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What surprised Shen Xiuyun was that the Omega in gorgeous clothes who was held hostage by him with a dagger was not afraid, but instead smiled softly.

"People outside are saying that the Omega who escaped from Mezuo Base appears again, committed a major crime in the Imperial Military Hospital and escaped into Klepa Palace. I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't expect it, but it is true." Sino As he spoke, he raised the corners of his beautifully curved lips, turned his head slightly, and glanced at the person behind him. He is worthy of being the most favored person in Caesarron's harem. Just this charming smile can make any Alpha fall in love with him.

"Don't talk too much if I didn't ask you." Shen Xiuyun warned coldly, slowly tightening the dagger. Xino raised his head obediently, and his fragile white neck was exposed to the sharp blade without any reservation. There was no fear in his eyes, but his smile became deeper and deeper, with a kind of madness that was desperate for life.

"Being able to see the legendary figures in Omega so close, even if I die, is actually quite worth it."

Shen Xiuyun looked at Xino in silence, and then slowly let go of him.

"Oh? What? You're not going to point the knife at me? Aren't you afraid that I'll call someone now?" Xino touched his neck where Shen Xiuyun pinched him with a faint bruise, and asked teasingly.

Shen Xiuyun retracted the dagger, his expression unchanged, "I've seen you."

Xino raised an eyebrow.

"You were taking a shower at that time." After saying this, Shen Xiuyun paused and looked meaningfully up and down at Xino, "And, you also took medicine."

Xino's expression changed.

This was his secret. Every time he was favored by Caesaren, he would secretly clean himself with contraceptive powder while taking a bath, so as to minimize the chance of Omega becoming pregnant. However, this kind of medicine is banned in the empire. Once Omega, especially the royal family's Omega, is found to be used without authorization, he will be severely punished for crimes that endanger human survival. In the worst case, he may even be forced to give birth. For an Omega It will be a never-ending nightmare.

"What would you do if the eldest prince knew about this?" Shen Xiuyun asked.

Xino's eyes suddenly darkened, and he said quietly: "I thought your sword was only aimed at Alpha." "

I am."

"Then why do you threaten your kind?" "

Because I need your help now."

" You can bring it up directly. I am very willing to provide help to a similar person who dares to point his sword at Alpha..." "

I don't trust you."

"We both belong to the Omega species."

"So what?

" When he spoke again, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the indifferent man in front of him. He was wearing a black and white valet uniform, but he didn't look humble at all. He is very young and looks like he has just grown up. He is extremely beautiful, even more outstanding than him, the eldest prince's "only favorite". However, these vain appearances are not covered up by the domineering aura he exudes. Shao is like a peerless magic weapon. When people first look at it, they are attracted by the cold and gleaming blade. Secondly, they notice the intricately decorated gems on the handle.

"What if I don't admit it? You have no evidence, what else can you use to threaten me?" Xino narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"An inhibitory substance in the contraceptive powder circulates in the human body for three months. As long as the news of your taking the medicine reaches the ears of that prince, and he gives you a blood sample, the ingredients of the medicine will naturally be detected. "

At this time, a somewhat hoarse voice came from behind the sofa. Xino followed the sound and found a thin Omega standing up with difficulty supporting the back of the sofa. Although he looked very weak, his eyes were bright, like a ferocious cub, although his claws had not yet grown. Complete, but the true nature has been revealed.

Xino was surprised, "Bai Mo?"

Bai Mo looked at Xino and smiled, "Senior, long time no see."

"How did you..."

"It's a long story, no need to ask more." Bai Mo just hid in desperation. Behind the sofa, the hard floor made him uncomfortable. His body had some muscle atrophy due to being in bed for a long time, and it was difficult to move. It took a lot of effort to climb onto the sofa. "I didn't hear the senior's voice just now. I'm sorry."

Shen Xiuyun glanced at Bai Mo and suddenly asked: "Did you give him the powder at Meizuo Base? Did you make it?"

Bai Mo cocked proudly. Lip smiled and no longer needed to answer. But in his heart, he secretly admired Shen Xiuyun's amazing insight.

There was a brief silence between the three of them, until a burst of high-fives and cheers rang out, "He is indeed a person who can give the Imperial Army a headache. You even managed to win over a talent like Bai Mo. In this case, we are all on the same page now." We're on the ship. Do you want to leave Klepa Palace? Okay, I'll help you." Xino looked at

Shen Xiuyun with a smile, his pale golden hair shining softly under the light, and his blue eyes were no longer The gloomy and empty place seemed to suddenly glow with a jewel-like brilliance.

"After the matter is completed, I owe you a favor." Shen Xiuyun weighed for a moment and finally said to Xino.

Xino: "A favor? How can I repay it? Help me kill someone?"

Shen Xiuyun asked: "Who?"

Xino raised his lips and smiled: "Of course it's the person I don't like."

Bai Mo He looked at Shen Xiuyun and teased Xino: "Then you may have to increase the price. Just a favor is not enough." Xino nodded, "Don't worry, even to save money, I am willing to become your ally." ."

Just when

the three people temporarily became allies and reached cooperation for their own different purposes, a distinguished inspector was welcomed into the general control room of Klepa Palace.

"Luo, Your Highness Luojia, do you have any orders?" The person in charge of the monitoring room ran out to greet him in fear.

"It's nothing. There's a lot of noise outside today, and His Majesty's birthday party is in three days. I'm here to see if there is any problem." Luojia walked into the surveillance rooms one by one to inspect, and glanced at the surveillance screens all over the wall. Stop carefully in some remote stairwells and room corridors.

"Reporting to Your Highness, everything is normal and no problems were found."

"Really?" Luojia raised the corner of his mouth, and a hint of softness that he was not aware of flashed through his sharp eyes. "That's good. It's good that I didn't find anything." ."

As expected of that person, he did not disappoint. As long as he doesn't want anyone to find this huge Klepa Palace, what can anyone do?

After leaving the monitoring room, Luojia passed by the courtyard again, and the familiar pair of black eyes reflected in his mind. No matter what happened, they were so calm and ruthless. Even at the moment of death in the previous life, those eyes had never seen anyone, never looked at anyone, never looked at him.

The communicator rang again, and Luojia opened it to check. It was a news feed. The incident at the Imperial Military Hospital took place only a few hours ago, and relevant news and comments are everywhere now. Judging from the trend of public opinion, it is very unfavorable to Shen Xiuyun. He is almost unanimously described as a murderer with a bad influence, while the respected Professor Feige is deeply remembered. Even if a few voices occasionally jumped up and talked about the Omega experiment, they were quickly drowned in the tide of criticism.

Luojia probably flipped through the news, his eyes darkened, and a cold smile appeared on his lips. At this time, he happened to walk to the flower bed where Shen Xiuyun and Bai Mo had been hiding. He bent down and picked up a silver-gray button from the flowers. It was a decorative button on Shen Xiuyun's isolation coat, with a plate on it. The patterns and carvings reveal a bit of ancient flavor. Luojia held the cold button in his warm palm until the warmth from his palm was transferred to it little by little, making it equally warm. Then he carefully put the button into his pocket.

In the last life, he couldn't do it right, and he ended up dying in his own hands. It would be difficult to make up for it. Then, in this life, let him watch him and walk on a completely different path. No matter what the price, he just wanted him to get what he wanted most in his previous life - freedom where he could see it.

However, at this time, His Highness the Seventh Prince ignored one of the most critical issues:

If he had to stay where his eyes could see, could it still be called freedom?

Three days later, Emperor Kemis celebrated his birthday.

The entire Klepa Palace was immersed in a festive atmosphere. The main entrance of the palace was wide open and there was a lot of traffic. The invited nobles all dressed up to attend, and all the prominent figures in the imperial political arena gathered here. The mission corps responsible for protecting the royal family dispatched three entire corps to maintain security. All media reporters were kept far away from the outside, and could not get close. Only countless flashlights flickered unwillingly in the dark night, taking some specious and catchy photos.

As the eldest son of the royal family, Caesaren held a large number of soldiers. As the master, he wore a prince's uniform and stood in the main hall to greet the guests in place of the old emperor Kemis. He was high-spirited and arrogant.

Shen Xiuyun and Bai Mo have been hidden in Xi Nuo's residence for the past three days. Under Shen Xiuyun's training, Bai Mo's physical condition has recovered very quickly, and now he can walk slowly and independently.

The time to escape from the palace is tonight, and everything goes according to plan.

Xino had already followed Caesaren to the dinner, while Bai Mo was lying at the window, looking at the dim lights in the distance, and murmured to Shen Xiuyun: "All the nobles are gathered here today. If something goes wrong, the imperial political circles But the loss is not small."

Although the content of the words expressed concern, the tone gave the impression that he was particularly hoping for something to happen.

Shen Xiuyun didn't say anything, but just checked several weapons he carried, and silently glanced at the communicator on the table, which was left for them by Xino before he left.

The communicator rang. Shen Xiuyun opened it, looked at the message, deleted it, and called Bai Mo. The two of them got ready and set off to the main banquet hall. When passing a mirror at the door, the appearance of the two people at this time was reflected. Bai Mo's appearance did not change, he still looked like himself, but Shen Xiuyun disguised himself as a strange young man.

Nine p.m.

The main hall of Klepa Palace is brightly lit with bright lights. The melodious dance music echoed in the night sky, and there were glasses of wine, red lips, fine wine, the talk and laughter of the nobles, and the sparkle of gorgeous crystal stones.

The back door of the banquet hall leads to a deep garden. A huge curtain is erected in the fountain to simulate a space fantasy. Rotating stars and passing meteors are looming and hidden behind the water curtain. They are graceful and charming, embellishing the silent night with romantic colors.

At this time, two figures walked out of the ballroom and came to the fountain.

"What on earth do Xino want me to come here for? Aren't you afraid that His Highness Caesaren will be jealous when he sees you?" the handsome man said with a smile. He stood upright and wore a gorgeous and luxurious cloak. Although he faced the person in front of him, Omega men are polite, but they still can't hide the arrogance and frivolity in their expressions.

"Master Hughes, don't you think the air inside is too bad? I just want to get some fresh air here." The beautiful man said in a calm tone, neither humble nor arrogant, nor far nor near, which made people look at the heart. itch.

Hughes looked around to make sure there was no one, then stretched out his hand, gently pinched Xino's chin, and flirted in a low voice: "Oh? Breathing? Then why do you have to come to me?" Xino pushed away

. The man who was getting closer and closer glanced away and turned away, "I'm tired and want to find a place to rest." Hughes was so

agitated by the suggestive eyes that he almost stopped breathing. It took him a long time. After coming back to his senses, he hurriedly followed.

Xino's eyes darkened when he heard the footsteps behind him. When he reached a hidden place, he heard a rustling sound behind him and the muffled scream of a man whose mouth was covered. He struggled a few times and soon disappeared. sound. A sneer slowly appeared on Xino's lips, he turned around, looked at Shen Xiuyun who had already taken off the man's cloak, and whispered: "The next step is up to you."

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