ch 41

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Two days later, Shen Xiuyun finally received a pick-up notice from the isolation suit customization room. Wild Ghost is just a competitive player in the mid-level area, and he can't enjoy door-to-door delivery services, so he can only make a trip by himself.

When Shen Xiuyun came to the customization room, the number of receptionists in front of the counter changed from one to two, and they were discussing the latest gossip in a low voice.

"Hey, have you heard? Competitor L disappeared mysteriously. There are rumors that he was plotted against when he went out for dinner two days ago!" "Oh my God, how could this happen! Who is so despicable to frame L!


"Then, I'm telling you, don't tell anyone else!" One of the receptionists suddenly lowered his voice, mysteriously, "I heard from the security guard at the gate that L went out with a wild ghost that night, and in the end l didn't come back, the wild ghost came back..."

"So you are saying..."

"Ahem!" The first receptionist suddenly saw Shen Xiuyun standing in front of the counter and coughed hard, "Hello, Lord Wild Ghost, are you here to pick up the isolation suit?"

Shen Xiuyun glanced at them lightly and nodded.

After completing the procedures for picking up the goods and paying the balance, the two receptionists did not even dare to take a breath. They did not breathe a sigh of relief until they sent the expressionless athlete away.

"Oh my god, I was scared to death, he wouldn't have heard it just now, right?" the younger receptionist said, patting his chest.

"So what if you hear it? There are so many such things in the arena! Haven't you heard of Solomon's popular saying in private, 'Things that can be solved off the stage will never be done on stage, and those who can be killed today will never be brought to the stage. Don't leave it until tomorrow, okay, okay, you're new here and you may not be used to it yet, but you'll get used to it gradually." The old man in the workplace put on an old-timer's look and educated the newbie on science.

In fact, just as the receptionist said, the people in the mid-level and low-level areas of the Solomon Arena looked at Shen Xiuyun in a strange way these two days. Although it is not uncommon to use dirty tricks secretly, it is not glorious after all. After all, no one can guarantee whether it will be their turn to be the next unlucky person, so everyone despises, is wary of, and is afraid of such people. But what about contempt? Without evidence, the arena can only turn a blind eye and not intervene.

Shen Xiuyun could feel those probing glances all the way back from the isolation suit customization room, but he had long been accustomed to these. But when he walked to the rotunda on the ground floor of the Solomon Arena, he suddenly noticed two different gazes, so he suddenly raised his head and saw Vander standing by the fence on the second floor.

Van Sider was wearing a white uniform that imitated military uniforms, and his hair, which was so pale that it was almost white, reflected a golden halo under the reflection of the crystal lamp in the hall. Seeing Shen Xiuyun looking over, he nodded his head in a gentlemanly manner, with a smile on his mouth .

Shen Xiuyun looked away silently, just in time to see one of the elevators open, and followed the crowd into it, the moment the elevator door closed, those eyes, which were almost bereft, suddenly made him feel strongly uneasy.

Assassins are intuitive and their perception of danger is unparalleled.

Do you want to stay in Solomon Arena?

Besides here, is there a better place to stay?

Just as Shen Xiuyun was thinking seriously, the elevator stopped. The hall on the floor where it happened to be stopped was used to publish game information in the Solomon Arena. There were many electronic billboards in the hall, and the screen facing the elevator was hung with major game information. countdown.

The nearest important game now is the promotion game from the mid-level area to the high-level area, which is about a little more than four days away. The moment the elevator door closed and closed, the bright red countdown number just jumped from 100 hours to 99. The newcomers didn't notice Shen Xiuyun in the elevator, and saw the countdown hours changed from three digits to two digits. Count, can not help but sigh.

"Tsk tsk, this l is really unlucky. The arena has not seen such a person who came up from the grassroots by his own strength in many years. Why did he fall into the hands of wild ghosts?"

"Who says it's not the case? That wild ghost usually looks quite honest. I really didn't realize..." "

Bah, you're so honest! That's because you haven't fought with him before. This guy is shady!" "

Forget it . Well, isn't it just that he was beaten like a dog in the ring and had nowhere to vent his anger, so he stood up for L so much? There have been many competitive athletes who have been cheated secretly in the past, and I have never seen you so righteous." "You fart!


Although the two people's voices were lowered, everyone could still hear them clearly in the quiet elevator room. Those who knew Shen Xiuyun and saw him entering the elevator couldn't help but secretly look at him with their eyes. .

The elevator door opened again. There was less exit and more entrance on this floor. In order to make room for the new people, the two people in front stepped back and accidentally stepped on the feet of the people behind.

"I'm sorry, buddy." The tall man who called Shen Xiuyun a sinister villain glanced back and said casually, then his expression froze, and he slowly turned his head again.

Shen Xiuyun looked at him.

Man: "..."

The onlookers who understood the truth looked at him as if they were a dead person.

When the elevator door opened again, the two people who were talking about wild ghosts ran out immediately.

"It's over. You offended a wild ghost and you don't even know how you died!"

The man said harshly: "Huh, he will be promoted to the high-level area soon anyway. At worst, I will always hang out in the mid-level area."

The man's The friend glanced at him: "It seems like you can really advance to the high-level area."

The man who was very tough one moment immediately shrank the next second. The look of a frightened little white rabbit combined with the huge muscles on his body was simply amazing. The titanium alloy blinds people's eyes.

"By the way, I just...didn't say anything too extreme...wouldn't it make that wild ghost uncle unhappy..." The

ninety-nine-hour countdown slowly passed in this minute and second, medium level Most people in the district are sure that the wild ghost secretly killed competitor L, and they can advance smoothly in this game without any competition.

Speaking of which, a system like the Arena that determines the participants at the beginning of the countdown to a game, and does not allow people with lower points to come in as substitutes even if someone dies before the game starts or cannot participate in the game, doesn't that mean that it indirectly condones the conspiracy behind the scenes? ?

In Solomon, which advocates absolute force, only the strong have the right to survive. Regardless of whether it is an open or hidden attack, those who are defeated can only be forgotten. Therefore, although many competitive athletes die in mysterious circumstances outside competition every year, no one really questions this system.

After all, those who can come to Solomon are more or less not good people. There is a hidden violent and bloody factor hidden in their bodies. In other words, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Were you killed? OK, you can only blame yourself for not being able to save your life.

In fact, this kind of environment is very suitable for Shen Xiuyun.

As an assassin, if you can't even enter the master area of ​​Solomon Arena, how dare you say that you are the one who eats this? Wanting to enter the high-level area and enter the firearms and mecha training room for training is Shen Xiuyun's biggest purpose for continuing to stay in Solomon. Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Shen Xiuyun felt that since he has reached the current position, he should simply wait. For the last two days, stop and watch the changes.

More than ninety hours passed almost in the blink of an eye, and finally the day of the competition arrived.

Even though there has been no news from l, according to the rules of the arena, the game will not be canceled until the last second before the game, so Shen Xiuyun still wears his own isolation coat and waits at the arena, underground on the side of the ring Standing quietly by the door.

There are many spectators in the auditorium. Although everyone knows that 99% of this match will be ruined, the arena sells tickets for this match at a 100% discount. Naturally, many people are still willing to come, especially in The few poor students on Solomon Planet bought tickets for this game with the idea that "it would be nice to get into the arena and have a look." Among them was Jervi's sister Jisha.

The competitive player L is handsome and mysterious. Most of the student party are fans of L. I heard that L disappeared because he went out for a meal with this guy called Wild Ghost. Everyone has a bad impression of Wild Ghost. Seeing that he was the only one standing under the ring at this time, he couldn't help but let out a roar.

But Shen Xiuyun seemed unable to hear those sounds, his dark eyes remained as cold and indifferent as ever, and he kept staring at the numbers on the timing screen.

The last three minutes.

As long as the last three minutes pass and L does not appear, he will automatically be deemed to have given up, and Shen Xiuyun will naturally become a high-level competitive player.

Two minutes.

As the game time approached, the boos and boos in the auditorium became louder and louder. If it weren't for the protective shield between the viewing area and the competition area, it is estimated that these excited young people would have thrown at Shen Xiuyun. Something.

One minute.

Shen Xiuyun suddenly frowned slightly and tightened his grip on the sword hilt.

Thirty seconds.

Ten seconds.

Five seconds.

When the countdown of the game reached zero, amidst the disappointed sighs and angry roars of the audience, the ground door opposite the ring suddenly opened automatically. Voice:

"Competitor l, enter the competition area."

The noisy auditorium gradually quieted down. Many people hadn't realized what happened, and they hadn't heard the prompt on the field. The protective shield on the field has not been cancelled. When someone finally saw the door on the other side of the arena slowly open, and the familiar silver-faced athlete came up the stairs step by step, they screamed excitedly: "Look! It's l! It's l!

" The screams seemed to be contagious, spreading rapidly among the audience at an incredible speed. Soon the crowd was boiling, and they all stood up and looked at the place where L appeared. One after another, they were like a surging crowd.

At this moment, there was another "ding" in the arena, and the electronic sound sounded again:

"Competitor L, please change your code name."


"Competitive player l has been renamed, and the new code is: Guhun."


"The lonely soul of the competitive player is ready."


"Sportsman Wild Ghost, ready."


"The game begins."

Everyone in the arena has not recovered from the continuous dinging sounds. Two competitors here have jumped onto the ring at the same time. One of them stood on one side, looking at each other, quietly opposing each other.

According to the rules of the Solomon Arena, there are three ways to win the game:

first, kick the opponent off the ring.

Second, make the opponent unable to stand up.

Third, thirty hits in a row.

During this period, no one is responsible if a competitor dies, because all the competitors in the Solomon Arena have signed a death agreement, and are determined to live or die, and are willing to accept defeat.

"What do you want to do?" Shen Xiuyun looked at the person opposite and asked.

"Whatever you want to do, I will do." The seventh prince, who was still wearing a silver mask, was wearing black isolation pants, black leather military boots, and only a loose white silk shirt on his upper body, and the black and white clothes on the opposite side. Shen Xiuyun's pants match well.

"You want to capture me?"

"If I want to capture you, why wait until today?" The thin lips under the silver face gently raised, "Don't worry, you saved my life, I won't reveal your identity. I I just want to win this game, nothing else."

"So what if I win?"

"I didn't tell you, I will do whatever you want."

Of course Shen Xiuyun wants to win the game and enter the senior high school. Level area, let yourself become stronger, but why does he, a prince, want to climb up so much?

"You are injured, do you think you can beat me?" Shen Xiuyun had already placed the sword in front of him, and the cold light reflected by the sword caught his eyes, making his dark eyes even brighter and deeper.

"I want to give it a try." Luojia also raised the silver knife, with a faint smile on his lips, "How can you not fight for the opportunity that you almost missed?" Shen Xiuyun hated the most when someone treated him with such contempt.

He joked and talked to himself, snorted coldly, stopped talking nonsense, jumped up directly, and stabbed the person opposite him with a sword.

This time, he will definitely not show mercy!

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