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The mission corps officer opposite was still criticizing Shen Xiuyun's murderous behavior through the loudspeaker, urging him to immediately let go of the hostages, surrender and plead guilty. Reporters and media from all walks of life blocked under the Imperial Military Hospital building simultaneously reported the scene to major networks and media platforms, and sent it to the public through news. 

Suddenly, Shen Xiuyun's name appeared in the rolling news. It overcame other news and jumped to the top of the list, even overshadowing His Majesty Kemis's 60th birthday.

Many people had heard of Shen Xiuyun before, and they only knew that he was a very capable Omega. He was able to escape from the Meizuo base, break into the palace alone, and attempt to murder the prince. After the incident, he was still surrounded by the imperial army unscathed. In fact, many people were talking about it with the mentality of having fun at the time. At that time, the Omega said harshly that as long as someone could pay, they could buy the life of the noble Alpha from him. 

There were not necessarily many people. Seriously, Shen Xiuyun later became anonymous and gradually faded out of the public eye, and everyone forgot about this man. To this day, when people heard that he actually killed someone, they were not only shocked, but also disgusted with this Omega.

How can one kill someone? As an Omega, if you don't stay in the base and be protected, if you don't wait obediently to give birth to excellent offspring for the Alphas and contribute to the reproduction of mankind, you actually run out, and it's okay to run out, so do whatever you want. Well, he actually came here to kill people. Isn't this just asking for death?

Among the crowd watching at the scene, there were many people who had this idea, and some even said it out loud, with their tone full of contempt and dissatisfaction towards this troublesome Omega.

"But what can Omega do if he escapes? They have no right to work, will they starve to death?" At this time, a young voice sounded from the crowd.

The man who just said that Omega wanted to die was slightly stunned. After searching around, he found a small bean sprout at his feet. This bean is very beautiful, with a pair of big blinking eyes. He looks about four or five years old. He can tell through pheromones that he is a little Omega.

"Asir, didn't I tell you when I was talking, don't interrupt, it's very rude."

Little Douding was picked up by a young Beta man. The Beta man bowed his head and apologized to the man just now, "It's really not polite. I'm sorry, the kid is ignorant, so please don't mind."

The man didn't say anything, he just listened to the kid's words. When he raised his head again and looked at the top floor of the Imperial Military Hospital, there were some different emotions in his eyes.

Xiao Douding's eyes were watery. He waited until everyone around him stopped looking at him, then stretched out his fleshy little chubby arms to hook his brother's neck, lay down in his ear and whispered in his ear: "Brother Joshua, those words Didn't you tell me that? Why don't you let me say it?"

Young Beta raised a finger to his lips and winked at Little Douding, "Shh, this is a secret between us, so we can't Tell others, remember?"

Assir nodded vigorously, Joshua smiled and touched his soft flaxen hair, then raised his head, and also set his sights on the commanding heights of the Imperial Military Hospital, without hugging Assir. He reached into his coat pocket and touched a palm-sized wooden plaque. His fingertips slowly traced the inscription on it, which was the word "cloud".

At the same time, on the top floor of the Imperial Military Hospital, Bai Mo asked Shen Xiuyun if he could find a way to take back the loudspeaker of the leading officer. Shen Xiuyun threw his claws and pulled, and the loudspeaker in the officer's hand had fallen into his hand.

Everything happened so suddenly. The officer spoke righteously against Shen Xiuyun's criminal behavior. He was speaking with great enthusiasm. Suddenly, he felt that his hands were empty. The second half of the words had already slipped out of his mouth. Unfortunately, he did not raise his voice and did not spread. It seemed that he had been trapped. 

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