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If there is one person in his heart in this world, it is Shen Xiuyun.

However, the country is imminent, and for the sake of the supremacy, he has become a heartless person.

Live without a heart, live with blood on your hands, live with unscrupulous means, live with betrayal, even if you have to step on the dead body of your loved one in the end, he will reach the top, step by step, step on the ninety-five years above the golden palace respect.

The Seventh Prince will never forget what he said when he saw Shen Xiuyun assassinate his father: "Will it be cold at

such a high position?"

At that time, he thought that Shen Xiuyun said this to the old emperor , until the moment he stabbed Shen Xiuyun to death, seeing his eyes, the Seventh Prince knew that these words were meant for him. In fact, Shen Xiuyun already knew that when he assassinated the emperor, he was hiding behind the pillars.

"Xiuyun, you are still here..."

Lorja raised the corner of his mouth slightly, murmured in a low voice, and coughed twice, with a fishy sweetness in his mouth. Seeing the man come back single-handedly, he didn't know what to do. I am glad that my design just now succeeded, but I still lament that this person's temperament in his bones has not changed at all.

Shen Xiuyun missed the silver knife in the black-faced man's hand with a hidden weapon, which was regarded as saving Lorgar's life. He had already seen the strength of these three people in his eyes, and was not stupid enough to want to fight with them, attracting After capturing the attention of the black-faced man, Shen Xiuyun threw a flying claw directly, hooked the building closest to Lorgar, retracted the rope, and flew close to the ground with his strength, and then stretched out his hand when passing Lorgar. raised it.

Flying Claw can only bear the weight of one person, and it is a bit overwhelming to carry Lorgar. Sure enough, when Shen Xiuyun activated the contraction mechanism, he didn't stand up as lightly as when he was using it. The claw hook deformed a little bit, and the rope connected to the claw hook was stretched extremely tight, and it was about to fall off. Shen Xiuyun immediately pulled the remaining Throwing all the two flying claws, the power of the three flying claws finally brought them up, but because there are three fixed points, it is not as flexible as when there is one flying claw, and Shen Xiuyun has a total of three flying claws. body, so there is no way to replace it, and it is absolutely impossible to shuttle between tall buildings like him alone.

Therefore, Shen Xiuyun could only swing Lorja to an adjacent street, then landed on the ground, and quickly hid in an alley.

On both sides of this alley are mostly the back doors of some shops, which are divided into two doors: inside and outside. The inner door is a metal door, which is used to close, and there are various laser security measures on it. Most of the outer doors are glass decorative doors, and the outer doors of most shops are not locked. There will be a few square meters of space between the inner and outer doors, and pedestrians can go in to avoid the cold and keep warm.

Shen Xiuyun supported Lorgar, found the back door of one of the shops and went in, a warm breath came over his face immediately, as if it was a different world from the ice and snow outside, but because the space between the inner and outer doors was narrow and not ventilated, the inside There were also two beggars lying crookedly, snoring loudly, so the smell was not very good.

As soon as the two entered, Lorja was rudely thrown into the corner by Shen Xiuyunhao. The wounds on his arms, legs, and back were torn apart more severely, and he could not help but groan in pain.

"I don't like to owe others. This is to repay you for blocking a bullet for me just now. We will not owe each other in the future. Those three people will probably come after them soon. As for whether they can survive in the end, it depends on the Seventh Highness himself." It's your ability."

Lorgar never understood why every time he saw this person, he would feel a strange feeling in his heart, and he still didn't understand why an Omega who had finally escaped from Meizuo's base didn't hide well. Woke up, and wanted to take the risk of rushing into Klaipa Palace to assassinate him. It wasn't until he remembered his past life just now that he connected all the cause and effect. That is, from that moment on, he couldn't take his eyes off this person even more.

what is this? Reincarnated? But why both of them forgot to drink that bowl of Mengpo soup? Is this what people often say...God's will?

"Do you want me to die?" Lorgar slowly raised his hand, took off the mask on his face, and raised his eyes to ask.

Shen Xiuyun turned around and was about to leave, but when he heard the Seventh Prince's question, he couldn't help but stop, and said in a low voice, "Whether you die or not has nothing to do with me." Luo Jia laughed, "If I die, no one will reveal your identity ,

isn't it good?"

Shen Xiuyun was disdainful, "Could it be that no one knows my identity now? Besides, a prince died here, so one can imagine what Solomon will be like." "So... you have to leave here ?"

Lorgar lost more and more blood, and the color of his lips was very ugly, but his eyes were always looking at the man in front of him.

The strong temperature difference between indoors and outdoors caused a layer of crystal frost to form on the glass door, and the originally dull light from the street outside was filtered in through the ice layer, which seemed to bring a bit of coldness.

"Your Highness Seventh, you should ask for more blessings." Shen Xiuyun turned slightly sideways, looked at the face under Lorgar's mask, but finally said only this sentence, opened the door and left.

As the door opened, a gust of cold wind rushed in. Lorgar was choked and coughed twice, but finally smiled.

Sure enough, he has not changed, always sticking to his own principles of being an assassin.

Don't you know that principles are only for people to see?

Now that he has been saved, how can he be willing to let go?


It was already late at night when Shen Xiuyun returned to the Solomon Arena.

Randy waited for him to stay awake, and was startled when he saw blood on his body.

"What's wrong with you?"

Shen Xiuyun looked down, and said to Randy, "Other people's."

Randy's pupils shrank, and his face turned pale.

"Why, are you afraid?" Shen Xiuyun smiled.

Randy frowned, "No, why should I be afraid?"

"That's good, don't ask too many questions."

Shen Xiuyun went into the bathroom, changed the clothes stained with Lorja's blood, and took a bath for himself. After tossing and tossing this night for so long, he still hasn't had dinner yet, but he is not hungry at all. When he closed his eyes, the face of the Seventh Prince appeared in his mind.

The Seventh Prince looks so much like the man in the previous life. As soon as he saw his face behind the mask, Shen Xiuyun couldn't help but feel angry. He was sure that if the Seventh Prince was there When he was besieged by those three black-faced men, he took off his mask, and he would definitely not rescue him.

However, Shen Xiuyun's mind didn't stay on Lorgar for long, and then shifted to the three black-faced men. Who are they? Objectively speaking, Lorgar's skill is very powerful, one against three, although it will be difficult, but it will never be almost killed by the siege.

Luo Jia was not the only one who had watched the competition in the high-level area. Shen Xiuyun had also watched it, and he recognized that the attack patterns of the three were very similar to those of some competitors in the high-level area. So these guys are from Solomon Arena? But why did you come to kill them?

As a prince, it is normal to be assassinated, but even if his identity is already known by the people in the arena, they have no reason to kill him now. Thinking about it this way, and recalling the scene at that time, those three people clearly only went for the Seventh Prince alone, Shen Xiuyun's expression suddenly became ugly, and he slowly narrowed his eyes.

Damn it, he was tricked!

When Shen Xiuyun came out of the bathroom, he was surprised to see that Randy was still in the living room, not sleeping.

As soon as Randy saw him coming out, he asked, "Xiuyun, are you leaving here?"

Shen Xiuyun was slightly taken aback, but expressed appreciation for Randy's sensitivity.

"Not necessarily, we have to wait two days to see."

Now that it is certain that the arena does not plan to move him, it means that everything is still open for discussion. As for whether to stay, or whether to stay as a wild ghost Next, we have to see if the Seventh Prince's fate is serious or not.

Randy felt a little more relaxed. Shen Xiuyun is his only chance now. He has taken the drug that simulates estrus for two and a half weeks in a row according to his request. After suffering so much, he doesn't want to give up halfway.

Shen Xiuyun could see through what Randy was thinking at a glance, and while drying his hair, he said, "Don't worry, even if I go..." "Will you

take me with you?" Randy was full of expectation.

Shen Xiuyun looked at him without saying a word.

Randy was discouraged, "Okay, I understand, I can only be a drag now." "

Even if I leave, I will fulfill my promise." Shen Xiuyun finished speaking as usual, ignored Randy, and returned with a bath towel into his bedroom.

Randy followed him all the way, looking at this young Omega who just took a shower and was still wearing a bathrobe, not to mention Alpha, even a person like him who has been beaten countless times in the world of Fengyuechang, seeing this Even Shen Xiuyun couldn't help being amazed.

From the moment he knew Shen Xiuyun's identity, Randy knew that his wild ghost face in front of outsiders was a disguise, even his voice was different, and his real appearance had long been exposed by the news. He usually shows people a false appearance, so his true face becomes the best disguise.

Living under the same roof with Shen Xiuyun for more than half a month, watching him take off his disguise after taking a shower every night, while Randy sighed in his heart for that beautiful face, he also worshiped this superb disguise technique.

If we say that when we first met Shen Xiuyun, he was just an unattainable legend promoted by the news media. Now, for Randy, Shen Xiuyun is the spiritual totem for his survival, just like those in the church. The old guys pretend to kiss the god statue every day. If possible, Randy also wants to throw himself at Shen Xiuyun's feet and kiss the hem of his cloak, just to pray that he can lead him, a believer, out of the suffering of this world.

There are so many things he wants to learn from Shen Xiuyun, swordsmanship, disguise, poisoning... as long as it can make him stronger, he wants to learn it!

"Don't ask too much."

This is Shen Xiuyun's attitude to him now.

Randy raised his hands that were still trembling under the effect of the drug and looked at them. After a long time, he clenched his fists suddenly, and his eyes moved to the opposite Binglan. There were several long swords on display inside, each of which was a peerless weapon. Quiet and silent in the scabbard, keeping a low profile, waiting for the day when you can show your sharpness and kill the world.

Shen Xiuyun is not a saint, and his personality is very cold, he will not easily tell others what he thinks. Wanting to become Shen Xiuyun's partner, Randy knew that he was still too far away.

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