ch 38

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The climate of Solomon planet is extremely cold, it is frozen almost all the year round, and the day time is very short. This planet that is almost forgotten by the empire belongs to the night, but the night of Solomon, which is often regarded as the source of evil by people, is not silent. , amidst the brilliant neon lights, casinos, women's homes, restaurants, and arenas are full of voices and crowds... It is so depraved that it makes people so amazing, and it can easily make people impetuous.

Shen Xiuyun and L met at the gate of the arena as promised. The two didn't say much, they just glanced at each other and walked out of the gate of the Solomon Arena together.

It was extremely cold tonight, even on Planet Solomon, the low temperature was unbearable. When a person walked outside, even the slightest gasp could quickly condense into a cloud of faint white air in front of him. There are not many pedestrians on the street. In order to avoid the severe cold, most people have already cated into various bars and restaurants on both sides of the street.

It was probably because it was too cold tonight. Pedestrians in this central business district liked to gather together. They searched for several nearby restaurants, but were told without exception that they were full and unable to accommodate more guests.

"Oh? What a coincidence, it seems that the business of every store is very good tonight."

When I walked to the sixth restaurant, I was stopped by the clerk at the door apologetically and said that the seats in the store were full. , Shen Xiuyun narrowed his eyes slightly, sighed with a half-smile, and then slowly shifted his gaze to L next to him.

"It's indeed a coincidence. What's the special day today?" L asked calmly.

"I've never heard of that." Shen Xiuyun also replied calmly.

"Maybe it's because the business near the Solomon Arena is so good, why don't we take a further look?" L suggested, although half of his face is covered by the mask, it can still be seen that he is looking at Shen seriously at this moment. Xiuyun seemed to be looking at him with a certain purpose.

"It doesn't matter to me." Shen Xiuyun said indifferently.

So the two walked more and more remote, and gradually moved away from the business district centered on Solomon Arena.

The street became more and more deserted, and the sky suddenly began to snow. It was like ice crystals falling all over the sky, and under the illumination of the orange-yellow light, it sometimes flashed, like the brilliance of diamonds. Crystal snowflakes fell on the cloaks of the two of them, some slipped down, and some fell into the folds of the fabric, piling up into a handful of white snow.

I passed several restaurants one after another, but this place was not full, but they were closed directly.

"It seems that we can't eat today's meal." Lorgar said with a smile, but for some reason, there was a bit of coldness in that smile.

"Yeah, if we knew it earlier, we shouldn't have come out." Shen Xiuyun said, his eyes flickered, and he put his hand on the hilt of his waist unintentionally.

"It's too cold, why don't we drink some wine to warm up first?" Lorgar suggested that there was a vending machine not far from them.

"Okay, it just happened to be with me." Shen Xiuyun agreed.

Lorgar glanced at Shen Xiuyun indifferently, went to the vending machine and bought two bottles of high-altitude spirits, swiped his own crystal card, and only heard a rolling sound, the delivery port of the goods automatically popped open, and the glass Bottled wine delivered.

The street is very quiet, except for a street lamp standing alone a few meters away. The snow quickly accumulated a thin layer on the ground, and you can hear a slight crunching sound when you step on it.

Lorgar took out two bottles of wine, turned around, and threw one of the bottles to Shen Xiuyun.

Shen Xiuyun kept looking at him with good eyes. After catching the wine bottle accurately, he didn't rush to open it and drink it, and still looked at him.

"Huh? Why don't you drink it?" Lorgar came over, pried off the bottle cap and took a big gulp of the wine. He glanced at Shen Xiuyun's hand playing with the bottle, but he seemed unable to feel that the other party was falling. gaze on oneself.

Shen Xiuyun waited until Lorgar approached him, then raised the corners of his lips slightly, and said, "Simple." "

Oh? What's simple?" Lorgar's eyes drooped, and the silver mask glowed coldly under the street lamp,

"No The reason for drinking is simple." Shen Xiuyun said, "Because I'm afraid that the poisonous!"

When it was too late, Shen Xiuyun threw the wine bottle high at almost the same moment when he caught a glimpse of the figures hiding at the entrance of the alley. At the same time, he drew out the sword at his waist. With a flick of the sword, he stabbed directly at Luo Ka's throat.

However, Lorgar seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and directly blocked the wine bottle in his hand, only to hear a crash, the wine bottle shattered, glass shards splashed out, and a few pieces just hit Shen Xiuyun's eyes .

Shen Xiuyun had to take half a step back to block, but at this moment, he heard another crisp sound, this time the sound sounded much farther away, it turned out to be the undrinked bottle that Shen Xiuyun just threw out. The wine just fell to the ground and broke.

"Hmph, wasting a good bottle of wine." Lorgar said coldly, taking advantage of the moment when Shen Xiuyun avoided the glass shards, he pulled out his waist knife.

The bright silver knife shone coldly amidst the flying snowflakes.

"I asked you to have dinner with good intentions, but you actually want to kill me? Just for a promotion match? It's really despicable." Shen Xiuyun didn't understand how there could be such a shameful person in the world who would do this for petty gain. The tricks

harm people, and then they have to beat them back, and the villains will file a complaint first. "I'm despicable? Hehe, I do n't

know who brought someone here and deliberately led me here. Is this trying to kill someone?" "What did you say? Why did you bring someone here?"

To ensure safety, he does have a team of personal guards who will covertly protect him no matter where he goes, but these people have received strict training, even he has not noticed that anyone is around here at this moment, how could he be found by this person?

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense!" Shen Xiuyun's eyes darkened, and he swung his sword forward, and the long sword mercilessly sliced ​​at Lorgar's leg!

Lorgar jumped up, narrowly dodging the blade that could break his hair, and then, with his strength, raised the knife to slash at Shen Xiuyun's face.

Shen Xiuyun immediately turned back his sword to block it. The moment the sword and sword collided, he even felt his whole arm went numb, but he didn't dare to relax at all. With a fierce sliding pick, the ear-piercing sound of metal grinding and scratching could be heard twice. People couldn't help frowning slightly, and then, Shen Xiuyun pushed away Lorgar's silver knife with a force, and at the same time kicked him in the lower abdomen, and then swept his legs shortly.

Lorgar didn't dodge the first kick, he was hit in the stomach, and couldn't help groaning, but for the second move, he seemed to have completely grasped the trajectory of the opponent's move, and dodged it without any danger, and then Shen Xiuyun The next sword slashed at the waist again, Luo Jia dodged it backwards, then put his hands on the ground, jumped up again, and slashed at Shen Xiuyun.

Shen Xiuyun was very familiar with this series of moves, because this was exactly the move he used to deal with the Seventh Prince in Klaipa Palace that day. At that time, I was also trying to avoid the Seventh Prince's kick. I turned back and used my strength to change from defensive to offensive and then used my sword again.

Luo Jia's sword came so fast, almost without thinking, Shen Xiuyun raised his hand to hold a sword flower, and wrapped the scimitar that was coming at him into the heart of the flower, and with one pick, the strength of this knife was completely lost up. However, Lorgar did not continue to attack, instead he retracted the knife and stood firmly three meters away from Shen Xiuyun.

"It really is you."

Shen Xiuyun was already full of regret when he pulled out that sword flower.

That's right, this is how the Seventh Prince broke his trick that day, but at that time the Seventh Prince used a laser knife and couldn't pull out the sword flower like him, but the principle is the same, even the wrist movements are almost exactly the same. Because Shen Xiuyun was afraid of revealing his identity, he had never used moves that were exposed to the public since he escaped from Planet Rama, but now this person is so cunning that he actually did the opposite and used his As a result of his sword move at that time, he subconsciously used the Seventh Prince's cracking method.

"It turns out to be His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince." Shen Xiuyun had already doubted it in his heart, but he really couldn't think of why a person of such status would come to Solomon to be a competitor, so he was not sure. It wasn't until he used his own moves just now that he was sure.

"The guards of the Mission Corps found you very hard."

"Oh? It's Shen's honor. However, Shen has always thought that His Highness the Seventh Prince is an upright person, and he never expected to make such an ambush What happened."

Lorgar couldn't help chuckling, "You're an interesting person. You said you wanted to seek revenge on me the first time we met. This second meeting, you said that I brought someone to harm you. I don't understand , Where is the person you mentioned?"

Shen Xiuyun's hand holding the sword couldn't help tightening, his eyes brightened, and he said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, you are still asking me where I am, because you are looking down on Alpha, who smells so far away. Me? Do you think that a person like me who came to ambush me doesn't even bother to wear a decent isolation cloak?!" Before the words finished, Shen Xiuyun unceremoniously raised his sword and attacked


However, Lorgar became more and more confused about Shen Xiuyun's words, Alpha's pheromone taste? where? Why doesn't he feel anything? But at this time, the opponent's sword was already blowing with cold wind, and he had to raise his sword to parry.

Shen Xiuyun hated this kind of filthy person who played tricks behind his back the most in his life. How did he die in the last life? Shen Xiuyun will never forget him forever!

I once heard the old man in the Solomon Arena say that some people would often do some unsightly moves under the ring in order to ensure their victory in key matches, and there were not a few competitors who died because of this.

The match period of the two fell, and Shen Xiuyun was already suspicious when he received the invitation to have dinner with the other party, but from his understanding, he felt that this L would not be such a sinister villain, so he agreed to the invitation Of course, if he really dared to use some insidious tricks on himself, he wouldn't mind repaying him in his own way. After all, when it comes to who is an expert in killing silently, he, Shen Xiuyun, claims that he is the second, and no one dares to be the first. Unexpectedly, when he arrived, he discovered that this person was really the Seventh Prince. If he is the Seventh Prince, then his purpose of asking him out is even more complicated.

As long as he thought of being plotted against, Shen Xiuyun would be furious, and his sword would become more and more fierce.

As long as he thought that his identity was exposed again, he could not continue to stay in the Solomon Arena as planned, and all his hard work in the past few months was in vain, Shen Xiuyun would like to kill this person and hurry up!

Since he and the Seventh Prince are so predestined, how about ending his life here?

The long street was empty and silent, the snow was falling, and the sound of weapons colliding fiercely in the shadow of swords and swords echoed in the sky. A pair of figures entangled and skimmed across the snow-covered ground, swaying and dancing, and destroyed a piece of pure white and crystal-clear land in an instant.

While the two were fighting, they came near the wine bottle that Shen Xiuyun had just thrown away. Shen Xiuyun accidentally stepped on a shard of glass, and his foot slipped, revealing a flaw. Of course Lorgar would let go of this opportunity, grab it and wrap it around his isolation cloak.

As long as you use more force, the buckle on Shen Xiuyun's cloak will be pulled open, and the pheromone smell belonging to Omega will immediately spread throughout the street. Passers-by are ruled out.

If he pulled off the cloak, Shen Xiuyun must have no intention of fighting, and would run away immediately before attracting other people. If I contact the guards who are secretly protecting me at that time, and attack unexpectedly, 70% of them will block me.

But at such a once-in-a-lifetime moment, Lorgar hesitated.

Shen Xiuyun was already furious when he showed a flaw, how could he allow him to hesitate for a moment, immediately turned around and wrapped the cloak around himself, took the opportunity to get close to Lorgar, and threw him to the ground at once!

After throwing away the long sword, Shen Xiuyun pulled out a dagger from his sleeve. Seeing that Lorgar had no chance of dodging, he was about to slash at his throat when Shen Xiuyun caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye.

A small red spot of light happened to land on the Seventh Prince's forehead, but it only stayed for a moment before the red spot disappeared in a flash.

Shen Xiuyun lay on Lorgar's body, pinching his neck with a dagger, but his body was already frozen.

"It turns out that your men are still carrying laser guns, are they aiming at my head now?" Both of them were panting slightly from the violent fight just now, and Shen Xiuyun stared at the eyes under the mask, which were also black like him. eye. Such eye-to-eye contact gave him an illusion, as if what he was looking at at this moment was the Seventh Prince from the previous life, the only person who had lowered his guard for his two lives.

Unspeakable emotions stirred in his heart, Shen Xiuyun's dagger on Lorgar's neck became more and more forceful, and even cut through the thin layer of skin outside the throat, and blood was seen.

Shen Xiuyun suddenly curled the corners of his mouth, and smiled wantonly, his dark eyes were even stained with a little madness.

"Your Highness Seventh, do you want to come and try, the two of us, who will die first?"

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