ch 29

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Seeing that the man stretched out his hand and was about to grab him, Shen Xiuyun's eyes darkened, and one of his shoulders was slightly tilted back, just by a small margin, and he avoided the man's hand, allowing him to grab him. Kong, and then stopped entangled with that person, picked up the package and sword and walked out of the bar.

The man didn't expect that Shen Xiuyun also had some skills, and there were a few cronies beside him, who were watching as if they were watching a show. Take a few steps up and grab Shen Xiuyun's shoulder.

This time Shen Xiuyun didn't spoil him. The moment he pressed his hand on his shoulder, he clasped it with a palm, and with a little force, only heard a few crisp sounds of joint dislocation, and the Alpha who found fault immediately howled miserably. But four fingers were pinched off. Then Shen Xiuyun took advantage of the situation and pulled forward again, directly pulling the person standing behind him over, throwing him on his back to the ground.

The man's friends saw that the situation was not good, and stepped forward to help, seeing that the posture was about to besiege Shen Xiuyun, and the man on the ground also stared at Shen Xiuyun viciously, and shouted regardless: "This man is an Omega! Catch him!"

He yelled, and the group of people in the bar who had nothing to do with themselves fell silent, and even the two drunks who were choking each other in the ring stopped interacting. Together, they looked in Shen Xiuyun's direction.

A vicious light flashed in the eyes of the man whose hand bones were broken. He stood up from the ground panting heavily, pointed at Shen Xiuyun with his uninjured finger, and said, "The isolation cloak on him was just ripped off by that Omega. Yes, I can feel the pheromones on his body! He is an Omega, if you don't believe me, let him take off his cloak in public and show us!" Shen Xiuyun stood in a circle of people, the spy, with Excited

eyes cast on him unscrupulously. He knew that it was impossible to calm things down tonight, so he was not in a hurry to leave. He approached the man who exposed him step by step, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He sneered and said, "You say I'm an Omega? Well, since you want me to take off the cloak, then you can take it off yourself, how about it?"

Seeing that Shen Xiuyun was so calm and composed, he seemed to have said a dirty joke. While the people in the bar were booing, they all looked at the whistleblower with some doubts. Or the Omega that escaped from the noble mansion is not a rare thing, but who has ever seen an Omega that can bring down an Alpha?

That's right, there is one piece of news that has been making a lot of noise recently, but seeing is believing is not hearing. Who knows if those news are hype and exaggeration by the media to deceive the ratings?

The man who exposed Shen Xiuyun did not expect that Shen Xiuyun would dare to speak so harshly. Thinking of the two tricks he had just done with him, he couldn't help but sink his face, but he was also a competitor in the Solomon Arena after all, so he was Put your head down, you don't have to go out to hang out in the future, so you can only grit your teeth and say: "Hmph, as a Solomon competitor, if you fight an Omega, why don't you laugh your ass off when you say it?" "So, you Don't even dare to take off an

Omega's clothes?"

Shen Xiuyun's teasing immediately aroused the laughter of the surrounding people, and then some people started booing from below, telling the two of them to fight quickly.

At this time, seeing that the momentum was not good, the manager of the bar came forward to mediate with a smile, and said: "Since the two of you are so interested, you might as well go to the ring to exercise your muscles and bones. It is fate that everyone can gather here tonight. If you hurt your peace, you will be fine." It's not good. In this way, the two guests, even if we sell a thin noodle from our small bar, let's make an agreement first, if this guest loses..." He said, smiling at Shen Xiuyun, "You can take off the cloak Let me clarify. If this guest loses..." As he said that, the manager turned to the competitor again, "How about you answer this guest and say it was a misunderstanding?" Star

's well-established business is more or less backed by influential forces, so although the manager of this small bar is polite, anyone who understands knows that this is someone using influence to suppress the situation. However, this seems to be very fair. Both sides play 50 each, and no one is biased. But after careful consideration, it is still possible to see the manager's bias towards that Alpha.

If people come to your bar for a drink, they have not provoked anyone, so why should they let them take off their isolation cloaks in public? You know, in other places, wearing a gown may be quite unusual, but in Solomon, where the law has also lost its authority, it can be seen everywhere. Since people don't want to disclose their identities, they naturally have some scruples. It's all personal privacy. Why should they listen to you, and if they can't beat them, they have to take off their clothes in public?

But it's no wonder, this Alpha is also a competitor in the Solomon Arena, but the other person seems to be a newcomer who just came to the planet Solomon, don't bully him and bully anyone.

After the bar manager finished speaking, everyone looked at Shen Xiuyun's reaction.

Shen Xiuyun's expression didn't change, he just nodded, "Well, this method is good."

Since Shen Xiuyun agreed, the competitor couldn't say anything more. So, surrounded by a group of rough men who feared that the world would not be chaotic, the two were squeezed into the ring in the bar. Someone even enthusiastically offered to help Shen Xiuyun get the package on his body, but Shen Xiuyun turned back with a cold look.

The two held one side each in the arena, and the competitor looked at Shen Xiuyun with a gloomy face, his face was a little pale because of the severe pain in the bones of his hand, and said to the people below: "Just now this person took advantage of my unpreparedness and injured me. I have one hand, how does this count?"

"Simple, I don't need this hand." Shen Xiuyun said, and put one hand behind his back.

The man wanted to say something more, Shen Xiuyun raised his eyebrows, and said, "In this way, I don't use both hands. As long as I use any hand, I will lose." The Star Empire has always advocated force. In

the era of Star Wars with the Zerg, the most valiant mecha fighters can get the supreme glory, which is why the Alpha nobles can rule the empire for so long, because the best fighters, without exception, have extremely good genes and bloodlines Alpha. This is even more so on the planet Solomon where power is the right to speak. Since everyone has already made such a concession, what if you hurt a hand? Wouldn't a girl chirp and say "I'm in pain"?

Sure enough, someone who knew the athlete shouted from below: "Okay, Karl, stop being a mother-in-law, and don't waste my time."

The competitor named Carl had no choice but to stop making excuses. He looked at the young man standing opposite him. He looked less than thirty years old, and he didn't look very good-looking. He really didn't look like an Omega, but he just clearly How could it be wrong to feel the pheromone on his body?

Thinking of this, Carl stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, narrowing his small eyes, while Shen Xiuyun put his hands behind his back and looked at him expressionlessly.

Karl has learned a lesson and knows not to be careless with this person. Now he has only one purpose, which is to take off this person's isolation cloak. If it is really not an Omega, he can stop in time and find a way to resolve the conflict. If it is really an Omega , Hehe, there is no need for him to show up at that time, someone will take care of him.

After a brief confrontation, Karl suddenly moved on the ring unexpectedly, and kicked Shen Xiuyun directly, just when Shen Xiuyun was about to block, his eyes flashed, his feet swayed, but he changed his posture midway , hooking directly to the buckle of Shen Xiuyun's cloak.

Shen Xiuyun had already guessed what he wanted to do when he just shifted his eyes to his chest, so he simply pushed the boat along, cooperated with him, and made a blocking posture, but when he showed his intention, he suddenly lowered his body, Dodge this kick.

Karl didn't have any strength on his foot, and his body was a little unstable. He was trying to find balance with his other leg, but Shen Xiuyun didn't give him this chance, and just swept him over with one leg, tripping him to the ground before he could Standing up, he stepped on his chest again, Carl snorted, and Shen Xiuyun kicked him directly in the face again. Karl reached out to grab his leg, and Shen Xiuyun knelt down, his kneecap hit the opponent's fragile nasal bone directly. Karl yelled in pain, tears and snot streaming down his nose, but the uninjured hand still didn't let go of Shen Xiuyun, still clutching his leg, trying to sit up and throw him down.

Shen Xiuyun was almost thrown over by Karl's legs, and hurriedly bent his knees to lower his center of gravity, but failed to let the opponent succeed. Then there was a ruthless look in his eyes, he lifted his foot, thrust it into the opponent's arm, wrapped his leg around the arm directly, and then exerted all his strength, only to hear a creepy rattling sound, and in a daze, he folded the opponent's arm in the opposite direction up!


Karl screamed like a pig, and immediately let go of his hand. Shen Xiuyun then jumped and, with his hands behind his back, patched Karl up again, kicking him off the ring.

Everyone present was stunned, silently looking at Shen Xiuyun who was still standing on the stage with a calm expression. But Karl fell off the ring and fell to the ground, clutching his arms and rolling all over the floor.

"Now that the outcome has been decided, can I leave?" Shen Xiuyun jumped off the ring with a bag and a sword on his back, and asked the bar manager who had just come out to mediate.

"This, this is natural." The bar manager smiled apologetically, and now he looked at Shen Xiuyun very differently from before. "Then let that guest apologize to you."

"No need." After Shen Xiuyun finished speaking, he left the bar directly. From the arena to the gate of the bar, all the onlookers gave way to him one after another. The sound of bones being broken just now was so brutal that many people woke up from the alcohol. Although the gladiatorial fight in the Solomon Arena was a hundred times bloodier than this, it was a high-level gladiatorial event after all, and not everyone could witness it with their own eyes.

After Shen Xiuyun walked out of the bar, the piercing cold wind rushed towards him. He clenched the sword in his hand, his eyes turned slightly behind him, and then deliberately walked towards a remote path.

As expected, before he reached the depths of the remote alley, the man named Carl gathered five or six people to block him.

"Want to leave? Hmph, it's not that easy! Brothers, do it for me! I must take off his body today and let him kneel on the ground and lick our shoes!" Carl stood at the end and said with gloomy eyes.

Shen Xiuyun slowly drew out his long sword, looked at the group of people surrounding him, his eyes flickered, for some reason, he suddenly remembered what that person said to him in the previous life.

"Xiuyun, you can kill people, but some people can, and some people can't. Some people can be known, but some people can't be seen. Otherwise, if one day you commit public anger, even if you have With the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to escape death."

Thinking about how many similar things that Seventh Prince said to him back then, Shen Xiuyun regarded it as bullshit, but in this life again, he seems to have gradually understood what he said. The deep meaning in the words. Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, the lives of innocent people will not be touched.

But these people, no matter how they are divided, seem to be killable, right? And in a place like Solomon, even if he killed him, he shouldn't be afraid of being known, right?

Looking at the greed and resentment in the eyes of everyone in front of him, Shen Xiuyun suddenly smiled, and then recalled the look in the eyes of the captured Omega just now, since he was reborn, that thing in his heart has been suppressed as if he finally got it. A complete release...

The cold wind is raging, and the night is boundless.

Shen Xiuyun swung the long sword, and there was a cold light under the moonlight. At this moment, he knew that the time to open his new sword had arrived.

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