extra 1 + ch 59

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Extra 1

Joseph he does not know. Maybe like many children in the slums, they will fight fiercely, steal and rob, become street gangsters, and engage in despicable deeds such as smuggling, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. In the end, he either died in a gang fight or rotted in the dirt of the prison. In short, he would never be like now, wearing an Imperial Army uniform, standing with dignity in a spacious and bright palace, standing in front of the person he had kept silently in his heart for many years.

The Nineteenth Legion is affiliated with the Glory Legion and is the most special one among the thirty-two legions of the Imperial Army. Its membership list is jointly controlled by many members of the two parties in the Parliament. Even the emperor himself has no right to intervene in the appointment and removal of military positions. It has no fixed garrison location and is scattered throughout the empire. Its identity is always kept secret, which is equivalent to the last trump card to ensure the security of the empire. As the commander-in-chief of such a legion, Joseph rarely stayed in one place for a long time. Although there was a luxurious general's residence on the planet Rama, he rarely came back to live there.

However, this impersonal General's Mansion has never stepped into an Omega's empty mansion, but tonight, it welcomed its owner.

Standing at the door of the master bedroom, Joseph suddenly felt nervous. The usually sloppy legion commander seemed to be a completely different person. His military uniform was spotless, he had tidied himself up, he didn't even dare to smoke a cigarette, and his usually messy hair was neatly combed. Taking a deep breath, Joseph pressed his fingertips lightly on the fingerprint lock, and the door opened with a click.

There was a bright moonlight outside the window. The man was facing the window and sitting in a wheelchair with his back to him. The moment Joseph walked into the room, the rich sweet scent of Omega hit his face, and the most primitive impulse in his body was suddenly attracted. When he came out, his pupils suddenly tightened, and the blood all over his body boiled instantly!

This man, this Omega who was just assigned to him, is actually in heat!

Joseph was breathing heavily, as if he was possessed. He slowly walked up to the fourth prince, Shasar, and saw that the other prince had his eyes closed, biting his lower lip, wrapping his arms around himself, holding his arms tightly, and his whole body was full of emotions. He couldn't help but tremble slightly, and his pale face was stained with a faint blush.

"Your Highness..."

Joseph's voice was hoarse and dry, and even he could hardly hear it. The most primitive and instinctive attraction between Alpha and Omega made his heart beat wildly, and his body uncontrollably wanted to get closer to the person in front of him, wanted to touch his skin, and wanted to smell his blood deeper. the taste of.

Shasar's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes, looking at the young imperial general with some confusion.

Joseph stared at the person in front of him, raised his hand, and gently touched the person's face with some trembling. His rough fingers forced open his teeth, freed his lower lip that was almost bleeding, and replaced it with his own. Hand, letting the other party bite it tightly uncontrollably.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Joseph asked in a low voice, and then said, "If it feels uncomfortable, just bite me." A fishy sweetness gradually filled his mouth

, and Joseph's hand was bitten. Shasar and Joseph looked at each other, their usually calm and indifferent eyes now filled with intense lust.

Since adulthood, Omega has gone into heat every once in a while, and the physical desire for Alpha has often been unbearable. The Omega Prince, who had endured hardship for nearly ten years and locked himself in his room every estrus period to prevent anyone from approaching him, never expected that he would go into estrus on such a night.

"Shasar..." Joseph seemed to be completely unable to feel the pain of his bitten finger. He lowered his eyes and looked at this face infatuatedly. When Shasar gradually relaxed, he took out his hand and touched it gently. Looking at the wound on his lower lip, with a deep look in his eyes, he suddenly pinched Shasar's chin, leaned down, and kissed those two soft lips gently.

Shasar closed his eyes and his eyelids trembled uneasily. The strong Alpha aura exuding from the man made him feel like a man walking in the desert. Every inch of his body was chapped, but he was suddenly surrounded by the clear sweet spring. Silk soaked into the dry and painful crack.

It's very thirst quenching and makes you want to stop eating.

"Shasar..." Joseph knew that he shouldn't take advantage of the situation like this, but he couldn't control himself at all. The natural Alpha's strong possessiveness towards Omega made him completely lose his ability to control himself. He knew clearly that he shouldn't blaspheme such a person, but he couldn't stop at all, as if he was addicted to drugs. At first, he just bit the lips gently, but then he became more and more dissatisfied. He pushed the tip of his tongue and pried open the other person's teeth. His hot tongue went in and stirred hard, wreaking havoc in the soft mouth, sucking greedily. Smell his fragrant breath.

Shasar was forced to raise his head and accept Joseph's kisses that became deeper and more passionate. Finally, his body was light and he was suddenly lifted up from the wheelchair.

Joseph strode to the bedside with Shasar in his arms, put him on the soft bed, kissed him from beginning to end, and couldn't bear to let him go. The hot kiss exuding the aura of aggressive Alpha spread from Shasar's lips to his cheeks, ears, and neck, nibbling and licking them in small pieces. Joseph buried his head in Shasar's neck, sniffing his scent deeply. The closer he got, the more the Omega scent exuding under the white and tender skin made him addicted.

"Shasar..." Joseph called Shasar's name over and over again, holding him tightly in his arms and pressing him under him.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, this body that had been abstinent for ten years was now clamoring for every touch from Alpha. The pain of Omega's heat was soothed, and little by little, it turned into happiness. Shasar couldn't help but moan, and subconsciously put his hands into Joseph's thick curly hair.

"Shasar, Shasar..."

Prince Omega didn't understand why this Alpha man, affected by his own estrus, kept chanting his name so obsessively. That voice seemed to be filled with too much pain, depression, nostalgia, obsession, and...longing?

Why, there are such emotions...

The fourth prince actually doesn't like himself now, but he can't control his body's honest reaction. Under Joseph's passionate kisses and caresses, his body was burning, desperate to find an outlet. The desire to be possessed, the desire to be united with Alpha, thoughts that were completely unimaginable before, instinctively appeared in his mind.

However, even though his body was burning with fire, Shasar just lay stiffly on the bed, with a pair of unconscious legs placed coldly on the bed without any response.

Actually this is a very embarrassing thing. Anyone would be disgusted by an Omega who was in heat and hooked, but could only lie as dry as a piece of wood.

But Joseph turned a blind eye to such an embarrassing situation, and still looked into Shasar's eyes with great nostalgia. His unbuttoned military jacket and shirt were open, revealing his strong, honey-colored chest.

"Shasar, are you willing to accept me?" Joseph asked, his eyes filled with burning desire. Shasar could almost feel the changes in his body. It had reached the point where he was ready to come out, and his lower body was pressed tightly against him. "Will you accept me?"

Although the fourth prince had never experienced human affairs, he understood the meaning of Joseph's words. He didn't even need to say it. He could feel it just from the pheromones in the opponent's body. It was full of offensive meaning and was a precursor to declaring ownership.

But, why ask for advice? Is it because he is a prince?

Shasar did not reject Joseph. The mark given by Alpha to Omega meant that he would always live with the aura of this person from now on. It meant that he would never be an independent person again, even as a prince, there would be no exception.

Such a request, General Alpha's request to mark him as his own, he did not refuse and could not refuse.

The scents of Alpha and Omega pheromones in the air are merging.

The first stage of marking, scent marking, proceeds slowly between two people in a passionate kiss.

Joseph unbuttoned Shasar's clothes one by one and peeled off his clothes piece by piece. Shasar gasped slightly, but did not look at Joseph. He just looked up at the ceiling blankly, behind his body under the control of instinct, but he did not know what he was really thinking.

Picking up Shasar, Joseph made him face him and sat on him. Spreading his numb legs and placing them on either side of his body, Shasar was unreservedly exposed in front of Joseph, the door wide open and vulnerable.

Joseph hugged Shasar's waist tightly. At this time, he had no clothes on him and was completely naked before his eyes. The pale skin has a sickly beauty, but it is heartbreaking to see. Shasar's physical fitness was really poor. The room was not cold, but he quickly started to shiver. Joseph was keenly aware of it, and immediately took off his uniform coat and put it on Shasar, then hugged him, warmed him with his own body temperature, buried his face in his chest and rubbed him gently, kissing him gently, leaving a little A trace of ambiguity and beauty.

Shasar, I like you.

Shasar, I have liked you for many years.

Shasar, do you remember me? I like you, I like you...

Such words kept repeating in Joseph's heart, filling his brain countless times. How much he wanted to shout out and tell the Omega in front of him how much he admired him. How important he was to him, but countless disgusting and sensational words came to his lips, but in the end they only turned into a dry name. He didn't know how to say it, maybe he had forgotten him a long time ago, and even if he said it, he had no impression. The most important point, in his heart, maybe he didn't want Shasar to recall his unbearable past. He just wanted him to remember him as he is now - Joseph Child, the commander of the Nineteenth Legion, an imperial soldier who carries infinite glory.


Somewhere underneath Joseph was getting more and more swollen. His hands were caressing Shasar's cold legs, even though he didn't get a response, even though he knew that the owner of the legs would not do anything. Feeling, but Joseph was still careful and gentle, stroking the smooth skin, tracing the delicate leg bones, moving upward little by little, and finally holding Shasar's buttocks, his hands reached between the buttocks, slowly exploring.

Seeing how hard Joseph was enduring, Shasar was afraid that Joseph would take his identity into consideration, so he took the initiative to untie his belt, pull down his trousers, and help him gently stroke it twice. Joseph took a breath, frowned slightly, then leaned over and kissed Shasar fiercely. At the same time, he lifted him up and hugged him more closely, with their chests Touching each other, skin to skin, you can almost feel each other's heartbeats.

The pheromone scents of Alpha and Omega merged to the extreme at this moment, no longer distinguishing each other, they seemed to be able to sense each other's thoughts, and lost their feelings in such entangled scents.

The second stage of marking, the marking of the body.

Shasar felt that the thing under him was getting harder and harder, and his wet hole was being heated and tightened. He wanted to be filled, and the desire to be invaded lost all his mind at this time. He held Joseph's arm tightly, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead, and bit his lower lip again as he was accustomed to.

Joseph came over to kiss him, preventing him from restraining himself like a self-inflicted abuse. He lifted him up and pressed against his entrance. Then he took a deep breath and invaded bit by bit with difficulty, pushing aside all barriers, gently, but extremely resolutely. Take this person in you as your own.

It was the first time for Shasar to experience such a thing. He raised his head in pain, and his delicate and soft neck showed a graceful arc. Joseph turned his head and kissed softly, lingering on the snow-white skin. Taking advantage of his relaxation, he stood up and kissed him. Enter, until the end!

"Ah!" Shasar cried out uncontrollably, feeling that his empty body was suddenly filled!

Joseph did not move immediately after entering. He bit Shasar's earlobe and whispered softly: "Don't be afraid, I will be very gentle...you relax..."

Alpha's magnetic voice penetrated the eardrums densely, moist and warm. Itching, Alpha's knot tightly connected the two of them, and their cold and lonely body was being tapped at this moment.

"Shasar..." Joseph waited for Shasar to adapt, then slowly started to twitch and hugged him tightly. The military uniform jacket with a rough texture was draped directly on his naked body, and it moved with the friction, delicate and delicate. Her skin was flushed with a dazzling blush, which was enchanting and alluring.

Joseph moved in and out more and more, and the white shirt he had not yet taken off was half hanging on his body, revealing his strong arms. Shasar couldn't help but hum as he pushed back. He was panting at first, but in the end he couldn't help but scream out. His breath became faster and faster, and the heat buried in his body increased further. Being hugged like this, with nowhere to escape, it was constantly occupied, as if it was endless, without an end. After the pain disappeared, the body began to change differently, and began to feel a refreshing pleasure.

In such a crazy possession, Shasar forgot about time, his identity, and the pain he had suppressed for many years. He just enjoyed this moment and wholeheartedly combined with the Alpha man in front of him. I don't know how long it took until Shasar lost all his strength and the hand holding Joseph's arm slowly dropped down. Joseph licked and kissed him. He still seemed to be a little unfinished, but he had already accelerated his attack speed. She seemed to be trying hard to end this sexual affair, for fear that the person in front of her would be too weak and unable to withstand more love.

The hands that were calloused by sabers and firearms touched the back of Shasar's neck and rubbed it gently. At that moment, Shasar felt a surge of electricity rush through his body, and two contradictory emotions of uneasiness and anticipation hit his chest, making him arch his waist unbearably, and Joseph hugged him and let him lie on his shoulders.

This moment has finally come, Shasar thought, his dim eyes filled with melancholy after passion. He allowed Joseph to turn his head, exposing the back of his neck to him unreservedly. His lower body was thrown on the tart, but his hot lips were already attached to the part that was extremely precious to an Omega.

"Shasar, are you willing to accept me?" His hot lips and teeth wandered around there, and Joseph's voice was also filled with confusion.

Shasar didn't speak, but gently leaned against Joseph's lips and moved himself forward. Joseph was so dazed by this acquiescence that he couldn't think of anything else and bit Shasar's neck flesh. , the teeth pierce the blood vessels, and the saliva and the smell of Alpha's pheromones are poured into the opponent's body through the glands.

Feeling the trembling and trembling between his lips and teeth, Joseph held Shasar's head with his other hand and hugged him tighter, as if he was using all his life to hug this man tightly. The smell of pheromones in the room was strong To the extreme, the white moonlight fell on the white roses by the window. Alpha's knot swelled to an unprecedented degree, thrusting deeper and deeper into the soft body. Suddenly, Joseph turned over and pressed Shasar on the bed. , and pushed hard for a few more times, a stream of heat suddenly rushed out and poured into Shasar's body. The flow was endless, causing Shasar's lower abdomen to swell slightly. At the same time, the Alpha aura belonging to Joseph spread to Shasar's limbs and bones.

The second stage of marking, the marking of the body, is completely completed at this moment!

The two people after Gao Chao were lying on the bed hugging each other, or to be more precise, it was Joseph holding Shasar unilaterally. Shasar's eyes were dull, his chest was still rising and falling slightly, and his mind was blank.

However, at this moment, Joseph made another move that surprised Shasar.

After being released, the young general took off his sweat-soaked white shirt, exposed his left shoulder, looked deeply at His Highness the Fourth Prince, and asked again what he said before: "Shasar, are you willing to accept it?" Me?"

Shasar didn't know why at first, until Joseph held his head and brought his lips close to his left shoulder, he suddenly realized something and immediately pushed him away!

The third stage of the mark, the anti-mark, the true contract between Alpha and Omega is formed!

In fact, the union of Alpha and Omega was once a very ancient ritual and a sacred contract. Nearly a thousand years ago, when humans were too small to fight back against the Zerg, in order to avoid the fate of extinction, all humans underwent a second leap in evolution, evolving from men and women into three groups, ABO. Alpha has a fighting power that is beyond ordinary people, and Omega has a very good reproductive capacity. They are both a small number of species in the human population, and they depend on each other. Alpha needs Omega to reproduce equally good offspring, and Omega needs Alpha to keep itself stable in troubled times. Alpha marks Omega, and Omega reversely marks Alpha. After the two achieve true union, they can no longer be separated or betrayed. They will miraculously be connected. With the perception of each other's pheromones, no matter where they go, Neither will abandon the other. Support each other and know each other. Once one party dies, the other party will never survive alone.

However, with the demise of the Zerg and the rise of mankind, the war ended and the era of peace came. Alpha has become the ruling class of mankind, and the ancient contract has been forgotten by them. No one is willing to carry out the third stage of marking, because no Alpha is willing to lose his freedom and is willing to affect his life for an Omega. Due to physical reasons, Omega was unable to resist Alpha's wishes, and had to gradually become a single-labeled object, becoming Alpha's plaything and breeding tool at home.

To this day, many people do not know that there is such a ceremony.

People have forgotten that the two extreme groups of Alpha and Omega once respected each other, trusted each other, and loved each other. No one is nobler than anyone else. People have only one common goal, and that is survival.

Joseph was pushed away by Shasar and was stunned.

"General Joseph." Shasar had never called Joseph's name even when he was emotionally moved. When he spoke now, his tone was alienated. "What do you want to do?"

"I want to marry you." Joseph's words were brief and powerful, and he stared at the other person intently.

Shasar smiled faintly: "Thank you, General, for your consideration, but..." Shasar said and glanced under him. At that moment, his lowered eyelashes covered the emotions in his eyes. When he He raised his eyes again, his smile still gentle and calm, "With my physical condition, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany the general for a long time, and I can't have children. A perfect union requires absolute devotion to each other. I believe the general knows this, right?"

"I know." Joseph replied, "But I don't care."

"You are an officer of the empire, and you have the best Alpha gene. And I am not qualified to be your union." After saying this, Shasar said to

Joseph Se smiled, said good night, put some distance between the pillows, and lay on his side beside the bed alone, saying no more.

After the joy, the scent of Lu Renmi still lingered in the bedroom, but the temperature had already cooled down. After a moment of silence, there was the sound of the mattress rustling. Joseph lay down next to Shasar, hugged him gently from behind, rubbed his lips against the bite wound on the back of his neck, and whispered: " I'm sorry."

I originally thought that Shasar had fallen asleep, but I heard him say to him: "It doesn't matter, this is what I should do." Feeling

the body of the person behind him stiffen for a moment, Shasar closed his eyes, feeling deep in his heart Sighed softly.

A relationship that starts with taking advantage and ends with breaking up is destined to have no good results, so it's better not to start.

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