ch 36

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Just as the fat general manager was leading people out of Shen Xiuyun's room, a staff member in charge of cleaning was brought to the office of the person in charge of the Solomon Arena.

"You said, you felt the smell of Omega pheromones in that competitor's room?" Fan Side sat in the high-back transfer, repeating the staff's words without haste, his eyes were so light that they almost became white The one-piece eyes were looking straight at the cleaner at this moment.

The cleaner was too afraid to look up. In fact, in the arena, many people were very afraid of this Mr. Green, especially his eyes. Anyone who looked at them felt like they were being watched by ghosts.

"Yes, yes." The sweeper lowered his head and hesitated.

"Are you sure there was no Omega in there at that time? Many competitors in Solomon would bring people from the Hall of Stars and Dreams back to spend the night. Maybe you read it wrong." "Absolutely not like that!" Seeing that the person in charge suspected that he had made a mistake, the cleaner looked up quickly

Justified, "I've been paying attention for several days, and it's true that there's only the competitor himself!" "

So, you told the general manager about this?" Fansde said as he stood up from his chair and walked around the long desk , walked up to the cleaner, "and didn't report to me directly?

" I told a few colleagues about this, and the general manager just passed by and asked me about the situation." Fan Side

gave a soft "Oh", "So that's the case."

Then Fan Side raised his hand and straightened the collar of the cleaner , the sweeper looked at him nervously.

"Huh? Are you afraid of me?" Fansted looked at the cleaner with his almost eyeless eyes.

"No, no!"

"You're trembling." Fansde said, while slowly helping the cleaner straighten his collar, "By the way, do you want to change jobs? The salary of cleaners is too low. "

You mean to change jobs? Yes, of course!" The cleaner's eyes lit up slightly, and he forgot even his fear.

"So, are you interested in being a competitor?"

"A competitor? Me!" The cleaner widened his eyes in surprise.

"Of course." Vander smiled.

"How can I be a competitive player? I, I don't know anything..." "

Of course, you can't do it now." The smile on Fansde's mouth deepened, and the hand that was straightening the collar of the cleaner suddenly disappeared. It moved ominously to the neck, and it seemed that with just a slight pinch, the cleaner died. At the moment of death, the expression on his face still maintained the surprise just now.

"Ah, I'm sorry, the force is a bit heavy." Fansde said softly, and as soon as he let go, the cleaner fell limply to the ground.

In the shadows in the corner of the office, there was a young man standing all the time. He didn't speak from the beginning to the end, silently watching the innocent cleaner die at the hands of Fansde.

"Wei, come here and deal with it."

Until then, the young man slowly came over and looked at Fan Si De expressionlessly. His eyes are also very light in color, but he looks much better than Vansted. At least he is not very scary. He is slender and very handsome. Wearing an isolation cloak, no specific identity can be seen.

"How to deal with it?" the man named Wei asked Fansde, his voice was very flat, almost like a robot.

"Didn't I just say, let him be a competitor."

"Oh." Wei responded, then bent down, and lifted the cleaner's body with only one hand.

Wei Gang wanted to drag people away, but suddenly remembered something, and turned back to Fan Side and said, "By the way, you sent people to investigate that competitor named L before, and you have already got a reply." "Oh? Who is that person from?

" Road?" Fansted asked casually as he wiped the hand of the cleaner who had just touched it with Spa.

"Not found."

"What? Not found?" The smile on Vander's mouth froze.


A trace of displeasure flashed in Fansde's eyes, "Okay, I see, you go do your work." The

man named Wei dragged the cleaner out of the office, and Fansde sat back in his seat, gently Pressing a button on the table, the wall in front of him immediately turned into a huge holographic screen, and the Vander screen switched to a multi-screen function, and the huge screen wall was immediately broken down into a dozen small screens, all of which were playing clips from the arena , and in these games, there is a masked figure in all of them.

Fansde gently scratched the tip of the pen with his index finger, and squinted at the screen. As long as he wanted to know the background information of all the people in the arena, he couldn't find it. But this L is so special, there is no clue at all, what is his identity? ?

The light of the screen flickered with the continuous change of the picture, reflected in Fansde's eyes with almost no pupils, showing a bit strange.

Tsk tsk, L... What a strong person.

However, why does he seem to smell expensive?

Almost at the same time, inside Kleipa Palace.

The second prince, Maynous, suddenly woke up from his sleep, sat up from the bed, and even shouted out a person's name!

Maynooth panted heavily until he realized that he was dreaming, and then slowly calmed down with his forehead propped weakly. His long wine-red hair fell down, covering his face.

This dream was so real, it was like a full replay of that unforgettable memory.

"Weiya..." Maynooth murmured to himself, and when he realized that he had said the name, his heart tightened for a while, his chest ached, as if he couldn't breathe.

"Weiya..." Maynooth was chanting, his voice suddenly became choked up.

As the richest person in the interstellar empire, Maynooth's arrogance and luxury are well-known in the entire Rama Star aristocratic circle. Regardless of food, clothing, housing, and transportation, he only wants the best, so he is in Klaipa. The bedroom is naturally the most luxurious. It is no exaggeration to say that any inconspicuous decoration in this palace can be worth as much as a few military mechas.

However, in this huge bedroom, there was only Maynooth alone.

The former second prince was also a suave and suave person, he was extremely picky about the people who served him, and the beauties beside him changed one after another, but until two years ago, Maynooth traveled far away for a single business, and even Playing a lot of big games in the arena of Solomon Planet almost emptied the accumulation of Solomon Arena for ten years. However, he never expected that His Royal Highness the Second Prince would stop after playing with this ticket. Since then, he has never stepped into any arena.

It was also at that time that Maynooth stopped looking for someone to sleep with, and even dismissed several of his previous Omegas, which caused a small sensation at that time, because His Royal Highness Maynooth not only did not look like other Alphas. The nobles gave away unwanted Omegas like that, but instead gave them a huge breakup fee. Those few Omegas can be said to be the happiest Omega in the entire empire. They live better and better. Some of them even bought a house, and hired their husbands to close the door to have children and live a small life. Of course, those unscrupulous Alphas who were bewitched by money were condemned by a lot of public opinion, and the Omegas were even scolded thousands of times. However, under the protection of the second prince's wings, no one dared to do anything to them. In the end, this matter can only be left alone.

No one knew exactly what had happened to Maynooth, not even his closest confidants.

In front of outsiders, His Royal Highness Maynooth will always be that old woman who is cunning, the number one businessman in the empire who will smile and transfer money from your pocket to his pocket without anyone knowing it.

However, in the dead of night, in the cold and empty palace, Maynous suddenly woke up from his sleep like this time, his mind was full of only one figure, a person's name.

In a certain suite on the 100th floor of the Solomon Arena, the silver metal mask was thrown on the table in the study, and the isolation cloak was casually draped on the back of the chair. The Seventh Prince Lorgar had just taken a bath and was only wearing a pair of black cotton slacks. Topless, sitting in a chair and flipping through documents. Water was still dripping from the slightly curly black hair, and the water droplets slid down onto the strong arms and chest, leaving faint water marks on the honey-colored skin.

The communicator suddenly beeped twice. This communicator is secret, and only those who know his real identity can contact him, and after technical processing, he cannot be detected or monitored.

Lorgar glanced at the requester of the communication, it was his second brother Maynus.

It's already this time, isn't this person sleeping?

Lorgar glanced at the clock and switched on the communicator.

"Ah, dear seventh brother."

The moment the holographic screen popped up, a coquettish and handsome man was seen inside, wearing silk pajamas with complicated patterns, sitting in a luxurious armchair, holding a transparent goblet in his hand. The color of red wine matched his hair color very well.

"Huh? Why, aren't you happy to see me?" Maynooth pouted.

"Second brother came to me so late, what's the matter?" Lorgar ignored Maynous' intentionally hurt expression, but put aside the information he just looked at, picked up the towel hanging on the armrest, and slowly Slowly brushing his not yet dry hair.

Maynooth himself couldn't sleep because of dreaming in the middle of the night, and felt unbalanced, so he had to torture his brother, but he didn't expect Lorgar to stay up so late and look very energetic, which made him very disappointed.

"It's nothing serious. I just want to ask how you're doing. Have you investigated everything?" "It's almost

a week at the latest. I've watched a few games, and the very strong people you mentioned only appeared in high-level areas , it's very difficult to get in touch with, and there's no possibility of getting acquainted with competitors in the low-level and middle-level areas, so everything has to wait until I enter the high-level area before I can draw conclusions." Lorgar said, and couldn't help frowning slightly, "I always feel that Solomon There is a problem in the arena, but I can't say for sure yet, don't worry, once there is any new progress, I will notify my second brother as soon as possible." "Is it really okay for you to enter the arena to investigate alone like this? It always feels very dangerous

What?" Maynooth looked at Lorgar worriedly.

Naturally, Lorja would not let himself take the risk alone, he could have arranged it well, if he didn't have such confidence, he would not have come here rashly, but he was not going to tell Maynooth about it.

"Isn't the second brother helping to arrange protection? It's okay, I will be careful."

Maynus continued to look at Lorgar affectionately, and sighed: "I always feel that I pay for it and you work hard. This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable. Alright."

Lorgar hooked his lips, "Everyone gets what they need, the second brother doesn't have to bear any burden." "

How can there be no burden? You are my younger brother after all!" Maynooth blinked.

Lorgar smiled and didn't answer.

"Second brother, is there anything else? If it's all right, I'll go to bed." "

Oh, it's all right." Maynooth said hurriedly, and then seemed to suddenly think of something, "By the way, you said it will be done in a week at the latest There is progress, are you going to play the promotion match?"

Lorgar couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "It seems that the second brother knows a lot about Solomon Arena." "

This is basic common sense, don't forget, I was there before I also won a lot of money." Maynooth said without humility, "So, who is your opponent in this promotion match? Are you sure?" "I haven't paid attention to it yet, but it shouldn't be a problem."


Young man, you are still too young, you have to be cautious in everything and don't underestimate the enemy." Maynooth educated.


Maynus finally hung up the communication reluctantly. Lorgar didn't understand why the second prince was so idle tonight, talking a lot of nonsense, endlessly grinding him to speak, It didn't quite fit his character.

Picking up the handheld computer again, Lorja flipped through the information, and all the things on it were only related to one person, and that was Shen Xiuyun.

What Lorgar was looking at at this time was a copy of Shen Xiuyun's information before he escaped from the Meizuo base. The information on it was extremely detailed, including the daily supply list of his life robot, including the web pages he had browsed and downloaded. files, and even a collection of base video clips that include his footage.

The more information he had on this person, the more three-dimensional the person's image became in Lorgar's mind, but at the same time he also found that he was becoming less and less able to understand this person.

What is he trying to do?

Or, where did he come from?

According to the data, Shen Xiuyun was just an orphan in a slum before he entered the Meizuo base, and he had some mental problems, which is why he was abandoned with such a pure blood. He was often bullied, had no relatives, friends, or name. When people from the Population Administration sent him to the spaceship to Meizuo base, they only wanted him to enter a special training class. But unexpectedly, after this person entered the base, his mental problems suddenly recovered.

From this point of view, Lorgar was sure that he had never met him. But why, judging from the information he browsed, there are so many things aimed at him? He knows his hobbies, itinerary, diet and daily life... He even downloaded the layout of his bedroom.

At first he wanted to kill him, but in the end he didn't do it.

The most important point is that he actually just disappeared. In Kaisalun's furious manhunt, he disappeared in front of the public without leaving a trace.

Where did he go? What do you live on now?

Lorgar looked at the information in his hand thoughtfully, and the picture finally stayed on the photo of that person's enrollment in Meizuo Base.

With indifferent eyebrows, deep eyes that don't match his age, slashed nose and thin lips, for a moment, Lorgar thought he saw those black eyes full of murderous intent flashed by the sword light again.

I don't know why, Lorgar always feels that every time he sees this face, he will have a strong sense of familiarity. He has never seen this person before, but every move affects his heart. The sword came to kill him, but he couldn't see it as an enemy.

Hehe, what's the matter?

Could it be that, as Joseph joked, he fell in love with this Omega?

If so, it would be ridiculous.

However, if there is a chance, he would like to have a quick fight with him again to see whether the man's sword is faster or his own knife is faster.

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