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On the one hundred and twenty-fifth floor of
Solomon's Arena, the thrilling fighting continues.

When Maynoos saw Lorgar appear on the playing field, his face turned white and he got up and was about to walk outside the audience. However, the exit entrance of the auditorium had long been closed, and no matter which passage Maynooth went to, he was required to be fingerprinted and iris, and the heavy metal door wall kept him firmly in the auditorium, unable to leave. Luo Jia was able to go out because he was a competitor in the arena and had the privilege of fighting on the same level, but Maynous, as an ordinary spectator, could not get out of here anyway, even if he was a prince.

Maynooth took out the communicator again and tried to contact the troop transfer, but the signal was blocked.

At this moment, Maynooth suddenly felt a chill from the bottom of his heart. He suddenly realized something, and looked back at the boiling crowd in the arena. Everyone was immersed in the game, engaged, nervous, and so moved by the progress of the game, that no one realized it, and before they knew it, they had been locked in a huge closed container, losing all contact with the outside world.

The series of closure measures of the Solomon Arena seem to be for the fairness and justice of the game, but once it has any evil intentions, everyone present will become the turtle in its urn. Just think about how many aristocrats come here every day to watch the game, and Maynoos is shocked into a cold sweat!

Looking at the competition venue again, the black-faced man fought two people in a row, and was cut off by Shen Xiuyun, and his force did not decrease at all, forcing Luo Jia to retreat step by step.

Many people originally thought that with the replacement of Prince Luojia on the field, the round knife that had always wanted to kill the opponent would be reined in, but they didn't expect that he not only did not show mercy for the prince's sake, but intensified. The only remaining hand was more powerful than the sharpest weapon, and it was ruthless and accurate in its attack on Lorgar's vital point.

"Oh my God, what the hell is that person, he was stabbed by so many swords by wild ghosts before, and the blood on his body is almost dry, why is he still so strong?"

"Did you use any stimulants? His Highness Loga will be fine, right......"

Someone in the audience was already talking in a low voice.

And Luo Jia, who was on top of the ring, looked more and more solemn.

This person was stronger than the three black-faced people he had met last time, and I don't know if it was his delusion, whenever that gray and blood-stained hand touched his body, Luo Jia would always have a strange feeling of being poured into his body by something, and this feeling made him very uncomfortable. He tried his best to dodge the other party's attack, but with such a fast speed, even as an Alpha with the purest imperial blood, he couldn't react at all, and was soon scratched by the other party again.

"Who the hell are you? Who sent you? Lorgar was covered in blood, his eyes were full of anger, and the long sword in his hand was also dyed red, "Is it Catheron?" Or a veteran of the Progressive Party?

But the black-faced man didn't react at all, and when he stretched out his hand to attack Luo Jia again, Luo Jia's eyes were fierce, and he directly stabbed the sword into the opponent's palm! However, then, a terrifying scene happened, the palm of the black-faced man was pierced by the sword, but the attack speed did not slow down at all, the palm of the hand directly on the sword body to the end, straight to the hilt of the sword, and finally forced, the wound was opened, and it was directly grabbed by Luo Jia's hand holding the sword through the hilt, and twisted it hard, so that Luo Jia's phalanges were broken!

Luo Jia almost screamed in pain, gritted his teeth and held back, his eyes were red, he abandoned his sword and roared, fought directly with his body, rushed forward and threw the other party to the ground, and then grabbed the opponent's head with an uncontrolled hand and threw it to the ground one by one.

The most injurious head was constantly subjected to violent impacts, and it would be smashed almost at any time, and the man in black, who had been painless, finally had a trace of reaction, and his mouth kept making strange gurgling sounds, and the hand that grabbed Luo Jia was even harder, and then, I saw that something black was densely overflowing from his palm, drilling directly into Luo Jia's wound!

Luo Jia's pupils shrank, and at that moment, he suddenly felt a burst of numbness coming from his palm, and then the blood in his body seemed to be stimulated, churning and burning in his body. He stared at the black-faced man with wide eyes, the arm he was holding, and the blood vessels under his skin were rapidly swelling at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they would burst open in the next second!

"you!" Luo Jia shouted, as if infinite power surged in his body in an instant, and lifted the head of the black-faced man high for the last time, and then slammed it to the ground with a strong wind, only to hear a muffled breaking sound, a large pool of blood overflowed from the back of the black-faced man's head, black and smelly, and those things that came out of his palm, when they encountered the blood in Luojia's body, they also seemed to be burned, and they retreated back into the black-faced man's body.

Finally, the black-faced man let out the last two gurgles from his mouth and stopped moving, and Lorga seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and fell to the side, lying directly on the ground, unconscious.

At the end of the game, the contestant Lone Soul won, the energy shield was opened, and the entrance and exit of the spectator seat were opened. Luo Jia was carried down on a stretcher, and the scene was chaotic, and the discussion became louder and louder. As soon as Maynoos came out, he immediately contacted the military headquarters to transfer troops and surround the entire Solomon Arena.

Shen Xiuyun was lying in the medical room, when he suddenly heard a noise outside, and then saw Luo Jia unconscious and was brought in, covered in blood.

After the medical staff helped Luo Jia stop the bleeding, he took out the injection needle and was about to give Luo Jia an injection, but he heard a voice behind him say coldly: "What are you doing?"

This medical worker was the one who wanted to give Shen Xiuyun an injection last time and was beaten, when he heard Shen Xiuyun's voice, he was so frightened that his soul was gone, he turned his head tremblingly, and almost bit his tongue when he spoke: "Hit, injection......" "

Get out."

Paramedics: "......"

In order to avoid being beaten again, the paramedics obediently rolled out.

There were only two people left in the medical room, Shen Xiuyun and Luo Jia, Luo Jia was still lying on the bed with a pale face, his eyes closed, his long eyelashes cast a faint shadow under his eyes, when the eyes that were always unpredictable were closed, he looked just an ordinary young man in his twenties, and his appearance was still immature.

Shen Xiuyun looked at him for a long time, motionless, just looking at him quietly, but there was no trace of emotion in his empty black eyes.

At this time, there was another noise outside the door, the door was knocked open, Maynoos rushed in with a team of soldiers, Maynoos personally came forward to check, saw that Lotja's breathing and pulse were normal, only then did he relax a little, and immediately let the soldiers take Lorgar away.

Shen Xiuyun looked at them expressionlessly from beginning to end, until Maynoos stood in front of him, he silently turned his gaze and looked at His Royal Highness the Second Prince.

Maynoos looked at the indifferent competitor before he whispered after a moment, "I've never seen Lorgar like this. After a pause, he added, "You are luckier than him."

The latter sentence was inexplicable, and Shen Xiuyun didn't think about what Maynoos meant, but waited for the second prince to take someone away before lying back on the bed and closing his eyes a little tiredly.


To tell the truth, if it weren't for the fact that he knew what kind of nature this person was in his previous life, he would really be moved by the scene just now, even if he didn't make a friend of life and death, he would always owe a lot of human debt. But how could that person risk his life for others? It's ridiculous to really think like that. In the previous life, I was ignorant and unknowingly became a joke, so in this life, I still have to be sober.

The fierce battle of the Seven Princes in the Solomon Arena soon spread throughout the empire, and they stood up for their best friends (the Competitive Wild Ghost is now recognized as the best friend of His Royal Highness the Seven Princes), and almost sacrificed himself, which undoubtedly earned Luo Jia a good reputation, of course, there are some different voices, saying that the Seven Princes beat people to death in the ring, and the methods are inevitably vicious, but soon Luo Jia's supporters stood up and released a video secretly taken at the game site.

As soon as this video was released, it immediately caused an uproar, in addition to whitewashing the Seventh Prince Luojia, it attracted more attentionIt was the opponent of the Seven Princes, that person's body was fast, his physique was strong, and he was completely out of the range of normal people, and he didn't look like a human being! This kind of discussion spread very quickly, but soon, it was suppressed by an invisible force, and then news was released to explain that the competitors in Solomon's Arena used illegal drugs, and the reason why those competitors were so strong was because of the use of such illegal drugs. But places like arenas are inherently a gray area of the law, and the government can't control the use of illegal drugs, so the matter is gone.

Anyone with a little political sense can see that this is someone who doesn't want the impact of the black-faced man incident to expand, and Luo Jia can certainly see that he has no clue who is meddling in this matter, but one thing is certain, with his resources and eyeline as a prince, he can't find clues, and the status of the driving force behind this must not be low.

In the following months, Lorgar began to investigate the Solomon Arena frantically, and he used all the resources at his disposal to find out all the people and things that were close to the Solomon Arena, and he refused to let go of the slightest clue. Many of his loyal subordinates don't understand why he should devote all his energy to investigating Solomon's Arena because he has only just come to power, his position is unstable, and there are many things to take care of? Anyway, His Royal Highness Luo Jia will not be a competitor there in the future, and it doesn't matter
if there are any problems
But Luo Jia is very resolute, like an eagle staring at its prey, and vows not to give up until it achieves its goal. Eventually, the hard work paid off, and four months later, Loga had gathered all the things he wanted.

And during this period, Shen Xiuyun also received news from Joshua, but the news was too shocking for Shen Xiuyun to accept such an unacceptable fact.

It turned out that his treasurer actually sold the world's first quarantine pack that could simulate Alpha pheromones at a price of 30 million imperial coins, minus the cost of hype and publicity, plus the money he had made for Shen Xiuyun before, adding up to less than 100 million imperial coins in total. He didn't give this money to Shen Xiuyun, and he didn't know how he did it, so he used such a small amount of money to buy back a desolate star!

"What is this?" Shen Xiuyun asked as he flipped through the thick stack of information Joshua gave him.

"Proof of ownership of the planet, you are its owner from now on." Joshua sipped his coffee with a smile and said to Shen Xiuyun, "The land area of this planet is not large, there are no inhabitants on it, it originally belonged to an Alpha noble, and it is just right for us to build a factory."

"Huh? Factory? Shen Xiuyun raised his eyebrows slightly.

"yes, didn't you say that you would mass-produce that kind of isolation kit in the future? I think we can get a factory so that the money will come faster.

"You still have money in your hand?" Shen Xiuyun asked.

Joshua shook his head as a matter of course and said, "No, but it doesn't matter, we can use the planet to mortgage the bank."

Shen Xiuyun: "......" "

Oh yes, this planet hasn't been named yet, I think this privilege should still be performed by the master. When you're done, I'll go to the administration to register.

"Name?" Shen Xiuyun thought about it seriously, "What is your opinion?"

Joshua touched his chin, pulled the notebook and drew a few strokes on it, and then pushed it over to Shen Xiuyun, only to see that it was written:

Omega Star.

Shen Xiuyun looked at the name, pondered for a moment, and looked at Joshua, only to find that the other party was looking at him meaningfully.

"How?" Joshua asked, anticipation in his eyes.

Shen Xiuyun smiled: "Okay, let's call it this."

Less than half a year ago, the two of them were also sitting in this restaurant, at this table, and he gave him a quarantine suit, and this young beta has now brought him back a planet. Shen Xiuyun felt that he should consider raising Joshua's salary......

"What are you going to do next?" Shen Xiuyun asked casually, and also took a sip of coffee, and couldn't help frowning, he was still not used to this kind of medicinal soup.

"I'm going to go to Planet Messo in a while, and there's probably going to be a good business there." Joshua said.

Planet Messo? Isn't that where his next assassin, Zorren, is?

"Oh? What kind of business? Shen Xiuyun asked quietly.

Joshua was a little surprised, Shen Xiuyun had never interfered in his business, and he didn't know why he was so interested today.

"I've heard that there's a large number of military items to be sold at a low price, and I'm going to go over and have a look to see if there's any good opportunity."

Military Goods...... Shen Xiuyun frowned slightly. Zorren is the quartermaster of the Bright Corps.

"What, what's the matter?" Joshua asked.

"It's fine."

Joshua knew that Shen Xiuyun was only completely trusting himself in money at present, and if it really involved the secret of his family's life, it might take a longer time to cultivate a sense of trust, so he didn't ask any more. In fact, this is not difficult to understand, after all, with his identity, he must be cautious in every step of the way, if it is really so easy to accept others, it is estimated that he will not be able to go to this step today.

However, Joshua still couldn't help but want to remind him, and said in a low voice: "Actually, with our current situation, you don't have to do that kind of thing anymore, I was lucky last time, that professor happened to be a scumbag, but in the future, it may not be so lucky, let's take it when you see it." I've also read the previous report, Solomon's kind of place, it's better not to stay too long. Don't forget, you still have a planet to manage.

Shen Xiuyun was very grateful for Joshua's concern, but he himself knew that there were some things that he had to do according to the plan, because only according to the plan would he take one step at a time, one ring after another, and finally get the result he wanted.

A week later, Shen Xiuyun arrived on the planet Meso.

The planet Mesot is an important checkpoint in the western defense line of the empire, but it is not suitable for human habitation, because the days are short and the nights are long, most of the day is in the dark, and the surface is almost completely covered by desert, but I have to admit that this planet is very beautiful.

The unobstructed expanse of desert, against the backdrop of the starry night, is like a white sea of sand, silent, cold, lifeless, but there is a quiet to the ultimate beauty. When the wind rises, the continuous sand ripples in the direction of the wind, and the moving sand dunes make a whistling sound, magnificent as the elegy of the night god. When the wind stops, the sand marks solidified on the ground, the silk strips extend infinitely between heaven and earth, outlining the picture of vicissitudes, as if nostalgic for the passing time. Whether it is static or moving, this planet can easily intoxicate, but it is completely unimaginable how many bones of martyrs and human blood have been buried under the thick white sand.

It took Shen Xiuyun a few days to find the residence of Quartermaster Zoren, which was much looser compared to the Imperial Military Hospital on Planet Rama, and he almost didn't have much effort to sneak in, as if he were in a no-man's land. But Shen Xiuyun didn't expect to meet an old acquaintance here.

General Zoren did not have many opportunities to show his face in public, and his position as quartermaster was a fat one, and it belonged to a place where he made a lot of money in a muffled voice. Therefore, the ordinary people of the empire probably rarely heard of the name of this general. However, in the Meizuo base, the name Zorren was so unheard that it was almost notorious, even more feared than Colonel Weide of the 25th Corps at that time. The reason is simple, the general has a disgusting fetish - a penchant for abusive sexual partners. Basically to himThe Omega in his hand, in less than a year, will be tortured to the point that he is not human. For such a person, Shen Xiuyun felt that attacking him was simply dirty his own sword.

Three days after sneaking into the mansion, Shen Xiuyun was ready to take advantage of the night to do it, hiding in Zoren's bedroom in advance, waiting for him to come back at night.

Zoren returned three hours earlier than usual that night, and had the servant bring dinner to his room, and got a large bottle of wine, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Cutting steaks and drinking wine, there was soon a knock on the door, Zoren wiped his fat chin with a napkin, and said in a slow tone, "Come in." Two

tall Beta valets walked in, carrying a bag of marijuana on their shoulders that looked like a human being, writhing and struggling.

"Put it here, you guys go out." Zoren squinted his little eyes, touched the carefully trimmed mustache above his lips, and laughed.

The valets put down the sack and respectfully withdrew, Zoren lifted his pants that were about to fall twice, walked to the sack, kicked twice, and then squatted down to untie the sack, and the Omega boy inside showed his head, looking at Zoren with red eyes with angry eyes, and without saying a word, he came up with a mouthful of spit on his face.

"Phew! !

Zorren's face changed, and immediately slapped the boy in the face, hitting the corner of the boy's mouth bleeding, and then he didn't seem to be happy, and with a strange scream, he directly rushed over and pressed the Omega boy to the ground, and slapped him thirty times in a row from the left and right, until he felt that his palms hurt, and he didn't stop unsatisfied.

"Say whatever you say, say it again."

The cheeks of the young man lying on the ground were red and swollen from the beating, but he still glared at Zoren fiercely, gritted his teeth, and squeezed out of his mouth word by word: "I said, you are an Alpha!" Slap

, another slap, Zoren grabbed the boy by the hair and lifted him out of the sack, slammed it to the foot of the bed, then pulled down his pants, picked up the wine bottle next to him, and stabbed it down!

The Omega screamed in pain, but Zoren laughed and rode on top of Omega, pushing the bottle into his body with one hand, and grabbing the back of his neck with the other, rubbing a tooth mark on it.

"Small! Don't forget who you've been tagged for! Don't forget who your master is! !

The Omega boy was bleeding from the corners of his forehead, and he was pressed against the side of the bed, with a fat body pressed behind him, and the wine bottle below was still roughly going in and out of the body, and blood was also coming out, such torture would come every few days, the boy's fists were slowly clenched, the green tendons on the back of his hands were prominent, and his eyes were about to split, he hated, he wanted to kill this, he wanted to kill this disgusting, he wanted to break him into pieces!

Suddenly, as if he had touched something cold between his fingers, the boy raised his eyes and saw the dinner knife that had fallen in his hand. In an instant, his eyes shone brightly, and his body suddenly burst out with a powerful force, and he actually stood up, flipped Zoren to the ground, and then grabbed the dinner knife and slammed it into the opponent's chest!

However, Zoren was not killed immediately because of this knife, but roared, turned over and sat up, and directly reached out to pinch the young man's neck, and the thin white neck seemed to be able to be pinched in the next second. Zorren's hands tightened more and more, looking at the Omega boy's face that was gradually suffocating purple, his eyes actually glowed with excitement! So much so that he didn't notice a figure descending silently behind him, until a touch of coolness slipped through his neck, and before he had time to turn back in surprise, he directly lost his breath, and the hand holding the young man's neck gradually loosened his strength.

Omega breathed for a moment, gasped violently, tears flowed out, and couldn't help coughing for a while, and when he finally calmed down, he raised his head to look at the person who saved him, and his eyes widened: "Are you...... Xiuyun?! "

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