ch 35

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With the sound of a gong that was amplified several times by the sound system, deafening cheers suddenly erupted in a stadium on the ninety-ninth floor of Solomon. Compared to other middle-level competition areas, the popularity here is unbelievably high, almost to the point of being overcrowded.

"Hundred floors, the 39067th competitive match, competitor L won!" The referee's voice echoed in the arena, pushing the already crowded voices to a new climax.

"L! L! L!"

"Invincible! Invincible! Invincible!"

The voices in the auditorium came one after another, gradually converging in one place, forming a majestic harmony that almost shook the entire floor.

And at this moment, on the arena surrounded by a 360-degree circular auditorium stood a competitor, holding a silver knife, wearing a half silver metal mask on his face, covering the part above the mouth , revealing only the thinned lips and perfectly lined jaw. In front of him lay a muscular man. After several difficult attempts, he still couldn't stand up. Finally, after the referee announced the end of the game, he was carried down on a stretcher.

This competitor code-named "L" was exactly the legendary character that the coyotes had mentioned before. From the first floor to the hundredth floor, he had no defeat at all, and he was promoted all the way at a miraculous speed. It is precisely because of this that his name quickly spread on Solomon and gathered a large number of admirers.

In the Solomon Arena, from the moment a competitor starts a game, the arena will issue a certain number of "tickets". The number of matches, win-loss ratio, and division level of the competitors will vary. Tickets can be bought and sold at any time, which is a bit similar to stocks in the financial circle, so many people will buy tickets in the name of a competitor when he first enters the Solomon Arena, in order to appreciate in value in the future.

Therefore, under the halo of the "Invincible God" all the way, the betting price of L also soared all the way, and the odds and entry fees offered by the casino were also higher and higher, even breaking the historical record of the middle-level competition area . Many people who have followed him from the low-level competition areas have made a lot of money from him. For example, many of the audience in today's game have followed him all the way from the low-level competitive competitions. One can imagine.

Of course, people are so excited not just because of monetary interests. Solomon Arena has been established for more than ten years, and there has never been a person who has not lost a game from the first floor to the hundredth floor. It's not that there has never been a zero-defeat before, but that many masters of this level were found by the excavators before they entered the Solomon Arena, directly passed the bottom-level competition area, and were invited to the middle-level area. Shen Xiuyun is one of them. example. And like L, it is unprecedented to advance from the grassroots level without failing.

L's invincibility has almost become a kind of default. In this place that only advocates force and the strong, he is undoubtedly God's darling.

Competitor L jumped down from the ring amid wild cheers and applause, and his silver mask flashed a cool metallic light under the high-brightness lights of the arena. With the end of the match, in the seemingly completely sealed arena, two doors appeared on the ground on both sides of the ring. The sturdy man was carried down through the opposite door, while L walked to the other door.

As soon as he reached the door and was about to go down the stairs, L suddenly stopped and turned his head to look somewhere in the auditorium, but he didn't seem to find anything. He scanned the crowd twice, turned around and continued walking down after a while. Stairs, the figure quickly disappeared at the end of the stairs.

After the competitors left the arena, all the exits in the auditorium were also opened, and people left the arena one after another, still talking about the game just now.

"L's points are already the highest in the mid-level area, right? The cross-district competition every three months is about to start. I really want to see him enter the master area soon! I bought a lot of his tickets. If he If you can be promoted to the master zone, the price will double again!"

"Yeah, I also bought his ticket! Wait, I checked the points ranking table, it seems to have been updated just now..."

While speaking, the communicator of one of them beeped twice, and he quickly opened a plug-in on the communicator. This plug-in was provided by Solomon Arena, which could provide various competitive information in the first place.

"Hey, that's not right, the total score of L ranks second, and the first one is a man named Wild Ghost. Wait a minute, let me check his information... He is a competitor who directly enters the intermediate area. Damn, this person is also He has no defeats!"

"Ah, that's L, he hasn't lost in hundreds of games, what kind of wild ghosts and wild flowers, it's not worth mentioning at all! Besides, his high points must be because he was in the There are more games in the mid-level area than L." The person who spoke earlier was obviously full of confidence in L, patted his friend on the shoulder, and the two left talking and laughing.

Solomon Arena adopts the system of accumulating event points. In the usual round-robin games, wins, draws, and losses are scored 1, 0, and -1 respectively. Then every once in a while, the three levels of low, middle and high will select the two people with the highest points for PK, and the winner will advance to a level. There is such a final every half a month in the low-level area, every three months in the middle-level area, and every other year in the high-level area.

The points of the three levels of low, middle and high are accumulated separately. Every time a champion is promoted in the level area, the points of all competitors in the level area will be cleared and they will return to the same starting line. As for the person who has advanced, all the points will be emptied, and the ticket price under his name will be greatly increased due to the increase in level.

This system prevents someone from gaining an absolute advantage in the arena by relying on mixed seniority, keeps the competitors motivated to advance, and makes it easier to introduce new blood. This is why Solomon is more prosperous and energetic than other arenas. .

Just when the two were chatting and discussing, Shen Xiuyun happened to pass by them.

After today's game, L's total points are exactly three points lower than his. If nothing else, a week later, the middle-level to high-level competition finals held every three months will be played by the two of them. Competition, before that, there will be no more competitions in the mid-level area.

The so-called know yourself and know your enemy, and you can win every battle. Shen Xiuyun checked L's information, and it happened that this person entered the Solomon Arena three days earlier than himself.

Most people have to rest and adjust for a period of time after playing a game, which limits the number of games, but this person has been applying for games without interruption since he came in, and he has won and lost, and his points have risen at an incredible speed. He knocked down 50 floors in just three days, ranking first in the low-level area in terms of points, and just caught up with the promotion match in the low-level area every half a month on the fourth day.

After L won the promotion match, he entered the mid-level area, and his points were automatically cleared. At this time, Shen Xiuyun had already won three games in the mid-level area. Afterwards, their number of games and speed kept almost exactly the same pace, and within two and a half months, they quickly made up for the half-month point gap compared to other middle-level old competitors. Until today's match, although L didn't lose a game, but because he played three games less than Shen Xiuyun, the total score was three points lower than him, but he was still ahead of the third place by a large margin.

From the moment Shen Xiuyun noticed L, as long as there was no conflict in his own game, he would watch every game, and he had studied the replays of previous games repeatedly. He knew that this would be a difficult opponent.

After Shen Xiuyun's repeated observation and research, he always felt that this person's body style seemed familiar, and then he thought of a person. But as that person, how could he come to such a place?

Shen Xiuyun was full of doubts, and he didn't dare to take it lightly.

"This man's sword skills are good." Coyote followed Shen Xiuyun with a cigarette in his mouth. Since the last time we went to Xingmeng Palace together, he seemed to regard Shen Xiuyun as his good brother. He didn't have a match today, so he also accompanied Shen Xiuyun to "investigate the enemy's situation".

"Soon, but I don't think it's as fast as the wild ghost's sword." At this moment, another person said.

The coyote was very surprised, "Javi? Don't you have a competition?"

Javi immediately made a bitter face, and showed the 3D camera in his hand, "No way, my sister is a fan of that L, she has a class today If he couldn't come, he threatened me to videotape him. Anyway, I'm about to advance to the promotion match, and I'm not short of that point, so I simply canceled the match." That's right, because the points are useless by this time, the mid-level

Many competitors in the district simply turned down their games to watch this legendary L, which is one of the reasons why the game was full.

"Your sister? You said Jiesha, I haven't seen her for a long time, when will you come to play?" The hyena immediately showed a lewd expression.

Jiewei scolded the coyote, "Get lost", then took out the memory card from the 3D camera and handed it directly to Shen Xiuyun.

"Wild ghost, you can take this to watch first, and just copy and pass it on to me later. Although there will be a video in the arena at that time, it should be helpful to you to look at it from different shooting angles. "

Shen Xiuyun took the memory card, glanced at Jiewei, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jiewei smiled.

Coyote and Jiewei walked with Shen Xiuyun for a while, and they were about to leave when they passed an elevator. Although it had only been half a month, Shen Xiuyun's suite had moved to the 100th floor, but they were still there. On the 90th floor, this further confirmed the accuracy of their original judgment. This wild ghost is indeed an extremely powerful master. Fortunately, he was recruited in time.

"Okay, let's go down first. If you need help with anything in the future, just ask!" The hyena said to Shen Xiuyun. Cloud knew better, so it wasn't a boast for Coyote to say that.

Shen Xiuyun nodded, and after sending the two of them away, he took the storage card Jervi gave him and walked towards his suite, turned a corner, and before he reached the place, he saw a large group of people surrounded by the entrance of the suite. A middle-aged fat man was banging on the door hard.

"Hey! Open the door! I'm the general manager of Solomon Arena, because I received a report that the athletes here are suspicious, and I need a routine inspection! Open the door quickly! If we don't open the door, we will force our way in!" Shen Xiuyun silently stood behind Looking at

these people, but did not step forward.

Finally, the door opened, and a strong smell of Omega pheromone poured out from the room. Such a strong smell can only appear when an Omega is in heat. The Alphas at the door couldn't restrain themselves, and their bodies couldn't help reacting. The fat man in charge, after seeing the person who opened the door, his small triangular eyes showed greed.

"Huh? You... What's the matter?" The flushed young Omega leaned against the door, holding the door frame with one hand. He was drenched in sweat, his thin white shirt was almost translucent, and his light brown eyes were watery. Light, red lips parted slightly, just one look made the bones of the first few Alphas crisp.

The fat man's eyes were straightened, he swallowed his saliva, and before he could speak, he heard a cold voice behind him saying: "There are so many people? What advice do you have?" Several people turned their heads and saw Shen Xiuyun Walking

over, the fat man saw the long sword in his hand, and his expression changed slightly.

" are a wild ghost?"

"That's right." Shen Xiuyun said as he walked over, the people blocking the door subconsciously made way for him, and he went straight into the room and hugged Randy.

The fat man suddenly didn't know what to say next. He couldn't just say that someone suspected that he was an Omega, so he brought someone to investigate, right? Isn't it insulting to do this in public? What if this person gets upset and cuts himself off? None of these competitors are easy to mess with, and it doesn't matter how many criminal records they have before. Originally, I wanted to sneak in to find some clues when no one was around, but who knew there was an Omega squatting inside? And also met the Lord back!

Just as the fatty was struggling with his words, the person next to him reacted faster than him and asked, "Excuse me, sir, we are just doing a routine inspection to see if there are any potential safety hazards, and we didn't mean to offend you." "

Yes That's right." The fat man hurriedly interjected, then glanced at Randy, and asked, "This Omega...did he take heat medicine?" Shen Xiuyun squinted at the fat man, "What do you think?" "


...then..." The fat man didn't know what was wrong, but Shen Xiuyun glanced at him lightly, and couldn't help fighting in his heart, and then asked a very stupid question, "What should I do?"

The Alphas behind him couldn't bear to look directly at him.

An Omega takes heat drugs and hides in the room of a cool, handsome and domineering competitor. How do you solve it?

Shen Xiuyun still said the same thing, "What do you think?"

An Omega is in heat, of course it has to be beaten by an Alpha to survive it! Well, this time not only can it prove that this wild wolf is not an Omega, but even Alpha's identity has been exposed!

Several people silently glanced at the isolation cloak on Shen Xiuyun's body. At this time, the Omega had already started to stick to him desperately. In the next second, the door of the suite room slammed shut, blocking several envious and jealous eyes.

Outside the door, the people who were making fun of themselves dispersed angrily, but inside the door, at the moment of closing the door, Randy pushed Shen Xiuyun away, and stood by himself, the hand that had been hiding behind the door just now, unexpectedly Hold on to a sword all the time!

Shen Xiuyun looked at Randy, nodded and said: "Yes, there is progress." Randy held the

ground with his sword, as if trying to restrain something, his eyes were shining, and it took a long time to force out a smile, "At least, I can stand in front of those people now."

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