ch 62

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Shen Xiuyun waited in the restaurant for a while, and Joshua arrived as promised.

After the handsome Beta youth sat down opposite Shen Xiuyun, he didn't say anything, just took out a crystal card with a smile and put it on the table, and silently pushed it towards Shen Xiuyun.

Shen Xiuyun took the crystal card, just took it in his hand and looked at it, and didn't do anything more.

"Huh? Why don't you check it out? Joshua said.

With the current level of technology in the Star Empire, the communicator is not only a communication tool, but also a miniature networked artificial intelligence, as long as you put the card slot next to the crystal card communicator, you can immediately read out the balance of the bank account.

"How did we get to do that?" Shen Xiuyun didn't answer and asked Joshua.

"On the original amount of money, it is fivefold." Joshua said.

"Has it already been achieved?" Shen Xiuyun asked again.

"Sixfold." Joshua said, his slender eyes smiling and bending, but not getting carried away, neither humble nor arrogant throughout, "Of course, I can't guarantee that the money is legally just, but I can guarantee that they will not be morally flawed."

Joshua said something in the latter sentence, and Shen Xiuyun looked at the shrewd young man who smiled meaningfully at him, and was slightly surprised, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Joshua leaned in slightly to Shen Xiuyun and said in a low voice: "Now your story is circulating in every corner of the empire, and it is really exciting enough to go from a thug to a hero overnight.

Shen Xiuyun understood that in Joshua's opinion, he had deliberately arranged all this. First investigate the organizers behind the Omega abduction case, and then assassinate these people, and then accumulate enough public opinion influence, and then release the truth in one fell swoop, so as to turn things around and become famous. Maybe not only Joshua, but even Bai Mo and Randy thought so, so their eyes were more and more awe and adoration when they looked at him recently. But the truth is that with his current ability, even if he wants to, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such an effect.

Ever since the Seventh Prince told him at the emperor's birthday banquet about who should be killed and who should not be killed, Shen Xiuyun knew that he was the same person as in his previous life. So he knows this person, his person, his way of doing things, even more than he knows himself.

Therefore, when Lan Di investigated the information of the five people who were assassinated later, and when he knew that these five people had some kind of connection with that Professor Feige, Shen Xiuyun had already foreseen this day. He already understood that everything was operated by that person behind his back. If nothing else, this is just the beginning. Now that a Caesaron has been pulled down, it is conceivable who the next target will be. Whoever stands in his way will naturally be uprooted like a weed. He, Shen Xiuyun, was just used as a gun by that person. Just like in the previous life, it was just a sharp weapon that the man held in his hand to defeat the enemy.

Whether it is in a previous life or in this life, this person's gaze at him is always so disgusting, the kind of gaze that looks at him as if he is in a bag, and allows him to control it in the palm of his hand, makes him feel disgusting, angry, and hateful. He didn't want to blind those eyes all the time, so that he would never have to see himself in those eyes again. However, he knew that now was the time, and he still needed to endure it.

Looking at the Beta youth in front of him who was staring at him with sparkling eyes, Shen Xiuyun didn't poke anything, just smiled noncommittally, and handed over a box he had brought with him to Joshua.

Joshua was puzzled: "What are you ......?" "Didn't you mean you wanted me to offer you a job?"

"So...... Am I qualified? Joshua wanted to be calm and rational, but the uplifted tone betrayed his inner agitation.

Shen Xiuyun nodded and said, "Since you have such ability, of course you must have a job that matches your talent, otherwise it won't be a waste?"

Although he has never doubted his talent in business, it is a little difficult to be a little embarrassed by such unstinting praise and affirmation, even if he is as confident as Joshua. Lowering his head, he opened the box and glanced at it at Shen Xiuyun's signal, only to see that there was a very ordinary isolation cloak inside.

"What are you giving me this?" Joshua didn't know why.

Shen Xiuyun said extremely simply: "This isolation cloak can simulate the Alpha pheromone aura.

Joshua: "......" "

You...... You're not kidding! Joshua almost thought that he had heard the Arabian Nights, even though he knew that Shen Xiuyun was definitely not the kind of person who had a good sense of humor and could tell jokes, he still couldn't help but say it.

Shen Xiuyun glanced at Joshua and said lightly, "You can go back and try it."

It took Joshua more than ten minutes to barely digest this very brain-intensive information, and he couldn't help but open the box and reach in and touch it, but he didn't feel any difference between this isolation cloak and ordinary ones.

"I'll give it to you, how much can you get it for?"

Joshua was astonished that such an isolation cloak, not to mention its priceless value, was also extraordinary, as well as the scientific and strategic significance behind it. How much trust does this person have in being able to trust him with such a precious thing? As a lowest-level civilian Beta, despite being conceited that he is talented, he has never been recognized and valued by others since he was a child. As a Beta, it seems that he was born to be a foil for Alphas with excellent genes, and he will never be able to become the protagonist.

There is a peculiar emotion in this world, which has nothing to do with love, friendship, or family affection, and it is called the death of a confidant. When Joshua first met Shen Xiuyun, he only relied on a gut feeling that this person might be extraordinary in the future, and out of the nature of a businessman, he would always seize something with potential and invest in anticipation. At that time, it was still too early, and Joshua took a long-term approach to this Omega, silently paying attention to him, until he finally decided to make a move, and came to Shen Xiuyun with the wooden card that he had obtained as a favor fee. originally thought that even if it was for the sake of his younger brother's future and his family's life, he was only in danger alone, and they were only cooperating with each other, which was an employment relationship in another sense, and the success or failure was only because of his own vision. However, at this moment, Joshua suddenly felt that there was something that connected them, as if as long as he followed this person, no matter what he did, no matter whether there would be a reward, no matter what kind of ending was waiting for him, as long as he could do a crazy job, everything would be worth it!

Joshua's eyes sank, the businessman's unique eight-sided smile retracted, closed the box, solemnly put it away, and asked Shen Xiuyun in a low voice: "Is it only this one, or will there be such things coming out one after another in the future?" The

isolation cloak is the only one in the world to be sold, and there is a mass production marketing method that will be mass-produced one after another, which is crucial, so Joshua needs to ask.

Shen Xiuyun was very satisfied with Joshua's rather superior reaction, and said, "There are many, as long as the funds are sufficient, there will be an endless stream."

Joshua's eyes lit up visibly, and there seemed to be a spar glow flickering in them, "Then I see." Joshua swallowed, and in response to Shen Xiuyun's question about how much money he could make, he didn't give an accurate number, but just asked, "How much money do you need?" No, I mean, we, how much do we need?

"How much does a mech cost?" Shen Xiuyun asked.

Joshua's pupils shrank, and he settled his mind before he said, "The most ordinary, about 100,000 imperial coins."

"So how many units do you think we need?" Shen Xiuyun asked again.

Joshua fell completely silent this time, and under the gaze of those deep, cold eyes, his body couldn't help but tremble, and he couldn't tell whether it was because of awe or excitement. At this moment, he finally knew the ambition of the Omega man in front of himHow big and how crazy what they are about to do!

He lowered his eyes and thought for a while, and when he raised his eyes again, Joshua's brown eyes were already calm: "I think I understand what you mean." Don't worry, as your treasurer, I will help you solve all your financial problems.

The corners of Shen Xiuyun's mouth provoked a hint of a smile, and he pushed the crystal card on the table back to Joshua as it was, saying, "You can use this money at will, I won't ask."

Joshua took the crystal card and felt that what it carried was heavier and more precious than ever.

Shen Xiuyun left.

Until Shen Xiuyun left for a long time, Joshua was still sitting in the dining room a little distracted, when the communicator rang, Joshua looked down, and saw that it was the name of his younger brother Asir, so he clicked on the voice communication.

"Hey, brother, where have you been? It's been a long time since I've been home, Asir misses you so much. Mom and sisters miss you so much, too. On the other end of the communicator, there was the sound of a little omega's milky voice.

Ever since he took Asir to Lamar to play three months ago and met with Shen Xiuyun, he sent his little Omega brother home, and he immediately flew back and forth between the major planets of the Interstellar Empire to do business and make money, and he couldn't go home once in three months. This is the longest time Asir has been away from him since he was a child, Asir has always been sticky to him, and it is not easy to hold back for so long to send him a communication.

"Asir, will my brother go home with you today?" Joshua gently said into the communicator that only in front of his brother would he remove the mask of a businessman, and he would forget the burden of family on his shoulders for a while and become relaxed.

"Great! Then we'll wait for you to come back for dinner tonight! Little Douding was so happy that he cut off the communicator.

Joshua put away the crystal card and the box containing the isolation cloak that Shen Xiuyun handed him, and decided to go home temporarily to rest for two days, he needed to make a plan, a very detailed plan, and there was no room for a little sloppiness and flaws, because he knew that this was likely to be the most shocking work in his life, and he wanted to use the power in his hands, the wisdom in his brain, for himself, and for the Omega who was about to become a legend of the empire, Make a business miracle.

When Shen Xiuyun returned to Planet Solomon again, he found that the Solomon Arena had been seized. Van Sde Green, the head of Solomon Arena, was taken away by the military, and the investigation into the Omega's disappearance and trafficking case continues.

However, soon things began to turn in a bad direction. A week after the closure of the Solomon Arena, tens of thousands of competitors and employees who depend on the Solomon Arena for their survival surrounded the entire Solomon Arena business district, shouting, demonstrating, and protesting, and the military had to send two legions to maintain order in case of another riot. But even with so many troops, it is impossible to avoid the unrest and turmoil on the planet, which was about to be out of the control of the government.

Because most of the economic resources of Planet Solomon depend on the Solomon Arena, once the Arena is seized, the economy of the entire Planet Solomon is almost paralyzed and collapsed, shops are closed, factories are suspended, schools are closed, and there are often scuffles in the streets and alleys, and the situation deteriorates little by little, and finally even the most basic planetary heating cannot be solved.

Solomon Planet has a very cold climate, and once there is no heating, humans simply cannot survive. A large number of residents want to leave Planet Solomon, but they suffer from the restrictions on the number of flights on the Planet Solomon Space Station, resulting in many people being stranded on the space station and unable to leave. Restless and resentful emotions are spreading rapidly among the crowd......

Shen Xiuyun has paid special attention to the recent news about the planet Solomon, which has been very tightly covered, compared to the news when the great prince Caesaron was unlucky a few days ago, this time the information was almost completely blocked, and the news of Solomon was basically only a few words that were not salty or light, such as: "After the Solomon Arena was seized, Solomon's economy was affected to a certain extent, and some shops had to close down." Another example: "Solomon Planet was hit by the strongest cold air in nearly a hundred years, and the planet's heating system could not meet the demand, and most of the residents chose to temporarily move to other planets to escape the cold." "It's about never mentioning the turmoil.

It was not in vain that Shen Xiuyun searched hard every day, and finally let him find a true report on the situation on Planet Solomon, although this report was deleted ten minutes after it was sent.

Shen Xiuyun specially wrote down the name of the reporter - Sarah Tandin. This is a beta female reporter of a satellite TV station, when Shen Xiuyun pretended to be an alpha nobleman named Xiuth in the Klaipa Palace, infiltrated the birthday dinner of Emperor Kemis, and successfully escaped, it was this person who first broke the news.

Shen Xiuyun silently remembered the name of the female reporter, and at the same time, on the other side of the empire, this bold female reporter named Sara Tandin was struggling to be carried out of her home and escorted to the military headquarters and locked up.

"You are hiding the truth from the public! You are violating the freedom of speech of citizens! Power! Violent! Shameless military politics! The female reporter was shouting in the detention room, but no one paid attention to her, and the soldiers who had taken her were locked up and left.

On the planet Rama, outside the command department of the Imperial Army, the seventh prince Luo Jia was surrounded by a large group of reporters as soon as he got off the flying machine, and asked him about the progress of the Solomon Arena case, as well as the news of the Great Prince and the new round of position transfer arrangements of the Mission Corps.

"Your Highness Lorgar, you gave up the commander of the Glory Corps and went to the Arena of Solomon alone, saying that it was for something more important, did you mean this case? Did you get the news a long time ago? Did you secretly help the investigation team after it was formed?

"Your Highness the Seventh, I heard that you have just taken over as the commander of the mission corps and you have greatly transferred the position of senior general, are you not afraid of being opposed? I heard from the outside world that you once reprimanded the senior generals of the Mission Corps for corruption to your face, is this true? There are also people who say that you are taking this opportunity to suppress His Royal Highness the Great Prince, His Royal Highness Cateron, who has said countless times in front of the media that he was wronged, what do you have to say about this?

Despite his heavy thoughts, Loga was able to cope with it on her face.

"As for the Solomon Arena, I didn't know about human trafficking before that, but after the investigation team was formed, I did provide some experience as a competitor and the internal information I had about the arena, and I don't know if I could help with the investigation. As for the transfer of officials of the Mission Corps, I can only say that everything I do is for the safety of the people of the Empire, and the Mission Corps is the copper wall of the Empire, and I will never allow any rotten loopholes on the copper wall. And His Royal Highness the Great Prince, he is still the most beloved brother, and I believe that he is innocent. Once he completes the investigation and repeats his military duties, I will return the mission corps to him as soon as possible.
entering the command headquarters, the reporter was stopped outside, and Luo Jia walked to the command room without looking back, and the modest smile he kept in front of the camera disappeared when he turned around, and even a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Is there any new news coming out of Solomon Planet?" Luo Jia asked the subordinate officer with a calm face.

"The situation is deteriorating further, and if the heating system is not restored immediately, and if the transfer is not timely, it may lead to large-scale riots."

"Didn't you send a technical team before, why hasn't the heating been restored for so many days?"

"For some reason, the people we sent quickly lost contact, and when they were found, they were all ...... Frozen to death.

"What? All dead? Lorgar's eyes lit up.


Luo Jia frowned slightly, his face gloomy and terrifying. The closure of the Solomon Arena would affect Solomon's economy to a certain extent, which he had been prepared for a long time, and he definitely did not expect that it would cause such serious consequences, and according to the advance prediction, it was absolutely impossible to make such a big noise. thatDoes that mean that someone must be making trouble, who is it? Dare to fight him?

For the Seventh Prince, it is normal for everything to be under control, and anything unexpected makes him unhappy.

"By the way, there's one more thing to report to the Lieutenant General!"

Luo Jia was originally the commander of the Glory Corps, with the rank of lieutenant general, and was later stripped of his military rank after his resignation. And this time he came back and took over the mission corps, and his rank was naturally restored.

"Say." Loga Road.

"The reporter who reported on Planet Solomon, we've caught it, what should I do?"

"What can be done? Let's talk about it first, let her not mess around these days, and release it when this matter is over. "

Yes!" The officer took the order and retreated.

can break through the blockade and grasp all the monitoring gaps to send out the news, this woman is also capable enough, and if she gets it right, she is a usable person. Lorgar's thoughts flashed through him, but now he really didn't have the energy to think about it, so he picked up the communicator and wired Joseph.

His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince, who has always been undisobedient for a lifetime, looked at his eyes slightly narrowed at this time, and his gaze was gloomy. Who is giving him unhappiness on Planet Solomon, he must find out!

"Hey, Joseph, let your people secretly land on the planet Solomon and see what the situation is, remember, be careful."

After disconnecting the communicator, Lorgar groaned for a while, and for some reason, several black-faced men who had assassinated him that night flashed in front of him. He was now completely sure that the three were high-level regional contenders in the Solomon Arena, only he hadn't seen them appear since. Even if there are some people in the high-level area who are very strong, they are still much worse than those three.

There are too many secrets in Solomon Arena that have not been answered, and even though the military and police have been involved in the Omega abduction case, so far, no suspicious clues have been found. Lorgar absolutely did not believe that Catheron alone could suppress so many things. So, what else is manipulating this?

Three days later, half a month after the closure of the Solomon Arena, the investigation team, on the recommendation of the parliament, actually announced an unexpected decision: to release the head of the Solomon Arena, Van Sde Green, and lift the seizure of the Solomon Arena. The reason given by the council is also very high-sounding: because there is no evidence of a direct connection between the Solomon Arena and the Omega abduction case, in order to avoid affecting the economy and people's livelihood of Planet Solomon, it was decided to immediately resume the normal operation of the Solomon Arena.

When Lorga heard the news, he was shocked.

Could it be that ...... The supporting forces behind this Solomonic Arena are in the parliament? What is in it to have such a strong backing?

And during the closure of the Solomon Arena, Shen Xiuyun received new business. This time it was the assassination of a quartermaster, and when Shen Xiuyun found out the quartermaster's information, showing that he was a subordinate of the fifth prince Galeman, Shen Xiuyun couldn't help but sneer.

Everything is the same as in the previous life, the same routine, the same technique. Eradicate dissidents step by step, and uproot the way to the throne one by one, so will he still be used in this life like in his previous life, and then the rabbit will die and the dog will cook?

Thinking of this, Shen Xiuyun's black eyes couldn't help but have murderous intent.

If you die at the hands of that person in your last life, then the end of this life may not be up to that person.

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