ch 28

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When Shen Xiuyun smuggled to Planet Solomon, it happened to be snowing there.

The swirling snowflakes floated in the gloomy sky, and with the cold wind, they fell on the skin, bringing a biting coolness.

Shen Xiuyun's black isolation cloak was folded in his backpack at this time, and he was wearing another gray isolation cloak from a second-hand goods store. Although the texture and isolation of the cloak are far inferior to that of the cloak, as long as the radar is not used to detect it, ordinary people still cannot feel the pheromone on him. Moreover, the shabby gray fabric of the cloak is very inconspicuous. On this dusty planet, such outfits can be seen almost everywhere.

Unlike Planet Rama, which is the capital, Planet Solomon is considered a relatively remote and desolate place in the territory of the interstellar empire. There is no long human history here, and no mineral resources worth developing. The climate is harsh and cold all year round. It is a very barren planet with almost no permanent residents. However, since the largest arena in the empire appeared here ten years ago, the situation has improved.

The interstellar empire advocates force, and various arenas are spread all over the place, but Solomon is the only arena that requires competitors to sign a death agreement. As long as a death agreement is signed, there is nothing wrong with being beaten to death during the competition. Because of such regulations, Solomon immediately stood out in many arenas, and many nobles came here especially, looking for the stimulation of force and blood in the empty life.

Due to the existence of the Solomon Arena, many related industries have gradually developed, restaurants, casinos, and women's branches can be seen everywhere. This is the largest human trafficking area in the empire, and it is also a high-incidence place for crime. The gap between the rich and the poor is huge. Next to the feasting night scene, there may be a dirty slum. Many people who cannot survive in other places will gather here to fight for the last chance of survival on this degraded soil.

Because of this, Planet Solomon has another name—the Fallen Star.

Shen Xiuyun came here directly from the warm planet Rama. The clothes on his body were very thin. After walking on the street for a while, he became too cold. Walking into a bar, I want to drink a glass of wine to warm up my body.

This bar is small in scale, and there is no loud music playing in it, but the noise is no less noisy than other bars. There is a huge holographic screen hanging on one wall, and the news is being broadcast inside. No one pays attention to the news. Everyone's attention is drawn to the arena in the center of the bar. At this time, there are two drunk men fighting with bare hands on the arena, surrounded by a crowd of people. People in the circle are clamoring for bets and booing.

After Shen Xiuyun entered the bar, he went directly to the bar counter and asked for a glass of wine. After drinking it in one gulp, he suddenly felt that most of the chill in his body was driven away.

The bartender at the bar is a sociable handsome Beta guy. He glanced at Shen Xiuyun. Although in his eyes, Shen Xiuyun, who has changed his face, is just a guest with an ordinary face and shabby clothes, but you must know that this is the planet Solomon. , anyone here may hide their original identity, especially seeing that he is wearing an isolation cloak that hides pheromones, the bartender dare not neglect easily. Who knows if this could be the uncle who came out of Solomon's Arena?

"Has this gentleman just come to our planet Solomon? Do you have a place to live? Shall I introduce you to a hotel with reasonable prices and good conditions?" Seeing the package on Shen Xiuyun's back, the bartender asked courteously.

"No need." Shen Xiuyun directly refused, and put the empty wine glass on the bar, "Have another glass of wine."

The bartender smiled and served him another glass of wine, and wisely no longer recommended a place to stay.

Shen Xiuyun sat alone at the edge of the bar, while drinking, he glanced at the screen on the opposite wall, which happened to be reporting a piece of news about him. The reporter is interviewing a civilian on the Rama planet. The civilian reported to the military department that he had seen the escaped Omega. The Omega had come to him before he entered the palace to assassinate him and asked him to help him.

The reporter asked: "Do you know that he is going to enter the palace to assassinate the prince?"

The commoner immediately made an oath: "I swear to His Majesty Kemis, I have no idea! After escaping, let me hide him for one night, and promised me a large sum of money. But, I am a loyal subject of His Majesty Kemis, how could I betray the empire for money? I was only threatened by that Omega , I had no choice but to compromise, and once out of danger, I immediately reported to the military department."

"However, as far as I know, when the guards of the Mission Corps found the hiding place at the time you provided, they didn't find that person." The civilian said angrily: "I obviously saw someone go in at the time, who knows what happened in the end?

" Just a homeless bum? It's all that crafty Omega! He lied to me! I'm not lying, I'm absolutely loyal to the Empire! Really! Believe me! I'm a staunch Progressive Party supporter Resolutely oppose Omega's attempt to evade the responsibility of the bearer and break away from the guardianship of the empire in disregard of the law!"

Shen Xiuyun looked coldly at the bald middle-aged man on the screen, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Before he entered the Klaipa Palace, he had indeed "bribed" many people, and they all promised to help him without exception, and vowed not to report him. But as soon as he left, they either immediately ran to the police, or waited and watched for a while, and then chose to betray him after seeing the generous reward on the arrest warrant.

Of course they would not know that it was their betrayal and betrayal that allowed him to leave Planet Rama so smoothly.

Shen Xiuyun never trusted anyone, so how could he entrust his wealth and life to others? The information he gave to those people would naturally not be true. And the countless successful experiences that did not disappoint him made him more certain that in this world, except himself, no one could be trusted.

Shen Xiuyun drank two glasses of wine, then moved his eyes to the lively arena in the center of the bar, on which two strong men with their upper body naked were fighting with each other. This kind of brute force contest without any skills was completely worthless in his eyes. , soon bored him.

Putting down his glass, he was about to get up and leave when four or five men with fierce expressions rushed in from outside the bar. After they came in, they scanned the bar, and soon found something, and ran straight to the corner of the bar, then There was the sound of struggling and shouting.

Everyone heard the reputation and looked over, and saw that four or five men were grabbing a young man in a dark green isolation cloak, and forcibly dragging him out of the bar. The young man struggled desperately. He cursed a few words at first, but was soon slapped by one of the men, who tied the leather rope in his mouth and dragged his hair out.

All the people in the bar watched this scene with different expressions, but most of them just regarded it as watching the excitement.

Shen Xiuyun looked at the man silently. The isolation cloak on his body was torn apart in the struggle, and the pheromones belonging to Omega immediately permeated. The eyes of some Alphas who hadn't touched Omega for a long time changed, and they stared straight at this man. The Omega with thin skin and tender flesh, his Adam's apple slipped, couldn't help swallowing.

Unexpectedly, just as this group of people passed in front of Shen Xiuyun and was about to go out, that Omega suddenly struggled like crazy, scratched the person who grabbed him, the person let go in pain, and the Omega immediately broke free, He slammed into the bar closest to him, but before he hit it, he was quickly grabbed by another man and dragged back.

Despair flashed in Omega's eyes, and he grabbed the corner of Shen Xiuyun's cloak with both hands indiscriminately!

All isolation cloaks and cloaks have an induction mechanism on the top buckle. As long as the buckle is fastened, interference magnetic waves will appear on the fabric of the cloak, thereby achieving the effect of isolating the pheromones on the wearer. Therefore, once the buckle is opened, the isolation effect of the cloak is gone.

Just now Omega was caught off guard and tore it off, and even pulled the buckle of Shen Xiuyun's cloak away!

At the same time when the cloak was pulled away, Shen Xiuyun immediately leaned over, turned around, and with a twitch, snatched back the cloak that was about to slip off his body. At the same time, he re-fastened the buckle, swung the cloak, and quickly He took a step back to prevent that Omega from touching him again.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Even just at that moment, the Omega pheromone that erupted from Shen Xiuyun's body when the cloak fell off disappeared too quickly, making several people nearby think that they just had an illusion. Or what they felt was just the pheromone from the captured Omega.

However, the Omega who grabbed his cloak stared blankly at Shen Xiuyun, with disbelief in his eyes, and then the eyes gradually became complicated, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't even struggle and fight anymore, slender Bai Nen's hand still maintained a forward grasping posture. His arms were stretched out straight until he was ruthlessly dragged out of the bar by several men, he was still stretched towards the direction where Shen Xiuyun was standing, his eyes were still looking at Shen Xiuyun, and there seemed to be a gleam of tears in his eyes.

Shen Xiuyun did not take any action from the beginning to the end, but just watched that Omega being taken away indifferently.

After they left, the bar resumed its excitement just now, and a curious person next to him asked the bartender about the origin of that Omega.

The bartender said while wiping the glass: "Oh, you said that person is a new Omega from Star Dream Palace. I heard that he was marked by His Royal Highness Caesarron, and later he stayed in a general's mansion. After a while, I don't know why he was sold here in the end. He may have stayed in the royal family before, so he was very angry. What kind of torture?"

The bartender's tone was not without emotion, and he seemed to be quite sympathetic to this Omega, sighing, but the few people next to him were not so kind, and one of them, a rough-looking Alpha, even snickered. He said: "It turns out that he is from the Star Dream Palace, so it will be easy to handle. When I get the reward for the next competitive competition, I will buy him for a night and have a good time." Hearing these people's remarks, Shen Xiuyun's expression didn't

change. He picked up his backpack and was about to leave, but at this moment, someone grabbed his arm. He turned his head and saw a man with small eyes and snub nose looking at him maliciously. He smiled and said: "My friend, I think we are destined to be together today, don't rush away, would you like to have another drink or two as a favor?"

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