ch 16

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failed to catch up with the powerful Alpha brother, and the little Omega was a little frustrated, but he quickly got up from the ground and ran back to the place where Shen Xiuyun had just landed. The huge escape umbrella was still in place, and it was spread out on the grass , a full dozen square meters. Little Omega bounced and played around the escape umbrella for a while, when suddenly his feet were hooked by the umbrella rope, and he landed on his belly, lying on the umbrella cloth.

"Ashir!" At this time, a small suspension vehicle drove up from not far away, and when the people inside saw the little Omega, they called out his name loudly, "Why are you running around again! I just saw him falling from the sky. Come down with something, are you alright?"

The person who came was Xiaodouding's Beta brother Joshua, there are four children in their family, two Beta daughters and one Beta son, and only Asir is an Omega.

When Asir saw his brother, he immediately got up excitedly. Before he could run over, Joshua got out of the car and walked over. He glanced at the escape umbrella on the ground and raised his eyebrows slightly.


Asir was very excited, and couldn't wait to tell Joshua that he just met an Alpha, that brother was very good-looking, and the pheromone smell on his body was very good, and it was super powerful, and he even had a laser in his hand sword.

Joshua looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, with fair skin, slender eyes, and a rather refined appearance. As soon as he heard that there was an Alpha nearby, his nerves immediately tensed up, and he hugged his younger brother to check it out, as if he was afraid that he might lose a piece of meat.

"You said that Alpha... came down from the sky on this?" Asir nodded vigorously, "

Yeah! I saw it with my own eyes! His clothes are all burnt!"

The star belongs to the wilderness far away from the imperial capital, most of them are Beta civilians, only the village chief and a few officers in the local barracks are Alpha, and they are all over 30 or 40 years old. Asir said that he saw Alpha and called him his brother, so it shouldn't be these people.

But how could there be other Alphas in this remote place like theirs? Or did you jump off with a parachute?

Joshua carried Asir into the suspension car, thought for a while, put away the escape umbrella on the ground and put it in the car, and then returned to Hanton Village, taking his brother home.

This time Asier was taken out to play by Joshua, and their mother didn't know that Asier had run away during the period, so she didn't ask special questions, and Joshua didn't take the initiative to bring it up. Little Asier made gestures and told his mother that he saw Alpha, but the family just treated him as a child's talk and didn't care.

While the Joshua family was eating lunch, the military parade outside the Klaipa Palace was being broadcast live on TV.

The second daughter, Niya, held her rice bowl, looked at the screen with treacherous eyes, and said to Joshua, "Brother, why are you going out at this time? You missed the military parade." Joshua was still thinking about what happened just now

. "It's all those things every year. What's so interesting about it?" "Oh, you didn't see it just now. There was a missile interception

exercise in this year's military parade! The interceptor missile collided with the nuclear bomb and exploded." Don't mention how spectacular the scene is! And just now His Royal Highness Lorgar, who is so handsome!" "Okay,

don't be crazy, eat quickly, and I will go to work in the factory with me later." The eldest daughter Sophie said sternly face, knocked Niya on the head, and urged.

"Sister! What are you doing, today is the founding day!"

"Does it have something to do with us?"

"You... Hey, you are so boring! It's rare to see His Highness Lorgar, he rarely shows up in front of the media, The most recent time was when I was named a general, has it been more than a year?" "

Okay, Niya, hurry up and eat, and listen to your sister."

"Mom, tell me, our little Asir will Won't you be selected into the palace?" As Niya spoke, she began to worry again, "It would be great if you could be selected by His Royal Highness Lorgar!" When her mother heard Niya mentioning Asir, her face immediately turned pale

. It is not good-looking, and the face that was haggard due to the pressure of life looks even older.

The eldest sister, Sophie, put down the bowls and chopsticks, turned off the TV with the remote control, and said in a dignified voice, "Niya, eat. Don't think about things we shouldn't think about."

Niya didn't know why her mother and eldest sister were suddenly angry. She took a sneak look at Joshua's brother and saw that he didn't come out to defend her as usual and said a few witty words to adjust the atmosphere. Don't dare to talk anymore.

Since the death of his father, Joshua has become the only man in the family, and he has long been accustomed to the three women in the family. He glanced at little Asir who was eating obediently next to him, saw his dark eyes, and turned around between his mother and sisters in a very sensible way, he couldn't help smiling, and stretched out his hand to squeeze his tender little face.

He could understand his mother's feelings. They were the most humble civilian family, and the purity of Asir's bloodline was average, but he was born so good-looking. One can imagine his future fate.

This world is actually very cruel, there are no fairy tales at all.

But as an elder brother, he really didn't want to destroy the girlish innocence in Niya's heart prematurely, and he didn't want to see his sister and mother, like withered flowers, being forced to wither prematurely by the burden of life. Therefore, every time there was a dispute in the family, he would try his best to make peace in the middle like mud, trying to make them happy. But he also understands that doing so will not change anything.

Unchangeable poverty and endless misery, this is probably the future foreseen by their family.

But Joshua was unwilling to go on like this. He wanted to make money, and he wanted to make a lot of money. Therefore, even if he has to bear high tuition fees, he has to work hard to study in the best schools and study the most difficult business subjects. Even if he bears his mother's aging and his sister's hard work, he must continue to climb up, and don't hang around in the mud at the bottom forever. Because he desperately wants to change, he wants to make the three most important women in his life have nothing to worry about in the future, and he wants to give his beloved little brother the protection of his dignity in the future.

A thought suddenly flashed in his mind, Joshua thought of the escape umbrella bag in the car, and finally made a decision.

"Joshua, what are you thinking? Why don't you eat?" Seeing her son fiddling with chopsticks and not eating, the mother asked worriedly, "Is it because I'm too tired recently and I don't feel well?" "Oh, no."

Joshua Ya smiled slightly, stood up, "Mom, I'll go out for a while."

"Why are you going out again? Where are you going?" asked the eldest sister, Sophie.

"Go to the town to buy some things for school, maybe I will come back later, so I don't have to wait for me to eat!" After Joshua finished speaking, he took the car keys and went out.

After Shen Xiuyun and Asir separated, they walked to the depths of a forest, and once again made sure that there was no one around, they sat down against a big tree to rest.

There was still a strong smell of blood in his mouth, and his chest hurt badly. He knew that his injury was serious, and he should not work too much. In fact, when he was facing that little Omega just now, his physical strength had been exhausted to the limit, but Shen Xiuyun had set a rule for himself, that is, no matter what the situation was, he could not show his weakness in front of others, even if he had It is the end of the battle, and the other party must not know it, even if the "opponent" is just a child with no strength to restrain him.

After resting for more than an hour, he got some weeds and fruits to barely satisfy his hunger, and treated the wound briefly by a small stream. Shen Xiuyun looked at a building not far from the forest, and probably it was the "Han" in the mouth of the child. Tonton Village".

In fact, Shen Xiuyun still has many discomforts with this world. For example, his first reaction to the village is still the fields and alleys, thatched houses. But today's world is millions of times more advanced than the place he used to live in. The so-called villages are still full of tall buildings and the communication and transportation are very developed.

The most difficult problem for Shen Xiuyun now is the Omega pheromone on his body. Once he sneaks into a crowded place, he will be discovered immediately. Kleippa Palace.

When Shen Xiuyun was at the Meizuo base, he did a lot of research on the method of suppressing Omega pheromones. When he heard that there was such a thing as an omega pheromone inhibitor, he was ecstatic, but after careful searching, he couldn't help being disappointed. It turns out that this kind of thing only exists in some literary works, and it is all imagined by people, and it is not true.

In reality, the only things that can hide pheromones are protective clothing such as isolation cloaks. Most of them are restricted products used by Alpha nobles in order to keep a low profile in and out of places that are inconvenient to disclose their identities. Registration, provision of guarantees, restrictions and high fees are almost completely out of reach of ordinary people.

But Shen Xiuyun didn't care about these. As long as it exists in this world, there is nothing he cannot get. The key question now is to find out where such protective clothing is available.

Shen Xiuyun's plan is to walk along the woods to the nearest town to Handun Village before it gets dark, and then enter the town after dark to find out the details.

Just as he was planning this, there was a wave of pheromone in the air. Naturally, Shen Xiuyun's insight was much better than that of ordinary people, so he could always strike first before the other party found him.

He continued to walk forward calmly, and when the person following behind was getting closer and closer to him, he suddenly dodged and jumped onto the nearest big tree.

Few people came near the woods. Joshua parked the car at the place where he found Asier, and followed the footprints on the ground to find the woods. He thought he would feel Alpha's pheromone, but unexpectedly, the further he went into the forest, Walking away, I actually smelled a faint scent of Omega pheromones.

He had more and more doubts in his heart. He was walking to an open place and noticed that the pheromones here were the strongest, but the footprints on the ground disappeared. , there was some noise, and just as he was about to turn around, a laser sword had already been placed around his neck.

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