ch 86 - 90

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Shasar did not panic in the face of the sudden hostility that arose from everyone, and still said in his gentle and calm tone: "This is what makes me wonder too. After they injected me with primary lifeforms, those lifeforms did not 'split' in my blood. And not only that, but my blood seems to have a special immunity to those zergs. "

"Immunity? What kind of immunity? Shen Xiuyun asked.

"The primary life form can't do me harm, I'm not conscious of being controlled."

"So those eggs didn't do anything in your body?" Ivan asked, his disdain for the term primary lifeform, and although Bai Mo always said that it was inaccurate to say that he qiáng, he preferred to understand it as a worm egg.

"No, they worked, too."

"You mean, your legs ......," Randy thought first.

Shasar glanced at his legs, and smiled helplessly: "That's right, I found that some of the tissues in my body are gradually being changed, the most obvious change is that my body is much better than before, my physical strength has increased, my reflexes have also improved, and the most incredible thing is that my legs have returned to normal and can make me stand up." "

"How can these bugs still do good things? It seems that His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince is really lucky, so far, we have not heard of a similar situation. Ivan was skeptical of Shasar's words, and still hadn't even let his guard down completely.

However, Shen Xiuyun didn't say anything at this time, because he thought of someone.

"Didn't the Zerg find out that you were immune to them?" Shen Xiuyun was silent for a moment and asked.

Shasar shook his head: "First of all, it takes a certain period for a lifeform to split into fragments in the Omega's blood, so I wasn't very conspicuous at first, and then I pretended to be eroded in consciousness like those Omegas. All the attention of those zergs had been on the other Omegas who had begun to split the 'shards', and it wasn't until they died one after another that the zerg discovered my specialness. Before you came, they wanted to test me analytically. "

"Ever wondered why?"

"I don't know, that's what I'm trying to figure out right now."

After Shasar said this, everyone present fell into deep thought, and among them, only Lanka's gaze at Shasar was somewhat complicated, Shasar felt his gaze, and looked back, but Lanka winked at him and made a silent gesture to him while people were not paying attention.

"Your Royal Highness the Fourth Prince, in fact, we don't welcome the royal family, but since you are an Omega, we are willing to bring you back to our Omega planet, what do you mean?" Randy asked.

"Omega Planet...... Sasar smiled, "I've admired the Daimyo for a long time, and I'm honored to be able to visit me." "

"In that case, there is a premise that we have to make clear here."

"Oh? What the? "

"Although we are willing to believe every word you say, for the sake of insurance, we will still conduct some tests and examinations on you when you arrive on the Omega planet, and we hope that you will cooperate, and of course, we guarantee that it will not be against you."

Shasar hesitated for a moment this time, then smiled and said, "Okay, I agree." "

At the end of the conversation, the group dispersed, and the television in the communal cabin was turned on, which was still broadcasting the news about Loga's abdication of the throne.

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