ch 33

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Star Dream Palace is the first female branch of Solomon Planet, and its name is well-known in the entire interstellar empire. It is said that the forces behind it are very mysterious, and no one knows who the real owner is until now.

In the entire population structure of the interstellar empire, the number of Omega is very small, and the Omega that was abandoned and resold by Alpha is even rarer. Based on the empire's current total population of 6 billion, Omegas accounted for about 1%, that is, about 60 million people, and among them, there were probably more than one million people who unfortunately became prostitutes. And among these one million people, the number of Omega owned by the Xingmengdian family alone is nearly 300,000. Of course, these 300,000 people are not all on Solomon Planet. The Star Dream Palace on Solomon Planet is the headquarters, and there are about 100,000 Omegas that are raised, scattered throughout Solomon Planet.

This description may not have a specific concept for many people, so take the Meizuo Base as an example, the age-appropriate Omegas in the Meizuo Base account for 0.1% of all Omegas each year, and the three grades add up to less than 100,000 people . In other words, the total number of Omegas in the entire interstellar empire between the ages of fifteen and eighteen is actually equal to the number of miserable Omegas that have fallen into the land of fireworks on Planet Solomon! It has to be said that this is a shocking number.

The Xingmeng Palace where Shen Xiuyun was drunk by Coyote and Jevera happened to be located next to the Solomon Arena. . These people were selected from among the 300,000 people under the entire Xingmeng Palace, they could be said to be one in a hundred, and they were all the best of the best.

In addition to Coyote and Jervi, there are also five competitors on the 90th floor who came out to play together today. They have already packed up the room and waited for Shen Xiuyun and the three of them. The experts were invited, and everyone was more or less relieved.

This competitor code-named "Wild Ghost" went from the 51st floor to the 90th floor in just two months after he came to the arena. They have all seen his skills. I have never seen anyone who can fight against him in the ring for more than five minutes. For other games, it is just a warm-up time. When it was his turn, he was kicked off the ring before his opponent could react.

Many organizations in the mid-level area also gradually put away their desire to suppress the rookie, and changed their strategies to win him over. But this wild ghost is really like the legendary lonely ghost, with a withdrawn personality and not easy to get close to. After the game, he locks himself in the suite and hardly communicates with outsiders.

It is a miracle that he accepted the invitation to come here today. This at least shows that he is willing to make friends with them. It can be seen that this person will not stay in the middle-level area for too long. Instead of blocking his way and making enemies, it is better to go along with the current and help him, which is also considered as a favor.

"Wild ghost, you are a rare visitor, come and sit, come and sit! We have been holding back in the arena for so long, and today we want to drink to our heart's content, everyone will not go home until drunk!" As soon as Shen Xiuyun walked into the private room, He was

dragged to the middle of the sofa. He never liked people touching his body, so he frowned slightly. The people next to him had been watching his expression, and when they saw this, they immediately let go of their hands with interest, and the rest of the people sitting next to him also naturally moved to the sides, leaving a little space for him. Many masters in the arena don't like being close to others. For this, these rough guys are much more winking than the little Omegas who have never seen the world in the Meizuo base.

Jiewei introduced other people to Shen Xiuyun, and Shen Xiuyun greeted them politely.

The private room is equipped with stereos and giant screen projections for guests to drink and sing here. One of them got impatient with the wait and had already ordered a song and began to sing.

The coyote dangled over with a cigarette in his mouth, kicked the singer's ass, and groaned: "The beauties haven't come yet, you are howling here by yourself! Stop it soon!" , Master Wolf's ears are almost pierced."

Probably they are used to being indifferent, and the singing competitor was not angry, he turned off the music obediently, and gave the coyote a middle finger by the way.

The coyote ignored him, and pressed a communication button on the wall with a cigarette in his mouth, and the gentle voice of the waiter came from inside.

"Hey, where is the person we want, hurry up and get him!" the coyote yelled at the communicator.

As soon as the hyena finished speaking, there was a knock on the door outside. A handsome waiter in a white shirt and a black vest from Xingmengdian walked in with a row of men and women. There were about sixteen or seven people, all of whom were wearing isolation cloaks. It can be seen that the clothes are very revealing and sexy.

After the Beta waiter came in, he first bowed politely to the guests present, and then patted his white-gloved hands twice. The cloak on the lower body.

Colorful cloaks fell to the ground one after another, and the sweet scent unique to Omega instantly filled the entire box. Except for Shen Xiuyun, the other competitors were like wolves seeing a fat sheep, their eyes glowed green. Affected by Alpha's nature of being attracted to Omega, they were all eager to try, as if they were about to seduce these people in the next second. The Omega Goblin fell to the ground.

Next, they will choose some of these dozen people to stay. Of course, if they have the financial strength, they can also let all of these people stay as companions. It's a pity that they are only mid-level competitors, and they can't spend a lot of money like high-level competitors, so they have to make a trade-off.

As the protagonist of today's banquet, Shen Xiuyun was naturally favored, and everyone asked him to be the first choice. Shen Xiuyun's eyes swept over lightly, and stayed on a person.

The hyena, who had been observing carefully, had a trace of heartache in his eyes, but he quickly grinned and said: "As expected of a wild ghost, you have such a picky eye! This is the celebrity of Xingmeng Palace today, it is me I mentioned it to you before, the Omega that came out of the Claypa Palace."

Javi also joked beside him: "Coyote, it seems that you can't save the money today! Haha, let you be lucky! How did I tell you, I should have brought people here obediently long ago, what else should I choose!"

The coyote immediately made a bitter face: "Who knew that our Lord Wild Ghost's eyes are so poisonous, forget it, today I'll just pick you up!" Go all out!"

Amidst everyone's ridicule, other people also chose the Omega to accompany the drink, there were men and women, and the waiter left with those who were not selected, and the remaining Omega came over one after another, almost without waiting. Sitting on the sofa, he was pulled into his arms.

The Omega selected by Shen Xiuyun kept his eyes down from the beginning to the end. He was much more haggard than when Shen Xiuyun saw him for the first time. His eyes were lifeless and his skin was as pale as paper. He seemed to be poked with a little force. break.

"Hey, why are you still standing there stupidly, why don't you come and pour wine for the guests?" The coyote reminded with a frown when he saw that the Omega had been standing there blankly.

That Omega seemed to come back to life suddenly, moved his body, and walked slowly in front of Shen Xiuyun.

"You...drink." Omega poured a glass of wine for Shen Xiuyun with a low eyebrow. On him, the anger of two months ago had long since disappeared. He seemed to be a completely different person. I don't know how many times I was beaten and forced to train.

Shen Xiuyun looked at this person and took the wine glass. At this moment, Omega finally raised his head, but the moment he saw Shen Xiuyun, he was completely stunned.

Shen Xiuyun raised his head silently, and drank the wine in the glass, but kept staring at Omega with his cold black eyes, as if implying a warning to him not to talk too much.

Omega stared blankly at Shen Xiuyun, suddenly, his frail body trembled uncontrollably, and the shaking became more and more severe.

Shen Xiuyun's face darkened, as if he was afraid that he would say something that he shouldn't say, so he grabbed his wrist, pulled him hard, and pulled him into his arms, then pressed his head hard against his chest, not letting him There is a chance to speak indiscriminately.

In the eyes of outsiders, these are just flirting gestures, although a bit rough, but also very normal. The coyote kept flirting with Shen Xiuyun. Shen Xiuyun put his arm around the Omega, raised his glass to the coyote with the other, and drank it down again. The coyote also returned a glass of respect. Seeing that Shen Xiuyun seemed very satisfied with Omega, he was also relieved, and simply stopped paying attention to him all the time, and went to have fun with the beauty in his arms.

The babbling music in the private room sounded again, and someone began to sing. Before Shen Xiuyun could let go of the Omega in his arms, he suddenly felt that his chest was getting hot and humid, and a suppressed sobbing came from his ears. .

Instead of resisting and struggling, that Omega reached out and hugged Shen Xiuyun tightly, buried his head on his chest, and began to cry silently. His body trembled with the crying, and the trembling became more and more severe, scratching Shen Xiuyun. The hands of Xiuyun's clothes became tighter and tighter, as if a drowning person had finally grasped a life-saving straw.

A strange feeling suddenly arose in Shen Xiuyun's heart. The pheromones in this person were so familiar and kind to him. They belonged to the Omega population. Shen Xiuyun never regarded himself as those androgynous monsters before. But at this moment, he seemed to be infected by the despair and sadness of this Omega, and he felt so unhappy in his heart.

The hand that was pressing on Omega's head subconsciously relaxed, and Shen Xiuyun didn't understand why he did this. In short, when he realized what he was doing, his palm had slowly slid down from this person's head, falling to the ground. to the back, patting gently comfortingly.

In the dimly lit box, no one noticed what Shen Xiuyun and the others were doing. Everyone was busy with their own affairs. Amidst the Omega's chatter and laughter, no one heard the forbearance of crying.

"You...what's your name?" Shen Xiuyun finally spoke after waiting for this Omega to cry enough.

Omega raised his head, his eyes were already swollen, "Randy."

Shen Xiuyun didn't say anything, just nodded.

At this time, the others had had enough of teasing the Omega around them, and began to focus on drinking and gossiping with each other.

"Brother Wild Ghost, you are so awesome. You actually climbed the 40th floor of Solomon in two months! I admire the hyena!" After a few rounds of drinking, everyone became a little drunk, He hurriedly expressed his admiration for Shen Xiuyun through Jiujin. "I've been in Solomon for so many years, and I've never seen someone of your level. Let alone, I saw that I've been on the same floor as us, and we've reached the 150th floor. Don't forget us brothers! "

"Yeah, eh? But I heard that a mysterious kid came to the arena recently. That guy came up from the first floor bit by bit. It also took two months. Now he has reached eighth level. It's the fourteenth floor!"

"Fuck! What's the matter?"

"Hey, the newcomers are getting more and more perverted these days, we old people, I'm afraid we won't be able to get along anymore." Someone sighed drunkenly.

"What's that person's name?" Shen Xiuyun who had been silent all this time asked suddenly.

"What's his name? It seems to be a person whose code name is L but not M. It's just a letter anyway. He wears a mask on his face. He's more mysterious than you." One person teased Shen Xiuyun.

"According to his speed, it may not take long to reach the 100th floor, wild ghost brother, maybe you will meet on the 100th floor, do you want brothers to help you find out the details of that person?" The hyena laughed. Hehe came over and patted Shen Xiuyun on the shoulder and asked.

At this time, from their words, Randy looked at Shen Xiuyun from doubt at the beginning to shock and disbelief later. He just poured wine for Shen Xiuyun mechanically, not knowing how to think at all. However, when he accepted the fact that the man in front of him, who was also an Omega, turned out to be the famous Solomon Arena competitor, all the emotions in those light gray eyes gradually calmed down after the turbulence.

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