ch 25

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Fifteen minutes later, Shen Xiuyun was escorted to the landing pad of the imperial army's aircraft near the palace.

There were more than a dozen aircraft parked on the landing pad, and Shen Xiuyun was brought to one of the spacecraft, and Caesarron handed him a bag of crystals as promised.

Shen Xiuyun opened the bag and took a look, as an inspection.

Caesarron said in a deep voice: "Now everything you want is given to you, what about the formula for the antidote?"

Shen Xiuyun said: "No hurry, when I get on the spaceship, I will hand over the formula for the antidote to His Royal Highness. "

Lorgar stood next to Caesaron, and he didn't speak any more from the palace to here, but his eyes couldn't move away from Shen Xiuyun. Until this moment, he finally said: "You said poison The properties of the medicine only take effect within two hours, and now I only have one prescription, is it too late?"

Shen Xiuyun looked at Luo Jia, and the two looked at each other.

Shen Xiuyun: "Don't worry, your life will be safe."

Luo Jia hooked the corner of his lips, "Okay, I hope I won't be disappointed."

After Shen Xiuyun boarded the spaceship, he checked it from beginning to end to make sure. There were no Tibetans up there, so we went back to the cabin door. At this time, the spacecraft has entered the start-up mode, and the stern power injector is activated, emitting a uniform light blue energy light. The screw machine at the bow rotated rapidly, and the fan blades brought up bursts of air.

Shen Xiuyun stood at the door of the cabin. As the spaceship gradually rose, he looked down at the soldiers of the Imperial Army on the ground. Suddenly, he raised his hand and threw a metal medicine box down.

Lorgar reached out to catch it.

This medicine box is exactly the medicine box that Shen Xiuyun used to contain Omega's medicine for simulating estrus.

Lorgar opened the medicine box, only to see a note stuffed inside.

At the same time, the wind on the landing pad suddenly increased, and the spaceship spun in place and soared into the air, with gusts of strong wind blowing the cloaks of Caesarron and Lorgar. The bright blue protective cover instantly activated, wrapping the streamlined outer wall of the spaceship, emitting a dazzling light, forcing people to barely open their eyes.

The hatch of the spaceship closed slowly, bit by bit covering up the black and thin figure.

Among the red clouds in the sky at dusk, the golden and blue rays of light complement each other.

Caesarron looked at the spacecraft that was gradually moving away from the ground, his eyes darkened, he couldn't help snorting coldly, and told the people around him: "Notify the fifth and sixth divisions of the First Corps, and start action immediately. Be sure to give me the man before he leaps into space." Bring it back!"

Lorgar also looked back at Joseph at this time, and Joseph nodded to him and made an OK gesture.

Only then did the Seventh Prince open the note in the medicine box.

But there was only one line written on it:

Your Highness Seventh, we will meet indefinitely.

Three minutes later, Caesarron's communicator rang again.

Caesarron turned on the communication device, but what he saw was the panicked face of the sub-head of the First Corps.

" His Royal Highness Caesarron, we have intercepted the spaceship. But... there is no one on the spaceship." "What?!" Caesaren's eyes widened, "Say it again?!" "Spaceship


spaceship There is no one on board, it is using autopilot mode!"

At this time, Joseph, who was standing far behind the two princes, also covered one ear with his hand, turned slightly sideways, bowed his head in silence for a while, his brows slightly wrinkled. When Joseph saw Lorgar's gaze, he just shook his head with an expression of disbelief on his face.

How could there be no one? How can this be? ! They clearly watched that Omega board the spaceship with their own eyes, and saw the hatch close with their own eyes!

His Highness Caesarron was holding back his anger, and finally broke out at this moment. He scolded the subordinates in the communicator, and then directly dropped the communicator. None of the surrounding subordinates dared to intervene, for fear of becoming the fish in the pond who was affected by the eldest prince's anger.

"Brother, I'm going to find someone to make an antidote right now, so let's go first." Lorgar said.

At this moment, Caesarron remembered that he still had a younger brother whose life was hanging by a thread.

"Then the prescription is all right?" Caesarron asked.

"Well, it should be fine."

"It's fine, just go, your safety is the top priority now." Caesarron patted Lorgar's shoulder with a concerned look.

Lorgar nodded to the First Prince, and directly led his people away from the landing pad.

Joseph walked beside Lorgar, still looking serious, "I thought I could stop people, but I didn't expect the spaceship to be empty. Damn, how did he do it! By the way, there is nothing wrong with the formula..." Joseph Ser stopped talking halfway, and suddenly looked suspiciously at his best friend.

"No, what's your expression? Why don't you seem to be in a hurry?"

Lorgar glanced at Joseph, smiled and said nothing.

"Hey, that little Omega didn't stuff a love letter for you in his medicine box, did he? Or have you already been poisoned? Is this a sign of death?" "There's no poison on

that man's sword at all."

"Huh? What?" Joseph was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up and threw himself on Lorgar and strangled his neck, "Okay, you, are you fucking kidding me! You fucking scared me to death, you know! Say it! Did you know it from the beginning!"

Lorgar had a wound on his body, and after being pressed so lightly by Joseph, the wound was torn open again, and he frowned in pain, taking advantage of Joseph's unpreparedness, mercilessly directly An over-the-shoulder throw threw him to the ground, and he looked down at his injured arm, and the blood fainted again.

"He was really intent on killing me at the beginning, and cut my arm when he came up. If the sword was really poisonous, why didn't he retreat immediately after failing to get it, instead he continued to pester me endlessly?"

Yue Se got up from the ground, spit out the mud that he ate into his mouth, "Okay, it's a big deal like us, and we have a house wine with your seventh prince. Why, I really like that Omega?"

"Do you think I have the heart to think about these things now?"

"Tsk tsk, that's not necessarily true. Who doesn't have heat, you can't rely on your left hand for the rest of your life." Knowing that his friend's life was safe, Joseph relaxed his nervousness. He took out a cigarette and lit it with his head tilted. Putting it in his mouth, he suddenly laughed wickedly, "But Caesarron's expression just now was really good-looking, it's just a sight. I don't know how many media reporters are squatting near the landing pad. Thinking about tomorrow's news, tsk tsk, mark I can imagine all the problems...I really sympathize with him."

"Yes, he assassinated the prince in the palace, but he escaped unharmed. That person will probably become famous in the empire soon." Back to Klaipa Palace in the

evening , The study room has long been cleaned.

Lorgar sat alone at the table, and only a crystal lamp on the table was lit in the room. He took out the metal medicine box again, stared at it for a while, and then pulled out the note. The handwriting on it was clear and simple, without any extra fancy, just like the owner of the handwriting, as sharp as a sharp sword.

Seventh Highness, we will meet indefinitely.

Lorgar couldn't help laughing, and in a trance, it seemed that that person appeared in front of him again, wearing a black cloak, holding a metal sword in his hand, his eyes had no warmth, no desire, no desire, no fear, no anger, like a horse on the grassland The lone wolf, alone, has only sharp teeth that can tear flesh and bones.

He slowly folded the note, stuffed it back into the empty medicine box, and put it in his pocket.

Turn the swivel chair to face the huge picture window behind you. The dark red curtains of velvet hadn't been drawn yet, and the Seventh Prince could not help but fall into deep thought as he looked at the vast starry sky outside the window.

What if he escaped?

In addition to procreation, this world does not give Omega a job. How long can a bag of crystals support him?

At the same moment, Shen Xiuyun's face changed, and Shen Xiuyun, who was wearing a shabby gray cloth robe, was hiding in the cargo hold of the F-342 passenger spaceship. The narrow porthole also looks at the vast nebula in the outer space.

I have to admit that if it weren't for His Highness Lorgar today, he couldn't escape so smoothly. Although he only took advantage of the conflicts and struggles among their upper-class nobles. But then again, as a little assassin, he can have such a thorough grasp of the psychology of the upper class of the nobles, and he is also due to the "cultivation" of the seventh prince in his previous life.

Isn't Lorgar really the Seventh Prince of the previous life? Shen Xiuyun was not sure. Because he is uncertain, he cannot kill indiscriminately.

In short, it is best not to see this prince again, because the next time you see him, there will be only two reasons: either to find out that he is the same person as the seventh prince in the previous life. Or, someone bought his life from him.

The spacecraft left Rama Planet, and after two space leaps, it headed for a remote planet in the Interstellar Empire.

After tonight, he will become the famous assassin Shen Xiuyun again.

Everything is the same, with his status, living in this world, if he wants not to be subdued by others, he can only go back to his own profession. Although he hates, although he hates the life with bloody hands, at least he is free.

He hates Alpha, but he won't break his own rules.

So he waited, waiting for those who came to him for selfish admiration, waiting for the first order to arrive.

In the vast universe, the stars are twinkling, far away and lonely, and no one knows where it ends. Tranquility, perhaps the most beautiful gift it can bestow.

Since Shen Xiuyun escaped from Meizuo base, he finally had a chance to rest quietly, leaning on the wooden box behind him, he fell asleep very quickly.

In his sleep, Shen Xiuyun seemed to have returned to his previous life. He was sitting in front of his wooden house drinking in the middle of the night, and there was a man sitting beside him, chatting and laughing happily with him while pushing a cup.

The man said: "Xiuyun, do you want to change your life? I know a friend who can ask him to find you a job in the army and give you a new identity." Shen Xiuyun refused without thinking: " I don't want to.


The man was surprised: "Why?"

Shen Xiuyun drank the wine in the glass, his eyes were drunk, and he smiled indifferently: "I'm not comfortable being restrained." They drank

a lot that night, and Shen Xiuyun finally got drunk, so he didn't remember what the man told him What, in a daze, I only heard four words in the man's sentence -

a lone wolf is hard to live.

But when he woke up the next day, he had no memory at all. And the man had already left.

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