ch 15

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If someone looks at the two nuclear magnetic bombs that hit the palace with a high-power infrared perspective telescope at this moment, they will find that there is a black shadow embedded in the body of one of the shells, which is nothing else. It was Shen Xiuyun himself.

Shen Xiuyun didn't want to die yet, at least not yet.

Will he die with the Alpha gang who came to capture him? Just thinking about this kind of thing makes him feel extremely ridiculous. If, as the soldiers on the interceptor ship expected, he was forced to act recklessly and madly, then why did he go to such lengths? It's better to settle down on Meizuo planet!

Therefore, at the last moment of detonating the "Strong One", Shen Xiuyun fired two cannonballs at the Rama planet, emptied the energy fluid in one of the cannonballs, drilled into it by himself, and rushed towards the planet together with the cannonballs. Planet Rama.

The "Strong One" exploded, and under the cover of the soaring flames, the nuclear magnetic projectile successfully entered the preset orbit.

Shen Xiuyun lay in the small energy liquid storage space of the cannonball, and could feel the temperature of the cannonball body getting hotter and hotter. The propeller of the cannonball continued to fall off in layers. It was also getting faster and faster, and it began to vibrate violently, and the outer wall even started to burn due to the friction of thin air.

Shen Xiuyun knew that doing this was a narrow escape, but he didn't care. Why didn't he spend every day and every hour in his last life in such a narrow escape? For him, as long as he has 10% of his life, it is enough to survive. What's more, it is the death in the eyes of others that allows him to catch this lifeline by surprise and realize the impossible possibility.

When the shell completely entered the atmosphere, the temperature inside the shell had already reached a limit, and the energy shield on Shen Xiuyun's body began to rupture, and eventually completely lost its effect, and some parts of the protective clothing also burned. At this moment, he suddenly heard two beeps behind him, and the shell began to count down to the explosion. At this moment, the headquarters of the Rama Star Empire Army has launched an interceptor missile.

The high temperature made Shen Xiuyun's consciousness a little fuzzy. He fumbled to open the energy liquid storage room. He had to get out from here before the shell exploded. However, due to the high-speed movement, there was a huge pressure difference between the inside and outside of the cabin, and the door couldn't be opened no matter what. Open, Shen Xiuyun's head was covered with sweat, and he tried his best to barely squeeze the cabin door open a narrow gap.

His arm trembled slightly due to the extreme force. At the very moment, he touched the laser sword on his waist. Shen Xiuyun immediately pulled it out, turned the hilt of the sword, and forced it into the crack in the door. Only then did he have a chance Take a breath. The material used for the hilt of the laser sword is very hard. Shen Xiuyun used it to pry open the door of the cabin a little more. The strong wind poured in suddenly, and the door opened wide. It was as if a huge gap had been torn out of the body of the laser sword out of thin air. , the entire nuclear magnetic bomb was squeezed by the strong airflow and vibrated, and it was about to fall apart.

Shen Xiuyun jumped out, but the corner of the trousers of the protective suit was caught somewhere, and it tore open with a thud. The protective clothing is not made of ordinary cloth, the material is extremely tough, wear-resistant, heat-resistant and pressure-resistant, so Shen Xiuyun was hooked outside the shells, hung upside down in mid-air, and was dragged to continue rushing towards Klaipa Palace go.

The protective mask fell off a long time ago, and the high-speed airflow hit him so hard that he couldn't open his eyes at all, and his face was almost deformed by the blowing, but no matter how much he kicked and pulled, the hooked place on his leg couldn't break free.

Knowing that he would die if this continued, Shen Xiuyun gritted his teeth, resisted the impact of the airflow, swung the laser sword, closed his eyes, completely relying on years of experience and feel, and cut it down without hesitation!

The ice-blue laser blade slashed accurately and ruthlessly at the trousers of the protective clothing, and the fabric snapped, and Shen Xiuyun instantly got rid of the restraints and fell straight down. The strength of this sword is accurate, even if it is only a tiny bit off, one of his legs may be lost.

Shen Xiuyun heaved a sigh of relief, allowing himself to fall from a high altitude, under the rapid weightlessness, he even felt that his heart would be separated from his chest anytime and anywhere.

He was carrying a lifesaving parachute, but Shen Xiuyun's hand was pressing on the switch of the lifesaving parachute, but he refused to press it. He was waiting, at the current height, if the umbrella bag was opened, it would be easy to be discovered, so even though he knew that opening the umbrella bag every second would increase the risk by one point, Shen Xiuyun still had to endure it.

The speed at which he fell was getting faster and faster, and his heart was about to withstand the limit. At this moment, there was only a loud bang.

The nuclear magnetic missile was intercepted by the military!

A huge mushroom-shaped orange-red fire cloud slowly bloomed in the eastern sky, magnificent and dazzling.

Shen Xiuyun hooked the corner of his lips, and decisively pressed the umbrella bag switch, the escape umbrella was released immediately, his descending speed slowed down suddenly, and the umbrella strap around his body was tightened suddenly, Shen Xiuyun felt his ribs were fast Shattered by the huge reaction force, his chest hurts, and a fishy sweetness surged in his mouth.

It was too late for him to open the umbrella bag, and there were only a few hundred meters left from the ground, which was not enough buffer time. Fortunately, he brought a few self-made flying claw hooks with him in advance. When he was about to reach the bottom, he threw the flying claws and hooked twice on the nearest towering trees, which at least slowed down his speed. When he finally reached the ground, he turned over and rolled twice, and finally saved his life.

Fortunately, there are still a few tall trees here, otherwise such a fall would cause serious injuries even if they survived. It can be seen that Shen Xiuyun's life should not die.

Lying on the flat ground, pulling off the escape umbrella covering his body, Shen Xiuyun looked up at the sky, gasped for breath, and felt that he had finally passed through the gate of hell and came out. His whole body was falling apart, his clothes were torn and torn. Except for a broken laser sword in his hand, he has nothing at this moment.

For two consecutive days and one night without closing his eyes, Shen Xiuyun was very tired, his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, the warm sun was baking, the earth was filled with the fragrance of green grass, and beside him was a small stream with gurgling water, shining sparkling waves. In a daze, Shen Xiuyun thought that he had returned to the world of his previous life, where there were not so many strange things, and it was the place where he lived since he was a child. Even if he did something against the world, it was only a death penalty. There, he was just a man who was wandering around. He didn't have to worry about being caught to give birth to a baby and breastfeeding one day, and he didn't have to emit pheromones that would be easily recognized by others. There was no escape in this world.

Shen Xiuyun closed his eyes and really wanted to fall asleep like this, but he knew in his heart that now is not the time to stop and rest.

Suddenly, he felt a wave of unfamiliar pheromones, and his body reacted one step before he realized it. He opened his eyes suddenly, jumped on the spot, stood up, drew his sword, and defeated the enemy in one go.

However, when Shen Xiuyun saw clearly that the person under his sword was only a three or four-year-old boy, he couldn't help being stunned. Kneeling on one knee, he silently looked at Douding opposite.

Douding looks very cute, and his height is about the same as Shen Xiuyun's kneeling height. A pair of big eyes occupy almost half of the melon seed face. It can be predicted that he will be very beautiful when he grows up.

Shen Xiuyun judged that he was a little Omega through the pheromone on his body.

The little Omega stared at Shen Xiuyun curiously with his big watery eyes open without any fear. The two just stared at each other for a while, as if they couldn't help but blink first.

After more than a minute, Douding finally couldn't take it anymore, blinked, and asked childishly: "Are you Alpha?" Shen Xiuyun didn't speak, and after confirming that the child was not a threat to him, he slowly withdrew it.

Jian, stood up, turned his attention to his surroundings, and began to check the nearby terrain.

"Are you an Omega?" Douding asked again.

Shen Xiuyun ignored him, confirmed that there was no one around, and prepared to leave.

"You must be an Alpha, right?" Douding persisted in catching up.

A child still doesn't know how to judge the pheromones in a person. In his perception, Alpha is a very powerful and powerful person, and the handsome brother in front of him, who just moved so fast with a sword, is so good-looking. Also a strong Alpha.

Douding trotted to catch up with Shen Xiuyun, then threw himself on Shen Xiuyun's lap and hugged him.

Shen Xiuyun's body stiffened instantly, and he had to stop.

"Huh? Is this the smell of Alpha pheromone? Why do I feel no different from me?" Little Douding sniffed Shen Xiuyun like a puppy, with a confused look on his face, "Mom Said that I will live with a powerful Alpha in the future, and in order to save tuition fees, Brother Beta and Sister Beta will not send me to school! What is Alpha like? Why don't they want me to go to school? They can also Teach me to read?"

Many commoner families don't spend energy to raise Omega children because of financial constraints, because it's useless to train them. Omega children will enter the Meizuo base at the age of fifteen, and they will directly become Alpha's exclusive right after they grow up. For those who give birth, the survival skills they need for a lifetime will be learned on the planet Meizuo, and there is no need for formal education at all. Therefore, many Omega students in lower classes in the Meizuo base have a very low level of education, and some of them can't even read all the words. And these Omegas, because of their own quality limitations, it is difficult to have a good home when they are distributed.

Shen Xiuyun doesn't like children very much, and he doesn't like others getting too close to him. Unfortunately, the little Omega who talks a lot has both.

Douding wanted to lean on Shen Xiuyun's body to touch and kiss him, but suddenly he felt his neck tighten, and his feet left the ground, hanging in the air!

Shen Xiuyun lifted Douding by the collar and looked at it expressionlessly. Douding looked at him eagerly, with a pitiful appearance, like an innocent little puppy being lifted by the scruff of the neck.

"Where is this place?" Shen Xiuyun asked.

Douding finally heard his beautiful brother speak, a little excited, licked his tender red lips, and said, "This is Hanton Village!" "How long will it take to go to the palace ?


The experience of Kleipa Palace, racking his brains, finally only gave a vague answer: "Go to the town and take a bus! It will take a long time!" Shen Xiuyun didn't expect to be able to ask anything from a child's mouth

. Knowing that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, he threw Douding aside, turned and left.

Douding still wanted to chase after him, trying his best to throw his short legs, but Shen Xiuyun's footsteps were too fast, he couldn't catch up at all, and finally tripped and fell to the ground, watching helplessly as the man jumped up and down, Disappeared in the woods ahead.

He's so powerful... Alpha is so powerful...

Why, isn't he an Alpha himself? If he was Alpha, he should be as powerful as that brother, right? Wouldn't it be so easy to fall down?

At this time, Asier still didn't know that the person he deeply envied and admired was actually just an Omega through and through.

However, a few years later, when Shen Xiuyun's name resounded throughout the interstellar empire, when this cold-faced pure-blooded Omega frequently appeared on the headlines of major media and on military arrest warrants, this person who was originally an Omega because he was an Omega Xiao BuDian, who secretly felt sad, was like many other Omega teenagers. With a belief in his heart, he resolutely left his hometown, just to be able to devote himself to the legendary training camp that was completely different from the Meizuo base.

It is still an Omega concentration camp, but it is no longer the "Harem of the Empire".

It was called a "shameless anti-government organization" and "the nightmare of the empire" by the House of Representatives and the royal family. Countless high-ranking nobles jumped to regret that they did not kill this turbulent force in the cradle. By the time they reacted, it was already too late .

Because at that time, the world was already in chaos.

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