ch 17

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"Don't get me wrong! I have no malicious intentions!" Joshua quickly raised his hands, feeling terribly frightened in his heart, but it's more important to keep calm at such times. "I, I'm the brother of that little Omega just now. You should have met."

The person behind did not speak, Joshua turned his back to him, and couldn't see his expression. Holding the sword horizontally, I don't know when he will be able to cut off his head. This kind of unknown fear is the most challenging. If you are a little timid, you may pee right now.

"Don't worry, I only came here by myself, and I didn't bring anyone else." Joshua swallowed and said nervously, "I know you're not a bad person, otherwise my family Asir wouldn't have come back unscathed, right? ?"

The laser sword on his neck still didn't move a bit, Joshua held his breath, clenched his fists, forced himself to calm down, and continued: "My brother Asir said that he saw an Alpha from the sky When I fell down, I thought you were a soldier of the Imperial Army. Maybe you made an emergency landing near our Hanton Village after performing a mission. To be honest, I secretly followed you here because I had my own thoughts. Asir is my family The one and only Omega, our family is very poor. If we really have the opportunity to help an Alpha officer and make some friends, then our life may be easier in the future. When my younger brother is assigned as an adult, we may be able to build a relationship , try to find a better home. You can search the bag on my body, which contains some medicine for wound treatment, a set of clean clothes, and some energy pills for restoring physical strength, all of which are intended for you. I I just want to get rich and have no malicious intentions, please believe me." It

was very quiet in the woods, only the voice of Joshua kept talking, and he couldn't even feel the breathing of the person behind him. However, through the pheromone emitted by that person, he clearly judged that the person holding him with a sword was an Omega.

An Omega easily grabbed his life gate without him noticing it!

If there was an Alpha behind him at this time, Joshua might not be so afraid.

Finally, the blade glowing blue slowly moved away from Joshua's neck.

"You are frank."

Joshua finally heard the person behind him speak, and his heart finally let go when he raised his throat, but he didn't dare to move or turn around, and still turned his back to the person, and asked tentatively: "You, you are an Omega Is that right?"

Shen Xiuyun didn't answer Joshua, but still pointed his sword at his back, and asked, "Do you know where I can get the isolation cloak around here?" "Isolation cloak?" Joshua's mind raced quickly. He said,

"Not in Handun Village, but there is a cloakroom store in Wisteria Town that sells them, but I heard that it only accepts private orders from a few local big households and is not open to the public." "Where is the store exactly?" " It's near the


square, but it's not on the main street. It's in an unremarkable alley." After

Joshua answered, he didn't hear the movement behind him for a long time, and called "Sir" a few times. No one paid attention, so he boldly Turning around, only to find that there was no one behind him.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid that he would have been lucky to escape by now, and he would rush to the nearest place to report to the police. When he encountered an escaped Omega, he might even be able to receive the reward of the Omega Marker.

But Joshua stood there, frowning and thinking for a moment, and decisively continued to chase after the smell of Omega pheromone.

Shen Xiuyun didn't expect that this Beta youth would come to his door again, he was very annoyed, and a killing intent gradually grew in his heart.

"I let you die, but you caught up again. Why, you don't want to live anymore?" "

Sir, you must be in a bad situation now, can you listen to me?" Joshua ran all the way out of breath , finally caught up with him, "If after listening to me, I feel that what I said is nonsense, then tell me to get out, or just kill me." This time, Shen Xiuyun was finally provoked a few times

. Curious, he turned around. Although his clothes were tattered and dirty, his expression was indifferent, his eyes were clear, and he had a kind of aloofness, without showing any embarrassment.

Joshua saw Shen Xiuyun's appearance clearly, and couldn't help being extremely surprised! Unexpectedly, this Omega looks about the same age as himself, no, it should be a little smaller than himself, it looks like he is not an adult! But he must be fifteen years old. Then, shouldn't all Omega who are under eighteen years old and already fifteen years old be in the base of Planet Meizuo? How could it be possible to come to the Rama planet thousands of light-years away? !

How can this be! Could it be that he was mistaken, this person just looks young, but he is already eighteen years old?

Joshua is more willing to believe that this person escaped from a nobleman's mansion than from Mei Zuo's base.

Looking carefully, he suddenly felt that this Omega looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before...

"What exactly do you want to say?" Walking two steps slowly, he exudes a domineering aura.

If this person dared to play any tricks, he would definitely take his life immediately.

Joshua also seemed to see the murderous intent in the opponent's eyes, and he was startled, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't dare to delay any more, squatted down immediately, took out the medicines from the bag, put the clothes and food on the ground, then took out a notebook and turned to a blank page, while drawing on it, he said: "I will give you the medicine now.

" Draw a simple map. Here is the forest where we are. About ten kilometers to the southeast is the village of Handun. It takes about 15 minutes to take a bus from the village of Handun to Wisteria Town, but I am afraid that it is not suitable for you in your current situation. Among the crowd, we can only pass through the woods here. It may take a little longer to walk on foot, about a day, but I have a suspension car, and it only takes two hours for us to drive there. It's about two o'clock in the afternoon. The cloakroom closes at four o'clock every day. I used to work there. His boss treasured those isolation cloaks and put them upstairs. The locked door is locked with a fingerprint recognition lock..."

Joshua spoke extremely fast, as if he was afraid that the other party would not have the patience to listen, but just halfway through his speech, the tip of the ice blue sword pointed in front of him.

"I'm not the Alpha you want to befriend, but you still behave like this, why?" Shen Xiuyun looked down at the Beta youth and said lightly, from his eyes to his tone, there was a chill down to the bone.

Joshua knew that whether he could survive would depend on whether his next words could impress the person in front of him. He took a deep breath, stood up slowly, and the laser sword that cut iron like mud followed suit. Lift it up, and stay close to his vitals from beginning to end.

"If you guessed correctly, you... You are the rare pure-blood Omega mentioned in the news more than a year ago, right? The blood purity is 99.99%, and you are admitted to the royal family. Your photo was published in the newspaper , I have seen it."

Shen Xiuyun didn't admit it, nor denied it, and looked at Joshua silently, but there was not even a trace of emotional fluctuations in his eyes that revealed his identity.

Joshua looked at him calmly without hesitation, and continued: "You escaped from the planet Meizuo, but there is no official news about it so far, so you should have just left the base not long ago, and the Imperial Army did not I didn't have time to launch a full hunt for you. At first I thought you were an Alpha, and wanted to help you and cling to you. But now I realize that you are not, you are an Omega, and you are an Omega with a very high bloodline, so I want to Help you."

"Oh? Why?"

"Helping you is nothing more than two results. One, you are arrested. It is definitely difficult for an Omega who has a criminal record to enter the royal family again, but you have a pure blood. Noble. If you are favored by the nobles, and you are willing to appreciate my help and loyalty to you when you fled, it is very likely that you will help me and change the situation of my family. The other way, you have not been arrested, of course, this The chances of this situation are very small, but since you are the first Omega in the history of the interstellar empire to successfully escape from the planet Mezo, I am very interested in this possibility full of imagination, and I am also very interested to see how you are How far can I go. In this way, there is no reason for me not to help you, because I will benefit in either case. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. If I miss you, I may never hope to reach you in my life. Noble, it is even more impossible to meet a special Omega like you again. I may just be an ordinary and ordinary Beta worker for the rest of my life, and I can only watch my favorite brother be treated as an item and distributed by others." " What you

said, the profit chance is very small, I am afraid that the loss outweighs the gain."

"Anyone who is not willing to have nothing must be good at speculation, and speculation is always risky." Joshua obviously felt that the murderous intent on the other party was less A lot, the more I talk, the more confident I am in myself, the brighter my eyes are, and the light that belongs to adventurers and careerists shines inside.

Shen Xiuyun looked at the Beta youth in front of him, his black eyes flickered, and asked, "Then how do you know that I need help?" "At least

you need a helper before you get a quarantine cloak. And according to my observation, You were able to escape from the base, it must be outstanding, but there are still some places where you are not cautious enough. For example, you just landed in the place where you did not put away the escape parachute after leaving, so it is not easy for the military to find out ?Maybe it was because you were not in good condition at the time and walked in a hurry. Does this mean that you were injured? Also, my brother has seen you before, but you have not taken any measures to ensure that he will not disclose your information. Whereabouts, even though I said so... But I still thank you very much for not killing my brother. But my brother and I did not do anything against you, how can you guarantee that the people we meet next will not What about reporting your whereabouts to the military police? So, you need a helper, and if you don't want to be caught so quickly, you need my help."

After the Beta youth finished speaking in one breath, the two of them fell into silence. Joshua was still very confident in himself, but when he saw that the other party had no expression on his face, he couldn't help becoming nervous again. Looking at this young Omega who can't figure out what to think, he even weighed the probability of escaping from this man's sword.

However, just when Joshua felt chills in his heart and was thinking about whether he should just find a chance to run away, Omega, who had been pointing his sword at him, suddenly smiled.

Shen Xiuyun withdrew his sword and slowly raised the corners of his lips.

He likes people who are straightforward and say everything they want clearly.

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