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The Klepa Palace is always the most beautiful when the sun sets. The white jade walls seem to be stained with a touch of gold powder, and there is an indescribable nobility from the inside out. All falsehood, gloom and ugliness are perfectly hidden under the gorgeous curtains of the nobles. The loss of freedom and equality cannot be seen here, and the whimpering of the losers cannot be heard. There are two worlds inside and outside the wall. People outside the city can only look up and endure it humbly, while people inside the city, under the seemingly arrogant and luxurious appearance, are actually fighting cruelly and bloody.

The winding path paved with crystal stones in the courtyard shone dimly in the sunlight. Two straight young men walked from a distance, chatting in a low voice as they walked towards the main hall of Klepa Palace.

Joseph still had a cigarette in his mouth, his hair was messy, and he was as slovenly and casual as ever. His military uniform was unbuttoned, but this did not hinder his serious military temperament. At this time, Joseph looked a little unhappy and frowned slightly, while the seventh prince Luojia, who was walking next to him, had a leisurely look on his face, looking at the scenery in the courtyard casually, with a calmness and calmness that transcended his age.

There is a large willow tree with tangled roots on the side of the path, with soft silk ribbons hanging down, fluttering in the wind, like a bead curtain made of jade, blocking the way of pedestrians.

The slender and beautiful hands gently pushed aside the willow branches, and the metal cufflinks on the wrists swayed in the sunlight. Luojia's eyes paused slightly when he glanced at a swaying flower bed not far away, and his sharp eyes narrowed.

"Hey, I'm talking about Luojia, are you listening to me?" Joseph was angry and looked at the prince next to him with a gloomy look. Suddenly, he had the feeling that the emperor was not in a hurry to kill the eunuch.


"Both parties in the parliament are dissatisfied with you now, don't you know? And are you out of your mind? You actually told Caesarron that you want to remove the commander of the Glory Legion? Isn't this a rumor? , is it someone else's deliberate fake news, right?" Joseph held a cigarette in his mouth and stared at Luojia, as if he would beat him immediately if he dared to say "no".

"Ah, it's not a rumor, this is true." Luojia glanced at the flower bed for the last time, and finally slowly looked back.

"Did you take the wrong medicine? Don't you know how much effort we put into the military power of the Glory Corps?" "Don't be so

excited. Compared with what we gained, we lost much more, so this little effort is really It's of no importance. Besides," Luojia said with a smile, "Dear Joseph, do you really think we have military power in our hands now?" Joseph was stunned, "

What do you mean?"

"The three major corps of the Imperial Army, the Mission Corps. , the Light Corps, and the Glory Corps. Among them, the Glory Corps is the smallest, with only the 19th, 24th, and 32nd Corps under its command, with a total number of no more than 20,000 people. The only one who can truly obey our orders is you. He has the 19th Corps, and those two corps cannot be used at all. Do you think it is interesting to still hold the position of commander of the Glory Corps?" "Anyway, as long as you are still in this position, you will have the rank of lieutenant general.

At least he will have a vote to represent the military in the parliament, how can he give it up so easily?" Joseph frowned slightly.

"Infinite proximity to power will always give people the illusion that we already have power. In fact, this is not the case. Instead of doing this, it is better to keep a clear mind and know what we deserve." Luojia said this As he spoke, his deep black eyes looked straight at the main hall of Klepa Palace, which leads directly to the throne of His Majesty Kemis.

"Then what do you think is control of the military?"

"Which of the three major corps is the most powerful?" Luojia asked.

"You mean the mission corps?" Joseph raised his eyebrows, took out the cigarette from his mouth, and blew out a puff of smoke, "Don't be ridiculous, you want to touch Caesarron? It seems a little difficult in a short time..." Luojia looked on

. He glanced at Joseph very subtly and smiled slowly: "Let nature take its course, Joseph. Some things should be let nature take its course."

Joseph was confused by Luojia's unclear words. At this time , suddenly heard a communicator ringing.

Luojia put on his earphones, connected only the voice communication, and set it to private mode, so the other party did not jump out of the holographic screen of the correspondent, and only he could hear the voice.

This is Luojia's new habit. In the past, Luojia liked to use video calls with people who were not particularly important. He once said that sometimes you can get useful information for yourself through a person's expression, but recently Joseph found that he has changed No matter who communicated with him, no matter who was present, even if he was his first confidant, Luojia would only use voice communication, and it was in private mode. If it weren't for the friendship between the two people for so many years and their deep understanding of each other, Joseph would have thought that he had lost the trust of Prince Lorgar.

Speaking of which, it seems that since Luojia came back from Solomon Arena, his whole person has changed a lot, becoming more mature and unpredictable. Sometimes, Joseph felt that Luojia was no longer the young general who graduated from the military command academy that he was familiar with. There were even many times when he looked directly into those eyes and felt...afraid.

After Luojia connected to the communicator, he didn't speak and kept listening. He just said "hmm" twice at the beginning and the end, and then closed the line. You can't tell anything just from his expression.

"Joseph, have you read today's social news?" Luojia asked after putting away the communicator.

"News? No, I came straight to see you after leaving the headquarters. What's wrong?" "

The Omega who escaped from Meizuo Base killed a person in the Imperial Military Hospital today."

Joseph was shocked, "That one The one called Shen Xiuyun? He showed up again?" As soon as the words came out, Joseph himself felt strange. His first reaction was just surprise that the escaped Omega appeared again, rather than the death of someone in the Imperial Military Hospital. Such a focus , which is simply too low a price for a senior imperial officer. You know, in their status and position, gossip is far less valuable than a piece of very political information. As if to compensate and cover up, Joseph coughed and asked again: "The doctor who was killed? Who is he?" "

Professor Feige."

"A member of the Academy of Sciences of the Peace Party?"

"That's him."

"It's broken, it's broken. , this time the little Omega got into trouble." Joseph sighed, "Professor Feige is a representative who has always insisted on safeguarding Omega's human rights. Isn't this a slap in the face? How could he go and kill this person? What happened to that Omega now? So, you were caught?"

"No, you escaped." Luojia said, slightly twitching the corners of his mouth.

Joseph whistled, "You're really capable."

"The communication just now was about this matter. According to the people from the mission corps, through analysis of the street surveillance video, the murderer escaped to the delivery truck of Klepa Palace. Come on, people might have sneaked into the palace by now." Luojia said, turning his eyes slightly. At this time, they happened to walk to the side of the flower garden just now, "Furthermore, Caesarron personally ordered that the entire Klepa be destroyed. The palace is under martial law. In the past few days, there won't even be a mosquito inside the palace. It seems it's better not to go out and wander around." "That's right,

Caesaren must be very angry." Joseph said, He paused suddenly and looked to the side, "Huh? Luojia, do you smell... as if there is the smell of Omega's pheromones around here?" "This is

Klepa Palace. Every inch of the land under your feet has... Countless Omegas have passed by, is it strange to smell the scent of Omega?" Luojia said without changing his expression.

"No, I really feel like there is..." Joseph said as he turned his head towards the flower garden, but Luojia grabbed his neck and took a few steps forward.

"Okay, it's getting late. Didn't you say you want to see my brother after dinner? It's best not to leave the palace too late, otherwise you might be in trouble by people from the mission corps."

When it came to Shasar, Joseph's attention was diverted.

"You mean... to go see His Highness Shasar?" Joseph's expression suddenly became a little stiff, his eyes that always looked like he couldn't wake up widened, and even the cigarette in his mouth fell. on the ground.

"Yes, haven't you told me several times? It just so happens that my brother is bored in the palace all day long. We might as well go and talk to him." Luojia saw Joseph's abnormality in his eyes. , smiled lightly, and dragged Joseph away without any explanation.

After the two of them left the courtyard, Shen Xiuyun and Bai Mo, who were hiding in the flower garden, came out. There were only two monitors here, and there were many blind spots. Shen Xiuyun carried Bai Mo on his back and passed through the blind spot of the monitor. In the courtyard, he successfully arrived at Prince Caesaren's palace, walked around to the back door, and also found the blind spot, using his flying claws to climb up a window. According to Shen Xiuyun's previous investigation, all his Omegas lived in the building behind Caesarron's palace. When he got close to the building, he could clearly feel the same kind of scent in the air.

Once here, Bai Mo was no longer so easy to find. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, opened the window and climbed in. Fortunately, there was no one in the room.

"There are so many security loopholes here. How did those Alphas survive until now? Haven't they all been killed?" Bai Mo picked off a leaf hanging on his head. He was already exhausted after struggling all the way, but when he saw them It was so easy to avoid the monitor, but I couldn't help showing a look of contempt.

Shen Xiuyun came in behind Bai Mo, closed the window and said, "This is only Omega's residence. It is difficult to find a blind spot for the monitor in the Alpha royal family's palace." You know, the last time he broke into Luojia's palace, That's a lot of effort.

Bai Mo smiled contemptuously, and his beautiful eyes darkened again, "Yes, the Alpha nobles only care about their own lives, and Omega is just a toy to them." Shen Xiuyun glanced at Bai Mo silently, feeling that The murderous aura in this

man was even stronger than his own, and he seemed to be thinking about how to get the Alphas to die all the time.

"We have to find a way to hide here for a few days." Shen Xiuyun observed the room they were in and carefully recalled where this place was based on the direction of the room.

"Well, I heard what that person said just now." Bai Mo nodded, "By the way, are those two people Alpha nobles? The sound of their voices sounds disgusting. Do you want to kill them too?" Chen Xiu Yun

: "..."

"Oh, yes, I remembered, you only kill people for money." Bai Mo nodded clearly without waiting for Shen Xiuyun to answer. "Can this make a lot of money?" In his opinion, if it can't make a lot of money, then this kind of behavior is completely unnecessary. Alpha doesn't have a good thing. If you kill every one, why wait for someone to come? Pay? It's unnecessary.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the room door.

"Lord Xino, this is the dress His Highness Caesaren has prepared for you at His Majesty's birthday ball. Do you want to try it on?" "Leave it alone, I will try it again when I have time." "Lord Xino, such an


dance , His Highness Caesarron only wants to take you there, you..."

"Okay, let it go, I will try it in a moment, okay?" There was a bit of suppressed impatience in the voice of the very pleasant young man, and then The door was opened, and a blond Omega man walked in. He was extremely beautiful, with exquisite facial features without any flaws, and blue eyes that were very dreamy, but there was a hint of gloom in his eyebrows, which made his beauty so beautiful. It adds a bit of evil nature.

The heavy door closed behind him, paying attention to all the disgustingly false compliments and malicious jealousy outside, Xino snorted disdainfully.

Do you think taking him to His Majesty's ball means that he has a special status in Caesarron's heart? Stop kidding, are those people all idiots? In this Klepa Palace, who is luckier than whom? No matter what kind of favors there are in front of you, in the end they are just things that people throw away when they get tired of playing with them. There is nothing to compare with.

Xino walked slowly to the window, wanting to open it for some air, but felt uncomfortable in his heart. Unexpectedly, a cold feeling suddenly hit his neck, and a dagger pressed against him behind his back. He only heard a voice in his ear: "Don't move! If you want to survive, you will say whatever I ask, do you understand?"

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