ch 19

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The Orwell cloakroom in Wisteria Town can be regarded as one of the best club shops in the area, and the customers it receives are all local aristocratic families. On the afternoon of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the owner of the cloakroom had only one predetermined male Alpha customer because he had a cousin who was a lieutenant in the Imperial Army.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, distinguished guests arrived as scheduled. The owner of Orwell's cloakroom came out to entertain him with great enthusiasm. He specially invited him to the private room upstairs and brought out the best refreshments. The aristocratic master flattered him, completely ignoring the fat belly and bald head of the other party, and spouted endless compliments without any pressure, which coaxed this Alpha master to be in a good mood, and immediately finalized several series of clothes , placed an order.

The owner of the cloakroom was elated, and hurriedly asked the clerk to go downstairs to get the credit card machine.

The two of them were having a lively chat upstairs when they suddenly heard a clerk downstairs shouting: "Hey, sir, do you have an appointment! Hey! Who are you, you can't go upstairs...ah!" For Omega

's Pheromone, Alpha's response is much more sensitive than Beta's. The nobleman stopped suddenly while he was talking, and looked towards the stairs, "It seems that an Omega has come to your store." "How is this possible?

Wisteria There are only a few Omega in the town..." Before the boss finished speaking, he heard footsteps, stepping up the stairs, stepping on the stairs, it seemed to be stepping on people's hearts, making people feel chills inexplicably.

When the owner of the footsteps appeared at the stairs, the boss was taken aback for a moment.

Along the way, Shen Xiuyun has become accustomed to such gazes. Even though he tried his best to walk in remote alleys according to the memory on the map, he would still meet people occasionally. Almost every person who passed by him will turn his head when he feels his pheromone, with surprise in his eyes, and those good-for-nothing people will quietly follow behind him, waiting to watch the excitement. Shen Xiuyun didn't care about them, he just found this cloakroom shop as quickly as possible, walked in directly, without even drawing a sword, he easily settled the few guys downstairs.

The owner of the cloakroom shop confirmed that the other party was an Omega, and he finally let go of his concern. He frowned and said, "Excuse me, which mansion are you from? Are you a new Omega here? Why is there no one around?" "

Orwell , this is an Omega that no one has marked, don't be too rude." The Alpha master standing next to him saw Shen Xiuyun's eyes lit up, and his small black eyes looked at him without blinking, like It is to look at a favorite product, and even though he is pretending to be polite, he cannot hide his arrogance, "For the delicate and beautiful Omega, we must try our best to maintain a gentleman's demeanor." Facing this so-called gentleman of Alpha With demeanor

, Shen Xiuyun didn't even move his eyes, but slowly approached the cloakroom owner and asked, "Is there a pheromone isolation suit here?" As Shen Xiuyun approached, the pheromone fragrance unique to Omega It was even more intense

, and the aristocratic Alpha looked at him in the wrong way. This nobleman who is nearly fifty years old is a well-known pervert. There are four or five Omegas in his family. Of course, with his status and strength, he can only buy some second-hand and third-hand goods for fun. A purebred Omega that has been marked. So at this moment, Shen Xiuyun is to him, just like clear springs are to cracked soil, and honey is to bees and butterflies. He looked at him lewdly, and in his head he even began to fantasize about how this beautiful little guy was tied up on the bed in heat.

"Which mansion are you an Omega from! If you don't say anything else, I'll call the police!" The boss felt that something was wrong, and took out the communicator to call the police, but was stopped by the noble Alpha.

"Hey, what's the rush, let's find out what's going on!" The noble walked up to Shen Xiuyun with a smile, put his big fat hands on his shoulders and groped, "You escaped from somewhere else, right? Is it because Master Alpha at home treats you badly? It's okay, don't be afraid, no one can hurt you here..." Following a scalp-numbing rattle, Master Alpha, who was wretchedly looking at Shen Xiuyun, suddenly let out a horrified expression

. Yelling, he fell to the ground halfway through his words, and the arm that had just hugged Shen Xiuyun's shoulder showed a strange shape, obviously a broken bone.

Orwell's complexion changed suddenly, and he backed away without a sound.

The Alpha noble who fell on the ground was furious, and stared at Shen Xiuyun with tears in his eyes. Although his blood was not close, he was still an Alpha after all, and it was a shame that his arm would be broken by an Omega. In severe pain, he shouted loudly, stood up and rushed towards Shen Xiuyun.

Shen Xiuyun dexterously stepped back, and with a sweep of his feet, Alpha tripped over. The Alpha nobleman took out a pocket pistol from his waist with his unbroken hand, and shot Shen Xiuyun directly. Shen Xiuyun took a step to the side before he drew his gun, and in the blink of an eye, he jumped up, grabbed Alpha's hand that drew the gun, pulled it, and there was another creaking sound of joint dislocation, and Alpha was in pain. Shouting, the strength in his hand suddenly lost, and the pocket gun fell directly into Shen Xiuyun's palm. Shen Xiuyun hooked the trigger gun and turned it, and it directly touched the forehead of the Alpha noble.

"Forgive me, spare my life! Forgive me..." The Alpha nobleman was scared this time, and almost burst into tears with fright, staring at the gun pointed at the middle of his forehead with wide eyes, almost cross-eyed.

The Beta boss next to him witnessed Shen Xiuyun's entire process of dodging, counterattacking, and grabbing the gun. He was so frightened that his hand holding the communicator trembled, and he didn't even have the courage to call the police.

This person moved too fast, and his strikes were so ruthless, he took off the arm of a tall Alpha without blinking. This, is this really an Omega? Isn't it a mutation...

The cloakroom owner was covered in cold sweat. When the man raised his eyes again and looked at him with dark eyes, Orwell felt that he couldn't even breathe, and raised his hands tremblingly: "Don't, don't kill me, I'll give you whatever you want!"

Shen Xiuyun still pointed the pistol at the Alpha's head, but repeated what he said when he first entered the door: "Is there a pheromone isolation suit here?" "Yes!


The same words, the same tone, produced completely different effects.

Orwell stumbled and ran to open the hidden door behind him. There were expensive clothes hanging inside, these priceless clothes, but at this moment, he didn't even dare to look at them. In front of Shen Xiuyun.

"All, all here..."

Shen Xiuyun glanced at it, and pulled out a long black hooded cloak.

Orwell's heart is bleeding... oh god that's the most valuable pheromone barrier in their store! The isolation effect is more than 90%! Even military radar is difficult to detect! The treasure of their store! !

At this time, a siren sounded far outside the window, and someone did not know who it was. They called the police when they saw Omega running around outside.

Orwell couldn't help but smile when he heard the police car coming.

Shen Xiuyun saw his expression with a half-smile.

Orwell's body froze, and he quickly turned into a sad face again.

Alpha lying on the ground rolled his eyes quietly, as if he wanted to take advantage of Shen Xiuyun's unpreparedness to launch a sudden counterattack, but in the next second, he was hit hard on the head, and there were stars in his eyes.

"I have accepted this gun, and it is your gift of apology." Shen Xiuyun said to the Alpha nobleman, and then directly slashed his neck with a hand knife, making him completely fainted.

Standing up and wrapping the black cloak around her body, the faint omega pheromone in the air immediately disappeared without a trace.

Shen Xiuyun raised the corners of his lips in satisfaction: "Thank you."

There were chaotic footsteps in the stairwell, and someone went upstairs.

The sirens outside were getting louder and louder. Boss Orwell saw the police arrived, and his mind was moving. He was thinking about whether to take the opportunity to fight and get the cloak back, but he saw the Omega opposite suddenly pull out a laser Jian, his eyes were fixed, and his courage suddenly shrank again.

Wenfeng rushed to arrest the police officer who fled Omega. When he ran upstairs, he saw a black figure jumping towards the window. At the same time, he heard the man turn around and say a word to the owner of the cloakroom. :

"Today's loss, Xiuyun will repay ten times in the future."

After finishing speaking, the hem of the black robe was lifted slightly, and he broke out through the window.

"Quick! Catch the robber!!" Seeing that the fiend finally ran away, and his life was guaranteed, Orville yelled frantically, feeling as if his soul was flying away with the isolation cloak.

The fastest responding police officer quickly took out his walkie-talkie and contacted the police car parked downstairs: "There is a man in black running through the window, chase him quickly! We must catch up!" The gate of Orwell's cloakroom was already

surrounded Many people heard that an Omega ran into this cloakroom, waiting to see the excitement. While whispering to each other, suddenly the window on the second floor of the store was broken, and a person jumped out of the window.

Shen Xiuyun just jumped directly into a building more than ten meters high, but before he barely landed on the ground, he threw out his flying claws, hooked the cracks in the wall bricks and various pipes of nearby buildings, and threw the three flying claws in turn. With the tension of the retractable hook rope, it flies and shuttles between the narrow buildings.

The people below were all dumbfounded. Nowadays, every household has levitation vehicles. It is not uncommon for rich people to get a small flying mecha to play with. , With just two broken ropes, he can move so quickly that even a suspended police car can't catch him... Who the hell is this? It's almost against the sky!

At this moment, people took out miniature cameras to take pictures one after another, captured that chic and elegant black figure, and posted it on the Internet. People with means of transportation, after being stunned, immediately got into the car and followed, the gossip in their hearts The fire was ignited, just to see what this person looked like.

The police car behind Shen Xiuyun was getting closer and closer. He kept changing directions and jumped between tall buildings, exhausting his physical strength. He faintly felt that the sound of the siren was getting louder, and the number of police cars chasing him was also increasing. Seeing that he was about to be cornered, Shen Xiuyun followed the direction he remembered and finally found the junction station in Wisteria Town.

When it landed on the platform, a long-distance train sounded its horn on the platform where the vehicles were gathering. Shen Xiuyun rushed to the platform at full speed, crossed the security check, and jumped into the car at the last moment when the doors were closed.

The policemen who were chasing after were all exhausted, they were just ordinary low-level Beta police officers who maintained the law and order of the town, and their physical fitness was not comparable to that of the Alpha soldiers. Shen Xiuyun was able to deal with the imperial soldiers of the 25th Corps at the base, and he could even beat them by two blocks. But they couldn't stand the crowd, there was always someone with sharp eyes and legs who didn't lose Shen Xiuyun.

"Quick! He got on that train and informed the security on the train!"

And at this moment, the train started slowly.

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