ch 106 - 110

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The three major corps of the empire, the mission corps, the bright corps, and the glory corps, since ancient times, the falcon of the glorious corps has been the jīng rui of the empire, and the mission corps is known for its arrogance, and the bright corps is recognized as the concentration of straw bales in the imperial army. After the Zerg attacked, the Glory Corps regained its glory and became the most solid barrier to protect the empire under the leadership of Joseph, while the mission corps suffered heavy losses, and some of the garrison corps on various planets were even wiped out, and the imperial army had to be reorganized.

The regiment that Abigai Jiāo gave to Shen Xiuyun was a patchwork of scattered stragglers, with a complex composition and loose discipline, and almost no one intended to take over. However, this is not Abigail's deliberate embarrassment of Shen Xiuyun, now that the vast majority of the corps within the Imperial Army are in such a state, the slightly better ones have long been pulled to the front line to fight insects.

On this day, a certain Alpha barracks on the planet Rama was immersed in an atmosphere of excitement, and there were people talking about the newly sent instructors above in the morning.

"What do you say? Is the new instructor an Omega? You think Omega is crazy, right? "In the morning, when I was washing, all sorts of gossip spread in the bathroom, and a soldier said to the man next to him with sleepy eyes.

"Absolutely true! My uncle's classmates were security guards at the entrance to the Houses of Parliament! I heard the council elders talk about it when they came out. "

"That's, let the Omega train us? How to train? Take off your clothes? "

The bathroom suddenly resounded with a strange cry of wild shòu.

A young Alpha who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old was smiling from his eyes, he was wearing only a pair of single pants, his upper body was bare, his skin was bronzed, and his muscles were very beautiful, like a little leopard. When the laughter around him calmed down, he suddenly stood upright, pretended to give a military salute, and pretended to be serious: "Report to the instructor!" Your smell smells special today, did you come into heat last night? Need me to help you? "

The laughter that had been calmed down was heard again, and the loud and rough laughter almost opened the ceiling of the bathroom, and the military officer heard the commotion and came up and scolded them a few times, but instead of rebuking them seriously, they laughed together.

"I said Mike, you can be careful, don't look at people who are Omegas, they are very famous, haven't you read what was broadcast on the news before? That's the kind of person who even dares to break into the palace! A veteran smiled and patted the young man on the shoulder.

"Come on! It's been on the news for a few years what the government wants you to know. How powerful can an Omega be? Have you heard that he killed someone? It's just a hype, besides, who can say clearly about those things in the royal family? I don't know if it's just a new trick of a Pomeranian smile made by the prince to make Omega happy. "

"Why haven't you killed anyone, didn't you say that you have assassinated several high-ranking officials?"

"Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"How could I have seen it!"

"That's it, those intrigues in the upper echelons, we can't figure it out, who knows who is using whom as a gunman?"

Everyone talked a lot, quickly washed up, went to breakfast, and then slowly converged on the training grounds.

"Hey, Tu Láng!" Just as a tall soldier came out of the cafeteria, his companion suddenly stopped him from behind.

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