ch 43

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Fan Sid did not continue the sad topic of his dead brother and changed the topic: "So, are you ready to leave here now?" Shen Xiuyun said lightly: "

You have already caught me."

Fan Sid said: "You're too polite. I believe that with your ability, if you really want to leave, we won't be able to stay even if we want to."

Shen Xiuyun didn't answer. Fanside walked to the table, picked up the remote control and pressed it. The entire wall opposite the desk instantly turned into a huge holographic screen, and the video of the promotion match just jumped out.

"To be honest, I knew your identity from the first time I met you. Do you know why I didn't report you?" Fansted said while adjusting the progress of the video.

Shen Xiuyun said: "Do you want to wait until I have made enough money for the arena and have no use value before doing favors?" Fanside laughed loudly, "Sir, you are really an interesting person. If I were just an ordinary

businessman , maybe I will really do this. But I am not a businessman, or I am not just a businessman."

The video of the promotion match was adjusted to the last part, and Shen Xiuyun just used Izumo Crossing Qianshan to start thirty combos.

Fanside clapped his hands and sighed: "It's so beautiful! But it's such a pity. Unexpectedly, this competitive player's true identity is actually the seventh prince of the empire..." "Come to me, what do you want to say?" Shen Xiuyun became impatient


Fanside turned around and said, "Aren't you unwilling to give in? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that you clearly won this game."

Shen Xiuyun said nothing, waiting for the other party's next words.

Fansted sighed, "Okay, let me be honest with you. In fact, I sincerely want to invite you to stay and cooperate with us." "Cooperation for what?


Vanside's face darkened, "The absolute power of the Alpha nobles was determined from the Zerg War more than two hundred years ago. They became the rulers of the empire with their strong combat power. However, due to the sharp decline in population, Omegas who are good at reproduction became the government's special Unexpectedly, the object of protection would gradually become the property of the nobility..."

At this point, Fan Sid glanced at Shen Xiuyun and observed his expression, but unfortunately, he could see nothing, so he continued: "But now the two More than a hundred years have passed, and the Zerg race has long been extinct. The survival of mankind no longer depends on the force of Alpha. However, the Alpha nobles still stand at the top of the pyramid. They are corrupt and degenerate. They are just a group of parasites that feed on the blood of citizens! Why should we? We must always look up to them humbly! Just like this promotion match, if it weren't for finding out that your opponent was the prince of the empire, would you be willing to admit defeat and give up the opportunity to enter the high-level area?" "So, you have long known that competitive player L is

seven The prince?"

Fan Si's expression changed, and then he smiled, "He is indeed someone who even the Mission Corps can't do anything to you." "

Are those three masters from the arena too?"

Fan Si did not deny it.

Shen Xiuyun said: "Since you have so many masters here, why would you cooperate with me?"

Shen Xiuyun has always believed only in interests and not in favors. Only when interests exist between people will they have temporary enemies and friends. Therefore, for him, what Fansde said was a lot of nonsense. What he wanted to know was just what use he had here and why he was worthy of being retained.

Fanside was a smart man and stopped beating around the bush, "I'm interested in your Omega status."

Shen Xiuyun raised his eyebrows.

"If you want to overthrow the rule of the Alpha nobles, it's not enough to rely on the Alpha and Beta at the bottom. We should all unite, right? Now many people regard you as a legend and they worship you. You can definitely become the leader of Omega. ."

"Overthrow the rule? Why?"

This time it was Vanside's turn to raise his eyebrows.

"I think that a person who can escape from the Meizuo planet and turn the Rama planet into darkness must be dissatisfied with his fate, and must also have a brave heart of resistance." "Then your Excellency must

be You've misjudged the wrong person." Shen Xiuyun said. The mediocre face under disguise seemed even more ordinary at this moment. Also at this time, he said in a plain tone, "I just want to live. I have no other ideas. I shouldn't be able to help you. "

Fansid frowned, and his tone suddenly changed: "If you don't want to cooperate, aren't you afraid that I will arrest you and send you to Rama Star?" "It doesn't matter, I have

already been there once."

"Aren't you afraid of involving your companions?"

"Companions? Who?"

"The Omega in your room."

Shen Xiuyun smiled and said nothing, but his eyes were full of disdain and ridicule for such a low-level threat from Fanside.

At this moment, Fanside suddenly realized that nothing seemed to threaten the man in front of him. He was not afraid of being arrested at all, and there was no one he cared about. A person who is not afraid of anything can only induce but cannot coerce.

Fansted decided to show his trump card.

"There are many very strong athletes in the high-level area. You must have known about it. To be honest, a secret laboratory has been operating in Solomon Arena for many years, which can improve human genes and strengthen the body through special drugs. , can even remove the smell of pheromones, don't you think... you are not interested in this?"

Shen Xiuyun suddenly raised his indifferent eyes when he heard that the smell of pheromones could be removed.

Fansid smiled with satisfaction and gave three high-fives. A person came in from the door, it was the masked man who had just followed Fansd.

"Can you tell? He is actually an Omega just like you."

Shen Xiuyun looked at the person who came. He didn't smell of pheromones. He originally thought he was wearing an isolation suit, but when he looked carefully, he didn't notice it. Which piece of clothing looks like a quarantine item.

"Do you need me to prove it to you?" Fan Sid said and made a gesture of invitation again. I don't know where the mechanism was pressed. A light door suddenly appeared on the other wall of the office. Fan Sid took the lead and walked in. Shen Xiuyun He looked at the masked man behind him and followed him.

After walking up a long flight of stairs, going around twice in a maze-like passage, there was another door. From here, you entered the laboratory that Fansted said. This place is much larger than Shen Xiuyun imagined. All kinds of unfamiliar experimental equipment and utensils stand under the cold light, which is a bit eerie.

Shen Xiuyun remembered seeing a number on the door when he first came in. He guessed that this was just one of many laboratories.

There was an instrument placed at the very end of the laboratory. This thing Shen Xiuyun had seen before, it was the Omega blood purity tester he had used when he first entered the Meizuo base.

Fanside turned around and gestured. The masked man behind him stripped off his clothes without saying a word, and stood naked on the tester. The electronic screen showing the blood purity flashed rapidly, and finally stopped at one number: 93.13%.

"How about it, do you believe it now?" Fanside turned around and asked. "Actually, the purity of Wei's bloodline is quite high. Of course, there is still a gap compared to you." His eyes, with barely visible pupils, quickly scanned Shen Xiuyun's body, suppressing the fleeting greed in him.

However, Shen Xiuyun's eyes moved from the numbers to the masked person. This person called "Wei" had never spoken from the beginning to the end.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce you. This is Wei, my assistant." Fanside said, "He used to be a very powerful competitive player." Shen Xiuyun suddenly asked: "Didn't I say before that Omega is the one who likes me

? Identity?"

The implication is that the assistant beside Fanside seems to have fully met the conditions, so what else does he need to do?

"Of course, what we need is your current appeal." Fanside answered quite accurately.

After coming out of the laboratory, Shen Xiuyun changed his mind.

"I promised to stay, but my identity...the Seventh Prince already knows." Shen Xiuyun looked at Fan Side, his deep eyes full of meaning.

"Ah, don't worry about this. Since you are willing to stay, the rest will be left to Solomon." Fanside said with a smile.

After Shen Xiuyun left, the video of the promotion match was still playing silently. Fanside watched the video repeatedly, and finally stopped at the moment when Shen Xiuyun used Izumo to cross thousands of mountains.

Fanside folded his hands on the table, supported his chin, and slowly smiled on his lips. He really wanted to know...why didn't the seventh prince hide at that time?

"Wei, give a copy of the video to the lip readers. I want to know what they said."

The news that the Seventh Prince appeared openly in Solomon Arena spread throughout the empire within a few hours.

When Caesaren saw his own brother openly competing there, he was so shocked that he almost opened his eyes and directly picked up the communication device.

"Lorga, why are you in that place!"

"Oh, it's the eldest brother." Luojia lay on the bed, facing Caesaren's angry lion face, and yawned with his mouth wide open, looking lazy. , "I'm bored when I'm patrolling the border, so I just came here to have fun."

Caesaren was stunned, always feeling that there was something wrong with the seventh prince. Although he graduated from the Military Command Academy, he was much more mature and stable than before, but I still can't get rid of the impetuousness of young people, but what's going on now? This tone and demeanor of not taking him seriously at all is almost as good as those difficult old foxes in the parliament! It's really annoying to watch!

"As a prince, he actually became a competitive athlete. It is simply a disgrace to the royal family! Before my father hears about this, I advise you to come back quickly!" "No rush. Speaking of which, I heard another one here.

Interesting rumors." Lorgar raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Caesaren meaningfully.

Caesaren's face changed slightly, "What rumors?"

"People here say that Solomon Arena is a property owned by my eldest brother..."

"Nonsense!" Caesaren immediately denied it.

"That's right, how could eldest brother get involved in such a dirty and dirty business? I beat up the person who said this right then!" Luojia said with indignation.

The corner of Caesaren's mouth twitched.

"Luojia, I would like to advise you not to make too much of a fuss. You have just made yourself the commander-in-chief of the Glory Corps. If you leave your post without permission, how will you explain it to the people if word spreads about it?" "That's why I proposed to step down from the position of commander-in-chief

. "

Caesarron was almost stunned and speechless for a long time.

"What did you say!"

The seventh prince yawned again, patted the pillow and lay down in a more comfortable position, "Okay, brother, I was injured in the previous game and want to rest. Remember to come and support me in my games in the future. , the second brother said he was coming, you can't be left behind."

Caesarron's heart skipped a beat, "Maynooth? What is he going to do?" But the communication over there has been cut off. Caesaren didn't react for a long time, holding the communication device with eyes wide open.

What does the seventh prince mean? Are you prepared to rely on Solomon and not leave? !

Over there, Luojia Duandu and Caesaren did not really fall down to rest. Instead, they winked at the medical staff taking care of them and asked him to open the door.

The medical staff repeatedly asked with their eyes: "Are you sure?"

The seventh prince smiled and nodded.

The medical staff had no choice but to obey the order and open the door. As a result, reporters squatting outside the door suddenly poured in like a tide.

"Your Highness Luojia! I heard that you entered the Solomon Arena from the bottom to challenge without defeat and were called the undefeated God of War. Is this true? Have you been injured during this period?" "Your Highness the Prince, may I ask you

Why did you hide your identity and enter Solomon? Is there any instruction from His Majesty Kemis?"

"Your Highness, can you explain why in the recent promotion match, your opponent Wild Ghost automatically surrendered after knowing your identity? Someone said Your presence here has disturbed the fairness of competition. What do you think of this?" "Your

Highness Luojia, I heard that you were plotted against before. Has the murderer been caught? How are your injuries now?" "Your Highness Luojia

... ..."

"His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince..."

Facing the frantic reporters, amid countless jostling recorders, cameras and flashlights, Luojia put his hand to his lips, coughed lightly, and showed a faint smile, "Well, don't be anxious, come one by one. "

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