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On the night Shen Xiuyun returned to Rama, he received a video call from Joshua about the Omega Planet and the Meizuo Base since he left, and many of these messages did not sound so pleasant.

"After you left, the Imperial Government began to send additional Alpha officials to the Meizuo base and the Omega planet, which was nominally called 'friendly cooperation and guidance', for the common prosperity of mankind, but in fact it wanted to empty your rights. We have been operating here for many years, and they can't get in for the time being, but the Meizuo base is no longer something we can say, and it is estimated that Landi will not last long there. "

Shen Xiuyun didn't get angry when he heard this, he just thought for a moment and said to Joshua: "In that case, let Randy come back and return the Meizuo base to them." "

"You mean just give up? However, the geographical location of the Meizuo base is very useful to us, although the Omega planet has been built for many years, it is only a lone star after all, and once the imperial government turns its face and denies people to blockade us, the situation will be difficult at that time. "

Shen Xiuyun didn't know the important strategic location of the Meizuo base, there were more than a dozen asteroids scattered on the channel connected to the Omega planet, and all of them belonged to private desolate stars, as long as they found a way, they could buy them, and then they would be able to establish a complete planetary belt on this route and achieve self-sufficiency. The Omega Planet and the Meizuo base are located on the edge of the interstellar empire, far away from the Rama planet, and far away from the Zerg's sphere of influence, which is considered a safe hinterland.

The most important point is the meaning of Meizuo Base to the jīng god of Omega, it is a concentration camp for Omega, it is the shame and symbol of Omega as an oppressed population, and even people will automatically associate with Omega as soon as they mention Meizuo. If Shen Xiuyun wanted to become the leader of Omega one day, and he couldn't even control Meizuo's base, what confidence would he have to let people of his clan follow in his footsteps? I believe that the imperial government is not stupid, and naturally it can see the significance of Meizuo Base to Shen Xiuyun and them, so they will keep an eye on it so closely.

"Losing is to get better, and giving up the Meizuo base today is to get it back more beautifully in the future. What's more, I'm going to the council tomorrow to negotiate with those Alpha nobles, and I don't want them to get caught and say that we have taken over the Meizuo base without authorization, and we have a backlash. "

Joshua didn't speak, he looked at Shen Xiuyun seriously through the communication screen for a while, and suddenly smiled: "Xiuyun, I'm curious about what you have experienced on the front line now, and how do you feel more and more sinister and cunning." "

Shen Xiuyun said in his heart, how can it not change, with such an unfathomable person who soaks together every day, even if he does not become a fox, he can train a rabbit who can dig three dòng, otherwise he will not even be able to find the bones if he is eaten.

Joshua teased enough, and said to Shen Xiuyun: "By the way, Xiuyun, Miffy gave birth to an Omega boy, she didn't say it, but behind her back she was dancing happily, I have to let you be the godfather of the child." Let's come back when the matter of the imperial capital is over, everyone misses you very much. "

Shen Xiuyun was a little embarrassed now, he was an assassin in his previous life, except for the scheming Seventh Prince, no one dared to provoke him, let alone someone who would miss him, and he showed this emotion so bluntly that he didn't know how to answer. Joshua was amused by Shen Xiuyun's awkward expression, but after only half of the laughter, the communicator was ruthlessly cut off, causing him to laugh twice at the empty screen and shake his head helplessly.

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