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Maynoos stood on the long street in front of Solomon's Arena and looked at the nearby bars and restaurants that had just reopened, and there was a commotion coming from inside. The light is still the same light, and the aroma of wine is still the same, but now when you pass by here, it has long been a matter of time.

I remember the first time I met that person at one of the bars on this street, and I drank too much at the time, and in retrospect, I can't remember exactly where I saw that person. All he remembered was that he was in a bad mood that day in Solomon's business, and he went into the bar alone to relax, and then he saw a small athlete sitting in the corner, drinking alone one glass after another. The man's appearance and temperament were exactly what he liked, and Maynoos, thinking he was Beta, walked over to talk to him.

The competitor was not particularly enthusiastic about him, but he did not refuse him, and Maynooth sat down in the vacant seat opposite him, and the two sat in the bar all night, gossiping, drinking, joking, and flirting without asking the other's identity. Then, as in countless sexual encounters, Maynooth and the man came out of the bar and went straight into the hotel and opened the room.

"You're an Omega?!" The two kissed fiercely as soon as they entered the room, and Maynooth's eyes widened in surprise when she took off each other's isolation coats and felt the smell of Omega pheromones on her face. However, before he could say anything more, the handsome Omega man directly gagged him with an erotic kiss.

That night, the two of them were almost crazy, Maynoos had never wanted a man's body so much, he wanted to possess him, mark him, want him to be his own from beginning to end, but when his kiss fell on the back of the man's neck, the man pushed him away.

"Don't touch there." The man said.

Maynooth said, "You're an Omega." The

man rolled over and pressed Maynoos back, with a serious expression, and said coldly: "If you dare to say it, I will kill you."

Maynoos knew that this man was not joking, Nasen's cold eyes stared at him, with his status as a high-ranking competitor in Solomon's district, it was very easy to take his own life, but strangely, he did not feel afraid, but felt a long-lost sense of excitement, and finally he smiled, just with a deep kiss, in response.

Since then, the two have often dated together, and the content of the date is often only one thing, which is to go to bed. Later, Maynoos learned that the name of this Omega competitor was Wei Ya, and his upbringing was very special, and he was not sent to the Meizuo base for training and education at the age of fifteen like normal Omegas, that is, he was an Omega who had escaped the registration management. What did Omega, who grew up without a protection policy, go through to Maynooth, he only knew that under the body full of scars, there was a cold and hard heart.

Maynoos often went to watch Wei Ya's games, and such a handsome and majestic competitive figure fell into Maynooth's eyes again and again, and before he knew it, he walked into the heart of the second prince in the game world, and he could no longer erase the traces. He watched him from afar in the audience, watching him live the life he wanted, a life unlike any other Omega, hard but comfortable. Such a Weiya, unlike any other, with strong self-esteem, fascinated Maynooth deeply.

However, as Wei Ya rose higher and higher in the arena, his opponents became stronger and stronger, and soon, Wei Ya began to get injured, and the injuries became worse and worse each time. In order to win, in order not to get hurt again, he began to soak in the martial arts training room in the arena every day and night like a demon, becoming stronger, wanting to become stronger, it seemed to be his only goal in life. But everything seems to have fallen into a vicious circle, the harder he trains, the more powerful he becomes, the stronger his opponents become, the more serious the injuries, but he wins every time, climbs all the way, and doesn't care about anything else, as if he has completely changed as a person.

"Even if you're not here, I can keep you forever, with my Maynoos here, no one will dare touch you! Why do you have to allow yourself to live like this?! Do you hate me that much? So don't look down on me? Maynoos began to quarrel with Victoria, and he even hated the existence of places like Solomon's Arena, but Victor became farther and farther away from him, and in the end it was difficult for the two of them to even see each other.

In the final high-level qualifier, Maynooth tried to convince Wei Ya not to play, because he had heard that his opponent was an extremely dangerous figure, and the competitors he had fought against were either injured or disabled. But Wei Ya didn't listen, he had to go to the game. A sense of foreboding rose in Maynoos's heart, and he immediately bet heavily on Wei Ya's loss. And this so-called "heavy money" is actually the total amount of gambling in Solomon's Arena for ten years.

Maynooth was a businessman, and he knew very well what it was like to run a place like Solomon's Arena, which was essentially a casino. How can there be absolute fairness in this world? Everyone is here to make money, for profit, and any win or loss can be manipulated. In the arena, how can there be less of this shady scene?

He didn't want Wei Ya to have an accident, so he spent a lot of money betting on Wei Ya to lose, and in order to swallow the money, the arena would never let him win the bet, so he would definitely find a way to negotiate with that competitor to release the water and let Wei Ya win, so that Wei Ya would be safe. Maynooth was confident that a bet worth the total amount of ten years of gambling in the Solomon Arena would give him a satisfactory answer.

However, he didn't expect that Wei Ya would die in this game in the end!

He actually won the bet and hollowed out the bottom of the Solomon Arena for ten years overnight!

Maynoos was almost in a frenzy, and he couldn't believe that he would watch that man be beaten to death in the ring in front of him...... One punch after another, people burst their heads, their skin and flesh were broken, and their flesh and bones were broken.

He couldn't believe it.

Since then, Maynooth has been in a state of vanishing for a long time. His subordinates could not find him, and the royals did not hear anything from him. Just when everyone thought that the richest man in the empire had been kidnapped, when he appeared in front of everyone again, he startled everyone. Because people can hardly recognize this skinny man, His Royal Highness the Second Prince, who is always full of ambition and suaveness, actually made himself look like a beggar.

Two years later, Maynooth returned to his normal life, as personable and cunning as before. However, only he knows that his heart is dead.

In this world, since then, there is no such person. There was no more Omega Competitor who had been quietly sipping in the dark corner of the bar. The person who once made his heart move, obsessed with it, and crazy about it, is gone...... He didn't even even glance at his corpse, and the man disappeared from the world completely. And his love, and his ability to love people, also disappeared with that person......

He never believed that an Alpha would love Omega so much and how much he could? It's just a little bit of physical matter, if you like it, you can pet it, and if you get bored, you can keep it aside, but that's it. Even he and Wei Ya started from going to bed? However, when he really fell into it, he suddenly understood that the original kind of relationship was connected to life, and once the relationship was gone, half of the person's life would be gone, and he could only be the walking dead.

"What is the second brother thinking, out of the gods for so long?"

Suddenly Lorgar's voice came from behind him, pulling Maynoos back from his memory to reality.

"Oh, I didn't think about anything." Maynoos closed his eyes slightly, and when he turned around again, he had returned to normal, and looked at his younger brother with a smile: "Didn't you say that you were going to watch the game today, it's rare to see you so idle." Whose game is this going to see?

Lorgar bowed her head and smiled without speaking, and entered the arena with Maynous.

Seeing the match ticket, Maynoos raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at Luo Jia ambiguously, "Wild ghosts? Well? It's not going to be the ......" "

Let's go, the game is about to start, let's go inside." Loga Road.

Maynoos saw the smile on Loga's lips, and saw that he deliberately diverted the topic, and when Lorga turned around, Maynous's teasing smile gradually disappeared, and he couldn't help frowning slightly.

Shen Xiuyun was scheduled to compete as usual today, but it was just a very ordinary random event. Now that he is on the one hundred and twenty-fifth floor of the arena, basically the level of the competitors on the same floor will not be too bad, and after many games, Shen Xiuyun has already figured out the average strength of the opponent, so he didn't pay much attention to this game and prepared as usual.

Now as long as it is a wild ghost competition, the attendance rate will be very high, Shen Xiuyun came up from the portal on the side, and felt the boiling in the audience of the arena, although he couldn't hear the sound through the energy cover, but he could see the excited expressions of the audience. Soon the portal on the opposite side also opened, but when Shen Xiuyun saw the opponent, he couldn't help but be stunned.

According to the information, the opponent should obviously be a person named "Round Knife", and he has also watched a few videos of his game, so he knows a little bit about this person, but how did he wear a black veil today? And this person usually likes to wear isolation clothes, and his racial identity has always been kept secret from the outside world, why is he not wearing it today? You can clearly feel the smell of Alpha pheromones on your body.

Although he had some doubts, Shen Xiuyun still didn't say anything, and walked into the ring with the competitive hand round knife.

After the electronic audio introduces the basic information of the competitors of both sides, the game officially begins.

Shen Xiuyun pulled out the metal long sword at his waist and waited for it. The round knife on the opposite side had a black veil on his face, so he couldn't judge the direction of the move by his expression and gaze, and he couldn't help but raise his vigilance.

The round knife has been on the stage for a long time, but he has been standing in place and not moving, not even the most basic defensive posture, Shen Xiuyun squinted his eyes, his expression was solemn, and the hand holding the sword tightened.

Suddenly, the round knife moved, but it was amazingly fast! Almost instantly, he passed through the ring with a diameter of more than fifty meters, and he didn't even take out the round knife weapon that he was usually good at, and directly grabbed Shen Xiuyun's throat with his bare hands.

Shen Xiuyun was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly blocked with a horizontal sword, but the round knife was fearless, and still didn't care about reaching out to grab him, Shen Xiuyun's sword path turned, and cut obliquely under the opponent's armpit, this sword became extremely fast, and it was almost impossible to dodge, but the round knife stopped in an instant when it was about to gallop in front of Shen Xiuyun, and when people didn't see how he moved, he had already dodged Shen Xiuyun's sword! And at the same time, he punched Shen Xiuyun's knee hard, only to hear a slight crisp sound, Shen Xiuyun's knee was weak, and he half-knelt on the ground. If he hadn't supported himself with his sword in time, I'm afraid he would have been beaten to the ground.

The audience was shocked!

The famous competitive hand wild ghost didn't even catch a move, and fell like this? What's the origin of the person on the other side?!

And in the VIP position in the audience, the second prince Maynous's pupils shrank when he saw this scene, and he actually stood up suddenly.

It's that person!

That competitor called the round knife is the one who killed Wei Ya!

Maynous's eyes almost breathed fire, and he looked at the black-veiled man so fixed that he could barely breathe.

It's this person, his shooting speed, body style, and black veil are exactly the same as the person who killed Wei Ya three years ago! Back then, he was determined to avenge Wei Ya in a frenzy, and sent someone to check all the information of the competitor, but the competitor was found dead three days later, and the matter was finally settled. Could it be that the death of that competitor back then was just a fake death? Is he still at large, harming people everywhere?

Maynoos suddenly thought of something, turned his head sideways to look at Luojia, and saw that Luojia was also heavy-faced, staring intently at the ring, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze at the black-faced man was extremely cold.

On the ring, Shen Xiuyun couldn't get up on his knees because of a knee injury, the black-faced man continued to attack him without a pause, reached out and grabbed Shen Xiuyun's arm, and with a force of five fingers, he actually scratched out the blood of Shen Xiuyun's arm, the wound was deep to the bone, and the blood instantly soaked through his clothes, dripping down.

The audience was in an uproar, and some even stood up one after another.

"Aren't you in a hurry?" Seeing that Lorgar was still seated, Maynous looked at him.

Luo Jia gritted his teeth and said, "What's the use of being in a hurry?

Maynoos couldn't help but laugh miserably, yes, what's the use of being in a hurry? Once the game in the Solomon Arena starts, the energy shield protection mode is activated, if the game is not decided, the energy shield will definitely not be canceled, and no one can interfere in the game, even if it is his Royal Highness, the second prince of the empire, he can only watch his lover die.

Loga took a deep breath, pulled open the electronic control door next to his seat, and quickly typed a character into it.

Soon, there was an electronic sound in the arena: "Some spectators questioned, suspecting that the competitive hand round knife used a stand-in, and asked for genetic ratio verification, and now the game is suspended for fifteen minutes, please further confirm the identity of the competitive hand round knife." The

electronic sound announced the temporary suspension of the game, and the black-faced man standing on the stage suddenly made a very strange move. He tilted his head, and his hand, which was originally going to attack Shen Xiuyun, stopped in mid-air, like a robot that had been pressed the pause button, and then seemed to react for a while before he understood the meaning of the electronic sound, slowly withdrew his hand, and turned around to step down.

Shen Xiuyun fell to the ground in a cold sweat, was taken down on a stretcher and temporarily bandaged, and sprayed with medicine to reduce swelling and stop bleeding and relieve pain.

Fifteen minutes of verification of the genetic pairs was held at the competition site, and the results came out quickly, proving that the competitor did not use a stand-in.

As soon as he heard the results of the inspection, Luo Jia's eyebrows furrowed deeply, his eyes were full of surprise, and his fists tightened a little.

The game resumed, and the two sides competed on the stage.

This time, Shen Xiuyun didn't plan to take a passive defense, although his knees still hurt so much that he was cutting his heart and bones, he gritted his teeth and jumped into the air, and the long sword hit the face of the round knife. The round knife dodged extremely quickly, and its body seemed to move only slightly, avoiding Shen Xiuyun's menacing sword. Then he repeated the old trick again, stretching out his claws to grab Shen Xiuyun's arm. Shen Xiuyun had already expected to collect the sword and slash back, and this time it slashed firmly on the arm of the round knife. His sword was not soft at all, both speed and strength were forced to the extreme, and sure enough, it was difficult to defeat the sword shirtless, only to see that suddenly something flew out in the direction of the sword, and fell softly, making a disgusting dull sound, splashing blood mist in the sky.

One of the arms of the round knife was cut off.

There were timid people in the audience who screamed, and they thought that the wild ghost was too ruthless, and they couldn't help but feel some sympathy for the round knife, but they soon discovered something terrifying. The round knife that lost an arm didn't let out a scream at all, and even his body movement was not affected in the slightest, he still persevered in attacking Shen Xiuyun, and his speed of action was getting faster and faster, and the moves were all aimed at the vital parts.

The severed arm of the round knife was still bleeding, and such a high-speed attack produced an extremely terrifying scene, with bright red blood spurting continuously, splashing the two of them all over their bodies, and Shen Xiuyun's sword speed did not weaken, and he stabbed the other party with a sword and a sword. In the end, the round knife even stopped dodging Shen Xiuyun's sword at all, and his hands, which were sharper than the blade, kept grabbing Shen Xiuyun's body, and every time he came down, it was a piece of meat.

Shen Xiuyun's isolation suit was torn, and he was about to lose his isolation effect, and he lost more and more blood, and his movements were slow and slow, while the opponent still maintained the best fighting condition at the beginning of the game, as if there was no loss at all. He gasped for breath as he watched the claw of the round knife grab again, but he was no longer able to dodge.

According to the rules of the Solomon Arena, there are three ways to win the game:

First, kick the opponent out of the ring.

Second, the opponent will not be able to stand up.

Third, thirty combos.

But looking at the posture of the competitive hand with the round knife, he had to put Shen Xiuyun to death!

His Royal Highness Maynooth's heart jumped, and he turned his head to look at Lorgar again, only to find that Lorgar's seat was empty. It turned out that I don't know when, Luo Jia had already left the audience.

Finally, just when Shen Xiuyun was about to lose his bearing, the electronic voice in the arena sounded again: "Now announce that the game is suspended." The lonely soul of the competitor on the same floor, requesting to 'rush the battle' of the competitor wild ghost. The

prestige of the competitor "Lonely Soul" is not only famous in the Solomon Arena, but also in the entire interstellar empire, because everyone knows that this is the code name of the Seven Princes Luo Jia in Solomon.

Although Luo Jia has returned to the Mission Corps as a commander, his status as a competitor in the Solomon Arena has not been revoked. Therefore, at this time, you can exercise the power of a competitive player, and become a third-party competitive player in the way of 'rushing battle', and be teleported to the energy shield.

But the Seven Princes actually rushed to fight at this time, what was it for? How strong is that competitive player called the round knife, everyone present has already seen it, and now at this time, come to fight, isn't this hitting the muzzle of the gun? What exactly are the Seven Princes for? Is it for the sake of wild ghosts? I have long heard that the two used to have a good relationship in the arena and were very good friends, is it already good enough? Willing to risk it for him?

While everyone was suspicious, Luo Jia's figure had already appeared on the field within the protective shield. According to the rules of the arena on "rushing to fight", Luo Jia wants to fight against Shen Xiuyun, that is, the ultimate goal is to compete with his opponent, but before that, he has to defeat Shen Xiuyun first.

Luo Jia walked into the ring, Shen Xiuyun was lying on the ground covered in blood, and was about to sit up, he couldn't care about anything else, nor the gaze of thousands of pairs of eyes around him, he immediately rushed over to pick him up, and whispered in his ear: "Don't move, lie down and rest, and the rest will be handed over to me."

Shen Xiuyun felt dizzy, looking at the same pair of black eyes as himself, such a deep and worried gaze, it was a little familiar, but with this scene, thinking of the past, Shen Xiuyun felt that the worry revealed in those eyes also seemed a little false. But he really didn't have the strength, he didn't even have the strength to sneer and mock, and slowly closed his eyes.

After Luo Jia sent Shen Xiuyun away, he was considered to have won the qualification to fight against the round knife, he only brought a gun with him to the arena today, and was taken away by the administrator at the gate of the arena, and did not bring other fighting weapons, so he directly used Shen Xiuyun's long sword.

With the long sword in his hand, Luo Jia quietly looked at the black-faced man opposite, the last time he faced off, he was one against three, and almost died in the hands of these people, but he also thanked them, because it was their fatal blow in his back that reminded him of the things before he was reincarnated, so that he had the opportunity to meet that person again, but this time,

he wanted to see, the true face hidden by these black veils, is it a human or a ghost!

A cold flash flashed in Luojia's eyes, and he burst out with the strongest speed under the Alpha bloodline, raising his sword and slashing at the black-faced man.

At the same time, when Shen Xiuyun was taken to the medical room, Van Side was already waiting there.

The nature of the assassin's perception of danger made Shen Xiuyun open his eyes suddenly, and the hand hidden under the quilt gently touched the dagger, ready to fight to the death at any time.

When Van Stead saw him wake up, he only smiled slightly and said, "I'm really sorry to let you be so seriously injured."

Shen Xiuyun didn't speak, and Fan Side said again: "However, you can understand this as a trial before commissioning, please forgive me, I also had to do this because of a reason."

Van Side said, took out a thin crystal card from his pocket, and motioned for Shen Xiuyun to take it.

Shen Xiuyun didn't answer, and Van Side had to continue to explain: "This is just a deposit entrusted to you, and after the matter is completed, I will pay the balance off." That's enough money to leave Solomon's Arena and set up your own business. How's that, aren't you impressed?

"What the hell are you trying to say." Shen Xiuyun finally spoke.

Van Stead smiled and said, "Remember what I told you earlier? My goal is simply to overthrow the aristocratic autocracy of the Alpha and give the Omega, Beta, and commoner Alphas a free and just country. I firmly believe that we are collaborators and not enemies, and I want to ask for your help, of course, because I want you to help me kill someone.


Van Side silently wrote a word in Shen Xiuyun's palm, it was a number, and Shen Xiuyun's expression moved slightly.

"What, do you dare to take this business?"

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