ch 20

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In the banquet hall of the Klaipa Palace, dignitaries gathered at this time, and almost all giants from the military, political, and business circles attended the royal dinner.

Lorgar was dressed in black, and looked a little out of place among a group of high-ranking imperial army officers in dark green uniforms. He is the youngest prince, and because his biological mother was born as a commoner and died so early, there is no strong support from his mother's family behind him, so he is considered the least powerful among all the princes. Although the outside media evaluated him as "one of the most promising heirs to the throne", everyone in the aristocratic circle knew the actual situation well.

At this time, compared to the other alpha heirs who embraced the left and the right, Lorgar's side seemed particularly deserted. Except for the major generals of the Legion of Honor, few people came to chat with him, so he just sat at the bar and poured himself a drink, swirling the red wine in the glass with his head down, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Seventh brother, why are you drinking alone here?" The second prince, Menus, saw Lorgar sitting alone at the bar from afar, and walked over with a smile. The single-breasted silver-gray dress, the style of the whole body can be described in two words: coquettish.

"Second brother." Lorgar looked up at Maynous, and asked the sommelier at the bar to mix a glass of wine.

"Yo, it's really rare to think that I still remember the taste I like."

"That's right, the second brother's taste has always been unique." Lorgar smiled lightly.

The second prince, Maynous, was the only one among the seven alpha heirs who did not serve in the imperial army, but he was one of the most concerned and flattered princes at this dinner party, the reason was very simple, he was very rich. This level of wealth has already surpassed the cognition of ordinary people. No one can figure out how much money this second prince, who is as cunning as a fox, actually has. Some people say that His Royal Highness Maynooth once spent a lot of money in the jokes of the Solomon Arena, and the amount of betting on a game even exceeded the total betting amount of the Solomon Arena for ten years. And in the end, he actually won, and emptied the pockets of the largest gang organization known as the Star Empire overnight.

From the day he came of age at the age of eighteen, when he announced that he would renounce the succession to the throne and received a large amount of royal compensation, to using the compensation as raw capital to create a huge business empire, His Royal Highness Maynooth accumulated this incomparably rich property , only took six years.

"I heard that you went to the grassroots corps for a year to experience, how is it, how do you feel?" Maynooth has a pair of slender eyes, which always give people the impression of smiling, friendly and kind, but those who follow in the mall The unlucky bastards he has dealt with will never have such thoughts.

"It's quite rewarding, but I feel that the military supplies of the Glory Corps are too far behind the other two corps. The frontier garrison can't even guarantee the normal mecha update." "No way." Maynooth spread his hands

, made a helpless expression, "The Glory Corps used to be called the 'Blade of the Empire'. With the existing 139 survivable planets, there will be no large-scale foreign wars. Occasional small turmoil within the empire can be settled by the lions of the Mission Corps, so there is no need for the Honor Corps to take action. So Now the Legion of Glory has become a weakling, whether it is supported or disbanded, it can only keep cutting expenses." "

Yes, there is no way." Lorgar drank a sip of wine with downcast eyes, and echoed.

Maynus looked at Lorgar, twitched his lips, and mentioned it inadvertently: "By the way, seventh brother, there will be a new Omega released at the Meizuo base in half a year." Luo

Jia Jia paused, "Oh? So what's the matter?"

Maynooth's eyes suddenly became very ambiguous, and he joked: "Why are you pretending to be confused, you are almost twenty now, it's time to choose an Omega. Boss When you were your age, Omega's belly was three times bigger."

"Oh, the second brother wanted to say this." Lorgar smiled and put down his glass, "There's nothing to worry about, anyway, the blood is good. After all, it will be automatically assigned to the royal family. I'll just wait for the points."

"Yo Yo Yo, you're not serious, Seventh, are you? The second brother is here to tell you the truth, don't you want to tell the truth to the second brother? ?"

"Oh? What truth?"

"Hey, well, whether you understand it in your heart or not, the second brother is here to give you some advice." Maynous put away his smile as he spoke, and leaned closer to Lorgar, and said in a mysterious and low voice: "I heard , Many of the Omegas that come out of this batch are of unusual background, but they are directly related to a few old guys in the council." "So, what the second brother means


"There are many ways to distribute Omega over the years, If you don't work in advance, you will never get a good one. Now that you have managed to get the Legion of Honor, you don't want to become a bare commander in the end, right? Huh? Cute little Lorgar?" Lorgar raised his eyes and looked at

Maynooth .

Maynooth winked at him.

"The next parliament is about to be held. Whether or not the Legion of Honor will be disbanded at that time depends on your ability. Oh, yes, and, today you are a bit high-profile at the military parade, I am afraid you will make someone angry Oh, be careful."

Maynooth finally smiled and patted Lorgar's shoulder full of brotherly love, then strolled away with the wine glass.

Lorgar silently watched the back of the second prince staggering away, while playing with the wine glass in his hand, his eyes gradually narrowed.

Interesting, Maynous, who has always only recognized money but not people... When did he offend Caesarron? Otherwise, how could he take the initiative to show his favor to him with his character of being useless?

Lorgar was thinking about it when he suddenly saw a servant coming over. If he remembered correctly, he was one of the twelve personal attendants of Emperor Kemis.

"Your Highness Seventh, Your Majesty wants to see you in the study upstairs."

"Yes, I see, I'll go up."

The attendant bowed and left.

Lorgar got up, drank the wine in the glass, and put the empty glass on the bar, but his eyes sank.

The Klaipa Palace is very large, and it takes a while to walk from the banquet hall for guests to the emperor's study. But Lorgar did not expect that he would run into Caesaron who was returning from the bathroom on the way.

"Brother? What's wrong with you?"

Caesarron seemed to have drank a lot of wine and looked slightly tipsy. Seeing Lorgar, Kaisaron couldn't help but sneer.

"Seventh brother, you did a great job today. Brother, I would like to thank you for being flexible and helping me save face." Caesarron's tone was obviously sarcastic, but Lorgar went along with the flow, smiled wryly, and said, "I saw you at the time

. Everyone knew that there was a problem with those two nuclear bombs. In fact, anyone can save the situation. I don't believe that you didn't think of how to rescue it at the time? But in that case, if you really can't suppress it, you don't know how much trouble there will be. It's ugly, the emperor brothers are all people of status, it seems that I can only get on. Big brother, you won't blame me for my overstepping at that time, will you?" "How could it be, seventh

brother As expected of a genius who graduated with a full honor from the Command Academy, he even estimated the flight time of the interceptor bomb to within seconds. Father must be very pleased to see it." "Brother, don't make fun of my younger brother. You didn't see Father this afternoon

. I don't look right? Father always doesn't like the royal family to show their face in front of the public, and I have done both of them today. No, tell me to go to the study now, who knows how to scold me."

Kemi Emperor Si hates people who are flamboyant, and everyone in the empire knows this. Hearing Lorgar's words, Kemis's face became better, and he was finally willing to look at Lorgar.

"Why, Father told you to go to the study?"

"Well, why don't you accompany me in, big brother?"

"What am I going to do with you!"

"Please intercede for me when I am scolded."

Recalling this afternoon Kai His Majesty Mis's black face, Caesarron's wine was half awake, he waved his hands and said: "Okay, you go, don't make the father wait, and you will be scolded again." Lorgar smiled

, Just as he was

about to leave, he seemed to think of something, and asked again: "By the way, brother, have you found out what happened to the two nuclear bombs during the military parade today?" Omega did a good job, and I get angry when I mention it." "

The Omega that escaped from the planet Mezuo?" Lorgar was slightly surprised, "Then where is that Omega now?"

"Where else can it be? He's already dead!" Caesarron said unhappily. After speaking, he turned and returned to the banquet hall.

Lorgar stood there for a while, and then continued to walk towards the emperor's study. On the way, thinking about Caesarron's words, something suddenly flashed through his mind.

There had been attendants waiting at the door of the study, and after seeing Lorgar, he gave a slight salute and invited him in.

Emperor Kemisi sat behind the desk and watched the youngest son walk in. His handsome face was very much like that woman back then.

"Father, you are looking for me." Lorgar walked up to the emperor.

Emperor Kemis looked at him silently, and the father and son looked at each other for a moment. Then, the emperor's eyes slowly moved to the other white rose on Lorgar's chest, his face was ugly and scary.

"Where's your military uniform?"

"This is my military uniform."

"Nonsense! Do you know what day it is today? How dare you wear it like this!"

"Today is my mother's death day."

Emperor Kemis was furious and grabbed it. The vase on the table smashed at Lorgar.

Lorgar didn't hide, and the vase fell directly on his head. He closed his eyes slightly, only to feel a dull pain in his head, and the vase fell to the ground and smashed at his feet.

"Father, calm down." Lorgar still bowed slightly respectfully, his expression did not change at all, but the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and a trace of pleasure flashed in his eyes.

"Take that stupid white flower off your body!" Although Emperor Kemisi's face was already showing old age, his eyes and tone belonged to a king, but he was still very majestic.

Lorgar obeyed the order, took down the white rose, put it under his nose and smelled it, and said softly, "This is my mother's favorite flower." "I told you, don't stay in this palace

. Mention that woman! Don't you understand, Lorgar?" "

But she is my mother."

"She is not worthy." Emperor Kemis looked at Lorgar, almost gnashing his teeth.

Lorgar didn't speak.

Emperor Kemisi said again: "Seeing that you have been out for so many years and returned to the palace for the first time, I can forgive you. But Lorgar, remember, on this day next year, I want you to wear the normal clothes of the imperial army. Stand in the royal family in military uniform, otherwise, you will take your white roses and get out of Klaipa Palace together, and you will be removed from the royal family tree forever! Remember, what I can give you can also be easily Take it back, do you understand?"

Lorgar was silent for a while, and bowed to Kemis with his hands on his chest: "I understand, Father." "

Okay, let's go, if you still want to wear this dress today, Just go back to your bedroom and don't appear in front of me again."

"Yes, Father."

Coming out of Emperor Kemis's study, Lorgar's eyes were cold, and the attendant who was guarding the door glanced at him for being smashed. His forehead moved back to his line of sight, and Quan lowered his eyes as if he hadn't seen anything.

"This is for you." Lorgar handed the deformed white rose to the attendant.

"Your Highness, this needs me..."

"Throw it away."

"...Yes, Your Highness."

The attendant held the white rose in his hand and watched His Highness Lorgar stride away. His Highness the Seventh Prince's eyes lightly swept across, and the attendant felt a chill in his heart, and bowed his knees involuntarily. I have served the emperor closely for many years, and I have seen all the personnel and affairs of the royal family, but no one has ever been able to give him such a sense of oppression like today's Prince Lorgar. And this invisible oppressive force on people, people usually prefer to give it a more powerful name-the majesty of the king.

After Lorgar returned to his bedroom, he immediately took out the communication device and contacted one of his officers.

"Send over the nuclear bomb interception video from today's military parade, I want to watch it, immediately."

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