ch 27

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Lorgar pushed Chasar's wheelchair into the living room, then picked him up from the wheelchair, put him on the sofa, arranged his clothes for him, and put a blanket on his knees.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I have encountered so many things since I came back, and I haven't had time to see you." "It's okay

, I know you are busy. If I didn't hear the news that you were assassinated, I wouldn't bother you." Shasar said gently He smiled gently, but when he saw Lorgar's arm, there was a trace of worry in his eyes, "Come here, let me see your injury." "How do you mean to bother me? I haven't seen you for several years, and I want to kill you.

" It's gone." Lorgar knelt on one knee in front of the sofa, letting His Royal Highness Shasar look at his arm, the usual unruliness on his body was gone, like a domesticated beast, its sharp claws were put away, only Soft fleshy palms remain.

Shasar took Lorgar's hand, took off the bandage that was covering the wound on his arm, and looked down carefully.

"Did you get scratched by a metal blade?" Chasar frowned slightly.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"How can I use this medicine? Although this medicine is good for wound healing, it will leave scars when dealing with metal knife wounds." "

I asked them to make it, so it will get better sooner."

Shasa Er glanced at Lorgar disapprovingly, then turned his head to signal, and the intelligent robot following him slowly came over and opened the box on his own initiative, revealing a complete set of simple medical equipment inside. Lorgar's heart warmed when he saw it, knowing that his brother had brought it here specially to treat his wound. Then I saw Chasar put on sterile gloves, took out a few small medicine bottles from the medicine box, reconstituted the medicine for Lorgar to apply on the wound, and then carefully bandaged it up.

Lorgar smiled and said, "I remember that you bandaged me when I was injured. To be honest, I think the medicine you prepared is more effective than the medicine given by the military hospital. By the way, brother, I have been away for a few Are you still studying by yourself?"

"Well, it's actually just reading, otherwise it's fine to be bored in the palace all day."

Lorgar glanced at Shasar's legs, and the smile on his face faded a little.

"Brother, I'll find someone to arrange it. If you like it, you can come to the Legion of Glory as a military doctor." Shasar was seriously treating the wound. Hearing what Lorgar said, he was slightly stunned, but soon hung down

Continue to bandage the eyes, "No need."

Lorja took Shasar's hand, looked up at him and said seriously: "Brother, isn't it your dream to be a doctor since you were a child? Now I have the ability to help you realize it. Just be your doctor." Do what you want."

However, Shasar didn't seem to hear Lorgar's words, he just touched the scabbed wound on his palm, and said to himself: "The wound on the hand is very shallow, and there is no need to apply medicine. It's gone." Then he took off his gloves and buried himself in tidying up the medicine box, as if he deliberately didn't want to continue this topic.

Lorgar frowned, and squeezed Shasar's hand tightly, "Brother!"

Shasar then raised his eyes to Lorgar, saw his serious and stubborn eyes, and couldn't help sighing slightly.

"You have only taken over the Legion of Honor for a year, and the foundation is unstable. I don't want to cause trouble for you. How can Omega go out to work? Isn't this a joke?" "With me around, no one dares to say anything." "Don't be like a



Lorgar stood up from the ground, and the domineering aura on his body exuded again, "Brother, I am no longer a child. Now I have the ability to make you live well and let you do what you want, You don't need to look at other people's eyes to live. You are so talented in medicine, are you going to rot in this palace forever? Don't you even want to try it?" "Lorja, sometimes the more you have, the more intolerable you are.

" You use your emotions." Shasar looks beautiful, giving the impression of a weak and sick beauty, but when he is really serious, his voice is not high, but there is a sense of strength that cannot be ignored. "In this world, you can't do whatever you want. If you stick to inappropriate things at the wrong time, you're just asking for your own death." Lorgar obviously couldn't agree with Shasar's negative argument, and asked instead:

" Brother, do you know what kind of person came to assassinate me this time?" "

I heard that it was the Omega who escaped from the Mei Zuo base, and now there are news about him everywhere."

"That's right, even such a commoner who has nothing dares to risk his life for what he wants. You were born in the royal family, why don't you even have the courage to pursue this? Are you willing to be a waste for the rest of your life like this? "

Lorja!" Shasar's already pale face was even paler now, and he couldn't stand the word "trash" coming out of his favorite brother's mouth.

Lorgar also knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, and regretted in his heart, "I'm sorry, brother. I just want to say that a person who has nothing dares to fight for what he wants, you..." "Lorgar, sometimes, having nothing is nothing

. Our identity determines that we cannot fly freely." Chasar looked at the opposite window and said lightly, "As princes, we are actually lucky enough, so we must also accept the shackles brought by this identity. Don't Too greedy, many people want to change the world, but in the end they just learn to adapt."

After finishing speaking, Shasar rang the communication bell to summon the servants. Lorgar was stunned, and wanted to hug him back to the wheelchair, but Shasar refused.

Lorgar watched Shasar being pushed away by the attendants, lost his mind for a moment, and suddenly clenched his fists, his eyes sank.

Don't be too greedy?

But he is very greedy, what should we do?

But he just doesn't want to live like this now, what should he do?

If adapting to this world means giving up the hatred of his mother being killed, and turning a blind eye to the pain that his brother is going to suffer for a lifetime, then he would rather never adapt!

Is it hard to change the world? Maybe.

But since God allowed him to be born in the royal family, and let him have the power that ordinary people will never be able to match, does that mean that he can do more?

Lorgar walked to the study room and saw the cloak belonging to the Legion of Honor on the back of the high chair. It was printed with an eagle ready to fly, with its head held high. The sharp beak seemed to be able to tear apart all giant The skin and flesh of a ferocious beast hovers and swoops down from a high altitude, capturing prey several times its size, like a sharp sword with its sharp edge out of its sheath, unstoppable.

The old stereotypes cannot be changed, so let's destroy it completely, build a new world, and let him reset the rules!

When Joseph came to Lorgar's bedroom, he saw Shasar leaving from a distance.

"Lorgar, who is that person who just left?"

Because Shasar is the Omega prince and has a disability, the royal family has always concealed his existence intentionally or unintentionally, so even though most people know Emperor Kemis There are seven princes, and the understanding of His Royal Highness Chasar is limited to one name.

"My brother," Lorgar said.

"Your brother? My own brother?"


"His Royal Highness Chasar? But... why is he sitting in a wheelchair?"

"My brother has been in poor health since he was born, and now he has no feeling in his lower body."

Joseph For some reason, his gaze suddenly became a little complicated, and he hesitated and asked: "His Royal Highness Chasar... has always lived in the Klaipa Palace?" "No, before

my mother passed away, he had been recuperating in the Summer Palace. As Lorgar spoke, he suddenly raised his head to look at Joseph, "Why are you so interested in my brother's affairs all of a sudden?

" White Fang smiled.

Lorgar didn't ask any more questions, and Joseph took out a newspaper and threw it on the table.

"What is this?" Lorgar picked up the newspaper and glanced at the headlines, "Didn't the Imperial Daily News dare not report news related to that Omega named Shen Xiuyun under the pressure of Caesaren?" Well

, this time it's not his news, but it made Caesarron even more the laughing stock of the empire. Look here, I really admire that Omega now." Lorgar quickly scanned the part that Joseph pointed to him Reported,

can not help but chuckle out loud.

It turned out that after Shen Xiuyun escaped under Caesarron's nose that day, Caesarron immediately issued a reward order across the country, saying that anyone who could provide clues about that Omega would be rewarded. According to Caesarron's estimate, this Omega has always acted in a high-profile manner, and he doesn't know how to hide his whereabouts at all. He believes that he will appear in front of the public again soon. Therefore, as long as the bounty is large enough, he must not be afraid of not being able to catch him.

Soon, as if deliberately cooperating with Caesarron's speculation, figures in black in the reward orders appeared one after another in various parts of the empire, but when the people of the Mission Corps followed the clues, they discovered that those people in black were all It was pretended by beggars. Some of them didn't even understand why they were arrested, they just said that someone gave them money to walk on the street in this kind of clothes. And according to the confessions of these fake "men in black", the person they described who gave them money looked completely different.

The Mission Corps has been fooled many times in this way, and in the end, no matter how much information they have, they don't bother to believe it anymore. But just the few previous actions have already made the media laugh so hard that they can't hold their heads up. At the same time, another theory began to spread quietly among the people, saying that Omega was a professional killer, claiming that as long as he could afford the money, he could buy the life of any Alpha noble in this world.

This news once aroused heated discussions among the aristocratic class, but most of the aristocratic Alphas just regarded this news as media hype, and laughed it off after hearing it.

"I didn't understand before. With his ability, he was able to escape from Meizuo's base without making a sound. Why did he act so pushy later? It turned out that he wanted to make a name for himself. He used this influence to cleverly Get away." Joseph said, "I have to say that this man is not small in courage and ability. Thanks to Caesarron, people now only recognize this Omega in a black cloak, and his image is deeply rooted in people's hearts. If he changed He looks like he is hiding on an unknown planet, even if the Mission Corps dug three feet into the ground, he would not be able to find him." Lorgar

put down the newspaper, recalling what that person said to him that day.

"I don't think he's all just trying to get away with it."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Maybe he just wants to increase his status." Lorgar said, "He was able to enter the palace and assassinate the prince single-handedly, and finally escaped unscathed, and the trouble was known to the world. The royal family did not suppress the news... Now I don't know how many organizations in the underworld will be interested in him, right?"

Joseph frowned and pondered for a while, "What do you mean? You don't really think those ridiculous rumors are true, do you? Professional killer? Don't be ridiculous, a future He's just an adult Omega, did he really kill someone?"

Seeing that Lorgar didn't respond, but just looked at him, Joseph couldn't help but become serious, "Really? What's his background?" "

I asked you to check about him before. Have you prepared all the materials? Including the ones before he entered Meizuo base."

"Well, here." Joseph said and took out a mobile hard disk and handed it to Lorgar, "It's all here, I still have time to read it I will send it to you."

Lorgar took the hard drive, thought for a while, and said to Joseph: "By the way, I may leave Rama Star in a while, and I will leave it to you for the time being." "Leaving? Where are you going

? Huh?" Joseph raised his eyebrows.

"Solomon's Arena," Lorgar said.

While Lorgar was talking to Joseph, Shasar had already returned to his bedroom. Compared with other Alpha princes, his bedroom is much simpler and shabby.

When Chaser came back, he shut himself in his study. For him, this small room full of old books is a paradise where he can forget his pain and troubles.

The afternoon sun leans in through the dusty glass windows, giving people a warm and soft illusion. Shasar looked at the mountain of paper manuscripts on the desk case. He didn't know how many sleepless nights he sat here and wrote one medical paper after another with hard work, but most of them Some of them can only be dusted here forever, and they will not see the light. A few of them are lucky enough to be published, but they are named after one of his Beta friends.

In fact, it should be enough to be able to do this, right?

Shasar picked up two unfinished papers on the table: "On the Clearability of Omega Markers" and "Pheromone Inhibitors", smiled bitterly, and threw them directly into the shredder .

After nearly ten years of painstaking efforts, seeing them being shattered little by little, Shasar's originally pale face looked even more bloodless. He turned the wheelchair and came to the window. There was a large pot of white roses on the ground in front of the window. This was the favorite flower of him and Lorgar's mother when they were alive.

Chasar still remembers that when he was a child, white roses like these were planted all over the summer palace gardens, and his mother was very happy every time the flowers bloomed. He really wanted to remember his mother's smile at that time, but every time he closed his eyes and wanted to recall carefully, what he heard was her tortured cries and moans.

A call from the communicator woke Shasar from his memory. He glanced at the requester. It was his close friend, Dr. Lauren, who was currently the attending physician of the emergency department in the Imperial Military Hospital.


"Well, Lauren, I'm here."

A young man in white clothes appeared in the projection, wearing glasses, a high nose, and thin lips, giving off an inhuman and cold feeling.

"Oh, I'm here to inform you that the Omega that was sent from Meizuo base is no longer in danger." Lauren said, "Your treatment plan is very effective." "That's good."

Chasar He smiled lightly, "Is he awake?"

"The next thing is the bad news." Lauren pushed his glasses, his tone remained flat, "According to the test data, his physical condition is currently normal. It's just that he's just unconscious, and we've tried many ways, but we can't stimulate his brainwaves to respond." "Is it

psychological rejection?" Shasar frowned slightly,

"It's the same as I thought."

"Military What was the attitude of the Ministry before? Does it mean that as soon as he wakes up, he will be sent back to Meizuo Base?" "

Well, it is said that it is so."

Shasar was silent for a while, and then said again: "Okay, I see, I'll help you find a way."

Lauren nodded at the other end of the screen, stared at Chasar carefully for a while, and said, "You don't look good recently, you should take some

rest ." I really should have invited you out for a meal when I was at Lepa Palace."

"Oh? Why?"

"I was promoted because of your two papers."

"Congratulations." Chasar smiled.

Dr. Lauren wanted to say something, but in the end he hesitated. "Then, have a good rest, bye."

The holographic projection disappeared with the end of the call, and Shasar sat blankly in the wheelchair, still looking at the place where the picture disappeared in front of him. There, together with Lauren in a doctor's suit, disappeared, as well as the medical laboratory behind him, and the window leading to the outside.

The sunlight outside the window was still so bright, but it was a pity that when it shone into the study, it was covered with a layer of dust that could not be wiped off.

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