ch 4

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must... escape.

This was Shen Xiuyun's firm thought after staying in the base for a week.

Standing in the bathroom of the single dormitory at this time, Shen Xiuyun looked at himself in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, thinking that three years later, this body would be sent to an Alpha like a sacrifice, forced to have sex, and then conceived like a woman , conceived, and gave birth to a baby... Shen Xiuyun couldn't help but gag, wanting to smash the mirror in front of him.

Omega was born to be the breeder of the empire. Although in Shen Xiuyun's view, his figure is still the same as that of a man, but under this skin, there is a hidden uterus belonging to a woman. Once combined with Alpha, it will be transformed into a knot by Alpha. , will conceive and have children, the purer the Omega's bloodline, the higher the conception rate.

Estrus, pleasing, intercourse, conception, childbirth, breastfeeding... This is such an unbearable humiliation, it will repeat itself in an Omega's life, until the end of life.

They will have no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime, protected by the imperial army, no need to work, no need to fight. At the same time, they also lost the most precious thing in a person-freedom.

Warm water sprayed out from the shower head, Shen Xiuyun closed his eyes, and let the water wash over his body, flowing over the smooth, white and shiny naked skin. The black hair was stuck straight to his forehead, and the water droplets flowed down his closed eyes, moistening the long eyelashes. But at this time, what appeared in his mind was the face of that person in his previous life.

If it wasn't for that person, if it wasn't for his betrayal, how could I have fallen into such a grotesque world and formed such a hermaphrodite monster! If it wasn't for that person, Shen Xiuyun would never have died in his last life!

Everything starts with the first transaction. He gave him gold, he killed for him, and an endless deal began between them. In fact, according to the rules of the world, the employer and the assassin should keep a certain distance, which is beneficial to both parties. Assassins don't have to worry about being killed, and employers don't have to worry about being leaked. However, he wanted to bring good wine and wine, and ran to drink with him time and time again without knowing his life. After getting drunk, he hooked his neck to call him brother and brother, and then slept in his wooden house without defense.

He told him that for every meteor that fell from the sky, one person on the ground would die.

He said that he regards him as a close friend, and it is hard to find someone who understands him so well in this life.

Shen Xiuyun knew that people's hearts were unpredictable, so he took his words as fart. But what he never expected was that when the goal was achieved, the handsome man who always looked like a useless cartilage showed him the fastest knife technique.

Liuyun sword was fast, but not as fast as that man's saber, and when he was defenseless, he was killed with one blow.

Shen Xiuyun is indifferent, but also hates betrayal.

He died, to such a ghost place. And now that person has changed suddenly, and he has become the prince here again, enjoying the power and authority with the strong status of an Alpha, and then picks and chooses the Omega from a high position, letting him do whatever he wants.

Hehe, there is no such cheap thing in the world! !

The black eyes opened suddenly, deep and bottomless, appearing hollow and indifferent in the dense water vapor.

The so-called tooth for tooth, blood for blood, anyone who dares to plot against him, Shen Xiuyun, will surely die a terrible death!

After bathing, Shen Xiuyun called the living robot.

Although the Omegas in the base do not have freedom, the base will try their best to satisfy some of their material needs, which brings a lot of convenience to Shen Xiuyun.

The doorbell rang outside the door very quickly, Shen Xiuyun pressed the automatic switch, and a cylindrical robot with metallic luster came in on wheels, and a gentle electronic voice sounded: "Excuse me, what can I do for you?" "Give it to me." Prepare

something and deliver it before tomorrow morning."

"Excuse me, what do you need to prepare?"

"Needle, thread, cloth, sand." Shen Xiuyun sat by the bed, wiped his half-wet hair with downcast eyes, and said calmly.

The intelligent robot was stunned, as if analyzing the connection between these things. Generally speaking, these intelligent robots will automatically analyze the purpose of the person in need according to the needs of the person, and automatically supplement some auxiliary items for better service. For example, if a person asks for cake and milk, the robot will analyze the information that he wants to eat, and then automatically equip it with napkins, table plates and the like. But what the person in front of him wanted was a bit confusing for an intelligent robot that only dealt with Omega.

"Go, as long as these are all you need."

"Yes, I will definitely meet your needs as soon as possible." After receiving the second instruction, the robot stopped struggling and went out with its small wheels.

The days passed quickly, and the first-year Omega who had just entered the base quickly adapted to life here. Go to class every day, after class, gossip about the gossip of the high-level Alphas of the empire.

Most Omegas are very much looking forward to the coming-of-age ceremony three years later, because it means that they have the opportunity to get in touch with those imperial dignitaries that they could only see on TV news before, and become their bonders. But there are also some Omega who are born at the bottom, but fear that day will come all the time.

Once an Omega without a family to rely on loses the favor of an Alpha, it will be thrown away like old clothes, transferred, or even sold... and how the marked Omega will be treated by those lower-level Alphas is beyond imagination. .

Alphas are naturally possessive of Omega, which will make them angry at Omega that has left other Alpha pheromones, and they will be full of tyrannical emotions during sex. As for the Omega that has been changed hands three times or even several times, the final outcome is undoubtedly very tragic. Some will even become prostitutes, keep getting pregnant, and keep giving birth to children of different Alphas...become temporary children that are blatantly leased. tool.

And because the ratio of Alpha and Omega in the empire is seriously out of balance, for the sake of human reproduction, although the Parliament passed the "Omega Human Rights Protection Act" thirty years ago, the judicial system has always turned a blind eye to such things, resulting in The Act is in vain...

I don't know when it started, the staff on duty in the monitoring room of the base would often see the figure of a black-haired boy on the monitoring screen.

Every morning before dawn, an extremely beautiful Omega would jog around the inner wall of the inner city wall, and it would take more than ten or twenty laps in one run. When they found out that it was the legendary Omega whose bloodline purity reached 99.99%, they were extra lenient and didn't stop him.

People just run in the morning to exercise. Isn't a healthy Omega what they want? What's more, such a pure bloodline will inevitably enter the royal family in the future, and the base staff don't mind selling favors in advance. Therefore, even though the base stipulates that Omega is not allowed to wander around in their spare time, Shen Xiuyun was not stopped.

In the early morning of this day, when Shen Xiuyun appeared on the monitoring screen again, one of the beta monitors couldn't help complaining to his colleagues: "I said, it's been almost half a year, why is that little Omega not making any progress? It's still so slow."

"How can I say it's an Omega, with such a weak body, it can only be fucked on the bed." Another monitor laughed, his eyes full of disdain and ambiguity look.

"Yeah, an Omega. I come to run laps every morning. Are you so tired? Why are you working so hard? You don't want to join the army." "I don't understand? I want to be

more patient!" the monitor said. Hearing the vulgar words, the other people in the control room laughed hoarsely, "But then again, this Omega is really good-looking, and I don't know who will be chosen in the end." "Anyway, it must

be Members of the royal family, I just don't know which prince to assign to..."

In the eyes of others, Shen Xiuyun ran around with a half-dead look, as slow as an old man.

Only the living robot responsible for serving Shen Xiuyun knew that his master wanted more and more strange things. The needle, thread, and cloth remained the same, only the sand, from spun yarn to coarse sand, and then to denser mineral sand, heavy metal crushed sand... Shen Xiuyun kept running


Shen Xiuyun's speed remained unchanged.

However, the weight tied to his body, arms, and legs has been increasing, and it will not be removed 24 hours a day.

Now he is carrying these weights that may be a bit strenuous for an Alpha, and he attends classes, eats, and receives Omega-specific training every day as usual.

Even in the endurance training course, when taking medicine to simulate the estrus period, when an Omega's physical strength was weakest, the hidden sandbags on his body were not taken off even for half a minute.

The delicate skin on the body was worn out, then scabbed, and then worn out again after growing well, over and over again. But because of his Omega physique, his skin will not callous or scar at all, and it is still delicate and vulnerable.

Every night when he returned to the dormitory, Shen Xiuyun took off the sandbags, took off his underwear soaked in sweat and blood, washed the blood away with water, and tore off the thin skin that had been worn out without frowning. Expressively, he bundled the sandbags one by one.

As they got along longer and became more and more familiar with each other, everyone in Class A knew that Shen Xiuyun had two habits.

One is that the clothes are always covered tightly, no matter how hot the weather is, they don't show anything from head to toe. Another thing is that he doesn't like being touched by others. Of course, there will be people who deliberately find fault with him and want to touch him, but he avoids them deftly without exception. Since the first day he entered the base, no one has been able to get within one meter of him so far.

"Hmph, I really want to see what that kid will look like when he's in heat, and see if he can still be so noble." In the cafeteria, a noble boy who wanted to provoke but failed snorted coldly, looking at the black-haired boy. Looking back, there was undisguised jealousy and disgust in his eyes.

"Feinan, are you so jealous of Xiuyun? Every time you provoke me, you end up in trouble, and you haven't learned a lesson yet?" said a person next to him who witnessed the whole process of Feinan's provocation. He was the one who was talking to Shen Xiuyun on the train at that time. The boy in the gray hat, named Ivan, is also from Class A.

"Lowly commoner, what do you think is worth my envy for that lowly person like you? His pure blood? Don't be kidding, a commoner Omega with such a pure bloodline... Let us pray that in the future he will not They were robbed and robbed, and finally turned into junk and thrown into the female military camp!" Feinan said maliciously, that red hair was the symbol of a certain family in the empire, and this family was a supporter of the eldest prince Caesarron. , and now Prince Caesarron is in charge of the mission corps with the largest number of people in the empire, so Feinan's family is also highly valued. Moreover, it was said that Feinan had already been assigned to Prince Caesarron by default. Prince Caesarron had promised Feinan's family that once he successfully succeeded to the throne, he would make Feinan the Queen.

The blood of the royal family is the best. In order to continuously reproduce better offspring and consolidate the rule of the royal family, the Alpha of the general royal family will not have only one Omega, and they will always find ways to take the purest Omega as their own. have. Even after becoming the Emperor's Combiner, it would be very difficult for Omega to obtain a title. Therefore, it can be said that Caesarron's promise to Feinan's family is very important. So Feinan behaved very domineeringly in the base, his arrogance was even higher than that of Miss Miffy, the granddaughter of the commander in chief of the Imperial Army, and Shen Xiuyun was particularly displeased.

Ivan was already very angry when he heard Feinan scolding himself and Shen Xiuyun as lowly commoners, but when he heard his vicious words cursing the commoner Omega, he became even more furious. He went up to beat Feinan, but was stopped by his friend .

"Ivan, that guy is not easy to mess with. For your own sake, don't make trouble." The friend advised in a low voice.

Ivan's eyes darkened, but finally he gritted his teeth and held back. His friend was right, if he offended the rich and powerful, and was maliciously assigned to Alpha with a bad reputation, he would definitely not end well.

The feeling of not being able to control this kind of fate was very bad. Ivan clenched his fists tightly, but he could only turn around and leave without saying a word, letting Feinan sneer contemptuously behind his back.

He is just an Omega from a humble background, he doesn't even have the right to speak for himself, so what qualifications does he have to defend others?

Feeling depressed, Ivan left the cafeteria, only to see Shen Xiuyun standing in the middle of the square, staring fixedly at a certain place on the wall of the inner city in the distance.

It was evening at this time, and the blood-red sunset was slowly lowering to the horizon, and the sun shone on Shen Xiuyun's body, stretching his thin and tall figure even more slender on the ground. His slightly long black hair fluttered gently in the breeze, and was also dyed a touch of golden red. He quietly raised his head and looked into the distance, as if looking at the elusive freedom.

Between the walls, the indifferent and lonely figure bathed in blood is reflected in the eyes of those watching behind him at this moment.

what is he doing

Like Ivan, there are not a few people who have been interested in Shen Xiuyun from the very beginning. They can't help but pay attention to him silently, seeing that he often stops suddenly in a corner of the base like now, silently Stand still for a moment, then bow your head and continue on your way.

What is he doing?

Many people have this question in their hearts, but nowadays no one dares to talk to this Omega whose bloodline is nearly 100% pure, because there is an indescribable indifference in this person's eyes. I couldn't help feeling a chill from the bottom of my heart, making people daunted and afraid to approach.

However, there is indeed a certain attraction in this young man, which is slowly affecting some people in the base, making them have a desire from the bottom of their hearts, eager to get closer to him, to gather towards him.

This is different from the lustful desire influenced by Alpha pheromone, but it seems that there is a powerful force that is slowly growing and growing in their hearts.

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