ch 32

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Ivan was imprisoned by the base for his radical remarks.

In the confinement hut, only a small high ventilated window can shine a ray of light, like a spotlight shining on the dark and airtight confinement room floor, opening a small light bright world on the dark floor.

Ivan sat in the corner of the confinement room with his knees hugged. He knew that he would pay a heavy price for his impulse, not just confinement. He would be discredited as a "very ill-bred and disobedient" Omega. It is also very likely that he was deliberately assigned to the noble Alpha with bad conduct because he beat the noble young master with a not simple family background.

But he has no regrets.

Yes, he has no regrets. As long as he thought of his sister who died tragically, the hatred in Ivan's heart would uncontrollably stimulate the blood flow in his whole body to accelerate, and he felt a force suffocated in his body, ready to burst out anytime and anywhere. He hates, not only the Alpha nobleman but also the Alpha sergeant who sold her sister, he hates this society that treats commoner Omega as human beings even more! He hated those ugly legislators who, while advocating that the emperor's favor was given to every subject equally, deprived Omega of human rights in the name of guardianship and management.

Every fifteen-year-old Omega will be sent to the Meizuo Base for brainwashing education, and will be indoctrinated with patriotism, obedience to orders, and shouldering social responsibility, etc. "ideas that should belong to Omega". Before that, no one cared whether there would be outstanding scientists among them, talented artists, or skilled mech masters. No one cares whether they are yearning for a free world, yearning for their own ideals and aspirations. The ultimate fate of all of them can only be imprisoned in a certain noble's mansion after they reach adulthood, and become the reproductive tools of others for life, and become dependents without any right to speak.

No right to work, no right to anti-marking, no right to freedom of marriage, no right to contraception and abortion...just because they are the most suitable breeders and shoulder the "heavy responsibility" of human reproduction.

They sacrificed themselves, but in the eyes of others, they have nothing to do with the word "hero".

Ivan was locked up in the confinement room for three full days. The figure in the black cloak kept appearing in his mind. The world where there is no place for the Escape Omega is gone...

the man who did everything he wanted to do but had neither the courage nor the ability to do it.

Ivan recalled that the first time he met Shen Xiuyun was on the train dispatched by Meizuo base. At that time, he was resentful, but he could only complain a few cold words, while Shen Xiuyun stood there quietly, without showing the slightest rebellion or resistance, even when the administrator asked them to take off their clothes, it was the first time. One obeyed the order.

We have been together for more than a year, but no one in the base knows what he is thinking all day long. There seemed to be many stories in those always indifferent and deep eyes, but there was no emotion ups and downs.

He still remembered a conversation between Shen Xiuyun and him when he had a conflict with Feinan:

"What do you want?"

"Me? Of course I hope that scumbag will disappear before my eyes!"

"So, you want to kill him? "


"Since you can't kill him, why do you need to do it?"

Looking back now, his speaking style is really the same as his personality.

Ivan was deeply envious of this person, but at the same time, there was a trace of uncertainty and doubt in his heart. Will he really kill all the Alphas one day? Can he really do all this with his own strength? Will it be like what Feinan and the others said, when that day really comes, Shen Xiuyun will become a criminal and a murderer through and through? Will those legends about him still be talked about like they are now?

Just as Ivan, who was imprisoned in the base, established Shen Xiuyun as a spiritual totem in despair and contradictions, Shen Xiuyun became famous day by day in the Solomon Arena and became the new favorite of many nobles. black horse of the race.

Solomon Arena is a 160-story high-rise building, each floor has 30 to 60 arenas ranging in size. The lower the level of the arena, the lower the level of the game, the lower the entrance fee for the audience, and of course, the corresponding bet amount and the death rate of the competitors are also lower.

The 160-story building is divided into four parts, the first to the fiftieth floor, the fifty-first to the hundredth floor, the one hundred and one hundredth floor to the one hundred and fifty floor, and the fifty floors are a level , which are the low-level competition area, the middle-level competition area and the high-level competition area. And upwards from the 150th floor is the master area that is said to support the facade of the Solomon Arena. Each floor has a floor master who is the owner and user of the floor. There are private luxury suites, extravagant entertainment facilities, and even special fighting training rooms and mech training rooms. Among the top ten masters, the floor masters of the 151st to 159th floors have three opportunities to challenge their upper floor masters every year. If they win, they can be promoted, and those who are defeated will be promoted. Only down.

According to legend, these ten strongest people are now employed by major mercenary groups, mainly engaged in smuggling activities. Not only are they very rich, they even have opportunities to interact with high-level empires.

Although it is possible for everyone to be promoted and challenged to become a member of the top ten masters through competitions, in the past five years, the ten most powerful players in Solomon Arena have always been rotated internally, basically without major changes. The competitor code-named "Bug King" has won the strongest throne for seven consecutive years and has no one to replace him.

Generally, competitive players who volunteered to sign up from the people had to start from the lowest arena when they first entered Solomon, and gradually upgrade according to their personal wins and losses. Those who were favored by the excavators of the Solomon Arena among the people and invited to the arena on their own initiative skipped the low-level competition and directly entered the middle-level competition area, that is, started from the 51st floor. Shen Xiuyun belongs to the latter.

Solomon Arena, starting from the middle level, will provide accommodation for competitors, so Shen Xiuyun was allocated a small suite from the first night when he came in. Although it was not as luxurious and spacious as the rooms of high-level competitors, it was enough for Shen Xiuyun.

After entering the arena for more than a month, Shen Xiuyun has achieved zero defeats, from the 51st floor to the 90th floor of the arena. Such a result, even in the mid-level arena where the levels change frequently, is still very annoying. It's eye-catching.

To be honest, Shen Xiuyun is very satisfied with this place. As Fan Side said, most of the people here hide their identities, and no one investigates their details. At least, on the surface, Solomon Arena will guarantee their privacy. As for whether someone will secretly check their old background, it's hard to say.

Shen Xiuyun has been very eye-catching since the day he entered the arena. At least in the entire middle-level area, it only took less than two months for everyone to know the code name of "Wild Ghost". dawn.

But Shen Xiuyun is not afraid of his identity being exposed, as long as the official reward offered by the empire is not higher than the benefits he can bring to the Solomon Arena, he is safe. And what he has to do now is to rush into the high-level competition area in the shortest time, because once he enters the hundredth floor, he can apply for the use of the arena's firearms training area, and he will also obtain top-secret information on some high-end weapons for free. These things are things that a commoner of the empire will never be able to touch in his lifetime, but for Shen Xiuyun, they must be mastered. Otherwise, if he can't master the world's top martial arts skills, what qualifications does he have to call himself an assassin?

He has to get stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can he face all opponents without fear.

Only by becoming stronger can he survive in this twisted world.

Only by becoming stronger can he retain his own value, and will not be easily betrayed and treated like a plaything.

That night, it was rare that there was no competition in the mid-level area. A few well-connected competitors on the 90th floor wanted to go out to have fun together. Someone knocked on Shen Xiuyun's door and wanted to pull him to go with him.

"Hey, wild ghost, every time after the game, I see you going back to the room bored, how boring, why don't you go out for a drink with us today?"

Leading the charge was a freckled Beta youth named Javi. Javi is cheerful, sociable, and usually very popular. He is one of the few competitors in the Solomon Arena who does not wear an isolation cloak. He has good reaction ability and quick dodge. Only cold weapons are allowed in the middle-level competition area. The weapon he is good at is a chain, which can be used for offense and defense. Very powerful.

"That's right. I heard that there are some stunning Omega coming to Star Dream Palace. Come with us. Let's drink and have fun. It's been more than a month, don't you want to find a place to vent?" He

Jie Weiyi came to be a lobbyist with a competitor code-named "Coyote". His identity is unknown, but it is said that he is a veteran of the Solomon Arena. In a certain percentage, he has been dangling on the 90th floor for many years, and the number of injuries is almost the least in the entire arena. Solomon Arena will pay fixed salaries to mid-level and above athletes every month, and the higher the floor, the higher the salary will naturally be. That's what Coyote is all about, living off a solid arena salary, and his weapon, befitting his codename, is a metal mace. Shen Xiuyun had fought against him before, and knew that this person's strength was definitely much higher than what he showed. If he wanted to, he would definitely have no problem entering the master zone above the 100th floor.

Hearing the words Xingmengdian, Shen Xiuyun's mind flashed, as if thinking of something.

The sharp-eyed coyote keenly caught the change in his expression, thinking that he had finally hit the itch of this mysterious guy, winked his eyes at Javier, and mobilized harder: "Look, I'll just say , everyone is an adult, and it is natural to have needs. Wild ghost, we have specially booked a celebrity from the Star Dream Palace to accompany you today. It is said that the Omega came out of the Klaipa Palace. We will take him today. I'll give it up to you! I'll pay for the appearance fee and the night package fee, how about it, should I save face?"

In fact, from the perspective of laymen, the competitors on the same floor in the arena are all competitors, and they must be wary of each other. The relationship is not so good, but it is not. The higher the floor, the less mobile the competitors are, and the personnel are relatively fixed. Everyone looks up and down every day, and they are familiar with each other's routines. Many people don't have such a strong fighting spirit. To put it bluntly, they come here to fight for food, so they often play tricks on each other. Even if there are once in a while one or two people like Shen Xiuyun who are determined to climb up and are particularly capable, they will not offend easily, they will get along politely and friendly, and some even deliberately win over to please. After all, it's not a bad thing to have a friend or two who can talk to you on a high floor.

And Shen Xiuyun is now the target of many small gangs.

"Go, wild ghost, we've been here for so long, and we're not familiar with you, let's make friends." Jervi continued his efforts beside him.

"Let's go, don't hesitate." The coyote came over to put his arms around Shen Xiuyun's shoulders as he said that.

Shen Xiuyun doesn't like interacting with people, he means heart-to-heart, and he is very good at acting on occasions. Since he already understood the way people get along in the arena, he naturally wouldn't intentionally stand alone in the arena. Moreover, when he heard that he was going to the Star Dream Palace, Shen Xiuyun thought of the Omega who pulled his cloak that he met at the bar that day, so He didn't evade any more, just smiled and said, "Okay, then Brother Coyote will pay for it."

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