ch 44

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Why should I care about other people's opinions? Shen Xiuyun remembered asking that person before.

The man only said eight words: What people want, what people say is to be feared.

Shen Xiuyun just heard it and didn't take it seriously.

Once when he was drunk, he vaguely heard the man say in his ear: "Xiuyun, you are like a sharp weapon, a peerless magic weapon." Shen Xiuyun said: "Oh? What are you?" The man smiled: "I am A person who wields a sharp weapon."

A sharp weapon is harmful and is discarded. Shen Xiuyun sneered. The man compared him to a sharp weapon, but in fact, he had already pointed out the outcome for him. It's a pity that I had limited knowledge back then and didn't understand the prince's profound meaning.

On the front page of the Imperial Daily, the photo of Prince Lorgar almost occupied the entire page. Shen Xiuyun looked at the face that looked very similar to the person in his previous life, and was unconsciously distracted, his eyes getting darker and darker.

The seventh prince's secret work as a competitive player has been a matter of speculation for a few days. It is no longer news. What everyone is talking about now is that in the mid-to-high-level promotion competition, the seventh prince frankly admitted that the competitive player he was playing against was because of his royal status. And took the initiative to give in, so it has applied to the arena for a rematch. The reply given by the arena was that the game was considered a draw and both of them were promoted to the high-level competitive area at the same time.

In the silence, a voice suddenly rose up, breaking his thoughts. Shen Xiuyun came back to his senses, walked out of the bedroom, and saw Randy lying on the sofa, sweating profusely, twisting and moaning. Omega's estrus state is very tempting. The rich pheromones will arouse the desire in any Alpha's heart. One of them desires to be invaded fiercely, and the other will not hesitate to lay down on the body that brings pleasure to it. of imprint. A night of intercourse, for one party, is just a legal restraint that has long since expired, but for the other party, it is an irreversible surrender that is integrated into the flesh and blood.

Randy has been taking the medicine for almost a month, and this is the last day. The accumulated effects of the medicine cannot be eliminated, and it finally breaks out. He rubbed his body impatiently on the sofa, scratching his body with his fingernails lightly, looking miserable. Landi saw Shen Xiuyun and wanted to speak. He opened his mouth, but another hoarse hum came out.

Shen Xiuyun suddenly remembered the word Fanside used when referring to Randy: companion.

companion? Apart from yourself, who else can you trust in this world? Only by utilizing each other can people feel at ease for a moment.

"Stand up and pick up your sword." Shen Xiuyun did not show any sympathy or concern for Randy, but just kicked up the sword he threw beside the sofa.

Randy's eyes widened slightly, with red eye circles. His eyes looking at Shen Xiuyun were filled with mist, but only a moment later, he struggled to roll off the sofa, his lips were almost bitten, and he knelt on the ground trying to stand up. But I tried several times without success. He crawled forward a few steps with difficulty, trying to grab Shen Xiuyun's leg, but was kicked away by Shen Xiuyun.

"Stand up on your own strength. Today is the test day agreed between you and me. I want to see you dance the sword." Randy was shaking all over, and his legs were especially weak. He couldn't use any strength at all. He gritted his teeth and couldn't help it

. He tried to grab Shen Xiuyun's leg again, but was kicked to the ground again.

"You said you hate Alpha deeply, but in my opinion, it's nothing more than that." Shen Xiuyun's voice was low, and he sat in an armchair with an indifferent expression. He lowered his eyes and looked down at Randy. "If the person standing in front of you was an Alpha, would you also be so servile and flattering?"

Randy seemed to be stimulated by these words. He grabbed the sword with trembling hands, shouted with all his strength, and held it with the sword. On the ground, stand up slowly. When he swung the first sword, his legs gave out and he half-knelt on the ground again. After taking a few breaths, he stood up straight and continued the next action.

A set of basic swordsmanship, which made Stumble and Stumbling, absolutely unqualified according to Shen Xiuyun's standards. Shen Xiuyun actually wanted to let Randy go back and forth from there. He was not the material at all, but he still endured and continued to look down. No matter how many times Randy fell, he never called to stop. The rich pheromones of Omega in heat filled the entire room at this moment. The familiar smell of the same kind reminded Shen Xiuyun of the time when he secretly took medicine at Meizuo Base.

He felt that kind of pain.

"That's enough." Shen Xiuyun finally said.

Randy collapsed on the ground holding his sword, and seemed to know that his performance was poor. The two of them had agreed that if he could not overcome the effects of the medicine and develop a complete set of sword skills, Shen Xiuyun would not keep him. Thinking of this, he closed his eyes in despair, tears falling uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes. Are you destined to go back to the mud? Do you deserve to be someone else's plaything? !

"I'm not familiar with the technique. I need to practice more in the future."

After saying these words, Shen Xiuyun stood up and left, leaving Randy alone sitting on the ground in a daze.

Is this considered... qualified? Can he stay?

After Shen Xiuyun left the room, he got on the elevator in the corridor on the 100th floor of the Solomon Arena.

Because the arena judged that match as a draw, he has now entered the high-level arena and can use the firearms training room and mech training room. Among them, the mecha training room is only eligible to enter the 120th floor, and Shen Xiuyun can only go to the gun training room now. It was already close to midnight, and the training room was the least crowded. Shen Xiuyun didn't like crowds, so he came at this time.

I swiped my competitive player ID card at the door. This was Shen Xiuyun's second time here. After entering, there were two floors inside. The densely packed fully enclosed training compartments were like a honeycomb. It was very spectacular at first glance. .

Shen Xiuyun chose an unoccupied cubicle and walked in. The glass door automatically closed behind him. He put on the electronic glasses prepared on the console, and a gun target was simulated in front of him. The position of the gun target could be adjusted as needed. .

The intelligent system asked Shen Xiuyun what type of gun he chose. He had already touched all the guns last time he came here. What he had to do now was to practice his shooting accuracy. So he just chose a basic laser gun and started to practice shooting. In fact, this is not difficult for him. In his previous life, he could shoot arrows on a galloping horse and kill people's heads from a thousand meters away. Now, for him, these are just a matter of proficiency.

As soon as the bullets were fired, Shen Xiuyun wore a headset on his ears, and wore light brown electronic analog glasses on his face, and bull ring numbers kept jumping out in front of his eyes.

9.68 rings, 9.71 rings, 9.75 rings, 9.79 rings...

As time went by, his scores continued to improve, and they improved rapidly, but he did not stop at all. After emptying a magazine, he immediately replaced it with the next one. He continued to play like this for who knows how many hours, and he always held his arms flat. The arms in front of Yu seemed to be tireless. It wasn't until he hit 10 rings that his almost stiff body moved slightly, letting people know that this person was not a machine.

Shen Xiuyun adjusted the gun target distance and repeated the process again. After hitting the tenth ring, adjust the distance gun target and shoot again.

It was the most basic A2 manual laser gun. Shen Xiuyun didn't put down the gun until he achieved a full ten-ring score at all distances with it, took off the headset and electronic glasses, grabbed his right arm with his left hand, and slowly leaned against the wall. , slowly adjust your breathing and relieve stiff and painful muscles.

Just yesterday, the secret line Shen Xiuyun had laid out so painstakingly before finally came to light. Someone found him and asked him to kill someone.

Since he wants to return to his old career, Shen Xiuyun must ensure that he is familiar with all the weapons in this world, whether it is a knife, a sword or a gun. He must fully understand their performance to ensure that they are foolproof. In fact, if you think about it carefully, what the prince named Luojia said during the competition was also good. The fact that he, Shen Xiuyun, is still able to live freely to this day has something to do with people's inherent contempt for Omega.

He didn't do anything that touched their bottom line, so they didn't take extreme measures against him. But it will be different in the future. When he becomes a demon with blood-stained hands again, who will show mercy to him?

"Xiuyun, you have to know that some people can be killed, some people cannot be killed, some people have to be known when they kill, and some people can't see the light of day after they kill." Shen Xiuyun was upset. He didn't know why. In this life, ,

every time he thought about killing someone, he would think of what that person said. Humph, it's just killing people, not all of them are killed by King Yama, they will always be punished, so what's the bullshit difference?

He seemed to understand the twists and turns of the Seventh Prince, but he only knew that perfection was the basis for his survival. Meeting the top requirements in the shortest possible time is the only thing he can do at the moment.

Shen Xiuyun calmed down for a long time before his stiff back felt. He was about to leave the training compartment when he looked up and saw someone standing outside the glass door. Shen Xiuyun's face darkened, he opened the door and walked out.

"If you don't change the magazine fast enough, you will suffer a loss on the battlefield." Luojia came up and said.

"Have you always been here?"

Shen Xiuyun didn't know what deal was reached between Fanside and Luojia, but Luojia did not reveal his true identity to the outside world. This was enough for him, but such a delicate balance I don't know how long it can last, which is one of the reasons why Shen Xiuyun trains urgently.

"Not only does each gun need to be shot accurately, but the structure and disassembly of the gun must also be mastered. This way you will know everything and save a lot of practice time." Shen Xiuyun ignored Luojia and was minding his own business. Walking out

, Luojia followed closely behind him, "If you want to learn, I can teach you." "

Seventh Prince, what do you want from me?" After Shen Xiuyun came out of the training room, he saw Luojia still following him. I didn't let go, and my patience finally ran out.

Luojia was stunned, smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just feel that I have a destiny with the wild ghost brothers and want to make friends." Shen Xiuyun looked at Luojia

's smile, and his past and present lives seemed to be magically overlapping at this moment, and his eyes gradually He sank down and said, "Your Majesty, the Seventh Highness, has a noble status. I dare not climb high."

Luojia wanted to step forward, but unexpectedly, a bright light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes!

Shen Xiuyun drew out his sword and pointed it at Luojia, "Your Highness Seventh, you and my enemy look very similar. I would like to advise you that it is best to stay away from me, otherwise there is no guarantee that I will miss you in the future and injure your Highness's life."

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