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After Shen Xiuyun saw Fan Side, he glanced around at the other people in the medical room. Fan Side understood and immediately waved those people out, and then half-seriously expressed concern and concern for Shen Xiuyun's injury.

Shen Xiuyun half sat up from the bed, staring at Fanside with emotionless black eyes. Although he was injured, it was only limited to the skin and flesh, and did not hurt the muscles and bones, which did not hinder his movement.

"I originally thought you wanted to cooperate with me." Shen Xiuyun said to Fan Side calmly. "It seems that this idea has changed, right?"

"I have never changed my original intention." Fansted said.

"Oh? Then I don't understand why I go into the medical room so often?"

"Huh? So you are implying to me that Solomon Arena deliberately arranged more difficult opponents for you and deliberately targeted you. Really?" Fanside raised his eyebrows slightly.

Shen Xiuyun snorted coldly and said nothing.

Fanside pondered for a while, took out the communicator, contacted a staff member, and said to him: "Send a copy of the injury statistics record in the high-level area of ​​the arena." Soon, the communicator beeped twice, and Fanside

touched He took out the simple holographic projector he carried with him and showed the injury statistics record he said, "We had some minor unpleasantness because of the blood test. No matter how I explain it, you probably won't believe me. Then let me let the data speak for itself."

Fanside then showed Shen Xiuyun a detailed investigation of the injury records of competitive athletes in high-level areas in recent years, and proved to him how many times he was injured and carried into the hospital in a week. It's all normal in the medical room. The reason why Shen Xiuyun is not used to it is because he is very strong and has never been injured before. This is far higher than the level of normal competitive players. However, as he continues to advance, competitive matches will become more difficult, and it will be impossible not to get injured. Moreover, there has always been a situation of high-level competitive players forming cliques to suppress each other. This is a matter between the competitive players. Solomon Arena has no right to intervene. Shen Xiuyun has always been the target of others' challenges. Fan Sid also has no right to this. There is no other way but to persuade him to defect to an organization as soon as possible.

"As for the medical staff taking the opportunity to take your blood as an experimental sample while treating your wound, I'm sorry. I admit that your blood is very precious to our experiment. Since you are already injured and bleeding, it is better to let them It's better to use it than to waste it, don't you think?" "

So what you're saying is that there's no way to change this situation?" "There are so

many masters in the high-level area, even you, you will be injured when you encounter an opponent. It's inevitable. But..."

Shen Xiuyun's eyes flashed, "But what?"

Fan Sid looked at Shen Xiuyun and smiled meaningfully, "Although Solomon Arena has expressly prohibited all drugs, in the high-level area Here, it has become a consensus to appropriately use some auxiliary drugs to improve physical fitness. You are still below the 120th floor, and the real masters have not even seen it. If you don't use some auxiliary drugs, it will be difficult not to get injured. . So my suggestion is..." At this point, Fanside lowered his voice and winked at Shen Xiuyun, "Actually, sometimes, you don't have to follow the rules so much." "You mean, I should also use Do you want some


"As the person in charge of the Solomon Arena..." Fanside smirked and coughed twice, "I didn't say anything." In fact, it is not allowed for athletes in the Solomon Arena to use illegal drugs in private.

What's new? Shen Xiuyun has heard of it before, but has always been dismissive of it. I think he had also heard in his previous life that many masters used some secret medicine to improve their martial arts in a short period of time, but none of them ended up well in the end. He would never touch such evil things. But he didn't expect that Fan Sid, as the person in charge of the arena, would blatantly encourage this behavior.

Shen Xiuyun was thinking in his mind, but his expression remained calm. He slowly lowered his eyes and said, "I don't usually have much contact with other competitive athletes. I know very little about this kind of thing, and I don't know where to get the drugs that improve physical performance. But. If it really makes people doesn't hurt to use some."

A smile appeared in Fanside's eyes, "If you need it, I can help you with this." As he said that, Fanside took out a small medicine bottle from his pocket. , "As far as I know, the athletes who injured you have all used this drug. It was developed in the arena laboratory. It can greatly improve human endurance and agility, and it does absolutely no harm to the body." , you can take it with confidence. But this medicine is relatively precious. As for the price..."

Shen Xiuyun squinted at the few pills in the transparent small bottle and said, "The price is good, but I don't know if the effect will be the same. It's as good as you said."

"Wouldn't you know if you try it?" Fanside curled his lips and put the medicine bottle into Shen Xiuyun's hand, "In return for your donation of blood samples to the laboratory, these few pills The pills will be given to you. But if you need it again in the future, you will have to pay." Shen Xiuyun looked at Fan Side and accepted the pill bottle, "This is natural." Fan Side asked Shen Xiuyun to have a good rest,


then Farewell.

"Ah, His Highness Seventh, you are here too." Shen Xiuyun heard Fan Side say at the door.

Then the door was pushed open again, and Luojia walked in with a basket of fruits. Shen Xiuyun quickly put away the medicine bottle Fan Sid gave him and looked up at the person.

"Are you feeling better?" Luojia's face was not very good and his eyes were heavy.

Shen Xiuyun said "hmm" but did not refuse the fruit Luojia handed him. The fruit had been washed, so he picked one up and took a bite. It was sweet and juicy.

"I may have to leave Solomon for a while in a few days." Shen Xiuyun said.

Luojia looked at the bandage on Shen Xiuyun's arm. The scarlet blood stains were a bit dazzling. He frowned slightly and his eyes flickered a few times, but in the end he said: "It's okay. Several competitive player organizations in the high-level area are now It's all aimed at you, so it's better to avoid the limelight."

Shen Xiuyun looked at Luo Jia's expression, smiled, and said: "Indeed, we should avoid the limelight." The next day, Shen Xiuyun left Solomon Arena, to find

Bai Mo, who hasn't contacted him for a long time.

Bai Mo had promised to make a lot of money for Shen Xiuyun, but in fact he kept burning money. A large amount of money flowed into his one-person laboratory, and often evaporated without even making a sound. However, Shen Xiuyun didn't say anything. As long as Bai Mo needed it and he could afford it, he would buy him the experimental items he needed without saying a word. Of course, Bai Mo still provided him with many useful items. Something.

In the basement that exudes a pungent smell, hundreds of square meters of space are filled with various experimental equipment. There are test tubes and beakers everywhere. Some of the colorful unknown liquids inside even bubble, which looks very dangerous. look.

When Shen Xiuyun walked in, he saw Bai Mo wearing a gas mask and observing something in a solution pool.

"There is a mask at the door, put it on and come in." Only Shen Xiuyun and Bai Mo can open the fingerprint recognition lock, so Bai Mo knew who was coming without even looking, and his eyes were still fixed on the test vessel. Something, remind Shen Xiuyun while taking time.

Shen Xiuyun took off the mask hanging at the door, put it on his head like Bai Mo, and walked to Bai Mo. He was surrounded by several optical brain holographic screens with dense operators on them. In fact, Shen Xiuyun has always been curious about one thing. In the Star Empire, all Omegas can only receive the most basic education. After they are fifteen years old, they are sent to Meizuo Base. There is no chance of higher education. Bai Mo and others Where did this ability come from? No matter how talented he is, he can't teach himself without a teacher.

Bai Mo looked at the timer intently. Soon, he heard a ding. The countdown time was up. Bai Mo immediately pulled the joystick of the instrument next to him. The solution in the solution pool was immediately discharged, and the robotic arm fished out the contents. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that it was an isolation cloak.

Pulling the joystick of another machine again, placing the isolation cloak in a vacuum chamber for drying and heating, Bai Mo lowered his head to calculate the data, inputting the temperature, time, and various control data on the instrument console. Immediately afterwards, the isolation cloak soaked in the potion was torn and twisted in the red light and high temperature. It was not until the potion was completely dry that the vacuum chamber was opened. The mechanical arm took out the isolation cloak and automatically handed it to Bai Mo.

Bai Mo licked his lips, and a pair of particularly energetic eyes glowed with excitement. He took the isolation cloak from the mechanical arm and couldn't wait to put it on himself. The moment the buckle was buckled, the isolation magnetic field was formed, and the sinking Xiu Yun turned around suddenly and stared at Bai Mo with shining eyes.

Bai Mo looked down at himself, his body was trembling slightly, and his voice was slightly changed, "Record, Experiment No. 304, successful." The thin Omega stood among a pile of experimental equipment that was taller than him, surrounded by the market

's The most common isolation cloak on sale, at this moment, the Omega smell was completely covered, but the Alpha pheromone smell was constantly emanating from his body.

Since the second evolution of human beings into the three ABO populations, pheromones are irreversible and immutable, which has become the consensus of all mankind. No matter how many ways people have thought of, all they can do is to block out pheromones, but they have never successfully simulated pheromones. And this result, which is enough to shock the entire scientific community, is actually in such a simple and small room. It was born in the underground laboratory, and the person he was researching turned out to be an Omega!

"This is... the cloak that you said can simulate pheromones?" Shen Xiuyun was slightly stunned.

Bai Mo was so excited that he almost cried. He ignored Shen Xiuyun at all and just murmured to himself over and over again: "It finally worked, it finally worked..." Shen Xiuyun looked at Bai Mo and concluded that this person was crazy. So I found

a chair and sat down, waiting for him to calm down.

Bai Mo didn't even have time to take off his cloak. With bright eyes, he immediately rushed to the test bench and recorded data in the optical computer and notebook. His long and white fingers were tapping quickly on the keyboard and touch screen, and his left and right hands were both idle. Looking at that look, it seems like he wishes he could grow ten hands.

Shen Xiuyun didn't bother him and sat quietly next to him. He waited until Bai Mo finished his work. Hu exhaled and collapsed in the seat before saying, "Congratulations, I finally got what you wanted." Bai Mo.

In order to develop this kind of isolation cloak that can simulate Alpha pheromones, Mo destroyed more than 300 pieces of isolation clothing. More than 300 pieces. If you put it in ordinary people's homes, many people would not be able to save enough money to buy one in their lifetime, but Bai Mo destroyed more than 300 items in one go, and this was just the tip of the iceberg, which showed how powerful he was at burning money.

Even though he was as proud as Bai Mo, he was a little touched by Shen Xiuyun's unrestricted support. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and showed a rare childish smile that a young man of his age should have, "Yes, I finally succeeded. It can be considered a success." Let me give you an explanation for the more than 300 pieces of isolation equipment that you broke. Now that all the data has been saved, it will be easy to modify the isolation equipment in the future." At this point, the young Omega showed his arrogance again. With a look on his face, he raised his chin slightly and said: "Don't worry, if this isolation outfit is sold on the market, we will definitely earn back all the principal we invested before." Bai Mo did not boast. If you take out such a thing, don't worry

. Speaking of ordinary people or nobles, even the military and the Academy of Sciences will definitely notice that it will be hard to find. However, how to allow such a conspicuous thing to flow into the market without revealing his identity needs to be considered.

Shen Xiuyun thought for a while and asked Bai Mo, "Can you make me another one?"

Bai Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, "You are quite greedy." But after thinking about it, he said, "It would be nice to make another one." No problem, but you have to let me rest for a while, I'm almost exhausted." For

doing experiments, Bai Mo has a kind of obsession that ordinary people don't have. As long as he stands in front of those containers and instruments, he watches different substances react with each other and appear. In an unpredictable state, Bai Mo will forget everything and forget about food and sleep. He had long wanted to do experiments on pheromone simulation, but he had never had the chance before. This time Shen Xiuyun provided him with such good conditions. Of course, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the experiment. He slept no more than a hundred hours for more than a month in a row. After tens of thousands of data simulations, thousands of virtual object simulations and After hundreds of physical experiments, a method for transforming isolation equipment was finally developed.

So after being excited at this time, he seemed to have been drained of energy, and suddenly collapsed. He felt sleepy and tired, and wanted to fall on the bed and sleep to death.

Shen Xiuyun saw that he was indeed exhausted, so he didn't say anything more and asked him to go and rest first.

Bai Mo was about to close his eyes and touch the bed, but suddenly he smelled a faint smell of blood, and he suddenly thought, "Huh? Are you injured?" "

Small injury. It's okay." Shen Xiuyun said calmly.

Bai Mo couldn't care less about sleeping this time, and looked at Shen Xiuyun with wide eyes. Such a strong smell of blood, and even the pungent smell of medicine, showed that he was seriously injured. Only then did he realize that he had been so immersed in the excitement of the successful experiment that he had forgotten to ask Shen Xiuyun what he was doing here. "By the way, why are you here?"

Shen Xiuyun took out a small medicine bottle and put it in Bai Mo's hand.

"I want you to help me research the ingredients of this pill."

"What's the problem?"

"I suspect there is a problem." Shen Xiuyun said, "Remember the Alpha noble we met at Klepa Palace that day? What? You all said that you can't feel the pheromones on that person. Check this, maybe you can get the answer."

Bai Mo took the medicine bottle, raised it up, and looked at the light. The transparent glass medicine bottle He took a few white pills and lay quietly, looking normal. "What did you find again?" Bai Mo asked.

"No, it's just intuition."

Bai Mo put away the small medicine bottle, glanced at Shen Xiuyun, and said suspiciously: "By the way, you caused so many injuries to yourself, couldn't you just do this thing?" Shen Xiu Yun's eyes

flashed but he didn't answer.

Bai Monu pursed his lips and stopped paying attention to him, running to bed to catch up on his sleep. Shen Xiuyun waited in the basement. He didn't leave until Bai Mo had had enough sleep at night and roused himself to modify an isolation cloak for him.

When leaving, Shen Xiuyun said: "I may have to leave Solomon Planet in the next few days, what else do you need me to prepare?" "

Leaving Solomon?" Bai Mo rolled his eyes and smiled knowingly, "Oh, you are Are you going to take over business?"

Shen Xiuyun acquiesced.

Bai Mo showed that evil and gloomy look again, and said quietly: "It's a good thing, those Alphas just don't want to die well. If you can kill one, make one. If someone buys you to be a murderer, you can also make money on the way, the best of both worlds." Shen Xiuyun Bai Mo didn't

respond, just said: "You try to be careful lately, don't make too much noise and attract attention." "

I know, don't worry." Bai Mo waved his hand, "Be careful yourself, I'll give it to you I have some of those potions with me, maybe they will come in handy at a critical moment."

Shen Xiuyun pressed his finger on the fingerprint lock, opened the door, looked back at Bai Mo, and said, "I've already used it."

"Oh? Which one?"

"It's the potion that resists alcohol. Drinking it will not make people drunk."

"How effective is it?" Bai Mo asked eagerly.

Shen Xiuyun smiled, his eyes as sharp as swords looking cold, "Yes, this thing is very useful."

After leaving Bai Mo's laboratory, Shen Xiuyun went directly to Xingmeng Palace and asked Randy by name.

"What? Leave Solomon? You... are going to take over business again?" When Randy heard that Shen Xiuyun was leaving, his reaction was very different from Bai Mo's. He frowned slightly and said, "Have you done a good investigation this time? ?Don't be like that professor last time who turned out to be a martyr after his death. You have a very bad reputation now. The eldest prince Caesaren even offered a huge reward for information about you. Someone is making a deal with you at this time, right? Could it be some kind of trap?"

"That's why I came to you this time to ask for something." Shen Xiuyun said.

"Me?" Randy was stunned, "How can I help you?"

"Just help me find out the details of these five people. I want their network." Shen Xiuyun said, pushing a note to Randy.

Randy looked down and knew that these five people, eighty percent of them, were Shen Xiuyun's assassination targets. He was suddenly at a loss. He was not sure whether he could complete Shen Xiuyun's instructions with his ability.

"Just try your best, as much as you can find out." Shen Xiuyun seemed to know what Randy was thinking, and said slowly.

Randy's eyes fixed, and his expression suddenly became determined, "Well, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to dig out the information about these people. Now I am arranged to receive VIP guests, and those nobles have more or less connections with each other. , there will definitely be news about these five people."

Shen Xiuyun nodded, took out another package and handed it to Randy.

"This is for you."

Randy took the package, opened it, and found an isolation cloak inside, which was a bit unclear.

"Put it on and take a look."

Lan Di put the isolation cloak on his body as he said. The moment he fastened the buckle, he immediately felt something and couldn't help but froze in place.

"This is..."

"The modified isolation suit can simulate Alpha pheromone. I think you might use it." Shen Xiuyun said, smiling at Randy, "You don't want to be limited to here, I know . You can go further."

Randy's heart suddenly shook, and he raised his eyes in excitement, but soon his eyes dimmed. He pointed to his ankle, which was covered with a metal anklet, and whispered: "Even with such a good thing, I can't escape the control of Xingmeng Palace. No matter where I go, the locator will find me. It is a mark on me." Shen Xiuyun looked at Randy and pondered After a moment, he finally

patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, come here one by one. Get rid of the things you don't want one by one." Three days later, Randy went to Solomon Planet to find Shen Xiuyun and gave him Reply


"These five people have different professions and industries, and they don't seem to have much contact with each other. But one thing is that they all know Professor Feige from the Imperial Military Hospital." After Randy said this, he asked Shen Xiuyun with some worry: "Xiuyun, Is the person who bought a murder from you last time the same person as this time? Why do I always feel that there is something fishy here? Otherwise, you should not go." Shen Xiuyun felt relieved after hearing what Randy said. Come, but he

didn't say anything more to Landi, he just said: "Thank you, I know it well, you don't have to worry." Landi couldn't persuade him anymore, and finally just said: "Hey, you must be careful this time

. But don't make so much noise like last time, try not to let anyone find out, and leave after you succeed."

Shen Xiuyun sent Randy away, looked at the five people who were the new targets, pondered for a moment, and immediately started to prepare for action. The equipment and supplies he needed, and his injuries were almost healed now. The time limit given by the customer this time was very tight, and he could no longer delay, so he changed his disguise the next day and headed to the space station on the planet Solomon.

It happened to be snowing that day, and the sky in Solomon became particularly clear under the baptism of wind and snow.

Sitting in the waiting room of the space station, Shen Xiuyun looked through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows and saw a person standing in the open-air square outside, wearing a silver mask and holding an umbrella. The falling snowflakes fell silently on the umbrella, rustling. A layer of snow-white has accumulated.

The corners of Shen Xiuyun's lips curled up coldly.

He still remembered that the seventh prince came to him last night and said he wanted to see him off.

Shen Xiuyun said that it would be easy to reveal his identity and there was no need to send him off.

The seventh prince did not insist.

Shen Xiuyun asked back, "Why don't you ask me where I'm going?"

The seventh prince's expression was calm, showing no emotion: "You have where you want to go, I won't ask any more questions."

The snow was falling harder and harder, The climate in Solomon is always so bad. It may be sunny one second, but it will be hit by a blizzard the next second. There was no light in the hazy sky, and all it brought was the endless cold and the piercing pain under the cold.

Gradually, the figure of that person was wiped away by the raging wind and snow.

Outside the window, there was only a vast expanse of white, reflected in the dark eyes of an assassin.

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