ch 5

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is half a year in a blink of an eye.

A new batch of third-grade Omega is about to come of age, waiting to be assigned and selected.

That night, Shen Xiuyun suddenly woke up from his sleep. In fact, the sound insulation effect of the dormitories provided by the base for Omegas is very good, but Shen Xiuyun still noticed the strangeness outside with his keen intuition.

He got up and walked to the window, he gently opened the curtains and looked outside, and found that many administrators were rushing towards their dormitory building, some of them seemed in a hurry, they were wearing pajamas directly under their uniforms, and The expressions on their faces were very solemn.

Shen Xiuyun silently watched them walk into the gate of the dormitory building, put down the curtains, put on their clothes, and left the room quietly.

In the dark corridor, the sensor light turned on the moment he opened the door. Shen Xiuyun glanced at the elevator not far from him, the number was increasing, and finally stopped at the seventh floor.

The seventh floor is the highest floor of this dormitory, and Shen Xiuyun lives on the third floor.

There was a monitor hanging at the end of the corridor. Shen Xiuyun glanced in the direction of the monitor, and then walked directly upstairs from the emergency stairs to the seventh floor of the dormitory.

The corridor on the seventh floor was brightly lit, and the doors of many rooms were open. The Omega inside stood at the door and looked around. I don't know why so many people suddenly came up to the top floor, waking them up. Immediately afterwards, they noticed a room at the end of the corridor. Many base administrators ran towards that room. After a while, an Omega covered in blood was quickly lifted out.

The timid Omega was so frightened that he couldn't help screaming, and immediately retracted and slammed the door shut.

Shen Xiuyun stood in the aisle, watching with his own eyes that poor Omega being carried into the elevator and carried downstairs. At this moment, an administrator noticed him and frowned, "What's the matter, which room are you from?" It's

on the third floor, just woke up. "Shen Xiuyun said calmly.

"Go back to sleep, don't wander around in the middle of the night. The administrator thought for a while, but still seemed uneasy, and said, "Come on, I'll take you back to your room." "

However, before the administrator took Shen Xiuyun downstairs, there was a loud explosion sound outside, and then a dazzling red light lit up instantly, piercing through every window and piercing into the room.

The administrator's expression changed, and he hurried to the window to look out, but his face turned pale from shock.

This time, the whole dormitory building was in commotion. Even people who died in sleep would not ignore the loud noise just like an earthquake, and at this moment, the red light that had been burning angrily like the fire of purgatory.

"What's going on?"

"What's going on outside?"

"Oh my god... Look outside, there are words!"

Shen Xiuyun also came to a window at this time, and saw the thing hanging in the night sky outside the window, A piece of dazzling red text -

who is who's natural vassal!

I was born into this world as equals with you.

Can't escape, it's my life.

I can't choose the future,

I can only use death

to defend this last dignity.

But I believe that

after me,

there will be people who are unwilling to give in.

They don't want to be pushed around.

Want to see the underdog revolt?

I'm in hell,


looking at you.

Such a piece of scarlet text, inlaid in the pitch-black night, can be seen clearly even if it is thousands of miles away. They glow dimly and are shocking, like blood books written with life, deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone who sees them.

"What is that! Get someone to deal with it!" The person in charge of the base also saw this text from his bedroom at this moment, his face turned blue, and he immediately contacted the security department.

"Report to the colonel, those things are very special, a bit like military flares, it is difficult to remove, we can only wait for them to dissipate slowly by themselves." After a while, people from the security department reported to him.

Damn it!

The chubby Colonel Beta was full of anger, put on his clothes and walked into the office. First, he used the communicator to find the person in charge of the emergency braking department of the dormitory building, and asked them to temporarily close all the doors and windows of the Omega dormitory building, and then put a few people in charge of the third grade The instructor of the course is called to the office.

After the person in charge of the base gave the order, there was a burst of bangs in the Omega dormitory building, and an electronic sound sounded in the building, warning everyone inside to stay away from doors and windows, because the protective cover has been activated, and getting too close to the wall may result in electric shock . At the same time, all the windows lowered the black opaque metal barriers almost at the same time, blocking the red light outside little by little, until finally the windows were completely sealed with a bang, and there was no more gap. .

The Omegas in the dormitory watched helplessly as the metal barriers fell, and the lines of words suppressing anger were also isolated from the outside.

But they still saw it and felt the despair.

At this time, all of them were locked in the dormitory building, like birds trapped in a cage.

In the base director's office, the colonel looked sullenly at the third-year supervisor standing in front of him, and asked, "How about that Omega who committed suicide?" "When we found him, he was still alive, but he was seriously injured

. Very powerful, the medical conditions at the base may not be able to be rescued effectively, it has been instantly frozen, put in the storage cabin and transported to the imperial headquarters for treatment." "What did he use to injure himself like this?" "He broke the


, Scratched the veins and the throat with broken porcelain."

The colonel frowned slightly, and there seemed to be a touch of touch in his eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "Notify the logistics department that the dormitory will be refurbished tomorrow, and everything will be refurbished with sleek Metal material, no fragile items."


"Also, is that Omega made that thing outside? Where did he get the military signal flare?" "

This Omega is extremely talented in chemistry. Maybe he just collected it when we didn't pay attention. Some materials, I made a military signal flare myself." The supervisor said, looking at the still persistent red light outside, and said: "To be honest, even if it is a special signal flare of the military department, I am afraid it will not be able to produce such an effect. This undoubtedly a genius in chemistry."

In fact, the colonel understood what the supervisor meant when he said this, but he has been in charge of the Meizuo base for so many years, what kind of talented Omega has he never seen? But in the end so what? It's not just about going home and giving birth to children.

This is not a school, they teach Omegas, and they definitely don't want to train them.

The imperial government entrusted them with only one task - domestication.

Domesticate these Omegas into the most docile people, and then send them to the Alphas to breed better offspring for the empire.

After dawn, the Omegas were finally released from the dormitory building. After breakfast, they walked towards the teaching building in groups. At this time, there were no scarlet letters in the sky, but they were still discussing what happened last night. Especially some people who know more about the matter can't wait to spread this explosive news to their friends around them.

"Have you heard that someone in the third grade committed suicide! He made those scarlet letters last night!" "Ah

? Why!"

"It seems to be because he didn't want to be assigned. He tried to escape from the base for the second time, but he was arrested both times. In fact, that person was originally of good blood, and was assigned to class A. If he behaved better, he might be selected by the royal family, but because others listened to It is said that he is a restless Omega, so he was allocated to a general. It is said that the general has a bad temper and is a bit cruel. The previous spouse died inexplicably, and gave birth to a bunch of small Betas, who were abandoned to several planets ."

"Tsk tsk, I think he can only blame himself for killing himself. What are we doing, we are Oemga, so what if we escape from the base? You can't even find a job." "Exactly." Shen


Walking among these people, his expression remained unchanged, but Ivan was very angry when he heard someone say such words, and retorted: "He just doesn't want to be manipulated by others, and he doesn't want to accept a tragic fate. What's wrong? I think he Very courageous!"

"The person who committed suicide was named Bai Mo, and he was also a commoner. Hey, he is indeed a lowly commoner, and only they can do such stupid things." Feinan also passed by at this time, contemptuously "Why, little Ivan, do you want to try it too?"


"What did that stupid pig say in his last words?" But I believe that after me, there will still be people who are unwilling to give in They don't want to be manipulated.' Haha, it's ridiculous, Ivan, please imitate, your civilian predecessors are waiting for you in hell!" Ivan can't stand this scum anymore, fuck his grandma The nobleman

, fuck his grandma, don't dare to offend. He rushed over and threw Feinan to the ground, and beat him violently. A few people who were always by Feinan's side rushed to help when they saw this.

But what can a bunch of weak little Omega fight again? In Shen Xiuyun's eyes, those flamboyant fists and embroidered legs are not as good as the girls in the brothel's kung fu on the bed.

He felt a little impatient, and was about to take a few quick steps to get away from this group of people, when suddenly Ivan was pushed somersault by Feinan, and bumped into him in his direction. With a quick reaction, Shen Xiuyun stretched out his hand and pulled him back to prevent him from bumping into his body. Apart from his withdrawn personality, the main reason why Shen Xiuyun didn't let people get close to him was that he was afraid that others would discover the sandbags tied to his body.

Ivan turned his head and saw that the person supporting him was Shen Xiuyun, and his eyes suddenly showed admiration.

Feinan obviously wanted to find fault with Shen Xiuyun. He deliberately pushed Ivan against him just now, and when he saw Shen Xiuyun making a move, he immediately said, "Okay, everyone, come and see, this civilian with the first bloodline of the empire also wants to Let me add it in, it seems that the suicide note of the Omega is indeed very motivating! I think the base should check carefully to see if the civilian has any accomplices here, deliberately sending out these inflammatory words Speech!"

"Hmph, you think everyone is just like you, born to want to be raped!" Ivan cursed, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth fiercely.

"You're an Omega, what, do you still want to fuck someone else?" Feinan laughed.

"You..." Ivan wanted to say something, but felt the hand of the person holding his arm tighten.

Ivan was in pain, and looked back at Shen Xiuyun.

"Enough, let's go." Shen Xiuyun whispered.

"Just let that scum insult us like this! Are you willing!" Ivan roared with red eyes, clenching his fists tightly.

"What do you want?"

"Me? I... Of course I hope that scumbag will disappear before my eyes!"

"So, you want to kill him?" Shen Xiuyun stared at Ivan coldly, looking innocent at all. Like watching a joke.

Ivan: "..."

"Since you can't kill him, why do you need to?"

Ivan was completely stunned, staring blankly at the young Omega in front of him with indifferent eyes.

"Then if you want him to disappear in front of your eyes, you have to leave this road by yourself." Shen Xiuyun said lightly, then let go of Ivan, and walked into the teaching building without looking at the others .

Ivan came back to his senses, glanced at Feinan, thought about Shen Xiuyun's words, and didn't bother with him anymore, just glared at Feinan, then packed his clothes, followed Shen Xiuyun, and entered the teaching building together .

Feinan managed to stir up trouble, but it hasn't come to fruition yet. He was about to catch up and continue to find fault, but was suddenly stopped by a charming voice behind him: "Enough, Feinan! Do you still want to make things big? Don't To say you are a nobleman is too ugly!"

Feinan turned his head and saw Miffy walking over, his eyes darkened, but he didn't dare to shout anymore, he just snorted coldly and led his group away.

Miffy saw all the actions of these people from behind just now, and she was still replaying Shen Xiuyun's beautiful and swift moves just now in her mind, backing up, reaching out, helping people, persuading them... that deserted His brows and eyes, his indifferent tone, are so handsome that her heart will jump out! She looked at Shen Xiuyun's back with bright eyes, and then quickly chased after him. Knowing that he didn't want anyone to get close, she stopped four or five steps away, followed behind him with her head down, secretly sipping The corner of the mouth was so excited to death.

As for the Omegas who were also watching nearby and heard what Feinan said, some of them obviously showed disgust, but they didn't have an attack, just remained silent, and followed Shen Xiuyun into the teaching building.

Shen Xiuyun knew that recently more and more people always liked to walk behind or beside him, and they became more and more curious about him. This phenomenon is not a good thing for him. It wasn't until the lunch break at noon, when he heard that the base was going to completely remodel the dormitory building and thoroughly check personal belongings, Shen Xiuyun couldn't help frowning, thinking that if it was delayed any longer, it might cause a lot of trouble.

In the evening, I came to the garden where the Omegas walked and rested, removed all the sandbags from their body in a hidden bush, and hid them well. Eye.

It's time to get out of here, and it's time to take revenge.

The Seventh Prince of the Empire?

I don't know what kind of expression that person will have when he sees him again?

He looks forward to it.

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