ch 70 - 75

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 [ An issue was identified with the chapters starting from chapter 70 onwards, as they appeared to be disorganized. Consequently, I will be removing all chapters following chapter 70 and replacing them with new ones. ] - @BL-Aphro-Q

chapter 70 

It was still raining heavily, and there was chaos in the sky. The ground space station has been completely surrounded, and just from the energy light of the spaceship and the sound of the aircraft starting from the window, you can know that there are many people coming this time.

In the face of Van Side's death, Shen Xiuyun quickly returned to normal after his initial surprise. He glanced at Van Stead who had fallen to the ground, leaned over to check, and made sure that he was really out of breath and too dead to die anymore, so he shoved the medicine bottle into his pocket, and then looked out the window, his dark eyes flashing like hellfire, but his eyes were as calm as death.

The imperial officers who led the troops to encircle him were shouting with megaphones, persuading Shen Xiuyun to surrender as soon as possible, and if he dared to resist stubbornly, he would be killed immediately. At the same time, several detachments of Imperial troops quietly and slowly approached the space station, entering through each entrance.

Shen Xiuyun heard the voice of persuasion and threat, and the corners of his mouth slowly hooked, revealing a contemptuous and mocking smile. He found the energy supply box in the space station, and with one shot, the entire space station was immediately plunged into darkness, and all lighting, sensors, and monitoring systems were paralyzed. He hid in a watchtower on the top floor of the space station, took out a bottle of potion prepared by Bai Mo, bit off the cork and drank it all in one go, and then took off the isolation coat on his body!

The pheromone flavor that belongs to Omega immediately wafts into the air, blending into every molecule in the air and spreading rapidly.

Omega with extremely high bloodline purity, the pheromone taste emitted during estrus is enough to make any Alpha crazy out of control, and at this time, this flavor is excited by the potion, and the richness of this flavor has increased nearly a hundredfold! Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire space station was filled with this aura.

"What, what's going on?! That, is that Omega in heat......" An Alpha soldier who had already entered the space station suddenly felt a panic in his heartbeat, licked his lips, and said to his teammates next to him in a hoarse voice.

"Well, it seems to be!" His teammates felt their throats tighten, their bodies hot, and their desires began to swell.

"It's really Omega in heat...... "A little soldier who has never been close to an Omega can also click his mouth." Then we, still, still need to kill him, are all in heat...... How pitiful. "

"Hmph, let him be arrogant! I really want to see the appearance of him falling softly at the feet of the master! The other soldier's eyes were red and hateful.

"Don't talk nonsense, move on! Don't get in the way of Lao Tzu! The captain in the back scolded irritably, and as soon as the words came out, he himself was stunned, pulling his collar, feeling that his emotions suddenly became difficult to control.

An unsettling anxiety spread rapidly among the Alpha soldiers who participated in the encirclement, unconsciously, silently, and as the sweet Omega smell in the air became stronger, the situation became more and more serious, until a few officers realized that everything was out of control, and almost all of the young Alpha soldiers with low self-sufficiency had lost their minds, and there was no longer an order from the commander in their eyes, all like people who had been hungry for many years finally seeing the delicious, Desperately rushing to the birthplace of the taste.

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