ch 24

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"Is there poison on this sword?"

Shen Xiuyun smiled, "Your Highness the Seventh Highness

is wise." As soon as these words came out, all the soldiers of the Glory Legion around changed their expressions. After saying this sentence, his face darkened, his body straightened, and his gaze on Shen Xiuyun suddenly became sharper.

"Then, can you tell me what I did to make Your Excellency insist on killing me?" After the initial surprise and shock, Lorgar's tone calmed down, and there was no trace of panic on his face.

Although Shen Xiuyun hated this man's appearance that was exactly the same as the Seventh Prince in his previous life, he still admired his calmness in his heart. Noticing that he changed his address from "You" to "Your Excellency", Shen Xiuyun curled the corner of his mouth and said, "Your Highness Seventh is right, I probably really misunderstood you. Since you are not what I am looking for Man, of course I won't kill you."

"Won't kill?" Lorgar laughed, laughing that an Omega dared to speak to him in such a condescending manner. But thinking about it carefully, he seems to have such qualifications.

"I'm not an enemy, and no one bought my life. Why did I kill you? The poison on this sword is self-made, and no one in the world can detoxify it except me. As long as His Highness can give me what I want, he will definitely give it to me." Medicine."

"What do you want? What?"

"A spaceship, a bag of spar, the spaceship must have enough energy for a second space leap."

The spar is very similar to the gold in Shen Xiuyun's previous life, it is a precious The ore is the hard currency here.

Luo Jia nodded, "Well, what you want is not much."

Shen Xiuyun was not polite, "It's really not much to change the prince's life."

Just as everyone was in a stalemate, a sneer was suddenly heard outside the door.

"Hmph, seventh brother, what nonsense are you talking to this kind of person!"

There was another sound of voices outside the bedroom, and the eldest prince Caesarron led someone in from outside with a gloomy expression. The soldiers of the Honor Corps who were guarding the door did not know whether to stop them. They hesitated, but they were forced to scatter by the lions of the Mission Corps, whose number was several times that of their own.

When Lorgar saw Caesaron, even knowing that he was injured and poisoned, the anger that he didn't show up suddenly rose in his eyes. He and Joseph next to him looked at each other, Joseph frowned, and his face became ugly.

Now, under the arrangement of Lorgar, the Clapper Palace has already been secretly blocked by the Legion of Honor. It stands to reason that Prince Caesarron should not have gotten the news so quickly and rushed back, but now he is back. What does this mean? The Legion of Honor, which took a year to sort out, is still not monolithic. The eldest prince has been in the military for many years, and his sphere of influence is of course not limited to the Mission Corps. He also has his own eyes and ears in the Glory Corps and the Bright Corps.

The foundation is too shallow, and it is more obvious at this time. Even if the layout of the chapter is planned in advance, even if it is done step by step, it still cannot resist the opponent's pervasive control. In this huge imperial palace, in this complex political center, it is not easy to gain a foothold.

The soldiers of the mission corps rushed into the bedroom and immediately surrounded Shen Xiuyun, even the seventh prince Lorgar. Many of them have been played by this difficult Omega many times, seeing him now, they didn't have the frivolous expression that Alpha looked at Omega at the beginning, but guarded, cautious, and at the same time a little bit itchy with hatred, I can't wait to arrest and imprison this person immediately, so as to restore the lost prestige of the Mission Corps in the hearts of the people.

"Seventh brother, don't be fooled by this Omega. Who knows whether the poison on his sword is real or fake? First, let someone take the sword for a test. Even if something is really painted on it, I don't believe it. Besides, even if he really needs the so-called unique antidote in the world, he should be searched first, if not, then he will be interrogated by the military department, and he may not be able to get him by then Is there an antidote for that?"

Lorgar looked at the eldest prince Caesaron, with a domineering look, arrogance and arrogance, and he didn't take him seriously at all. If the person standing here today was not him, the least powerful seventh prince, but other Alpha princes, would Caesarron dare to be so arrogant? How dare you bring an army into his bedroom privately! Lorgar's expression didn't change much, but the hand behind him clenched a little bit.

Shen Xiuyun was surrounded by the soldiers of the mission corps. He showed no fear on his face. His cold eyes moved from Prince Lorgar to Prince Caesaren. Then, instead of resisting, he put away his sword and pulled his knees back. Sit on the ground, close your eyes, rest your mind and adjust your breath.

"That's right, I may indeed lie to you. But since you need to test, you have to hurry up. After the two-hour time limit, if there is no antidote, the poison will break out in the body, and His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince will die at that time." I'm afraid I can't even save the gods. But I can tell you frankly that the antidote is not on me. As for the torture that the general said... Hehe, you might as well give it a try and see if you can pry one out of my mouth. word."

Caesarron's biological mother was of a very good background, although Emperor Kemis did not give her a title, but in the eyes of the people, the House of Representatives and members of the royal family, she already had the status of a queen. As the eldest son, Caesarron has the support of his mother clan behind him, and since he was born, he has had the wind and the rain. Few people dare to challenge his authority so openly. But ever since this Omega appeared, it caused him trouble again and again, making him unhappy. Caesarron looked at Shen Xiuyun even more gloomyly. Now that his patience has been exhausted, what he wants to do the most is to make this ignorant Omega pay a painful price for what he has done!

So he raised his hand.

All the soldiers belonging to the Mission Corps were on standby.

"Your Highness."

Just as Caesarron was about to wave his hand to order, he was suddenly interrupted by a young officer who stood up.

Caesarron looked at the young officer in front of him. His skin was slightly dark, his hair was disheveled, and the beard stubble on his chin was faintly visible. But with firm determination. Looking at the epaulets, it should be at the level of a major general, probably the commander of a sub-regiment.

"Oh? What?"

"Your Highness, this matter is related to the safety of His Royal Highness Lorgar, so let's not act rashly." "Lorgar is

my younger brother, so am I doing this for his own good? Do you want to excuse this Omega? ?"

"After all, none of us can guarantee that what he said is a lie, and we can't risk the life of His Highness Lorgar." Joseph's tone was neither humble nor overbearing, but his hand was on the hilt of his waist, and he looked at the eldest prince Caesarron without giving in.

"What are you doing, do you want to rebel?!"

The air in the room seemed to freeze instantly, and the atmosphere was so tense that it was about to explode.

At this time, there was a chuckle from the side. Shen Xiuyun opened his eyes and looked at Luo Jia, and said slowly, "Your Highness, it seems that there are quite a few people who want your life." Jia

, suddenly raised his head, and took a deep look at Shen Xiuyun.

"Oh? Why do you say that."

Shen Xiuyun: "Isn't it? Now every minute of delay increases your danger by one point, but there are still people here deliberately creating troubles and delaying time. In fact, even if you know in your heart that you are really If you are poisoned, you can't wait for your poison to die, right? As expected, people's hearts are unpredictable."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Caesarron couldn't hear Shen Xiuyun's mocking himself, and in a fit of rage, he raised his hand and prepared to attack gesture. The sound of guns being loaded immediately sounded in the room, and the laser sights on Shen Xiuyun's body shook like insects and ants.

However, Shen Xiuyun was still sitting on the ground with a calm expression, as if he didn't notice those dark gun muzzles that could shoot deadly lasers at any time. He closed his eyes leisurely again, "It seems that I will die today. But fortunately, my life is worthless, and I have no regrets to have His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince die with me." Luo Jia looked at Shen Xiuyun

, the black eyes flickered, and there was a faint smile in it, but he said: "It's already reached this point, do you still want to provoke the brotherhood between the princes?" Then he turned his head and looked at

Caesar Lun, "Brother is right, it's better to take this person down for a careful interrogation. Now this person is causing a lot of trouble in the city, and everyone knows it. The Mission Corps is the royal guard, and it cannot lose its prestige in front of the people. If it is true I agreed to his request and let him go like this. How will the members of the Mission Corps serve the people in Rama Star in the future? Brother, just deal with this person, don't worry about me."

It's okay for Lorgar not to say such a thing, but when he said it, Caesarron was suffocated internally. Now that he did this, even if he wanted to deal with this Omega, he would not dare to act rashly. Otherwise, if Lorgar really died because of this, whose responsibility is it in the end? At that time, he will not be able to bear the big hat of murdering his younger brother.

"How could the seventh brother say that? What could be more important than your life?" Caesaron suppressed his anger and withdrew his hand. He didn't know how to say this sentence completely through gritted teeth. "What the general said just now is correct, no matter whether this Omega is playing tricks or not, he can't take you at risk." After speaking,

Caesarron walked up to Shen Xiuyun's side gloomyly, bent down and pinched his chin.

Shen Xiuyun's eyes froze.

Caesarron narrowed his eyes and said, "We will prepare for you what you want, but if you dare to tamper with the antidote, you will definitely not be let go." "What is His Highness hinting to me?


Kaisalun was stunned: "What did you say?"

Shen Xiuyun waved Kaisalun's hand away and glanced at him, "Don't worry, if you want to buy your life from me, just a bag of crystals and a spaceship is not enough "

"What do you mean?"

Shen Xiuyun stood up, looking towards Caesarron, his dark eyes seemed to be able to read people's hearts, he leaned close to Caesarron's ear, and said in a low voice: "Of course, if it is true One day, if you want to do something to this seventh brother, we can still negotiate a price. However, I'm afraid we can't do it today."

After Caesarron understood what Shen Xiuyun meant, his face turned livid. As for whether he reacted this way because someone poked at the bottom of the heart, or because he hated others to stir up their brotherhood, only he himself knew it.

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