ch 31

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Three months after Shen Xiuyun escaped from Meizuo Base, a new batch of third-year Omega from Meizuo Base is about to leave the base, waiting for their assigned fate. A person's fate is basically determined by this. Whether he can live a good life in the future depends on whether he can be assigned a reliable Alpha noble.

In fact, for those Omega who were born in the aristocracy, this is a two-way selection process. With the support of the family behind them, they have far more right to speak and choose than those Omega who are ordinary people with ordinary qualifications. And those Alphas who mark them will be kind to Omega because they are afraid of the power of the Omega family. Even though some people will obtain new Omega through various channels in the future as playthings and reproductive tools, but this so-called "original" Omega, The status will not be shaken.

Therefore, although many people hate the life of being confined, when they really want to leave the Meizuo base, their hearts are still full of panic about the uncertain future.

Their own future cannot be controlled by themselves, perhaps this is their greatest tragedy, right?

On the distribution day, the Omega will be taken to each meeting hall, and through the holographic communication device, the real-life images will be transmitted to the Alpha nobles, and then the Alpha will select them, and maybe they will have a few chats in person to see if they like it or not. . Therefore, many teachers were transferred to organize distribution activities on this day, and the second and first grade Omegas had to suspend classes for a day.

During lunch in the cafeteria, a group of ordinary Omegas were not in a high mood, and Ivan was one of them.

At this time, Ivan was watching the news reports of the day to see if there was any news about Shen Xiuyun. Ever since Shen Xiuyun escaped from Meizuo's base, he has completely become his fan, taking out his handheld computer to read the news almost whenever he has time.

Now since Shen Xiuyun left Lamaxing, there has been no news of him from the military department. Occasionally, he was suspected to be found once or twice, but it turned out to be false news in the end. This person really seemed to have disappeared out of thin air in this world, without a trace.

In the Meizuo base, there are many people who have become fans of Shen Xiuyun like Ivan, especially ordinary Omegas. They actually hope to see their idols in the media again, and secretly hold that "no news is the best." The mentality of "news" does not want the only Omega in history who escaped from the planet Mezuo to be captured.

Life is too hard, they really need some hope for support.

There are also supporters of Shen Xiuyun in the aristocratic circle, and the most famous one is Miss Miffy, the granddaughter of the commander. Gradually, people knew that on the face of this young lady who was always indifferent and arrogant, only when she heard Shen Xiuyun's name would she blushed and showed a suspected nympho expression. It is the supercilious green eyes, which will become piercing.

Of course, there are also people who are envious, jealous and hateful, who will twist their minds and say a few sour words, wishing that "I am in the mud and you will fall with me", not seeing other people's kindness, and waiting for this Omega with the highest bloodlines to be killed. Catch it back, pull it down from the high altar, and become the spouse of the bottom Alpha.

Therefore, these two kinds of people will often fight openly, and in the end, they often end up red-faced.

This day was no exception. Just when Ivan was feeling slightly regretful that there was no news about Shen Xiuyun, Feinan who happened to pass by him sneered contemptuously and said, "I really don't understand why someone would worship a criminal."

Before Ivan could speak, someone beside him spoke first: "What is a criminal? Who are you talking about?" "Who

else is it? Is your idol, a shameless traitor and murderer?"

Ivan's face turned pale. Changed, stood up from the chair, and looked at Feinan coldly: "Why do you say he is a traitor? A murderer? What evidence do you have?"

"Do you still need evidence? While enjoying the education and various living allowances of the empire, he conspired to escape. Doesn't he know the responsibilities and obligations of being an Omega? He is a rare high-purity bloodline in the empire, Do you know what this means? He can give birth to the strongest offspring. If it was in the war years, he would be the strongest mecha warrior who contributed to the empire! But what about him? He only knows that he ran away, what is it if he is not a traitor? And the murderer, that's not what I said, it's what your idol said. Oh, what did you say?' As long as you can afford it, you can buy the life of any noble Alpha from him ' Is that what you said?"

"Fernan, are you expressing your narrow views here again?" At this time Miffy also brought a group of people over, and most of her friends were nobles, but He didn't have any feelings for Shen Xiuyun, but because of Miffy's face, he would occasionally agree with Shen Xiuyun.

As the daughter of the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army, Miffy is the apple of the eye of the top military chief. The lady has a very bad temper, and she has never looked down on Omega who was born as a commoner. However, when it comes to matters involving Shen Xiuyun, this The noble lady, who was also not very popular among the commoners, became their staunch ally on the united front, and her fighting power was stronger than anyone else.

"Look, Miss Miffy, who we can't tell who we are and where we stand, is here again. Will her commoner friends be happy again?" Miffy ignored Feinan's sarcasm, and directly stretched out the miniature projector in his hand

, Press the switch, and all projections about Shen Xiuyun's materials will appear in it, including videos, photos, text explanations, and even interviews with all civilians who have dealt with Shen Xiuyun. In front of the reporters of the big media, this group of professionals will definitely be overwhelmed.

"Look, has he ever hurt anyone since he escaped from the Meizuo base? Apart from the necessary self-defense, he has hardly used any force, right?" While speaking, Miffy pressed the controller of the miniature projector, The photos of Shen Xiuyun in various scenes are shown on the screen one by one. Some are intercepted from the surveillance video, and some are secretly photographed by the onlookers of the event. I don't know from which corner this girl dug them out. "And I personally confirmed it. , Those Alpha soldiers who participated in the arrest operation were rarely injured, they were just knocked out."

"It was just knocked out?" Feinan snorted disdainfully, "Miss Miffy, is your head broken? That's just because that Omega didn't have the guts to make a real enemy of the Imperial Army, so he didn't dare to make a move! Once he reaches the end of the road, he will be hired to murder the high-level leaders of the empire as he himself advertised! Just imagine, if it is our venerable and lovely Admiral Andrew who will be murdered at that time, then you, Mi Miss Fei, the granddaughter of the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army, will she still be the unswerving supporter of that traitor as she is today?" Miffy was choked to death by Feinan, not knowing how to refute, the

next Omega immediately stood up and said: "Please don't judge a person by what hasn't happened. Besides, General Andrew is the leader of the peace party and has been working hard to fight for our Omega's reasonable rights and status. Even if Xiuyun really wants to If you are a politician killer, you will not touch General Andrew!"

Miffy immediately regained her momentum after receiving backup, raised her head, and said proudly: "That's right! That's it!" "Besides, if

a noble official If he really did something with a black conscience, such as swallowing national tax revenue, such as withholding education funds, then even if he was killed, he would have to pay for it!" Of course, Feinan was not fighting alone, after hearing the words of the previous Omega, there was another

The nobleman came out and pointed out sharply: "Of course those corrupt noble officials who violated the law will be dealt with, but they must be tried and sanctioned through formal channels. The existence of a person like Shen Xiuyun, regardless of whether he is what you said 'Justice', fundamentally, violates the laws of the empire and disrupts social stability, so it must be punished! I really don't understand, how can anyone support this kind of person? If you want me to say, you should arrest him Let him become a public reproductive tool directly!"

"Hehe, the law?"

At this time, Ivan, who had never had a chance to speak, walked up to the Omega who spoke, and the noble Omega was sitting at the table waiting for the intelligent robot. Came to deliver the food, seeing this man approaching suddenly aggressively, couldn't help shrinking back slightly.

"Let me tell you what the law is!" Ivan propped his hands on the table, looking down at the nobleman, "My own sister is also an Omega, and was assigned to an Alpha five years ago. At the beginning, that person treated her well, and they I also had two children, but they were all Betas, not eligible to enter noble schools. In the end, the Alpha thought it was my sister's problem, abandoned my sister, and gave her to a subordinate. Later, that subordinate lost money in a bet, so he Selling my sister to the women's branch, my sister couldn't bear it, and committed suicide that day! But that Alpha, and that villain gambler, were not punished! Oh, no, they did receive the so-called warning ..." Speaking of this, Ivan laughed mockingly, "The punishment for that Alpha nobleman was just not being able to distribute Omega from Meizuo Base for three years, and that subordinate was only fined money! Haha, this is The law of the empire!"

" was your sister's fault in the first place, who made her blood purity so low that she couldn't give birth to Alp..." The nobleman faltered, and before he could finish speaking, Ivan suddenly rolled his eyes. It was as if a flame was rising inside, and he directly raised his fist and punched the nobleman hard in the face!

"Hey, Ivan! Don't be impulsive!" Ivan's friends immediately came up to fight. They all know this noble boy. His uncle is an official in charge of Omega distribution affairs. Isn't that the same as courting death for yourself?

But Ivan seemed to be crazy, and rushed straight at the nobleman with red eyes, "Say it again! You dare to say another word!"

The noble boy has always been pampered, and he was so scared that he had never seen such a rough Omega. straight back.

Feinan looked at Ivan and his group with cold eyes, and said coolly, "What, what do you mean by what you said? Are you dissatisfied with the laws of the empire? Are you dissatisfied with His Majesty Kemis' rule?" The civilians who were originally filled with righteous

indignation Everyone, for a while, all were silent. That's right, what Ivan said just now was indeed a little too much. Although each of them was suppressing dissatisfaction and sadness in their hearts, they dared not show it. Dissatisfied with the rule of the empire? Yes, dissatisfaction. But they didn't dare to say it, and they didn't have the capital to express their dissatisfaction. They could only keep these in their hearts silently.

However, Ivan, who was extremely angry, couldn't control so much at this time. He said loudly: "Laws? The laws of the empire? When the empire passed bills and bills, did Omega participate in it? The military department, the parliament , the Church, and the Imperial Court, is there a senior official here who is an Omega? If not, why should we obey the laws that were made without our participation? Why should we bear the responsibilities and obligations imposed on us by others? ? Shen Xiuyun betrayed the country, whose country did he betray?! Was he wrong in his pursuit of freedom? Feinan, just because you are willing to be imprisoned here as a sheep, does not mean that everyone is like you!" After such indignant words ,

the audience was silent. Some people were dumbfounded, surprised by Ivan's boldness, while others were emotionally ups and downs, and their eyes were also burning with the same burning fire as Ivan. And more people cast worried eyes on Ivan.

Some things, just think about it in your heart, and if you say it, isn't it just courting death?

Ivan, you are in big trouble.

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