he can beat him.

As long as he thought of his Omega body, this weakness limited to racial differences, and the reason why he was the one who made him such a person and live in such a world, Shen Xiuyun hated it again and hated it too much. was used by others in his previous life, but he was congenitally weak in this life, and the double anger was superimposed on the same person, which made Shen Xiuyun desperate to treat others in his own way, so that person could also taste the bitter consequences of being used by others and being forced to become a weak.

Thinking like this, Shen Xiuyun slowly walked out of the training room by holding on to the wall, but was suddenly grabbed by a strong hand on his arm, Shen Xiuyun looked sideways, His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince, who had not been seen for many days, was still graceful.

Luo Jia wrapped one of Shen Xiuyun's arms around the back of his neck and put his arms around his waist to hold him.

"I will have this problem for the first time in mecha training, and next time I must pay attention to controlling my physical strength and use time, otherwise I will hurt my body." Luo Jia carried Shen Xiuyun all the way to his room, and reminded him, "You have to pay attention to that mecha energy slot, generally speaking, the relationship between your physical energy consumption speed and the mecha's energy consumption speed is one to ten.

Along the way, Shen Xiuyun listened to Luo Jia tell him a lot of basic knowledge of mechas, and it wasn't until Luo Jia sent him back to the room that Shen Xiuyun lightly hooked the corners of his mouth and said, "Thank you for your advice."

Luo Jia placed Shen Xiuyun on the sofa, sat opposite him, looked at Shen Xiuyun, and suddenly asked, "Xiuyun, do you like to drive mechas?"

Shen Xiuyun snorted and leaned back on the sofa to close his eyes and rest.

Luo Jia looked at Shen Xiuyun in a daze for a while, and sighed: "It's a pity that we were born at the wrong time. If it was two hundred years ago, when mecha training rooms were everywhere and mecha warriors were scarce, you might have been able to get in touch with these earlier, or maybe you could ...... There is no need to repeat such a path.

Shen Xiuyun didn't react, as if he was so tired that he fell asleep.

Luo Jia walked up to him gently, looked at the face hidden under the disguise, and lost his mind for a moment, and his hand involuntarily touched the face.

"One day, you will be able to face everyone in this world with your true face, and you will no longer need to pretend, and you will no longer be a murderer without blinking. Someday...... Xiuyun, I'll always look at you......" Luo Jia looked at Shen Xiuyun's face and muttered to himself, and finally leaned over in a daze. When the extremely soft lips touched his mouth, Luo Jia suddenly realized what he was doing.

Recently, he has been under too much pressure, and he has indulged himself so much that he has lost even the most basic self-control.

Luo Jia immediately stood up separately from Shen Xiuyun, calmed down his ups and downs, covered Shen Xiuyun with a quilt and left in a hurry, as if he was afraid that he would be killedIt's like stumbling on your feet.

After he left, Shen Xiuyun still didn't react.

This time, he was literally asleep.

And at the same time, the top of the arena.

Since being taken away by the military, Van Stead has accumulated a lot of official business to deal with, and at this time he is receiving reports from the latest batch of subordinates sent out to carry out tasks.

"Have you already transferred all those Omega test subjects?" Van Stead asked.

"Back to Mr. Green, all transferred smoothly." In front of Van Stead stood a black-faced man, his voice very hoarse
"Well, that's good." Van Stead smiled and nodded.

The Imperial Army had also come in several waves before, but none of them found any clues to the missing omega that had been hyped up in the news. But now that the Seventh Prince has brought his troops, he has been forced to take the risk of transferring the test subject. Fortunately, he learned the news in advance, and he was able to dispose of all the key things before this highness came down.

But...... Speaking of the Seven Princes......

Van Stede's pupilless eyes narrowed with interest.

In just a few months after taking over the mission corps, the Seven Princes acted vigorously and resolutely, adopting the strategy of changing generals and not changing troops, transferring across planets, breaking up, mixing, killing chickens and setting an example, and a series of military management methods were tossed down, this mission corps seemed to be reborn, not only the combat effectiveness was greatly improved, but even the forces inside had a big reshuffle, and the key positions were all replaced by the Seven Princes' own people. This incident on Planet Solomon is just a small test of the waters, and it can be regarded as the first exercise. Originally, this turmoil could turn into a local star war, and they could also take advantage of the chaos to take advantage of it, but they didn't expect that they would be suppressed by the Seventh Highness so easily.

Seemingly...... The Seven Princes, who are outstanding in heaven, can't stay......

In contrast, it is still the eldest prince who is more worry-free.

Van Sted looked at the report on the table, the smile on his lips became more and more weird, his figure was reflected on the wall behind him, suddenly, the figure on the wall changed, from the position of Van Sted's head, there were two slender and long things, but the thing was fleeting, and soon returned to normal, as if it was just an illusion.

The black-faced man standing in front of him was unresponsive, silent as a dead man, not even breathing. Van Stead didn't speak, and neither did he.

Until Van Stead asked again, "What about that pure-blood Omega?" The

black-faced man replied, "I just came out of the mecha training room, and now I'm back in my room."

"Did he ever use that medicine?"

"Judging from the results of the competitive competition, it is better than before, and the number of injuries has been greatly reduced, so it should have been used."

"Good, find a way to get him to use more." Van Ste Dao. "I can't wait to see what the pureblood looks like."


"People want to be stronger, let alone an Omega?" Van Sted said, glancing at the man standing in the corner of the room.

"I heard that the Seven Princes also entered the Arena of Solomon, are the two of them together?"

The black-faced man replied, "Together."

Van Sted raised his eyebrows in interest, and the smile in his eyes deepened, "Very good, it seems that before dealing with the Seven Princes, it is time to have a game to see how much he cares about that Omega."

At this time, the voice of the communicator suddenly sounded on the person standing in the corner of the room, and the person who had been motionless from beginning to end picked up the communicator, listened to it for a while, then put down the communicator, walked up to Van Stede, and said, "Mr. Green, the Grand Prince Cathera has asked to see you." "

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