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The trucks specially responsible for delivering supplies to Klepa Palace will all enter the palace through a side entrance. The birthday banquet of His Majesty Kemis is coming soon. In the past few days, the flow of materials inside and outside Klepa Palace has been very frequent, and there is almost a long queue of trucks entering the palace every day. When driver Tom drove the car into the security area of ​​the palace, he slowly slowed down and stopped to prepare for the security inspection. He lowered the window and looked outside. He saw several cars in front of him opening their warehouses for inspection, and he had an anxious look on his face. .

"Hey, Peter, I'm in a hurry today, can you be accommodating and let me go directly?" Tom happened to see the officer in charge of the security check passing by the car, so he quickly opened the door and jumped out to stop him.

"What's the matter, are you in such a hurry?" Peter glanced sideways at Tom. The military cape behind him had a lion symbolizing the mission corps printed on it, looking majestic. Because Tom is an experienced driver, the two of them often interact with each other every time they transport goods, and they can be regarded as old acquaintances.

Tom smiled awkwardly and handed over a cigarette, "My daughter at home is sick and has a severe fever. She is waiting for me to go back and take her to the hospital. Anyway, there are some ingredients in this car. I can see everything from loading to closing the door. It's tight, so there's no need to open the car compartment and check it in detail, right?"

Peter took the cigarette, passed it under his nose, raised his eyebrows, and seemed to be quite satisfied with the quality of the cigarette, and Tom immediately took the remaining cigarette with a wink. He handed over the pack of cigarettes he had ordered, and a few large-denomination Imperial banknotes were stuffed into the cigarette case. Peter nodded, patted Tom's thick shoulder and said, "Okay, just go straight over there. Just scan the fluoroscopic ray. The safety of the child is more important." "

Thank you so much!" Tom was grateful and drove the truck away immediately.

This is the first checkpoint to enter the Klepa Palace. According to the general process, the warehouse is opened first, and the goods inside are manually checked with a detector. If there is no problem, the goods are repacked and sealed. When passing the checkpoint, the goods at the door are allowed to pass. The fluoroscopic ray scan will be done only if there are no problems. The truck will be unloaded outside the second checkpoint, and then a special cargo robot will pick up the materials and distribute them to various parts of the palace according to different uses.

At this time, Shen Xiuyun and Bai Mo were in Tom's truck. They kept close to the warehouse door and paid attention to the movements outside. In fact, when Shen Xiuyun came to Klepa Palace last time, he had moved the entire palace. The surrounding environment and various security procedures were investigated in detail, so when he learned that the truck he was traveling in was bound for Klepa Palace, he was not too worried.

The security force at the first checkpoint of Klepa Palace was not very strong. Shen Xiuyun originally planned to force his way out when the truck opened for security inspection, but unexpectedly something went wrong. The truck did not open the warehouse and went directly into the second checkpoint. The entrance to the level will soon be scanned by perspective rays.

Bai Mo noticed that the car suddenly started again, and the situation was different from what Shen Xiuyun just said. He was about to ask, but unexpectedly, Shen Xiuyun pulled him over and hugged him tightly. Shen Xiuyun quickly untied the black isolation jacket customized by Solomon Arena, opened the skirt and wrapped Bai Moye in it, reluctantly buttoned the jacket, and the magnetic wave field of the isolation suit was re-established.

The truck moved forward slowly, passing through the fluoroscopic scanning rays bit by bit, but it passed smoothly without any abnormalities.

"Isolation equipment can block that kind of ray." Shen Xiuyun explained briefly at this time.

Bai Mo raised his eyebrows, "Is this what you detected last time?"

Shen Xiuyun nodded and estimated the time in his mind. After he was sure that he had passed the fluoroscopic ray door, he unbuttoned his isolation clothes and let go of Bai Mo. .

Bai Mo glanced at the isolation jacket on Shen Xiuyun. He seemed to be thinking about something. He pondered for a moment and slowly raised the corners of his lips, "This isolation jacket is a good thing. It's a pity that the production line is monopolized by the government and has not been available for so many years." Improvement, really incompetent."

"Improvement? What kind of improvement?" Shen Xiuyun was aroused.

"The current isolation suit can only play the simplest isolation role. No matter you are Alpha, Beta or Omega, as long as you put on the isolation suit, you will not feel the pheromones on your body. If there is any technology that can make it more advanced A little, for example..."

"How about?"

Bai Moxiao, that kind of fanatical agitation flashed in his eyes again, with a dangerous bewitching power, "For example, it can simulate the release of other types of pheromones while hiding the wearer's pheromones. Pheromones. For example, an Omega can turn into an Alpha through the disguise of an isolation suit?" When

Bai Mo said this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Shen Xiuyun, "What was the purpose of the last time you entered the Klepa Palace alone? What?"

Shen Xiuyun: "No comment."

Bai Mo faked a smile, but did not move his eyes away from Shen Xiuyun's indifferent face. His eyes were shining, as if he suddenly discovered a treasure: "From Mei Zuo Base Escaped, then broke into the palace alone, escaped unscathed, and made headlines in the social media for nearly a month. Finally, he made a cruel statement about hired murder... There must be many people outside who want you now, right? Have you found the Blessing Organization? No wonder those idiots from the Mission Corps couldn't dig you out after all their efforts." "

You talk too much." Shen Xiuyun glanced at Bai Mo coldly.

If a normal person had been glanced at by an assassin like this, he would have been too frightened to say anything. But Bai Mo became more and more excited and asked directly without fear of death: "Are you really willing to do it as long as someone pays you?" Kill someone?"

Shen Xiuyun didn't answer, but suddenly remembered something, "Have you not been in a coma since you came out of Meizuo Base?" The implication is, where did you know so much gossip.

Bai Mo smiled faintly, and it was so scary, "I woke up a few months ago, and I just pretended to be unconscious. They thought I was a half-dead person, and they didn't have any scruples about talking and talking. Naturally, I listened to a lot of good things. Something."

Shen Xiuyun was slightly shocked and couldn't help but glance at Bai Mo. He knew that this man was not only smart, but also cruel to him, but he didn't expect that he had such strong endurance. He regained consciousness but insisted on pretending to be unconscious, lying motionless on the hospital bed, and letting those people draw blood and insert tubes on him without any reaction, and he pretended to be unconscious for several months... This person is simply terrible. .

Between the first and second checkpoints of Klepa Palace is a beautiful royal garden. The truck drove for a full twenty minutes before stopping again. This time, it opened the warehouse and unloaded the goods directly. The driver Tom drove away in a hurry after all the cargo boxes were carried away by the robot. However, Shen Xiuyun and Bai Mo were hiding in the cargo box at this time, crowded together with a pile of frozen meat, and were put on the security conveyor belt. .

This inspection is different from the previous ones. The robots conduct one-by-one inspections, including explosive disposal, toxin removal, and disease elimination. Because the robots conduct targeted inspections according to pre-set procedures, no contaminants carried inside are detected. The two living people, Shen Xiuyun and Bai Mo, were smoothly transported to the large kitchen of Klepa Palace.

The kitchen staff received these large cargo boxes, nearly five meters long, wide and high, from the cargo robot and stacked them in the back kitchen warehouse.

One of them glanced at the box where Shen Xiuyun and Bai Mo were hiding, and saw that the label on it was raw meat, so he stuffed the box into the freezer.

Another person said: "Huh? That's weird, did you smell the smell of Omega pheromones?" "

Forget it, are you crazy about Omega?" the companion laughed.

"I'm not an Alpha, so why do I want to be an Omega so crazy? I really smell the pheromones!" "

Okay, okay, hurry up and get to work. Be careful that the chef can't see us and he'll curse again."

The kitchen servant had no choice but to stop worrying, closed the warehouse door and left with his companions.

When Shen Xiuyun and Bai Mo heard that there was no movement outside, they opened the cargo box and climbed out of the freezer.

Bai Mo sneezed and rubbed his arms that were covered in goosebumps from the cold. He had been lying in the hospital for so long that his muscles were about to atrophy, and he was also severely anemic. He couldn't move on his own, so he had to let Shen Xiu The clouds carry it.

Shen Xiuyun actually already knew that Bai Mo was a pauper. According to his previous personality, it would be good not to kill this man. How could he take him with him to hold him back when he fled? But this time, I don't know what happened, but Shen Xiuyun didn't abandon this person. There seemed to be a voice telling him that he needed this person.

With the memory of the last time he broke into Klepa Palace and the relevant information collected before, Shen Xiuyun didn't have much difficulty getting out of the kitchen. What really bothered him was how to leave the palace smoothly. Now that he has caused quite a stir outside, the whole city is under martial law, and the birthday banquet of Emperor Kemis is coming soon. There will be a dance in the palace, and the security force will be strengthened. If he wants to leave in a high profile like the previous times, it is completely no hope.

Shen Xiuyun took Bai Mo to check several checkpoints secretly. As he expected, the guards were strengthened. In addition to the isolation gown he was wearing, he only wore an isolation cloak. It had been used to attract the attention of the pursuers before, so Bai Mo had nothing to disguise himself. Since he can't leave in a short time, the top priority now is to solve the pheromone problem on Bai Mo. Shen Xiuyun thought for a while and went directly to Prince Caesaren's palace.

If you want to hide the pheromones on Bai Mo, in addition to getting an isolation suit, you can only take him to a place where Omegas gather. As far as Chen Xiuyun knows, the one with the largest number of Omegas in the Klepa Palace is Caesaren's harem. .

There is a distance between the palace kitchen and the eldest prince's bedroom. You need to walk out of the palace and pass through a long courtyard. At this time, Shen Xiuyun was wearing a valet uniform, pushing a dining cart through several corridors, choosing the route with the fewest people. Once he saw the patrol, he immediately turned around, or temporarily hid in some Empty room in case they detect Bai Mo's pheromones.

If the staff in the main control room of Kleipa carefully observed the surveillance video at this time, they would definitely find something suspicious about one of the valets. Unfortunately, it is dinner time now, and there are many servants pushing food carts everywhere, and everyone is thinking about it. In preparation for the upcoming palace ball, both the servants and the security guards are so busy that no one will notice through the dense surveillance windows that a manservant pushing a dining cart appears where he shouldn't. place.

Therefore, despite the danger, Shen Xiuyun finally arrived at the courtyard leading to the Great Emperor's Palace. At this moment, he saw two people walking from a distance, one of whom was an old acquaintance, the Seventh Prince Luojia.

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