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Female reporter Sarah Tandin welcomed Shen Xiuyun into the house, looked out the door vigilantly, and then closed the door and walked back to the living room.

At this time, there was another person in the living room, it was Randy, who had not seen him for a long time.

"Xiuyun, I heard about the Omega planet, everyone is okay." As soon as Lan Di saw Shen Xiuyun coming in, he immediately stood up and asked.

Shen Xiuyun nodded, "Well, Caesaron has already withdrawn his troops. "

"Now the whole world is in chaos." Randy looked a lot thinner, and looked a little tired, "It's just been a little more than a month, and those bugs seem to have suddenly appeared around us overnight." Ever since Catheron led his troops to attack the planet Omega, the situation has intensified, and people who have been infested by insects are literally everywhere. "

That's right, when Shen Xiuyun and the others were first besieged by Caesaron, no one expected that things would progress to this point. At the time, they only thought it was a confrontation between Omega and Alpha, but when did the Zerg start to sneak into humans quietly? No one knows, it's just that by the time people notice, everything is out of control.

"In fact, since Caesaron passed the Omega commercialization bill, I have found evidence about the resurgence of the Zerg, and I originally wanted to come up with a special report, but the newspaper was pressing, and even fired me." Salad walked in with her eyebrows wrinkled. "If it weren't for Landy's help, I guess I would have been wiped out a long time ago."

This Beta female reporter Sara Tantin, Shen Xiuyun first had an impression of her, because he escaped from the Imperial Military Hospital to the Klaipa Palace after assassinating Professor Feige, and later disguised himself as an Alpha nobleman and left the planet Rama smoothly, at that time, it was this female reporter who first discovered the Alpha nobleman who was hiding in the grass, and disclosed for the first time the fact that the Alpha nobleman had no pheromone smell on him.

However, Sarah Tanding really caught Shen Xiuyun's attention in a report when the planet Solomon was in chaos for the first time. The Omega abduction and trafficking incident involved in Professor Feig led to the temporary closure of the Solomon Arena, when there was a problem with the heating system of the entire Solomon Planet, and the Zerg secretly mixed the water, and the Solomon Planet once caused chaos. At that time, the government had been blocking the news, and the only report about the bào riots was written by this Salad Tantin, although it was deleted as soon as it was posted.

From that moment on, Shen Xiuyun knew that this was a rebel who dared to take risks and was even willing to go against the government for the sake of the truth. And the rebels are exactly what they need.

So Shen Xiuyun asked Joshua to contact Sarah Tandin, and has been working with her ever since, and the reason why Shen Xiuyun's reputation in public opinion can have today's status is due to the female reporter's credit. And Sara Tandin, from the beginning of the simple cooperation with Shen Xiuyun and them, quickly promoted to the chief reporter of the media company through the explosive news picked up from them, and later became desperate and disgusted with the increasingly corrupt Alpha Empire government, and was willing to work for them and join their camp.

Randy and Sara have been using the connections they have to provide Shen Xiuyun with intelligence and create public opinion in their favor. This is also the reason why they did not settle on the planet Omega, but now no one thought that there would be a Zerg invasion, and many plans have been disrupted.

"Shala, you can first tell Xiuyun about the information you have about the Zerg." Landi said.

The salad looked very embarrassed, it looked like she hadn't slept well for a few days, and the dark circles under her eyes were particularly heavy, she poured Shen Xiuyun a cup of hot coffee, picked up her own cup on the coffee table again, took a sip, and then said to Shen Xiuyun: "As far as I know, this Zerg is different from the one two hundred years ago, they can invade the human body, and gradually erode people's brains, making them become puppets, but these people who have been invaded by the Zerg are only Alpha." "

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