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In the
Eldest Princess's Mansion of the Klaipa Palace, His Royal Highness Abigail stood in front of the window with his arms crossed, not knowing what he was thinking, until he heard someone report that the Seventh Prince had asked to see him, so he slowly turned around and watched his youngest brother walk in through the gate.

If there is one of the children of Emperor Kemis that Lorgar cannot see the most, it is Her Royal Highness Princess Abigail. She was the emperor's first child, the eldest sister of all princesses and princes, and since she was born, she had such a serious and cold expression that rejected people for thousands of miles, and rarely showed emotions. She doesn't care about the position of power, she accepts whatever Emperor Kemis gives her, and she never fights for what she doesn't give her, as if she has no emotions and six desires, no selfish desires and ambitions.

She is very strong, and her single combat power is not even below Loga, and she is only loyal to Emperor Kemis. She doesn't get too close to her younger siblings, but she knows everyone's preferences and habits well. His Majesty Kemis sent her to the garrison to hone in her early years, and whenever she went to a place, she would buy something special and come back to make gifts for her younger siblings. Catheron loved to collect bows, Mennoos liked hedrons, Shasar liked to collect biological specimens, Lorgar liked knives, and her two sisters liked to wear the same brooches as her...... In the memories of these princes and princesses, this unsmiling princess is like a meter, regardless of background, standing among them equally, leading by example, rewarding and punishing in moderation, and is indeed worthy of her eldest sister's identity. Especially for Luo Jia and Shasar, in that lonely, lonely, excluded and cold-eyed childhood, only from her can they feel a rare and not very warm family affection.

"Eldest sister, are you looking for me?" Lorgar walked in front of Abigail, and now he was taller than Abigail, but the majesty of Her Royal Highness Princess Abigail, even in front of Lorga, did not show the slightest weakness.

"Lorgar." Abigail looked at the Seventh Prince for a moment before he said lightly, "You want the throne?"

Luo Jia raised his eyebrows slightly, his expression remained unchanged, and asked with a smile: "Why did you suddenly talk about this today?"

But there was no smile in Abigail's eyes, and there was a warning in his tone, "You have completely ruined Caesaron, don't destroy Galeman again."

The smile on Luo Jia's lips paused, and said, "Eldest sister, why didn't I understand what you were saying?"

"That throne in the Klaipa Palace, its existence is based on the rule of our Zetanon family, based on the rule of the entire Alpha nobility. Once the reputation of the royal family is damaged, the throne you want is no longer so secure. Do you understand?

"So what is the eldest sister trying to say?" Now that Abigail has said this, there is no need for Loga to hide it anymore, with a sneer on his lips, he slowly approached Abigail, and his military boots made a sound on the ground, echoing in the empty hall, "Do you want to say that in order to save the face of the Alpha nobles, you should leave the lives of those Omegas behind?" Or is it that for the corruption and corruption of the Bright Corps, the behavior of the soldiers is ignored and ignored?

"In any case, the glory of the Alpha nobility cannot be disgraced, and it is better to let the truth be silent forever than to be exposed to the world."

"Isn't whitewashed sin a sin? The sins that are added to the people will one day ferment, fester, and finally out of control.

"What you're doing now is destroying your foundation."

"Foundation? Hehe, what else do you want from the rotten foundation? It's better to uproot it as soon as possible. Abigail's

eyes lit up and he said sharply, "Lorgar, do you know what you're talking about now?"

Luo Jia smiled, put his hands behind his back, raised his head slightly, and looked at His Highness Abigail without restraint: "I will do what I say, eldest sister, what I want to say, what I want to do, haven't you already seen it."
a moment, there was silence between the two, and Abigail looked at this unconsciously plump little brother for a long time, and from his dark eyes, she no longer saw the hatred and anger of her childhood and some impetuous desires, but instead it was a deeper emotion that people could no longer easily detect, the kind of plain eyes that seemed to be watching from the wall, but were actually strategizing, had transcended his due experience and age, Full of smiles, arrogant and confident, as if there is nothing in this world that can disrupt his careful plans.

"So, you still don't want to let go of Galemán?" Abigail finally spoke.

"Spare it? I will neither set up a blame nor falsify the facts, so how can I let it go? Wasn't his end already determined by his own actions? What does it have to do with me?

"Even if I, as the Governor of the Third Corps, order you not to leak the information in your hands, can't you?"

Lorga smiled and didn't answer.

"Okay." Abigail nodded, her sharp eyes suddenly twining to look straight at Loga, "Loga, remember, the day you remove Caleman from power is when I sent troops to surround Solomon's Arena.

Hearing Abigail's sudden mention of Solomon's Arena, Loga's expression moved slightly.

Abigail glanced at him and continued, "I heard that you were seriously injured not long ago for a competitive player. He's the Omega, right? The Omega that Caesaron had been trying to catch.

Luojia's face changed completely, "What do you mean by this?" What do you want to do? "He's

important to you?"

Lorgar slowly narrowed her eyes, and a chill welled up in her gaze at Abigail.

"I have already said that the authority of the Alpha nobility is not to be touched, and the majesty of the royal family is not to be compromised. If you insist on destroying your brothers one by one, and completely trampling Zetanon's reputation under your feet, I can only achieve the balance of public opinion by subverting the heroic image of that Omega. Abigail's cold and merciless eyes looked at the Seventh Prince quietly, "You know, if I make a move, I may not care if I am planting a blame."

"Blame for it?" Luo Jia sneered, "Why didn't I know that such a frank person as the eldest sister would also do such a despicable thing?"

"I will do whatever it takes to preserve the royal glory. And what can a dead person do, even if he is planted to blame?

Abigail stood in the dimly lit hall, behind her was an ancient and luxurious white jade pillar that, though decorated with magnificent spar gold, could not hide the tiny cracks left by the years. Her straight figure stood in front of the stone pillar, solemn, like an ancient Valkyrie, guarding the last pillar in the temple.

Lorgar frowned deeply, he knew that Abigail had always been a man of his word, and since she said so, she would definitely do so. And with her ability, she is by no means comparable to Caesar Lunga Leman and the like.

After leaving the Celestial Princess's Mansion, Lorgar had to redeploy and temporarily suspend the next plan against Galeman.

The Zoren incident was not over, and this was the best opportunity to oust Galeman from power, but now, before thinking of a countermeasure, Loga did not dare to act rashly. Yes, he didn't dare, he didn't want that person to have something to do, even if he disrupted the plan, he didn't want to make a choice like the previous life, which he regretted for the rest of his life. God has eyes and gave him another chance, in this life, he wants power and people, he doesn't believe he can't think of a way to do both!

However, what Luo Jia didn't expect was that even though he didn't do anything, the inside story of Zorren's corruption was still exposed.

It turned out that after Shen Xiuyun took Ivan back to Planet Solomon, he first sent him to Bai Mo's basement, and asked Ivan Mo to write down the contents of Zoren's diary that he saw, especially the locations of several warehouses marked with weapons. Shen Xiuyun sorted out the information of these warehouses and sent it directly to Joshua, who gave Shen Xiuyun a big smile, and then the next day, the news of the embezzlement of military funds by Zolen, the quartermaster of the Bright Corps, was sent to the headlines.

"Every year, the people pay a large military tax, which is used to support the huge Imperial Army. Every year, young people from all over the empire join the army with a proud heart to dedicate their blood to the empire they love. However, what people can't imagine is that the high tax burden under the blood and sweat is only exchanged for the rusty mechs and broken guns of the Bright Corps. What is even more unimaginable is that those aspiring young people who want to serve the empire die on the ...... of malfunctioning airships and spaceships provided by the imperial army they trust."

"How could a third-level mecha worth hundreds of billions of imperial coins appear in an unmanaged abandoned warehouse? A businessman, who asked not to be named, said that every year on the planet Messo, a large number of discarded arms and weapons are privately resold, mainly by gangsters and increasingly active smuggling groups. These high-quality mechas, which could have a service life of up to ten years, were all scrapped in just three years, and this part of the loss of weapons was personally signed and approved by the quartermaster and reported to the council, and made up for by the financial allocation. We don't know how much money will go into the hands of a few people. As we followed the clues to find the arsenals, we found that the contents had been emptied long ago, and the personnel involved said that they had no idea about it. So, who should be responsible for the evaporation of hundreds of billions of national public assets in this way? How much truth are governments and parliaments hiding that we don't know? Stay tuned for further developments in this event...... Sarah Tandin reports for you.
The broadcast of this news did not go smoothly at first, and no newspaper or TV station dared to accept it, but this female reporter named Sarah Tandin was bold, and was arrested by the military once before, but she still did not change her mind, and even changed the press release without authorization during a live broadcast, poking out
this shocking secret.

This time it's not just about the Omega's human rights, even the Beta and the Bottom Alpha are showing extreme dissatisfaction. A large amount of tax revenue flowed into the pockets of individuals, and innocent low-level soldiers died for no reason because of those inferior military supplies, and although Zoren, the source of this incident, was dead, people still couldn't help but have the urge to whip the corpse.

For a time, demonstrations were staged on major planets within the jurisdiction of the empire, questioning the government, questioning the parliament, questioning the imperial military department, and the voices demanding the resignation of the Bright Corps Galeman became louder and louder, and the calls for Luo Jia to take over the Bright Corps and reorganize the imperial army and military government became louder and louder.

Luo Jia watched the situation gradually develop towards a trend beyond his control, and for the first time, he did not feel joy at stepping on his opponent to win, his face became more and more unsightly, and his first reaction was to send troops to Solomon to find the whereabouts of Shen Xiuyun, who had not been heard from for many days.

When Shen Xiuyun saw this report, he was not surprised, the woman named Sara Tanding was the one he dragged Joshua out of the military detention center, and provided all the evidence and funds for her report. He was tired of everything being controlled by the Seventh Prince, so this time, he struck before him.

However, in addition to the arsenals that contained old mechs, there was another item in Zorren's diary that also caught his attention.

It was a long list, covering more than thirty people, Shen Xiuyun found out all these people and compared them, and found that many of them were high-ranking officials in the military and political circles of the empire, but they had no connection in their positions. If there's one thing they have in common, it's that they've all been frequented by Solomon's Arena.

Just when Shen Xiuyun was puzzled by the connection between these people, a few days later, a large-scale suicide of high-ranking officials suddenly occurred in the military and political circles of the empire, which shook the whole country. And what surprised Shen Xiuyun was that those high-ranking officials who committed suicide were all on the list!

What's going on here?

Why do these people commit suicide?!

Although the official news reports said that the men had committed suicide, the public was deeply suspicious of this, and the vast majority of them suspected that they had been assassinated by the Omega who had escaped from the Meizuo base. However, with the previous example, people's first reaction was not "Omega killed someone", but "these people did something unreasonable to be killed". At this time, before people knew it, the Omega named Shen Xiuyun had already had a very big impact on them, and the image of the Omega hero had almost been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Because the missing Omega was arrested for experiments, many people are full of questions and curiosity about Planet Solomon, and more and more people from all walks of life come here, and the atmosphere on the entire planet is very tense, as if something is about to come out.

Shen Xiuyun was very sensitive to the subtle changes in the military presence here, and he noticed that there were often suspicious people around him.

The two most powerful contenders for the throne of the seventh prince Luojia, one is the eldest prince Caesaron, and the other is the fifth prince Galeman, both of whom have military power, and now one has fallen and is imprisoned, and there is no possibility of turning over, and the other is about to be detained for embezzling military funds, disregarding the lives of low-level sergeants, and going to the road of destruction. The two mountains have fallen, and the road to the throne of the Seven Princes has been basically cleared, so next, is it time for this sharp weapon used by him to clear obstacles to be 'abandoned'?

Shen Xiuyun couldn't help but sneer, his eyes were dark.

The capital is easy to change, and the nature is difficult to change, even if you live again, what can you do? Isn't it like in his previous life, calculating every step of the way, playing with other people's lives? It's just that the Seventh Highness of this life can't help but seem a little anxious, and he actually showed his feet so early, and the people sent to him are becoming more and more useless.

Shen Xiuyun's plan was being implemented step by step, and soon it was time to close the net, he came to Bai Mo's basement, wanting him and Ivan to leave Planet Solomon for a while, and would send them to a safe place.

Bai Mo thought for a while and asked, "Are you going with us too?"

Shen Xiuyun said: "No, I have to stay here for the time being, there are some things in Solomon that I want to figure out."

Bai Mo's eyes moved, and the corners of his mouth hooked, "Oh, then I won't leave, I'm still waiting for you to get me blood samples of those people who take medicine."

Shen Xiuyun was about to say something, but Ivan had a serious expression and said: "Xiuyun, sometimes, there are things that you can't do alone, believe us, maybe we stay here and will help you at a critical time, and when you finish solving the problem, we will leave here together!"

Seeing that the two were very persistent, Shen Xiuyun didn't say anything anymore.

When he returned to the Solomon Arena again, what Shen Xiuyun saw was a scene of fire.

"What's going on?" Shen Xiuyun grabbed a pedestrian on the street who was watching the excitement and asked.

"I didn't see it, the arena was on fire, it started this morning, and it has been burning until now, I guess I can't save anything from this momentum, tsk, it's a pity." The pedestrian raised his chin and gestured, his eyes swept away, and his eyes suddenly widened, "Huh? How, what's going on! So many Imperial soldiers?! The

160-story skyscraper caught fire, as if the god of fire had come to light up the night. The heat wave brought about by the raging fires made places like Solomon feel the scorching heat and steaming heat. The entire Solomon Arena is based on the Solomon Arena, which is the center of the planet, so it is relatively densely populated and extremely noisy. The horn of the ambulance resounded in the sky, and some onlookers cried out in despair as their relatives and friends were trapped in the building.

In such a firelight and heavy figures, if you don't pay special attention, you may not be able to find the imperial soldiers shaking in the distance, Shen Xiuyun looked over, only to see the red hustle and bustle in the sky, those imperial soldiers who were slowly approaching, and the lion of the mission corps was dancing on the black cloak.

Sure enough, this is the time to get started......

Shen Xiuyun suddenly felt a little relieved in his heart.

Everything is the same as in the previous life, except that in this life, he is ready.

Shen Xiuyun silently left the crowd, away from the red light of the Solomon Arena, pulled out the matching sword at his waist, and retreated into the cold darkness.

The encirclement was shrinking little by little, and the sound of approaching footsteps could be faintly heard.

Shen Xiuyun walked to an empty square, stopped, protected himself with a long sword, and held his back against a stone statue in the square, his dark eyes staring at the regiment that was slowly gathering towards him. Finally, after the soldiers had formed and dispersed, he met the man who was supposed to be there at this point.

"Xiuyun, come with me."

Shen Xiuyun heard the man say this.

"What's wrong?"

Shen Xiuyun heard himself say this.

"Things have changed, get out of here with me first, and I'll explain to you later."

His hand was taken up, and the man led him in this way, and fled to the place of safety as he had spoken. The two broke away from the crowd, and the soldiers of the mission corps did not follow, and they did not know where they had been arranged.

Gradually, they walked farther and farther, and the man led the way in front, letting Shen Xiuyun follow behind him.

"You go first, I'll break behind."

When passing a fork in the road, Shen Xiuyun heard the man say this again.

At this moment, Shen Xiuyun suddenly had a trace of trance, as if he had returned to his previous life, the night he died.

At that time, the man also said, "You go first, and I will cut off."

Then Shen Xiuyun walked to the front, leaving only his back to the man.


Seeing that Shen Xiuyun did not move, the man looked at the situation in front of him, and was about to turn around, but unexpectedly, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his back, and the dull sound of flesh and bones being cut, accompanied by blood flow, at this moment, constituted all the sounds in his world.

Luo Jia turned his head in astonishment and looked at Shen Xiuyun, but the long sword had already pierced his dirt, and the bright red blood flowed down the blade of the sword, staining the hand holding the sword red.

"Repair...... Xiuyun? With a look of disbelief on his face, Luo Jia looked at the man in front of him with the long sword, and opened his mouth, but he could only utter two simple syllables, "Xiu...... Xiuyun?

Shen Xiuyun looked at Luo Jia, his eyes were terrifyingly bright, but his hand, which had always been very steady as an assassin holding a sword, was trembling slightly at this time, "Seventh Prince, do you remember that you gave me this sword in the last life?"

Luo Jia's expression was still stunned, and he looked at Shen Xiuyun deadly.

"Seventh Prince, do you remember how I died at your hands in the last life?"

Luo Jia's pupils were a little dilated, and he seemed to finally understand something, and said dumbly: "You...... You already know that...... What......
'Even if you make a career out of assassination, you must know that some people can kill, some people can't, some people can kill so that people can know about it, and some people can't see the light of day when they kill them.'" Seventh Highness, since you want to pretend that you don't know each other and forget all about the past, why do you want to say this sentence in front of me? Do you think that you said too little in your previous life, and Shen was not taught, so she ended up like that?

Shen Xiuyun couldn't help sneering, a sword pierced in, and was about to put away the sword, but he was grabbed by Luo Jia.

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